In a current form pancreatitis can be sharp and chronic. At sharp pancreatitis there are strong, even intolerable, pains in a stomach, and the patient should be hospitalized; in a chronic form the illness can progress for years.
Symptoms of sharp pancreatitis – severe pain in a stomach. At this illness localization of pain is possible in various places of a stomach: if the pancreas head inflames, hurts in the right podreberye, if gland body, – in podlozhechny area, if a tail, – in the left podreberye. But sometimes pains have surrounding character (when all pancreas is inflamed). Sometimes pain gives to a back and is rare – for a breast and the left shovel.Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis the such: a small appetite (and, therefore, a weight loss), vomiting, nausea, stomach swelling, an eructation, the increased salivation, various violations of work of a digestive path, pain in the top department of a stomach and a back (localization of pain is similar to a sharp form of a disease). From a fat and spicy food or alcohol at the patient with chronic pancreatitis clinical course aggravations in the form of burning are possible, is frequent even drilling pain.
To find pancreatitis happens quite difficult: the pancreas – the body located very deeply in a body of the person, – therefore to diagnose its diseases very difficult. To establish existence of chronic pancreatitis at the patient it is possible by means of modern methods: for example, ultrasonography, angiografiya of vessels of gland, research of activity of enzymes of blood and urine.
Course of a disease
Quite often after an attack of sharp pancreatitis at the person chronic pancreatitis develops. Mirsovetov would like to remind that the pancreas develops except pancreatic juice also insulin – therefore chronic pancreatitis can become the diabetes reason.
It turns out that, apparently, such harmless disease connected with digestion, influences all organism as a whole; and consequences can be serious. Therefore it is not necessary to treat him thoughtlessly.
Pancreatitis treatment
Medicamentous treatment at chronic pancreatitis
Diet at chronic pancreatitis
It is necessary to increase consumption of protein and to reduce the use of fats and carbohydrates, in particular sugar. It is necessary to refuse rough cellulose, to exclude fried dishes. It is necessary to aspire to consume more vitamins. It is desirable to establish a diet – 5–6 times a day.
Approximate menu per day:
First breakfast: on the first it is possible to cook meat, on the second – porridge with milk, tea.
Second breakfast: an omelette from egg white on pair and dogrose broth.
Dinner: soup vegetarian from the chopped vegetables, any dish from boiled meat, as a garnish boiled potatoes, compote from dried fruits.
Mid-morning snack: cottage cheese kaltsinirovanny, tea with milk.
Dinner: to prepare fish, carrot mashed potatoes, tea with milk.
For the night: to drink a kefir glass.
Thus at a diet there should be only low-fat grades of meat and fish. And as you likely managed to notice – only in boiled, it is desirable the crushed look, any fried dishes. Dairy products, but with the minimum percent of fat content are allowed. It is recommended to drink only natural juice which is not containing sugar, and also tea and broths of dry fruit.
At pancreatitis the use of a spicy food, various konservatsiya, the smoked and marinaded products aerated and alcoholic beverages, sweet isn't allowed.
Generally, the diet of the patient should be constructed by pancreatitis of quickly digested products. Such diet in a complex with the corresponding treatment will accelerate improvement of a condition of the patient.
Pancreatitis prevention
That there were no repeated attacks of a disease, the following collecting is used. At chronic pancreatitis herbal medicine is necessary almost constantly, at single aggravations as prevention it is necessary to resort to the help of collecting time two in a year courses for 1-2 months:
- Fennel fruits, mint leaves - on 3 parts; a hawthorn fruit, an immortelle flower - on 2 parts; a camomile flower - 1 part. 5 g of a mix fill in with a boiled water glass, heat up on a boiling water bath of 30 minutes, insist 1 hour, wring out, accept on 50 ml 3 times a day in an hour after food. This collecting can't be drunk to hypotensives since the hawthorn and mint reduce arterial pressure.
- To mix a train grass, a grass девясила, mint leaves in equal parts. Three tablespoons of collecting to fill in 1,5 glasses of boiled water, to boil 3-4 minutes in the closed ware. To insist, accept on 1/3 glasses 2 times a day before food.
- 1 tablespoon of a calendula to fill in with a boiled water glass, to wrap up at 6-8 o'clock. To filter and drink on 1/3 glasses before food.
Such collecting is very effective: 3 tablespoons of a grass of a train, herbs девясила, coltsfoot leaves in a proportion 2:1:1 to fill in 0,5 l of water, to boil 4 minutes, to insist in the closed ware 2 hours. To accept small drinks in a warm look in 30 minutes prior to food of 20 days.
Pancreatitis prevention by means of such collecting needs to be carried out almost constantly if the disease accepted a chronic form. If sharp pains have an effect quite seldom, herbal medicine is necessary as pancreatitis prevention about two times a year courses for 1-2 months.
ReplyDeleteTook Onglyza off and on for a year. I have an enlarged adrenal gland. Still I await the outcome of that CT, but I know that much. Will find out more.
I had the CT because of chronic pancreatic pain that started out as "attacks" from a couple of times a month to finally after 3 months of use without interruption, "attacks" 2-3 times a week. My PA put Onglyza on my allergies list.
In the meantime, I lost almost 50 lbs in 5 months due to illness. Loss of appetite, pancreatic pain, chronic diarrhea, then eventually, inability to move my bowels. Severe back pain from the pancreas, and severe chest pain sent me to the ER where I was worked up for cardiac pain. I was cardiac cleared, but told my amylase was very low.
Still seeking a diagnosis, but I lay the blame squarely on Onglyza. I'd had pancreatic issues in the past, and argued with the PA that prescribed it, she was calling me non-compliant, and I feared repercussion from my insurance company.
I even took an article about the dangers of Onglyza, particularly in patients with a history, and she made me feel foolish.
I wish I had listened to my instincts, I fear not only damage to my pancreas that is irreversible, but also severe damage to my left kidney, though I have bilateral kidney pain.
I was off all diabetes meds, and control sugars strictly low to no carb. I can barely eat anymore, I have severe anorexia.
I would warn anyone taking Onglyza to consider a change and try Dr Itua Herbal Medicine, and anyone considering taking it, to select a different avenue. I have been suffering severely for about 9 months, but the past 7 months have been good with the help of Dr Itua herbal medicine which I took for 4 weeks.
I have been off Onglyza now, for 7 months, and simply 100% improvement with the help of Dr Itua. I had none of these issues except a history of pancreatitis in my distant past.
I will recommend anyone here with health problem to contact Dr Itua on and whatsapp +2348149277967 also he ccure the following disease with his herbal medicines Hiv/Aids,Herpes,Copd, Glaucoma, Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease, Enlarged prostate, Alzheimer's disease, Dementia. Fibroid,Diabete, Multiple Sclerosis, Hypertension,Fibromyalgia,Hiv, Hepatitis B, Liver/Kidney Inflammatory,parkinson,cancer,als.