Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Diseases of the endocrine glands

Acromegaly. Develops as a result of increased production in the pituitary growth hormone (somatotropin). The reason: a pituitary tumor (adenoma), cranial trauma, complications of the infection. Symptoms develop slowly - a few years.

Symptoms and over. In adults begins abnormal growth of bones, soft tissue thickening, increase the size of internal organs, violated various types of metabolism. Children develop gigantism (increase above 190 cm). Characterized by persistent headaches, abnormal changes in appearance - increasing the nose, ears, tongue, jaw, hands and feet, the divergence of the teeth. The skin is thick and oily. Changes in the internal organs lead to diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach (myocardial dystrophy, bronchitis, stomach ulcers). Often increases the level of sugar in the blood.

Recognition. Radiography of the bones of the skeleton and skull, skull CT, the level of growth hormone in the blood.

Treatment. Surgical removal of the pituitary irradiation by implantation of radioactive gold or iridium, cryogenic (cold) the destruction of a pituitary tumor. All treatments are applied only for large size of the tumor, joining neurological symptoms, destroying walls sella skull.

Forecast. Therapy leads to a stabilization process, working capacity is maintained for many years. Self-healing can occur as a result of hemorrhage into the tumor. However, in patients suffering from acromegaly, sharply lowered body resistance, have heart or lung disease, so death can occur from heart failure or pneumonia.

Primary aldosteronism (Conn's syndrome). The disease, which is caused by the development of benign tumors (adenomas) of the adrenal cortex hormone-secreting aldosterone. Women are affected three times more often than men, age - 30-40 years.

Symptoms and over. Primary and permanent feature - a persistent increase in blood pressure, accompanied by severe headaches. Increased content of sodium and potassium content falls in blood. Develop muscle weakness, thirst, frequent urination at night, the amount of urine increased to 4 liters per day. May be irregular heartbeat, cramps in the calf muscles.

Recognition of the disease is based on the typical complaints of constant presence of hypertension, the study of potassium and sodium in the blood and urine aldosterone levels in serum. Are used to detect tumors radiographic techniques, computed tomography, scanning the adrenal glands.

Treatment. Operative - removing adrenal gland tumors. There is a special form of the disease, which is treated with dexamethasone, in this case, the operational tactics are not carried out. In the preoperative use veroshpiron - aptogonist aldosterone.

Cushing's disease. Disease of the brain, accompanied by increased production in the pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which is responsible for the normal functioning of the adrenal glands. With an excess of ACTH adrenal glands increase in size and intensively produce glucocorticoids, leading to Cushing (see below). Cause of the disease has not been established. Can develop after a traumatic brain injury or neuroinfections, 3-5 times more common in women aged 20-40 years.

Symptoms and over. The main symptoms are obesity, pink-purple or purple stretch marks (stripes) on the body, excessive body hair, menstrual irregularities, potency. Characterized by muscle weakness and fragility of bones, up to pathological fractures of the spine, ribs. Obligatory symptom - high blood pressure.

The patient has a distinctive appearance - lunoobraznoe red face, thin limbs, body fat by redistributing fat deposition in the shoulder girdle, the abdomen, back. Skin folds and areas of friction skin pigmented (darker). Do women have a beard and mustache.

Sometimes there are mental disorders - insomnia, euphoria, depression. Resistance to sharply reduced, 50% of patients die from inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Recognition. Study of the level of ACTH and glucocorticoids in blood, x-rays of bones, skulls, the characteristic form of the patient.

Treatment. Medication - using drugs that suppress the production of glucocorticoids (hloditan, orlmeten etc.). Surgical - use adrenalectomy (removal of one or both adrenal glands with replanting of the adrenal gland in the skin's own belly). Radiation therapy - radiation pituitary region of X-ray, gamma-rays and protons.

Hypercortisolism. Set of symptoms, which develops as a result of increased production in the body of adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids, or from prolonged intake of these hormones for medical reasons (eg, asthma). Hypercortisolism occurs in Cushing's disease.

