123. The first sanitary activities are still in the hospital after giving birth. Midwife makes the so-called toilet newborn. It handles the cord-child prevention of inflammatory diseases of the eye buries newborn eye solution sulfatsil sodium sterile cloth cleans the body of a child from a fall of grease and blood, which is in labor. Then the midwife swaddle baby and takes him to bed.
On the fifth and seventh day of life the child is vaccinated against tuberculosis. This intradermal injection in the arm. At the injection site is formed crust. When a child is discharged home with mom and mom sees the crust, it must not be afraid. In no case should be evaluated within the crust of green paint or other antiseptic. Also, it can not be wet.
Over time, the crust will disappear by itself.
124. For the first time a child can bathe in the tenth to twelfth day of birth. Why not at once? .. It depends on the state of the umbilical cord stump of a child ... You know that when a child is born, the doctor is bandaging and crosses the umbilical cord, and treats it with a disinfectant solution. While the "navel has not healed," you can not bathe the child, as unhealed wound - beautiful entrance gate for infection by microbes umbilical artery as a "taxi", get into the body through the blood and get into all the organs and tissues - and this is very dangerous complication.
The umbilical cord stump - it doctors, and not their parents. Parents can only monitor the umbilical wound.
If you notice that two weeks after the birth of the wound is still red, wet and swollen, contact your doctor.
125. While umbilical wound had not been dried, you can just wipe the body baby wipes or wash it very carefully.
126. Attitude to pacifiers. Children - are different, and different also manifest themselves in relation to the nipple. Some without nipples can not, and others do not know her at all. Suggesting the need for nipples pediatric science? .. Most pediatricians recommend to go without nipples - to subsequently develop properly gums and teeth. At first it is not easy - especially when the child for some reason raskrichitsya and not complacent. So tempted to give him a pacifier ... However, proper tactics - is to try to calm the child (of course, eliminate the cause of crying), so to speak, stand it.
127. But if you can not do without the nipple, you should observe the following rules:
- Left nipple to be few;
- Before use, they must be boiled;
- If the pacifier fell, and left nipple is gone, do not be lazy - prepare a pacifier boiling water (some mothers make the mistake of wiping the nipple of the baby diaper and giving - introduction of infection in the digestive tract of the newborn);
- To keep the pacifier before use to a clean platter upside down under the glass.
128. Putting baby to bed, remember that it is harmful soft featherbed. Mattress should be fairly hard - straw or hair. This is necessary for the proper development of the skeletal system of the child, in particular - the spine. Does not need a pillow. If you still want something to put under your baby under his head, place a folded four diaper. Use pillows with such an early age can lead to curvature of the cervical spine. In addition, the child will have trouble breathing, if it is put his head on the pillow - the child because the neck is quite short.
129. Kuta is not a child, not to pile on him blankets. If it is on time and well fed, warm and a light blanket. Some mothers fear of chill baby is even wrapped it in perinku - and thus make it worse. Child sweats, in many places it shows signs potnichki.
130. A very important point in your child's life - swimming. Bathe your baby the best in the bathroom. This room is the hygiene must meet many requirements: that it does not remain moist stagnant air, the bathroom should be regularly ventilated, better if it is tiled, as tiled walls easy to clean, wipe, treated with an antiseptic; unacceptable presence of mold in the bathroom (and it is quite a frequent guest in the bathroom, where all the conditions for it - warm, dark and damp), well, if the bathroom is roomy enough. Many people prefer to bathe the child in the kitchen, there's more space, you can put the tray on the table (it is convenient because it does not need to bend down, so do not get tired of the spin). This question addresses each family individually, known, living conditions are not at all identical.
131. Bathe your baby the best in children's bath (only use this tub for bathing the baby, do not wash it, do not soak the laundry).
132. The water temperature for bathing - 36 ° C (up to three to four months of age the child should be bathed in boiling water, the water is prepared in advance and allowed to cool to 36 ° C). You can measure the temperature with a special thermometer. Buy a thermometer is not the problem - it is a set in a children's medicine cabinet.
133. When you prepare everything you need to undress the child and gently, slowly, so as not to frighten the baby, put it in the water. Bathing can be started immediately after hospital discharge (provided, of course, had already healed umbilical wound).
In the bathing water to dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate (bactericidal effect), you can add pre-cooked broth chamomile.
