If to estimate in memory, we can remember only few friends or the acquaintances, which managed to consult with the condition in difficult vital circumstances and to remain unperturbable, having kept the clear head at the solution of the current problems.
The problem of good psychological health remains a sensitive issue and today. About those types of psychological frustration which we inevitably should face in an everyday life most often, and we will talk in this article. Mirsovetov intentionally tried to leave from strict medical terminology to state everything in an available form for laymen.
The first step to a nervous breakdown is the elementary concern. Agree, as often we start to imagine improbable things, drawing various horrors, and then it appears that all alarms are vain. Then, in process of development of a critical situation the concern can pour out in more serious nervous breakdowns that leads to violations not only mental perception of the person, but also to failures of various systems of an internal.Under the word "neurosis" the extensive group of mental disorders is incorporated. Any heavy event for the specific person or a problem lasting for a long time (in a family, on work) can become the reason of neurosis. It is naturally reflected as in a mental condition (stability to psychological loadings is minimum), and on physiological (tachycardia, violation of work of a stomach etc.).
As an example of the events leading to neurosis, Mirsovetov can give fear before loss of relatives, parting threat with darling, excitements concerning possible material crises or status fall in career. If the person is in mad circulation of urgent matters, tries to alter them for short term and isn't in time, if it doesn't fill up, undereats, if he suffers any serious illness – all this also leads sooner or later to a mental disorder.
That is important: at neurosises consciousness of the person clear, he can offer a satisfactory explanation to the events and aspires to leave injuring circumstances. At women frequency of manifestation of this mental disorder is much higher, than at men that speaks special type of the organization of their emotionality and perception of the current events. They are more opened, take to heart the experiences, worrying for the least thing. As to men, at them the logic component prevails over emotions and sensitivity which helps them to state the assessment discharged of feelings to situations and to undertake search of a rational solution.
Other forms of neurosises – a neurasthenia, neurosis of persuasive conditions, hysteria – belong to more profound manifestations of a mental condition of the person and are their clinical options.
The mental disorder slowly develops, symptoms thus become complicated, characteristic for the general neurosis and sensitivity to external influences, such, as air temperature, brightness of lighting, force of tactile touches becomes aggravated. Everything is perceived by patients quite sharply and causes strong flash of irritability, discontent. Except external irritants strongly disturb internal changes of a condition (the headache, palpitation, weight in a stomach, weakness in feet etc.), are also appreciable deteriorations of thought processes, memories, is weakened attention, the general working capacity decreases, rest doesn't bring desirable simplification. In the sexual sphere at women the inclination decreases, men can have impotence and these factors often lead to additional problems in family relationship, up to their gap.
Not to allow neurasthenia development, Mirsovetov recommends to alternate reasonably work to high-grade rest and walks in the open air. At impossibility to eliminate influence of an injuring situation, it is useful to be engaged in any simple business which will help to distract from negative thoughts.
Neurosis of persuasive conditions
To thicket conscientious, timid people, unsteady in the decisions and dependent on opinion of strangers are subject to a similar mental disorder.
There is a separate group of persuasive fears, for example, the fear of darkness, fear at the sight of spiders, fear of height etc. They meet at quite healthy people, the reason of their emergence is connected with a combination of an injuring situation and this concrete factor, for example, the fear of darkness can result from children's memoirs when the child specially frightened of any monsters and horror stories before going to bed.
To avoid emergence of a similar mental disorder increase of self-image, confidence of the importance, development of independence and independence of people around helps. Children need to be preserved against "terrible" literature unusual for their age, from toys monsters, to exclude methods of threats in the education.
Hysterical neurosis
The pathological perception develops, for the patient stay in a hysterical condition becomes pleasant, it is very difficult for deducing from this condition. The range of manifestations is very wide: from a stamping feet, the vyryvaniya of hair before driving on a floor in convulsions so the patient takes certain benefits and can manipulate both the relatives, and strangers. For example, the whimsical children deprived of attention, similar manifestations try to involve parents in themselves, the hysterical wife can achieve in such a way a desirable thing from the husband etc. Performance of whims and requirements creates something like a conditioned reflex when the person, running into hysteria, receives desirable, the behavior is fixed and becomes personal feature. And women are more inclined to such mental disorders.
Hysterical neurosis can last from several minutes, hours to several years, and, than for longer period it extends, the mental disorder can be that more strongly, and only having changed the relation of the person to the illness and attacks, it is possible to achieve the termination of this disease.
Mirsovetov pays your attention that for prevention of attacks of hysterical neurosis useful there is a temporary isolation of the person from people around – as a rule, this condition quickly passes, since existence of public creates conditions for demonstration of the desires and an imaginary heavy condition.
The depression is hard suffered, if the person lives one therefore Mirsovetov recommends to the family not to leave at all such person alone with itself, unostentatiously to involve it in the general rhythm of life, without overloading affairs. In communication with it remind more often that this condition temporary, and soon it again will revive, will be, as before, cheerful, surely support in it belief in the recovery.
By own efforts to avoid development of a depression it is possible, having correctly organized the daily routine and rest in which a lot of place shouldn't be allocated for idle and aimless pastime. An interesting hobby, hobbies, various occupations and games outdoors positively influence the general health, charging cheerfulness and energy.
Throughout this article we will speak about how to become the psychotherapist for ourselves, in more detail, in the form of councils, we will tell, how it is possible to be saved from all mental disorders mentioned in this material, and even on the contrary to improve a condition of the mentality.
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