Hypopituitarism. The disease, which occurs as a result of the reduction or complete shutdown of anterior pituitary. Causes: brain tumor, vascular disorders (post-partum bleeding, etc., aneurysm, arteritis, bleeding in the pituitary gland), specific diseases (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, syphilis, encephalitis, meningitis), skull injury, congenital absence of the pituitary gland.

Symptoms and over. The earliest sign - decreased libido and potency, menstrual cycle, until the complete cessation of menses. Loss of hair in the armpits and pubic hair. Skin is pale, waxy, body temperature is lowered. Characterized by drowsiness, fatigue, loss of interest in his surroundings and to themselves.

Tendency to hypoglycemic conditions - intolerance of starvation in poor appetite, the patient is exhausted, often develop anemia. In children, the disease develops dwarfism, delayed physical and sexual development.

Treatment. When tumors - surgical, X-ray, gamma-therapy, followed by replacement therapy, which is held for life in order to restore normal levels of hormones in the body. Struck by the pituitary gland does not provide them in the production of other endocrine glands (sex, thyroid, adrenal glands). Apply - cortisol (adrenal hormone), tireoidin (thyroid hormone), men - male sex hormones in women - female sex hormones in children being treated with growth hormone (somatotropin) and anabolic agents, driving the growth and development of bones and muscles.

Forecast. Favorable with proper replacement therapy.

Hypothyroidism. Inhibition of the function of the thyroid gland and its hormones decrease in blood. The cause of the disease: 95% of cases - the defeat of the thyroid gland as a result of inflammation, surgery, radioactive iodine treatment, as well as a lack of iodine in food, congenital hypoplasia cancer. In 5% - rare form of hypothyroidism due to inherent low sensitivity to its own thyroid hormone.

Symptoms and over. Develops weakness, fatigue, severe drowsiness ("sleeping on the move"). Changes appearance - face puffy, anemic and pale. The skin is dry, scaly, cold, yellowish tint. Swollen eyelids, swollen tongue, coarsens voice. Characterized fizzled particular, stupidity, indifference to the environment. Bother to cold, muscle pain, constipation for weeks. Reduced hearing. Heart rate slows down. Hemoglobin is low - anemia.

Recognition. Based on a study of the thyroid gland with radioactive iodine, and determining the level of hormones in the blood. It is important to timely detect congenital hypothyroidism in children, as it leads to delayed mental and physical development up to cretinism.

Treatment. Performed thyroid hormone replacement therapy derived from the glands of cattle or their synthetic analogues (tireoidin, L-thyroxine).

Insuloma. Benign tumors in the cells of the pancreas, which produces increased amounts of insulin. Occurs between the ages of 30-60 years. Find it very difficult, because tumor may be very small in size. % In 1012 turning into a malignant one. In 5% of cases occur vnepankreaticheskoe location of the tumor, such as the stomach or duodenum.

Symptoms and over. Onset of the disease is characterized by increased appetite and obesity. Then there are attacks gipoklikemii - a sharp decline in the level of sugar in the blood. The patient appears strongly marked weakness, profuse sweating, pale, trembling, palpitations. With strong attacks - double vision, paralysis, loss of consciousness up to the development of deep coma, life-threatening. Frequent attacks lead to a change of personality.

Calm person becomes irritable, aggressive, experiencing outbreaks unmotivated anger.

Treatment. An acute attack can be removed, giving the patient a hot sweet tea. In severe cases, you need to call an ambulance.

Shows the surgical approach.

Diabetes insipidus. Disease associated with the violation of the synthesis, accumulation and release of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone). This hormone regulates the osmotic pressure of body fluids, ie certain concentration of salt and water in the blood plasma. With a lack of vasopressin, the body loses a lot of water, as kidneys do not concentrate urine. Common in men and younger women.

Cause of the disease is not established.

May develop after cranial trauma, neural infections, aneurysm, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis.

Symptoms and over. Excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of urine with a low specific gravity. Urine becomes light as water. Drinking a lot of fluids is a defensive reaction and prevents dehydration, as kidneys do not concentrate urine and its excretion is increased to 5-20 liters per day.

This condition is called diabetes insipidus (urine contains no sugar).

Limiting water causes rapid deterioration and may lead to death of the patient.

