Saturday, 18 August 2012
IF child is sick ...
337. Still in the hospital when you first brought your child, you curiously reading the logs into his eyes. Do you wonder what color they are and how the child will react to you. Calm down, it is on you can not react. He sees you - as a troubled spot, as it has no more of visual acuity. Clearly define the eye color is not always possible. If the child's eyes are black or dark brown, in the first days you can see them - but they will seem unclear, sometimes languishing blue. Light Iris too visible, but you should know that in the coming months, some eye color may change: for example, to transform into a greenish blue from green - yellow, etc.
You can upset that the baby's eyes noticeably mow. Do not rush to get upset. The fact is that during the first month of the eye mow very many children. Subsequently, it is leveled.
338. Suddenly you notice that your child's eyes are constantly watering. Why does it happen? .. One of the probable reasons - blocked tear-nasal duct.
If you have not yet applied for by a pediatrician, try these ... Pre-wash your hands with soap and water. Press lightly with your finger on the lower eyelid near the inner corner of the eye. Thus from lacrimal tubercle of the slight openings may stand out mucus or pus. These secretions carefully remove sterile cloth. Do such pressing (kind of massage) three or four times a day. And so lacrimonasal duct cleaning. After discharge from the flow of mucus or pus, you can wash the eyes with boiled water, tea or a weak solution furatsillina.
If the clean channel and you can not for a week, ask for help ophthalmologist.
339. In the first six months of life in children's often conjunctivitis. And sometimes so strong that the child from sleep unable to open his eyes - eyelids glued wither purulent discharge. You, of course, imagine how it is unpleasant.
If the conjunctivitis is not running, to deal with it is not difficult and it can be managed at home. Every half an hour to wash the eyes with warm water or broth furatsillina daisies. After washing and cleansing of the eyelids crust to drip into the eyes of a child 2-3 drops of 10% sodium sulfacetamide.
It must be remembered that, when you rinse your child eye solution used should not get flushed out of the eye to the other (especially if the other eye is healthy), to avoid spreading the infection.
340. Of course, you're afraid, as if your child is not frozen during sleep, and Kuta in a warm blanket. And once the baby to find the body of small reddish eruptions - on the neck, under the arms, on her tummy, in the folds ... This sudamen. As for the general condition of the child sudamen has almost no effect, and the disease-it is difficult to call. Rather, it is a state or a sign that parents dress their baby unseasonably warm.
Sudamen disappears as soon as you put on a child respectively temperatures. In addition to regular bathing, you can wipe the baby with a clean cloth damp - when perepelenanii. Also useful to give the skin to breathe - do not forget the air baths.
341. About the same tactics should be to you when it detects a baby diaper rash.
Diaper rash occur in the child if the parents take care of them with insufficient zeal - has long kept his wet diapers, forget to bathe, not tempted during perepelenaniya not wash diapers or poorly washed them.
In addition to regular bathing and cleaning the child, you can resort to the help of baby cream (available in standard children's kits). Baby Cream soothes and nourishes the skin and partially relieves inflammation. If you still potnichki persist, seek the advice of a pediatrician and he will give you the necessary advice, perhaps, recommend an ointment.
342. Vomiting (as opposed to regurgitation) in young children can be a symptom of serious illness, such as acute intestinal infection. If vomiting continues, seek immediate medical help, maybe you have a little time.
Vomiting can sometimes be a single, then it is likely not dangerous. But if one episode of vomiting followed by another and even joins fever, you might think about a child's illness.
343. In the second week of life should fully heal umbilical wound. Healing and retraction of umbilical wound under the control of the district nurse. Caring mother in this case is only to maintain cleanliness around the umbilical wound.
344. If in the second week of life umbilical wound does not heal and even more so if it starts to separate from the ichor, you should immediately seek medical attention.
345. You called the doctor, but it will come in an hour or two. During this time you can do something. Drip pipette umbilical wound a little 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. When peroxide froth, blot it with sterile gauze. Then turn the wick of a sterile cotton wool, dip it into a solution of brilliant green and carefully handle the umbilical wound.
346. Child vaccinations against diseases begin in the hospital. Diseases against which the vaccine is given it? ..
On the fifth and seventh day of life (still in the hospital) the child be vaccinated against tuberculosis. Followed by:
- 3 months - a vaccine against poliomyelitis vaccine is droplets or tablets are indicated, child three times at intervals of 40-45 days;
- 3 months - a vaccine against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus, vaccination is a three injections with an interval of 40-45 days;
- 15-18 months - immunization against measles (one shot);
- 15-18 months - a vaccine against mumps (mumps). This is one shot.
347. From time to time appear in the press views newfangled sages, calling into question the usefulness of vaccination. Do not be influenced by them, and do not try to avoid the vaccine. Do not risk the health and life of their baby.
348. If a child suffered an acute illness - such as SARS, sore throat, etc. - do not be vaccinated within a month of the disease, because the body of the child is weak. You must remember this rule. It happens that the baby is a little simple and you do not seek help from a pediatrician, and the doctor, not knowing that the child was sick recently, appoints vaccinated.
