From all quantity of pincers, messengers of viruses are only ten-fifteen percent. Thus fatal cases one is fixed only on seventeen infected patients. Certainly, the statistics statistics, but is better than troubles such to avoid nevertheless. For this purpose it is necessary to know and observe some rules which will help to prevent tragic consequences in time.
Than tick-borne encephalitis and lime diseases is dangerous?
Tick-borne encephalitis – a virus disease, generally affects the central nervous system and within several days, about a week, is capable to lead to a lethal outcome. The disease negatively affects gray substance and a cerebral cortex, and also the spinal cord, responsible for musculoskeletal functions of an organism.
Illness Lima (lime) – the name occurred in honor of the city in the USA where for the first time this disease was revealed – the infectious transmissivny disease caused, as a rule, by bacteria спирохет and carried by pincers. Usually it is shown in the form of defeat of skin, the central nervous and musculoskeletal system, can bring to a lime arthritis and to serious heart troubles. At transferred this disease recurrence is possible.
Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis and lime illness
Disease symptoms tick-borne encephalitis: the become frequent headaches, heat to thirty nine-forty degrees, an ache in a body. The incubatory period of a virus makes from two to four weeks.
Disease symptoms illness Lima: there are irritations in the form of small rash round the sting center in diameter, about, about ten-fifteen centimeters, is strongly scratched. The incubatory period of this infection about a month, but cases when the illness started to prove only in nine months are known.
Generally the tick attacks the victim, sitting on a grass or isn't high on branches of trees and bushes. When the person who is passing by, touches a plant, the tick appears at it on clothes. The parasite is widespread in the deciduous woods and even if the wood mixed, the tick will choose his deciduous part.
How to protect itself from an entsefalitny tick?
The tick never attacks at once. At first it clings to clothes, and then, during from half an hour till several o'clock creeps, making the way through folds of clothes and choosing the most convenient place for a sting. Gentle and warm sites of skin happen those places more often. Considering that circumstance that speed of movement of a tick isn't high, examine clothes and unprotected sites of skin during parking more often. It is necessary, also periodically протряхивать clothes. At a stop on a lodging for the night don't forget about tent which is necessary for examining before twilight.
Having returned from the wood home, take off from itself all clothes, take a shower, examine itself on a case of hit of an unnoticed tick. Don't forget to examine and shake out clothes.
How it is correct to remove a tick?
In house conditions recommend to delete a tick in the different ways, including "antiquated". These ways treat:
First way. To remove a tick from a body it is possible if to drip on it something fat or, for example, vegetable oil, any spirit solution. Then to undertake it cotton wool and, slowly, to try to take it from an integument.
Second way. To undertake a tick tweezers, trying to grasp at the place of contact, and rotary motions to try to get it.
Both that and other way provides physical pressure upon a parasite that as it was already told extremely it is not desirable.
And, at last, third way. Removal of a tick by a thread. For this purpose it is necessary to throw an ordinary thread between a body of the victim and a trunk of a tick, to make a thread pair of turns so that the loop turned out. An eyelet slightly to tighten on a neck of an insect, then to combine the ends of a thread and to start them to braid two fingers. During this process it is not desirable to make sharp twitchings for a thread and to watch that the thread wasn't too strongly tense. According to those who used this method, some minutes are required to remove a tick from skin.
At successful removal of a tick, don't try to crush, cut it, etc. Hands after extraction of a parasite it is urgently recommended to wash any detergent.
If aren't sure that can remove a tick independently, Mirsovetov recommends to address in the next fracture clinic where a tick will take, and to you will make an antibody injection. To be convinced of lack (existence) of danger to your health, the taken tick is desirable for bringing to a sanepidemstantsiya (SES) where for 1-2 c.u. within days you on hands will be given out results of examination. If everything is bad, immediately go to policlinic to the doctor-infektsionistu. Considering the short incubatory period of diseases, it is not necessary to delay: on a game your health, your life.
Somehow to protect itself from danger to catch the diseases carried by entsefalitny ticks, and to gain resistant immunity to its stings, apply so-called vaccinal prevention. She is led to three stages: the first – in the autumn, in October, the beginning of November; the second – in the spring, in March beginning of April. After that it is already possible to go to the wood bravely. 12 months later it is necessary to make the third inoculation, and and further to repeat vaccination with an interval in three years. If want to carry out vaccinal prevention to the children, surely consult to the doctor. The matter is that not all preparations are identical on the properties and have different restrictions on age of the child.
We wish you health and pleasant summer holiday!
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