For absolutely clear reasons some yet, women have headaches more often than men.
If you are disturbed by long and repeating headaches, it is not necessary to neglect visit to the doctor-neuropathologist, and also medical examination as chronic head pain can be harbingers of any serious violations in an organism.
Migraine is the pulsing headache arising periodically, more often after awakening. During a dream, pain usually isn't felt. On the force migraine can be from moderated to intolerable. Usually such pain affects one half of the head. Migraine can last till 72nd o'clock, is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heavy shipping of light, loud sounds. Doctors still didn't define that is at the bottom of migraines. It is known that the people subject to migraines, have overactive areas in a deckman part of a brain. There is an assumption that changing level of hormones influences this part of a brain, and, probably, women have from it migraines more often than men (for example, a menstrual cycle, pregnancy and other hormonal factors).Hormonal fluctuations are an only one explanation of emergence of migraine. Also stresses, hunger, sleeplessness, smells, bright light, sharp products, food preservatives, weather changing etc. can be the reasons of migraine. Tendency to migraines is, as a rule, handed down.
To the patient who is disturbed by migraines, appoint a computer tomography, and also various blood tests.
The headaches arising because of increased or lowered intra cranial pressure
More often, such pains arise because of tumors of a brain and intra cranial hematomas. Such pains are characterized by vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, arise usually at night, or early in the morning. For exact diagnostics of such headaches appoint a computer tomography, they are treated, as a rule, by means of surgical intervention.There is also other form of headaches which arise owing to increase of intra cranial pressure, but without any educations in a brain. Such pains can be met at young girls or women, with the weight exceeding norm. Along with headaches there can be also sight violations.
Symptoms at such pains – pain in a forehead, temples, a nape or all head. It can be provoked owing to change of weather, overfatigue, a stress.
"Hortonovsky" headache
Such type of a headache often meets at men. Pain is characterized by attacks, is very strong and drilling, extends, as a rule, round an eye, on a temple and a forehead. Attacks usually arise at the same time. During such attacks it is impossible to take alcohol.Tension headache
Such headache usually is caused by tension. Exist emotional (stresses, experiences) and muscular tension (tension of muscles of a neck). To the people having headaches of such look, appoint a computer tomography, and also visit to the neuropathologist or even to the psychiatrist as the headache of tension can arise owing to the latent depression.Headache owing to concussion (a craniocereberal trauma)
Such headaches, as a rule, can last within long years after a trauma and are accompanied by alarm, irritability, decrease in concentration of attention, dizziness. The patient usually worries that his condition becomes even worse, starts to have a depression. At the headaches caused by concussion, as a rule, sanatorium treatment, anesthetics is required.Cervical headache
The cervical headache can be both average force, and very strong. It is localized from a neck in a nape, in whisky, eyes. Such pain can be accompanied by nausea, a poshatyvaniye, dizziness. There are usually owing to sharp cervical movements, exhaustions, colds, osteochondrosis.Spasmodic headaches are easier for treating, than migraine, but almost with all headaches it is possible to cope with the help of medicine and methods with which can use independently.
Headache treatment
- At headaches it is possible to use the patented sedatives, such as aspirin, an ibuprofen, напроксен, paracetamol, темпалгин and other drugs, which range is rather wide.
- The hot shower will help to weaken spastic headaches as hot water weakens muscles on a back surface of a neck and the head.
- Cold compresses cool painful area that narrows blood vessels and reduces a painful pulsation. Wrap a package with ice cubes in a towel and put on painful area approximately for 10-15 minutes.
Alternative treatment
- Piretrum maiden – a curative grass which was used one hundreds years ago for treatment of headaches. It contains components which remove spasms of blood vessels in a brain. If you use fresh пиретрум maiden, use one leaf in day. The dose of tablets or capsules shouldn't exceed 300 mg a day. Tincture of a fresh plant needs to be accepted on 40 drops.
- As it appeared, such fragrant table spice as rosemary prevents some headaches concerning a stress. Rosemary allows to resist to spasms of blood vessels. The best way of use of rosemary – to make it as tea. Fill in one teaspoon of dry leaves of rosemary with a boiled water glass, cover, let's be drawn 10 minutes, filter and drink.
- Other folk remedies about which curative properties it is possible to learn from the corresponding directories.
Long-term decisions
- If you conduct an active way of life, use more liquid. At some people who are engaged in physical exercises, cases of attacks of migraine were often observed. It can be connected with organism dehydration. To prevent it, it is necessary to drink about two liters of water a day.
- More often, cells of a brain at people who have migraines, receive insufficient quantity of necessary components, so and energy. The only known way by means of which it is possible to increase energy production and to prevent headaches, consists in that. That it is necessary to "feed" periodically cells of a brain with the B2 vitamin known, as Riboflavinum.
- Try to reduce caffeine doses, it can help to reduce frequency of headaches.
- Adhere to the dream schedule. Be convinced that in your bedroom it is rather dark and silent, and interrupts nothing a sleep. When you sleep, your organism is restored, including a brain.
- Try to have a rest and spend time more in the open air. The lack of oxygen is also essential reason of emergence of headaches.
Medical ways of treatment
- Medical examination is necessary for each patient who is disturbed
by chronic headaches, as a rule. It is necessary to find or exclude
dangerous types of headaches and to appoint treatment which will be the
most effective, will yield the best results and will save appliances and
time. Types of inspections which can be appointed to the patient:
- Reception ENT SPECIALIST-doctor
- Reception of the doctor-neurologist
- Reception of the psychiatrist
- General analysis of blood
- Special analyses of blood
- Rentgenografiya of cervical department of a backbone with functional tests
- Computer tomography of a brain
- Computer tomography of additional bosoms of a nose
- Ultrasonography of vessels of the head and neck
- Ask the doctor on sedatives. Drugs for migraine share on two main groups: what prevent migraine, and what can quickly kill pain at attack. Usually, to stop migraine which already began, doctors register such drugs as: суматриптан, ризатриптан, паратриптан and золмитриптан.
- Manipulation. The professionals owning equipment of manipulation can reveal and eliminate a cause of illness for some sessions.
- Massage
- Acupuncture
- Medical injections Botoksa. Injections of small doses of a preparation of Botoks in mimic muscles leads to lasting medical effect – to removal of headaches of tension, and also that isn't unimportant, to smoothing of mimic wrinkles.
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