You should also postpone the vaccine if the child has an allergic disease, pyoderma, heart disease. Sometimes a contraindication and overweight children.
349. After vaccination you carefully watch the reaction. If a child has a fever and suddenly you see on the site of inoculation redness or swelling, no
delay, please consult your doctor. It often happens that the vaccine is not related to the deterioration of general condition, - that this is a coincidence in time, and the child has some kind of respiratory or intestinal infection. Should see this doctor.
350. Some boys at this early age is found hydrocele. This disease occurs due to an excess of fluid in the shells of the eggs. In the case where the edema is expressed slightly, no intervention is required - just enough medical supervision. It may be necessary to consult a urologist. But if hydrops dense to the touch and cause the child anxiety, urgently contact your district pediatrician.
351. Children who have parents laziness long lie in "wet diapers and supercool, get sick more often. Especially if they have weakened. Remains surprised" logic "of the negligent parents sick child only adds them problems. Much easier time perepelenat it.
352. You may have noticed that your child from time to time sneezes. But sneezing is not necessarily a sign of a cold. When sneezing clears baby's nose - crusts removed, mucus, dust ... But if the sneezing added cold, - so the child is ill. Then you must call the house pediatrician.
353. Acute respiratory diseases in children, "lays" the nose. This is impeding the baby, because, not being able to breathe through the nose, the child can not normally breastfeed - the child is forced to constantly throw it to breathe air. In the end, it's starting to annoy him, and the child was crying.
You should take care to have a sick child functioning nose. The doctor will prescribe drops, vasoconstrictive, cleansing, softening the crust.
354. Before it is needed to thoroughly clean your baby's nose. Drip prescription vasoconstrictor drops, gently clean the nasal passages (not to take away deep) dry cotton swab. However, these procedures are sometimes not enough - when a child deep in the nose completely cover. A small child - it can not be asked to blow his nose. How could that be?
Local remedies. Try to spoil the kid in both nostrils for a few drops of fresh aloe juice or Kalanchoe. A few minutes later the child starts to sneeze, and the nose was quickly cleared.
355. With prolonged colds at the kid near the nose, usually irritation occurs - in the form of redness. Every time you wipe a child's nose, it causes the child discomfort - soreness and pain. Try to grease the irritation baby cream or ointment, which will advise you to the district pediatrician.
356. Alert you strange phenomenon: the child begins to nurse and suddenly throws her crying. You know that he is hungry, you can see that he is breathing nose, but ... baby starts sucking again and shouted throwing his chest ... So what happened?
It is possible that the child fell ill ears. At the time when the child makes sucking movements, eardrums had drawn. If perepon-
ki inflamed, then retracting them painful. The child, crying throws chest.
357. How to check up inspection specialist, become ill if the baby ears?
It's simple: try to press lightly on the child tragus ears, and if your kid is to lie still, then, in all probability, he does not have otitis media, but if the child starts after pressing the tragus to worry or screams, then perhaps it otitis. Since it will set up an audiologist.
358. In young children, otitis occur, usually due to the poor condition of the nose - during a cold infection is transmitted by the auditory tube in the middle ear.
Therefore, each time a child catch a cold, be careful with ushkam. Remember the rule? .. Easier to prevent disease than to treat it. Prevent otitis media with a cold snap. Warm baby ears warmer. You can put it on a heating pad is one eye, then the other. This procedure is useful for the fact that helps to cleanse the external auditory passages from sulfur - sulfur by heat softens and flows to the heater. Warming each ear for 12-15 minutes.
359. Also useful at a cold to warm baby's nose. You can use a boiled egg, or heated in a pan with salt bags (sand). But perhaps it is better to warm the nose with a special reflector lamps, it is better because during the warm-up child sniffs the warm air and thus warms the nose and out.
360. At a cold, many doctors prescribe nose drops protargol. This is a weak oxidant. He did not contraction
schaet nasal mucosa, and is used as a bactericide. Protargol - an unstable compound of silver. Therefore must be stored in a dark bank. But even with the respective storage conditions protargol quickly collapses. And if he is in your medicine cabinet for more than five days, then you can safely discard.
Always use freshly prepared protargol.
361. At a cold can be instilled into the child's nose chamomile broth, any mineral water (just before eating it should stand in an open dish to come out all the gas), sea water. All of these have a therapeutic effect instillation. Use these drops is necessary after cleaning the nose - while they work on the nasal mucosa, and do not slip on the surface crusts in the nose and throat.
362. Sea salt (in a plastic bag, bath), you can buy at any drugstore. The solution is to bury the nose to prepare simple: to dissolve 1.5-2 teaspoons of sea salt in a glass of boiled water. Sea water is good because, as any salt solution removes some swelling of the nasal mucosa. In addition, the sea water contains iodine compounds. What affects iodine to infection, it is known to all.
363. If you're on natural sea salt, you can cook for a few minutes to about her composition: a glass of warm boiled water -1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1-2 drops of iodine.
