Today about swine flu didn't hear the only lazy. The virus A/H1N1 on popularity in a black rating eclipsed world financial crisis, of it already frighten careless children, about it speak at every turn. What we need to know about this exotic illness?
What is the swine flu
Today the virus of flu And/H1N1 got the greatest distribution in the homeland – in Mexico and the USA. Here the quantity of the caught grows in a geometrical progression and together with Canada exceeded 30 000 people. Suffer from this illness and inhabitants of neighboring countries – Brazil and Argentina – here the first disturbing calls already start to appear. Among the European countries the virus received the greatest distribution in Spain and Great Britain. Isolated cases of infection are fixed by swine flu in other countries of Europe and Asia.
Pandemic it is terrible?
Just one of these days – on June 11 – the World Health Organization appropriated to swine flu the sixth extent of threat from six possible. It means that now the virus And/H1N1 is officially recognized as the first pandemic in forty years. Epidemic of the Hong Kong flu which has carried away lives about 34 thousand people was the last pandemic before. Swine flu killed today 145 people around the world.The pandemic differs from epidemic first of all, the distribution territory. If epidemic captured the most part of the state, and also the neighboring and distant states, it call a pandemic. The most dangerous and cruel pandemic of flu in the history of mankind was in 1918-1919. Then from a new illness, so-called "Spaniard" about 30 million people, including a star of the Russian mute cinema Vera Kholodnaya were lost by approximate calculations (exact number of victims, considering huge coverage of an illness, it was at that time impossible).In spite of the fact that in the countries of the former USSR cases of infection with swine flu are individual, and on border strict control and check of the people who have arrived from dangerous geographical zones is carried out, you by all means should accept some precautionary measures. First of all, of course, it is necessary to avoid trips to the countries of Latin America and to China. Besides, it is necessary to avoid contact to the people who have arrived from this region. The virus of swine flu at the infected person can be shown within seven days, so this period needs to be sustained before contacting to foreigners and the people who have arrived from abroad. Besides, doctors recommend to exclude any contacts to the people having symptoms of a respiratory disease. It is necessary to wash also often hands with soap, to apply all means to increase of immune protection of an organism.
Swine flu practically isn't transmitted to the person from an animal, and thermal processing of meat brings chances of a spiteful virus to naught. Therefore you can safely use in food meat of pigs and a bird. The main thing that it was fresh, high-quality and not crude.
According to doctors, during the summer period there is more probability to catch from meat enteric infection, rather than flu. Therefore Mirsovetov urgently recommends to you to avoid the use of the meat products prepared in every possible stalls, tents and snack bars.
With a view of prevention
It is not necessary to be afraid of this illness in panic. Having got exotic prefixes, flu remains flu, and people with high immunity have every chance rather easy to cope with a disease. Go in for sports, more time spend in the open air, use a lot of liquid – doctors recommend to use tea with a dogrose, raspberry or a lemon, simple water, but not aerated and alcoholic beverages. Strengthen the organism, and the illness will surely avoid you. Whetherthere is a vaccine?
Today the vaccine from a strain of swine flu of A/H1N1 doesn't exist. In China now there are clinical tests of the vaccine created by local doctors. Approximately in a month if everything goes well, vaccination of the population of this east country will begin. Then, probably, drugs will arrive and in hospitals of the whole world.But it is not necessary to despair, according to the director of scientific research institute of virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Science Dmitry Lvova, existing vaccines from simple flu if don't prevent probability of a disease an overseas illness, considerably reduce risk to receive serious consequences from a disease. These vaccines contain the H1N1 component which is a part of swine flu.
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