Recognition. Generally straightforward, as manifestations of the disease (thirst and diabetes) are very common. Conducted a test with fluid restriction, studies urine specific gravity.

Treatment. Replacement therapy - adiurecrine (dried posterior lobe of the pituitary pig or ox) as a powder inhaled nose. When poor tolerability used chlorpropamide, Tegretol, which reduce water loss.

Weather favorable for life, for recovery uncertain, to avoid conditions that may be difficult in the supply of water (for example, work in the steppe, desert).

Obesity. Excessive fat accumulation in the body, resulting in an increase in body weight by 20% or more of normal. Normal or "ideal" weight is defined in terms of the growth of 155 170 cm minus 100.

Community prichinoyozhireniya is an energy imbalance between excess energy intake in the body in the form of food and reduced costs at a low physical activity. Are important genetic and psychosocial factors, working and living conditions. Obesity is accompanied by violation of all forms of exchange, decreased function of most of the endocrine glands.

Excess weight is associated severe disease: atherosclerosis (2 times faster), hypertension (3 times more), ischemic heart disease (1.5 times higher), diabetes (4 times more), cholelithiasis (6 times more often ), varicose veins (2-3 times more), polyosteoarthrosis (4 times more), gout (3 times faster).

Treatment. The basic principle - the use of low-calorie foods low in carbohydrates and fat, but complete with respect to protein and vitamins. Is set to the rhythm of food - at least 3-4 times a day in small portions.

Recommended daily diet containing 250 grams of meat and 350 grams of fish, 250-300 g of cheese, 0.5 liters of milk, kefir, yogurt, vegetables and 600 g of fruit - 600 g of bread - 100 g butter - 5 g, Sugar - 5 g, fluid - 0.5 liter, multi-vitamins. While respecting its patients lose 5 kg in a month and achieved reduction of weight to persistent.

Used medications: thyroid hormones (under medical supervision), drugs that suppress the appetite - feprapon, dezopimon, fenanin; adipozin - from pituitaries of cattle. Treatments for hunger and surgery are used in hospitals, but they are harmless.

Diabetes - a disease characterized by increased levels of blood sugar, the appearance of sugar in the urine, a violation of all kinds of metabolism as a result of hormone deficiency in the body of the pancreas - insulin.

Diabetes is common in the world, the incidence is increasing among all groups.

There are two types of diabetes.

Type 1 - insulin, when 90% of pancreatic cells died as a result of viral or autoimmune destruction and do not produce insulin. Ill young people.

Type II - ipsulinonezavisimy when insulin in the body and has even produced in high quantities, but it has no effect because of the violation of sensitivity to it in the cell tissues. The disease is hereditary, usually get sick after 40 years, people suffering from obesity.

Symptoms and over. The main symptoms of diabetes - excessive thirst, frequent urination, the amount of urine is increased to 8.9 liters.

When one type of patients lose weight 10-15 kg per month, developed severe weakness, there is the smell of acetone breath. If untreated, develops diabetic coma, which leads to death.

In patients with type II diabetes and the characteristic symptoms of the disease develop slowly, may manifest pruritus, pustular skin lesions, dry mouth, thirst, but diabetic coma is extremely rare.

Diabetes is particularly dangerous its complications that arise when one, and with type II disease. High blood sugar causes the destruction of micro - capillaries in various organs, disrupting their blood supply and function. As a result of cataract, retinal hemorrhage, and blindness, affects the kidneys, leading to chronic renal failure and uremia (poisoning of the body slag). If the affected vessels of the lower extremities, there are sores and gangrene of the toes and feet. Disturbed function of peripheral nerves - neuropathy, manifested by pain in the legs, and then the loss of skin sensitivity. Developing impotence in men.

Since patients with diabetes greatly reduced resistance to disease join various infections - tuberculosis, inflammation of the urogenital tract. Pronounced changes in the liver, in which fat accumulates, leading to steatosis and cirrhosis.

Recognition of the disease is the study of the level of sugar in the blood.

Treatment. One of the most difficult problems in medicine, requires the participation of the patient.