Remember this composition. This solution can be used not only for washing the nose, but also to gargle (what child would do when she grows up.)
364. If a child has a fever, if you notice that he has diarrhea, you should know the child is losing a lot of fluid, and if the loss of what is urgently not recover, then there could be serious complications. Give your child plenty to drink: a weak slightly sweetened tea, boiled water.
365. Sometimes parents are not carefully monitor the purity of the child's skin. The child sometimes sweats, he released sebum, sometimes baby spits up, and the skin dry residues milk should be considered contamination of urine and feces ... On skin generally good conditions for microbial growth. And then begins a disease called pyoderma - skin redness formed first, and then in these areas arise bubbles with purulent contents. The appearance of these bubbles - prizna'k that bad mother cleans the baby.
Bubbles burst, covered crust. Then there is no crust, and place the bubbles is not a trace. If you continue to treat lightly hygiene procedures, may be complicated by pyoderma boils, abscesses, cellulitis. And this is a very unpleasant disease. Some of them require treatment in hospital.
Not to go to disaster: Keep the baby's skin, his clothes, always wash your hands if you are going to take the child.
366. If, nevertheless, you notice symptoms of pyoderma with your child, call the pediatrician as soon as possible. While little pustules, with them you can still make short work. The doctor recommended to treat pustules 1% solution of brilliant green, others will, and will keep the child under control.
As long as a child has symptoms of pyoderma, bathe it must of water with a few crystals of potassium permanganate.
367. In the second and third months of life, you may notice the child manifestation of exudative diathesis. This may be red spots on the cheeks, sometimes very bright. After some time, these spots are covered with crusts. Brown bother kid: these terms may feel itchy and painful ... To manifestations of exudative diathesis apply diaper rash, which you just can not cope, even perfectly observing hygiene. Finally - seborrhea. This is - the formation of yellowish crusts on the scalp. Brown solid, translucent as wax, sometimes scaly.
If you notice your child all these manifestations, turn over to the local pediatrician. It will help you detect and eliminate irregularities in the care and feeding of the child. In any allergies have their reasons.
368. Do not remove seborrhea crust with the baby's head at once, as soon as you notice them. Many moms do just that - try to hook brown nail and tear. But the skin under the crust have changed. And in place torn crust may immediately tread blood. There is a danger that you will make an infection in the bloodstream of the child.
369. Your main task - to eliminate the cause of the ex-sudativnogo diathesis, then it will display themselves - especially the crust, called cradle cap still.
If the crust is too much, they can be removed as follows (after baby's skin needs to breathe) crust liberally lubricated with mineral oil, then covered with a clean gauze, thick paper (preferably waxed), and put a cap on top. After three or four hours (during the evening swimming) razmyakshie crusts are easily removed by washing the head. In their place, do not stay wound.
370. Exudative diathesis phenomena are basically allergic nature. And if diathesis manifested, should review the scheme feeding.
Notice the juices. Give their child you are starting from the month! But do not rush to increase the amount given by the juices. Watch for events diathesis. If the response of the body does not increase the amount you can bring the juices to age the dose.
371. In exudative diathesis should be excluded from the diet of the child such juices like carrot, tomato, citrus, strawberry.
In addition, if the mother is breastfeeding, it should be reviewed and proper nutrition. Want to exclude from your diet meats, poultry, spices, sweets (including chocolate, cocoa), tomatoes. Mom does not drink milk more than half a liter a day. Egg - one a week. Nursing mothers should eat more raw fruits and vegetables (but do not forget to watch the reaction of the baby, and on some of the products may have an allergic reaction).
372. If a child with signs of exudative diathesis is bottle-fed, it is recommended to replace Use milk sour milk products. These include: yogurt, bio-lactam acidophilus. Similar changes are made with the knowledge of your pediatrician. You can also consult a nutritionist.
373. Children are prone to give allergic reactions, much weaker than the other children about anti-infection. If your child occasionally acute exudative diathesis, it is not excluded, and are more likely to suffer from respiratory virus infections.
You should be alert concerning contact your child with strangers - both adults and children (even perfectly healthy in appearance). You need to create a good environment around the child (fresh air in the room, regular walks, nutrition, etc.). And be sure - hardening.
374. At the first examination of the child every pediatrician draws attention to the baby's legs. Bend in the knee and hip joints and verifies the so-called dilution. The fact is that some children found a congenital dislocation of the hip. This is a serious disorder that requires the intervention of a specialist - podiatrist.
Congenital dislocation of the hip may be due to various reasons: for example, viral diseases of mother
during pregnancy, poor maternal nutrition during the same period, taking strong medicines, malpresentation of the fetus, etc.
Pay attention to the feet of their baby. You will notice the wrinkles on the inner thighs. These folds are normal should be symmetrical - the same terms and the same level. Should be symmetrical and other wrinkles: inguinal, gluteal ... If there is no dislocation, the baby's legs are bred easily. If one of the legs is not given away, or play hard, with a quiet click, which indicates that the child has a congenital dislocation of the hip.
IF child is sick ...
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