Thursday, 9 August 2012

Arrhythmia treatment

Heart is one of the most important human organs. Daily it pumps over more than 8000 liters of blood and makes about 100.000 reductions. Besides, heart is sensitive to all internal and external changes occurring to the person. No wonder that is in this situation very easy to break work of this important body.

Arrhythmia and its symptoms

Аритмия сердца – это расстройство ритма, частоты или последовательности сокращения сердца Arrhythmia of heart is a frustration of a rhythm, frequency or sequence of reduction of heart. Usually the person in a quiet condition feels only weak heart beat, but doesn't feel its rhythm. At arrhythmia of people feels obvious interruptions in its work. It can be a sharp dying down, increase or chaotic reductions. The illness can appear as a result of the previous heart diseases, after infectious processes, at violation of a hormonal background or because of congenital defects. Mirsovetov warns that from arrhythmia the healthy person can't be insured even. So the illness can be not only a consequence of problems with health, but also to appear as a result of emotional, mental or stressful loadings. And any person and in large numbers throughout all the life can test them. Arrhythmia as is the companion of people with diseases of the central nervous system.
To the main symptoms of arrhythmia carry:
  • weakness, fatigue and dizziness;
  • pains and pressure in a breast;
  • emergence of an otdyshka or frequent breath;
  • faints and consciousness loss.

Types and reasons of arrhythmias

Depending on violations of a warm rhythm it is possible to allocate some versions of arrhythmia.
Tachycardia call increase in frequency palpitation more than 90 blows in a minute. Tachycardia has many versions. Main of them it:
- physiological (sinusovy) tachycardia – palpitation increase to 120-200 blows in a minute which generally arises in the form of attacks. It can appear and at healthy people and arises as a result of physical or emotional activities. After their termination frequency of palpitation settles into shape. Also the illness can be caused by such heart diseases as heart disease, warm insufficiency etc.;
- pathological (paroksizmalny) tachycardia arises as sharp increase of palpitation to 130-200 blows in a minute. Usually the attack as sharply comes to an end, as well as begins. Duration of such attack can proceed from several minutes to several days. Such attacks generally arise at people with diseases of heart, the central nervous system, etc.
Лечение аритмии Bradycardia is a delay of pulse of the adult person less than 60 blows in a minute. Such warm rhythm is dangerous that weak level of blood circulation of all internal negatively affects work of all organism. The main symptoms of bradycardia are the feeling of weakness, increased fatigue, heartaches, dizziness and even a dead faint. Bradycardia can arise at neurosises, the endocrine diseases, the raised level of potassium in blood, at pathology of digestive organs etc.
Ekstrasistoliya is a violation of warm activity which consists in premature reduction of all heart or its separate parts. The main symptoms are "sinking heart", weakness and dizziness. This type of warm arrhythmia is the most widespread among the others. Ekstrasistoliya can arise not only as a result of warm diseases, but also as a result of the wrong functioning of other bodies. It can be violations in a gastroenteric path, urinogenital system etc. The frequent reason can emergence of an ekstrasistoliya there can be an influence of tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, and as stressful situations.
At vibrating arrhythmia there is a chaotic reduction of auricles. As a result of such work heart extremely inefficiently throws out blood that leads to violation of all blood circulation. Vibrating arrhythmia is shown as feeling of non-uniform warm reductions. As a result of weak blood circulation there can be an otdyshka, fast fatigue etc. The patient can even sometimes not feel it, and identification occurs only at routine inspection. The frequent reasons of vibrating arrhythmia are congenital heart diseases, low level of potassium in blood, warm it is not enough or a hypertensive illness. The wrong functioning of a thyroid gland can be the reason even.
In 1992 Bush Sr. during a dinner at the prime minister of Japan fainted and fell under a table because of heart troubles. Subsequently the American cardiologists found in it the raised level of hormones of a thyroid gland which became one of the faint reasons.

Arrhythmia diagnostics

Кардиограмма The most widespread way of diagnostics of arrhythmia is all the familiar electrocardiograph. This device will be remembered by much thanks to a large number of cold sensors suckers which attach to a body of the patient. This device builds the cardiogram – graphic representation of electric impulses which force to be reduced heart. Further according to the cardiogram the doctor establishes the diagnosis of the surveyed person.
The electrocardiogram is appointed practically in all cases at suspicions or complaints to heart misoperation as it is a method of diagnostics allows to collect for a short interval a lot of information for installation of the diagnosis or purpose of further research.

Holterovsky monitoring
Холтеровское мониторирование As a matter of fact this type of diagnostics is development previous. But in this case daily supervision over heart work is carried out. For this purpose on the patient strengthen the same sensors connected to the small registrar which constantly makes record of the electrocardiogram of heart. Further the special program reveals deviations in a warm rhythm that allows to diagnose rather precisely.
Holterovsky monitoring appoint usually when at the patient it is observed very frequent deteriorations of health, but during the clinical period them it is not possible to reveal. This method of diagnostics can help the people who are suddenly fainting as violation of a warm rhythm can just be one of the reasons. Also HM is appointed to the people who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction, for identification and forecasting life-threatening the person of violations in heart work. Besides, HM can be appointed in the form of preventive supervision over the patient or for an assessment of quality of carried-out treatment.

Electrophysiological research
Лечение аритмии At this type of research record of electric potentials directly from an internal surface of heart is made. To the patient through veins into heart enter special sensors which I register electric potentials directly from warm chambers.
Electrophysiological research is appointed in cases when usual methods of research don't allow to make the exact diagnosis or for collecting additional information in case of difficult diseases of heart.

