What is cold?
Cold in the people call an acute respiratory disease (ORZ). Sharp overcooling of the body dangerous doubly if the organism is weakened and tired promotes a disease. It is possible to catch a cold, previously having sweated, to jump out on a draft, - not without reason after training it is better to change clothes in dry even if on street summer, and to go absolutely nearby. About the pool and there is nothing to speak: after any water procedures wait half an hour before getting ready for a trip.Direct responsible for cold – the pathogenic bacteria which for the time being are quietly living in a nose, a drink and bronchial tubes of each of us. To the healthy person these bacteria aren't dangerous, but it is necessary to immunity to weaken, as they start to breed, causing pharyngitises, tonsillitis and other unpleasant things.
How to protect itself from cold?
It is especially easy to catch a cold in the spring and in the autumn, and also at the end of winter when difference of day and night temperatures is especially sharp. So aren't lazy at this time to support the organism. For strengthening of immunity eat right, accept multivitamin complexes and the special preparations strengthening immunity, for example, Immunal, tincture эхинацеи, a gold root. The mummy, propolis, oats broth, aloe juice with honey are effective also.
How to treat cold?
Certainly, body temperature increase, cough, cold, lack of appetite – that still pleasure, but by means of them our organism fights against an illness.
Therefore, having caught a cold, you shouldn't:
- To force down temperature (if it doesn't rise above 38-38,5);
- To accept vasoconstrictive drops against cold;
- To drink the preparations oppressing cough.
At body temperature increase our organism develops interferon – special protein which is equally good both against bacteria, and against viruses. And, the temperature – the more interferon is higher. Brought down temperature, hardly she managed to rise – interferon was developed insufficiently. Will be ill much more long while the immune system won't find other ways of opposition of an infection.
Be not overzealous. If the mark in a thermometer rose to 38 or if you absolutely badly feel yourselves and at 37,5 - reduce temperature.
How to reduce body temperature?
The best sudorific effect raspberry broth possesses. Honey, especially lime is good also. Dissolve a honey tablespoon in a tea or milk glass and go to bed, having taken cover more warmly - having woken up next morning, you and don't remember cold. Only, before applying sudorifics, take care of that to an organism was than to sweat: drink the same compote or a berry juice. By the way, fine anti-inflammatory and febrifugal action the berry juice from a cranberry possesses.
The temperature decreases and when warming inhaled air therefore watch that in a room it was cool and fresh. Put on more warmly and slightly open a window leaf, - believe, you almost will lighten at once.
If heat doesn't fall down, take a paracetamol pill, but remember that the effect will be lower, if you drink not enough liquid or if indoors too warmly.
Cold at cold
Speak, lechenny cold passes in a week, instead of lechenny - in seven days. Therefore, time you managed to catch a cold, now it is important not to allow to dry up slime. Any physiological solutions perfectly are suitable for moistening of nasal courses (a drop Akvamaris, Salin and others), usual boiled water with small addition of salt will fit also. Other options of treatment of cold – sea-buckthorn berries or dogrose oil, menthol oil or пиносол. From folk remedies – the onions juice dissolved with boiled water in a proportion 1:4.
In total! It is not necessary to apply vasoconstrictive drops (Nazivin, Sanorin, Nazol). Finally, they only worsen business. Cold will pass by itself.
At cold slime accumulates not only in a nose, but also lungs. This slime (then it call a phlegm) by means of cough is removed.
Cough and cold
For treatment of cough can help and folk remedies. Mix a polished black radish with honey and leave at some o'clock – as a result you receive the curative drink which is perfectly coping with dry cough. It is possible to drink the sweetened onions juice (on 2-3 spoons in day) or a mix of freshly squeezed carrot juice with warm milk (1:1). The exotic recipe from Brazil: wipe through a sieve pair of bananas, stir with a glass of warm water or milk, add a honey spoon - by the way, and a magnificent dessert!
To get rid of cough during cold, it is possible to rub a breast with bear fat or lard and to muffle more warmly. It is good as well a usual iodide grid or a sack with the warmed-up oats or I will merge, put on a breast.
Inhalations – one more reliable tool strengthening otkhozhdeny phlegms, thereby improving a condition at cold. It is possible to use a special inhaler or it is simple to breathe, having covered with a blanket, over a pan with the made camomile, mint or a thyme. It is useful and is simple to drink coltsfoot or camomile infusion.
Treat cold, without postponing and without being deceived by her seeming inoffensiveness. The cold which has begun as a result of easing of immunity, at all doesn't promote organism strengthening. Remember: against cold to pick up a flu virus easy as a pie.
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