Bronchial asthma – a widespread disease. Now the number of patients continues to increase, despite earlier diagnostics and modern approaches to treatment. In the world more than 150 million people having bronchial asthma are.
At bronchial asthma in respiratory ways there is a chronic inflammation which at an aggravation causes an attack of asthma. The attack can be short-term or long. Often at early stages of a disease attacks pass in itself, and the person doesn't suspect about an illness. Eventually, without treatment and prevention episodes of asthma arise more often and proceed more hard. As a rule, at this stage of people addresses to the doctor. Bronchial asthma has family character, so, predisposition to it is handed down. Asthma at one of parents doubles risk of a disease at the child, at both parents – increases it still twice. At children and elderly people falls ill proceeds more hard.
The reasons of development of bronchial asthma can be a little. There are the standard risk factors provoking its development:- household allergens (house and paper dust), allergens of pets (hair of dogs, cats), disputes of mushrooms;
- allergens, widespread in environment: pollen of herbs, flowers, bushes, trees;
- food allergens as matter;
- smoking active and passive;
- professional allergens, for example, paints, varnishes etc.
Main symptoms of bronchial asthma:- repeating attacks of asthma with whistling rattles on an exhalation when the person for simplification of breath adopts the compelled provision: sits, resting hands against knees, having inclined a trunk forward;
- short wind (the complicated breath) more often happens at night, the patient wakes up because of shortage of air or cough;
- provoke an attack physical activity, an emotional stress, inhalation of allergens can;
- often catarrhal diseases are tightened more long 10 days, and there is a feeling that cough falls more deeply;
- short wind quickly passes at reception of bronchial spasmolytics (the drugs expanding bronchial tubes);
Treatment of bronchial asthma
In recent years in a root the relation to treatment of bronchial asthma changed. It is connected with that scientists defined a crucial role of an allergic inflammation in respiratory ways and hyper reactance (hypersensibility) of bronchial tubes. Two big directions are based on it in treatment of bronchial asthma: basic anti-inflammatory therapy and rendering of the urgent help at an attack. In our country the national program on bronchial asthma at children, for example, operates.Mirsovetov would like to warn: the below-mentioned material has information and fact-finding character and at all isn't the management to self-treatment. The package of measures on treatment of bronchial asthma steals up strictly individually on the basis of data on severity of an illness. As a rule, severity is exposed after complete inspection and the analysis of symptoms of an illness.
- Bronchial asthma of easy degree: attacks rare (on the average 1-2 times a month), quickly pass without treatment or with use of drugs. Out of an attack the health doesn't suffer.
- Average degree is characterized by attacks heavier with asthma and involvement of system of blood circulation (palpitation, a muting of warm tones). Inhalations бронхоспазмолитиков are required.
- Heavy asthma – frequent attacks, every day or 2-3 times a week, poses hazard to life and demands emergency measures. Between attacks short wind remains.
The urgent help at an attack of bronchial asthma:
- to remove causal and significant allergens;
- to provide access of fresh air, to unbutton clothes;
- to appoint one of the preparations possessing bronkhospazmolitichesky action: беротек N, сальбутамол, беродуал. 1-2 doses are entered by means of a dosing-out aerosol inhaler or through a nebulayzer (an interval between inhalations of 2 minutes);
- it is possible to give to the patient 1 tablet эуфиллина;
- to repeat inhalation if there is no effect in 20 minutes;
- at increase of asthma to cause "ambulance".
As a result of such approach to treatment of bronchial asthma, doctors have an opportunity to supervise an illness and to prevent attacks. Quality of life of such patients became much higher, and life expectancy increased.
As prevention of bronchial asthma experts recommend occupations by physical culture, swimming. The naduvaniye of balloons as the vital capacity of lungs increases is useful. The respiratory gymnastics is effective also. Walks in the open air (in the wood and in park) in any weather give a positive charge. But thus, naturally, it is necessary to try to avoid the factors promoting development of asthma. Though completely to exclude such allergens as hair of animals, pollen and a dust, it is extremely problematic, it is possible to reduce time of contact to them only. If allergens, are connected with your profession, it is recommended to replace a place and/or working conditions, or even to move to other district.And, certainly, it is necessary to avoid an inflammation of the top respiratory ways and in due time to carry out treatment.
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