Arrhythmia treatment

First of all, Mirsovetov should tell that emergence of arrhythmia can be a symptom of other diseases, not only cardiovascular. Therefore at emergence of the first symptoms it is recommended to address at once for consultation to the doctor.

Tachycardia treatment
Корвалол Very often tachycardia at all doesn't demand any treatment. To the patient recommend, as much as possible to have a rest and refuse addictions where except smoking and alcohol enter also coffee, strong tea, Coca Coca, chocolate and other delights of a dolce vita. From public preparations tincture валерианы or корвалол can be recommended. But it can sometimes be demanded and medicamentous treatment which the doctor has the right to appoint only. To the patient such preparations as lidocaine, verapamil, ритмилен, propranolol, этмозин or digoxin can be registered.
As treatment it is possible to try and national ways. For this purpose it is necessary to prepare a mix consisting of one liter of lemon juice and halfliter of mineral water. To accept it 3 times a day after food are necessary on one glass. As help treatment magnesium reception can. Besides vitamins he can be received from such products as a peanut, white haricot, rice and cocoa a powder.

Атропин At treatment of bradycardia the set of factors is considered. If degree of expressiveness of a disease is small, in such cases and treatments as that it is not required. Besides, bradycardia can be observed against pathologies in work of a cardiac muscle (myocardium) at which corresponding treatment bradycardia symptoms disappear also.
At reduction of frequency of reductions of heart to 50 blows and below (that is serious threat of human life) medicamentous treatment is required. For treatment of bradycardia appoint such preparations as atropine, алупент, атенолол or эуфиллин. At all it is not recommended to use these means independently. The specified preparations are capable to entail emergence of arrhythmia, and therefore should be accepted only according to the instruction and under control of the doctor.
In hard cases to the patient make electropacemaker implantation. The main objective of the device consists in increase in number warm reductions to their normal value. The increase in palpitation occurs thanks to the electronic impulses sent by a pacemaker. The device implant under a big chest muscle, and electrodes connected to it are established in warm chambers. Operating modes of a pacemaker are established by means of a special programmator.

Атенолол Depending on a concrete case treatment of an ekstrasistoliya can be a miscellaneous. In case of diseases of nervous system to the patient calming preparations are appointed or recommend to address for the help to the psychotherapist. If a cause of illness are diseases of other bodies, it is necessary to give attention of. To the patients suffering from an ekstrasistoliya, it is not recommended to take alcoholic drinks, cigarets, strong tea and coffee. For treatment of a disease such preparations as beta адреноблокаторы (propranolol, пиндолол, окспренолол, метопролол, атеналол, талинолол), and also in a combination to them or as separate preparations – амиодарон and соталол can be appointed. The choice of an antiarrhytmic preparation is rather difficult, therefore efficiency of treatment often supervise by means of holterovsky monitoring. If the health of the patient doesn't improve, the method of treatment changes on another.

Vibrating arrhythmia
Пропафенон For restoration of a warm rhythm various antiarrhytmic preparations in a various combination (амиодарон, хинидин, дизопирамид, аллапинин, пропафенон, этацизин, соталол are used and so forth), preparations steal up in each separate case the attending physician.
If medicinal methods don't give due effect, the electric kardioversiya can be applied. The purpose of this procedure consists in restoration of a normal warm rhythm by means of special electric discharges delivered to heart.
There is an external and internal version of a kardioversiya. At carrying out an external kardioversiya on a breast of the patient establish electrodes on which electric impulses move. At an internal kardioversiya impulses move already directly to heart by means of electrodes which are brought through veins. That the patient didn't feel discomfort a kardiovesiya usually are made under anesthetic. Procedure is rather effective and to 9 of 10 the patients come back normal palpitation. However the statistics shows that in a year the disease is shown again at a half of the recovered patients.
In some hard cases surgical intervention is applied. As a rule, the decision on need of carrying out operation is accepted only at existence and other serious violations in heart work.

Disease prevention

Чтобы не подхватить аритмию курящим людям придется очень основательно задуматься над тем, чтобы бросить эту вредную привычку Development of arrhythmia and other heart diseases, directly depends on a way of life of the person.
Not to catch this disease to smoking people it is necessary to think very thoroughly of to throw this addiction. Statistically development of heart diseases in smokers in 2-6 times more, than at the non-smoking.
The constant active way of life not only will reduce risk of heart diseases, but also will strengthen an organism as a whole. Go in for sports, carry out physical exercises and try to move as much as possible, especially at inactive work. Long walks on fresh air as will do good.
Show consideration for consumed food. If the cup of coffee in the mornings and a sandwich during the lunchtime is your day diet, it is necessary for replacing in the shortest terms. Increase consumption of fruit and vegetables while it is better to refuse fat and fried food. The coffee and alcohol use in large numbers as doesn't promote good work of heart.
Лечение аритмии Practically frustration of nervous system serves in the majority of types of arrhythmia as a cause of illness. Constant stresses, quarrels and a depression for very short term can undermine health of the person and cause heart diseases. In such a situation it is difficult to give any council, but the main thing to remember that health is one of the most important things which the person has. The special group of risk is made by children of school age, especially girls. The one-way love can lead to night sleeplessness, constant irritability and a depression. As a result warm arrhythmia can develop for very short period. That it didn't occur, Mirsovetov recommends to parents to show consideration extremely for children during this hard period for them.
In medical practice there was a case when the young man after deterioration of the relations from the beloved had a heart arrhythmia and consequently, practically after each quarrel he had to address to the doctor. However when the relations were adjusted, health was again restored. After the next reception the doctor had to write out the playful reference it to the girl that quarrels are categorically contraindicated to the patient.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for a long and comprehensive article on arrythmia. it was very helpful
