In most cases children at the age from 5 till 9-10 years are ill. Adults are ill seldom, but in case of infection the disease at them proceeds especially hard.
The causative agent of chicken pox (Varicella) is the virus Varicella-zoster virus relating to DNA family - the containing viruses Herpetoviridae. So detailed description of family of viruses is possible and won't be interesting to the ordinary reader, but Herpes zoster belongs to Herpetoviridae family – the virus of herpes causing also shingles also. Moreover – many experts consider that the virus of chicken pox and a virus of herpes is the same virus which at the first hit in an organism causes chicken pox and the long time remains in cages of a spinal cord, and at decrease in immunity is shown in the form of simple herpes or shingles. The person who does not have immunity to a virus of chicken pox, can fall ill with chicken pox at contact to sick shingles.
As it is possible to catch chicken pox
Symptoms and course of a disease
At the very beginning of a disease of any special symptoms of a disease chicken pox isn't present. Within about two days the child has weakness, slackness, lack of appetite, temperature if rises, is insignificant. In certain cases there are no also these symptoms and emergence of rash seems sudden and causeless. Rash can appear on any site of a body, the truth on the head and the person it appears a bit later. Emergence of new elements of rash has tolchkoobrazny character with an interval in two three days. Approximately in a third of cases rash appears and on mucous membranes of cheeks, a hard palate, gums and language, and at girls – on mucous genitals.
Character of vysypny elements at chicken pox is familiar to the majority of mothers and at their emergence seldom there are doubts in character of a disease, especially more in case of a similar disease in kindergarten or school. In certain cases similar rash can arise at stings of insects, contact dermatitis, an allergy to medicines therefore consultation of the doctor will be necessary in any case. In the beginning there are roundish specks of the different size (макулы), usually to 10 mm in diameter, then they rise over skin level in the form of small knots (papule), and are filled with transparent liquid (везикулы) which grows turbid subsequently later and there is a pupkoobrazny retraction in the vial center (пустула). In a day or two везикулы dry up and become covered by crusts which disappear without any traces, but there can sometimes be the small hems disappearing in some years. Distinctive feature of vysypny elements at chicken pox is their false polymorphism (variety), i.e. at the same time on skin it is possible to see different vysypny elements though actually are the same elements of rash, but during the different period of maturing.
Methods of diagnostics of chicken pox
However in certain cases at the atypical course of a disease there is a need for carrying out the differential diagnosis with simple herpes and herpetic quinsy, a streptodermiya, vezikulezny rikketsiozy, stings of fleas and other insects. The most indicative is virus allocation in culture of fabrics at electronic microscopy. When using serologichesky methods of diagnostics – indicative is more than quadruple increase титра antibodies in reaction of linkage of a compliment. Also characteristic changes for a virus infection in composition of peripheral blood (taken of a vein, a finger) can be useful to chicken pox diagnostics.
Treatment of chicken pox
Any specific treatment at chicken pox doesn't exist and it consists in treatment at home with application of symptomatic therapy. A food during an illness should be a frequent and small amount of food with the reduced quantity of "heavy" meat products and the raised content of vitamins. At a hyperthermia febrifugal preparations (Mirsovetov especially emphasizes that use of acetilsalicylic acid during this period is excluded, in order to avoid syndrome development the Yard – toxic defeat of a liver and a brain) are applied. Elements of rash are processed by 1 % diamond greens (with appearance of the child, from feet to the head smeared in brilliant green, at many and chicken pox associates) or 5-10 % solution of permanganate of potassium (potassium permanganate). For prevention of infection of vysypny elements carefully observe rules of personal hygiene. Nails are desirable for cutting very shortly that the child not especially actively combed itching vials. At very strong itch skin can be rubbed off the vinegar dissolved half-and-half with boiled water and to powder with talc.
In case of emergence of complications at chicken pox apply anti-herpetic antiviral preparations (acyclovir), видарбин, a specific anti-herpetic antibody, leykotsitarny human interferon, antibiotics at accession of a secondary infection, interferon preparations, however such treatment it is carried out only in the conditions of a hospital.
All thanks go to mama peace for her good work, and for curing my sister for HIV sickness she was very sick for five years and my daddy have spend so much money on medical care and drug she has being taking to so many place for cure,even different pastor have pray for her it get worse every 6hous, the woman that cure in 5days is here the woman that the lord God have giving the power to put every thing in place the woman that give a word and never fail my kid sister was just chatting one day when she see this post of tony about the curing of HIV/ADIS virus by mama peace she run to my daddy and tell him about the woman my daddy decided to call her and confirm it if is true about the cure the woman just assure him about her work that she cure any disease include HIV/AID, Rota virus, Smallpox ,Hepatitis,herpes,varicella,leprosy, well we have hope on her which we give her a try after five days my kind sister started getting better as am write this comment she is cure what a miracle, if you need help from mama peace contact her now my friend through her email or phone number mamapeacesolutionhome@gmail.Com call +2348054265852 And there is know any evil attach to it.
ReplyDeleteshe can also cure any virus
It is better to get it while one is really young. Thanks for a comprehensive review of this common infection - i nearly forgot it still existed. i remember that chicken pox had quite a long incubatory period of up to 21 days