Stomach hernias
At stomach hernias on skin there is a small hillock which can be set fingers inside, and hernia as though disappears for a while. But it not exit: after a while hernia will appear again accompanied by an attack of wild pain. And then help the person surgeons can only. If the person had a hernia is a disturbing signal of an organism that some bodies were displaced from the lawful places. At emergence of hernia it is necessary to conduct complete survey to exclude emergence of hernias in the future. Mirsovetov warns that if you already have a hernia also it long time «behaves well» – is easily set, attacks of pain aren't present – that it twice dangerously. The more long there is a hernia, the hernial gate become wider and the more bodies are displaced relatively each other and their functioning is broken. Imagine that the gut gets to a hernial bag... The loop turns out, and after all on a gut half digested food constantly moves. The loop complicates перистальтику (the normal reductions of intestines necessary for movement of food and kalovy masses), the food can decay in a gut, and it is fraught with very bad consequences – peritonitis and blood poisoning.Treatment of hernia of a stomach. To cure hernia of a stomach it is possible only surgically. The doctor does a small cut, the hernial ring is taken in and bodies remain on the places. To prevent development of hernia it is possible to try to strengthen muscles of an abdominal tension, but thus to avoid too big physical activities.
Umbilical hernias
Quite often umbilical hernias meet, they are included into number of hernias of a stomach. More often this type of hernias arises at very early age when the baby shouts much, straining a tummy, and weak sukhozhilny sheaves of an umbilical ring don't maintain tension of muscles and there is a hernia. Umbilical hernia can go through self-dissolution over time when the umbilical ring will be created, that is in 5-6 years. But happens and so that the umbilical hernia "earned" at grudnichkovy age proves only when the person becomes an adult.Treatment of umbilical hernia. At babies hernia treat conservatively: the doctor imposes a wide adhesive plaster on a stomach, interfering with stretching of muscles and sinews, and hernia gradually passes. Mirsovetov would like to protect you from attempts of independent treatment of umbilical hernia at the baby – correctly to impose a plaster, the good knowledge of anatomy is necessary, differently it is possible to do much harm only. If umbilical hernia is found in the adult person, to cure it it is possible only a surgical way. There are some methods:
- autoplasty: a method at which integrity of a belly wall is restored at the expense of own fabrics. Thus on a hernia place a cover утолщается not to allow repeated emergence of hernia;
- the endoskopichesky method of treatment represents malotravmatichny surgical intervention at which on an umbilical ring the implant – a grid preventing a vypyachivaniya of hernia is imposed.
Inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia is a congenital defect which arises because of a nezarashcheniye of a site of a peritoneum which covered a small egg. The small egg fell to a scrotum, and the site of a peritoneum was stuck out outside. Thus, at strong physical activities, frequent locks or sharp increase in weight of a body, the gut gets to an available hernial bag and hernia should be treated immediately.Treatment of inguinal hernia. Inguinal hernia is treated by only a surgical way. Fortunately, the modern surgery prefers an endoskopichesky method at which a defective site of a belly wall take in or impose the special grid interfering a vypyachivaniye of hernia.
Backbone hernia
Essence of hernia of a mezhpozvonkovy disk the same, as at any other type of hernias: the disk cover истончается and contents of a disk is stuck out outside, in a cavity of a spine column. Hernia presses on nervous backs because of what there is a severe pain. At first pain appears after strong physical activities and if hernia not to treat, pain will accompany literally each turn of a trunk. The hernial vypyachivaniye of a disk clamps nervous backs and because of it conductivity of a nervous impulse is broken. In other words, at the person with hernia of a mezhpozvonkovy disk hands will constantly freeze, sensitivity of extremities can be broken, the skin condition will change.Treatment of hernia of a backbone. The small simplification brings lying situation with the lifted feet. In this situation the overstrained muscles relax and the innervation improves. It is possible that the doctor will recommend to the patient to spend some months to beds, to accept anesthetizing and in certain cases it well helps.
Often backbone extension helps. Thus the disk has an opportunity to rise into place. This method too demands a long confinement to bed and the long regenerative period. Happens that both these a method appear ineffectual, and then a disk delete with a surgical way. But it is a last resort, it try to apply only in the most started cases.
After operation on disk removal vertebras between which the disk is cleaned, simply grow together among themselves. Certainly, it limits mobility of a body a little, but pain gradually passes and the person has an opportunity to live as all healthy people. The rehabilitation period after operation on removal of a disk is quite long – till 3-4 months.
To avoid emergence of mezhpozvonkovy hernia, try to hold a straight line back, don't stoop and don't sit long in the same situation. Frequent change of a pose will help muscles to relax and keep quicker vertebras and mezhpozvonkovy disks in their natural situation.
If you already passed treatment of mezhpozvonkovy hernia, Mirsovetov recommends to you not to neglect special exercises on strengthening of muscles of a back, after all strong muscles interfere with formation of hernia. For certain your doctor recommended you a complex of such exercises.
Follow instructions of the doctor and good luck!
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