When one type of diabetes use insulin derived from the glands of cattle. Injection it is vital for the patient. The best is two-fold mode of administration of the two types of product - short and medium-term actions. The best are purified synthetic human insulin.

With type II diabetes used tabletirovapnye drugs - sulfonylurea derivatives (bucarban Manin) glyurinorm, predian etc. The maximum dose - three tablets per day. These drugs restore sensitivity to its own insulin.

In any type of disease prerequisite to successful treatment is diet. Excluded from the diet of sugar, confectionery, jam, sweet biscuits, high calorie bakery products, alcoholic beverages, syrups, grapes, dates. Carbohydrates should make up 60%, fat - 24% protein - 16% of total calories. Diet - 4-5 times a day. Widely recommended fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, fish, poultry. The diet is made by a physician with the tastes and habits of patients with complications and comorbidities.

Thyroiditis. Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland. There are several types: autoimmune (goiter Hoshimoto), subacute (de Quervain), purulent.

Autoimmune thyroiditis in women 10 times more often than men.

Age 40-50 years. Cause of illness in the formation of antibodies to the aggressive thyroid cancer.

Symptoms and over. Can occur for a long time without symptoms or with mild symptoms of hyperthyroidism, which is not overlooked. The process of breast tissue is destroyed, it is reduced in size, becomes dense and develops hypothyroidism.

Recognition is based on the aspiration of the thyroid tissue.

Treatment. With timely diagnosis is anti-inflammatory treatment. Obscheukrepyayuschaya useful therapy hardening. If signs of hypothyroidism - thyroid hormone replacement therapy. The surgical method is used, if the inflammation formed "cold" (non-functioning) nodes.

Subacute thyroiditis - caused by viruses, can be acute, chronic, relapsing.

Symptoms and over. Pain in the prostate gland, which gives the ear, difficulty in swallowing, gland increases in size, painful. Body temperature, appear slight signs of hyperthyroidism. The duration of the acute form of 2 months, recurrent - to 6.

Recognition. Based on the study of blood and thyroid scan.

Treatment. In the acute phase - aspirin, indomethacin in combination with hormones - glucocorticoids (prednisone). Course - 3-4 weeks. Surgical intervention is not indicated.

Suppurative thyroiditis - a rare disease caused by a bacterial infection, streptococci, staphylococci. Characterized by pain, swelling, fever and abscess formation.

Treatment - opening the abscess, antibiotics.

Thyrotoxicosis. Syndrome (a set of specific features), which is observed in diseases of the thyroid gland and is characterized by high levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Case with diffuse and toxic nodular goiter, toxic adenoma, various inflammatory processes in iron - thyroiditis, cancer. Women suffer 10 times more often than men, age 20-50 years.

The cause of the disease: impaired immunity against infection or trauma in people with a family history of thyroid lesions, when the body produced antibodies to it aggressive.

Symptoms and over. Main symptoms: swelling of the thyroid gland, goiter, exophthalmia, palpitations. However, the disease can also develop in normal prostate size. Appear tearfulness, anxiety, and insomnia. A very good appetite, patients eat a lot, but losing weight to 10-15 kg per month. Skin is moist and warm. Characterized by the so-called "Glare" (eye slits wide, bright eyes, a rare blinking), pain in the eye sockets. Develop muscle weakness and fatigue, poorly tolerated by high ambient temperatures.

Recognition. Based on a study of the thyroid gland (with radioactive iodine) and determining its level of hormones in the blood.

Treatment. Depends on the nature of the disease, but in any form of hyperthyroidism is contraindicated tan, relax in the south during the period of high solar activity. Should refrain from spicy food and exciting drinks, and smoking.

When diffuse toxic goiter spend merkazolilom medication, treatment 1.5-2 years. With a large goiter, and intolerance of drugs or no effect on them - a surgical method. Of radioactive iodine, if there is a contraindication to surgery.

When nodular goiter and thyrotoxic adenoma - only surgery, in rare cases - radioactive.

When thyroiditis - operational tactics are not effective. Anti-inflammatory therapy is conducted in conjunction with the thyroid hormones. Using drugs that stimulate the immune system - taktivin, Decaris.

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