Bath time is not important. But experience shows that this is best done in the evening before feeding. Because swimming is somewhat calming the child, after it, eat it, he quickly falls asleep, and sleep will be deeper.
While swimming to the left hand to hold the child's shoulders - put a hand under his back, and with the right soap. Rinse thoroughly with little folds - the neck, under the arms, between her thighs. Bast must be soft. Take it easy - the skin of a child is very delicate.
Wash your child should be in the following order: the neck, chest, abdomen, arms and legs, back. And only then the head.
Head lather gently to lather from getting into the eyes. If a child zaschiplet eyes, he long remember this trouble. Head of the baby should be thrown back and hold her hand, and on the other hand water the hair with water - from the temples to the back of the head, then lather and rinse with the same situation. A person can be thoroughly cleaned with a damp cloth. Bathe the child with soap and wash your hair to no more than twice a week. Other days - without soap.
135. After swimming, place the child in a hot towel, wrap the free end and blot. We should not wipe, namely wet, so as not to injure the delicate skin. First, dry the head, then - the body, pay attention to the above the fold, they must be thoroughly dried. Then dress baby with two undershirts - first fine for her - flannel. Perepelenat.
136. Eyewash used pieces of lignin. For each eye a separate piece. Wash from the inner corner of the eye to the outside - with boiled water. If a child fester eyes, doctors sometimes recommend burying boric water (not to be confused with boric alcohol!) And decoction of chamomile.
137. Should be cleaned regularly in a child's nose and ears. For this purpose, wool, curled into thin wicks. Fleece can be wound on a match or a stick, but especially not carried a cleaning - do not climb too far into the ear or nose, so as not to damage or injure the ear mucosa, is not excluded in this case and the likelihood that in the external ear, or in the course of During nose will fleece, and then have to call a technician to remove it, get yourself a cotton wool and do not try - you can at the same time to push it even further.
138. Try to bathe the child together. Let you, Mom - can help your husband or your baby's grandmother. Extra pair of hands does not hurt - especially in the early days, when you have no more dexterity.
139. Which is better to use the tub for bathing? Better enamel or galvanized metal, too - plastic. Recently, it's not the deficit. Should not be used for bathing baby bath wood - in all kinds of cracks and bumps can be trapped dirt, in which, as in an ideal medium, develops microbial infection. The principle is simple: fit those trays that are easy to clean.
140. The practical hostess (especially in rural areas where it is not easy to warm water) prefer not to miss the opportunity to wash some small things in teploy.vode that remained after bathing baby. It is impossible to do in the bath. Pour some water into another container and wash on health. You'll be sure that the next bathing not "bestow" the child infection.
141. When you bathed the child and put him to bed, get bath - how to clean it (with detergent, for example), rinse thoroughly, not to leave a trace used detergent, and hang on a nail. Tray should be stored in a dry state - this is again calculated that, on the surface of the bath not breed microbial infection, the fungus.
142. Before you bathe your child, you should prepare a bath. It is best to scald it with boiling water, and only then pour water into it for bathing.
143. When bathing the child, the following accessories:
- Baby soap in a separate soap dish;
- A cup of cooled boiled water - for ohms-tion little face;
- Pure boric water or broth chamomile - Eye wash;
- Glass jar with squares lignin eyewash and for wool;
- Thermometer to monitor the temperature of the water;
- Scissors and a brush for the hair;
- Powder;
- Baby clothes, diapers, bath towel.
Conveniently, when all these things are in one place: on a tray or side table. Everywhere you are, no need to look for, should not be distracted from the child.
144. In the morning the child should wash. After these procedures, you will notice, the child and the mood will be better and, therefore, feel ... After sleeping undress the baby, put it on the sheet. Damp cloth (moistened with boiled water) wipe the face with no effort, then the handle, do not forget - the armpits. Then immediately get wet towel. Another stage-kid turned to his side and holding his left hand, the right to wash his back, buttocks and back immediately dried. Then turn comes up to his chest, stomach and legs.
Morning washing done without soap.
145. Once you rub the whole body of the child, Rinse the vulva. The boys just wash them without exposing the glans. The girls wash and drying is always in the direction
lenii front to back, otherwise you can carry infection after stool in the genitals.
146. After washing, begin to feed.
147. Even if you are tired, try not to let water treatments. They are very important for your child - much more important than for an adult.
You know, to be that person's skin also breathes. The child has the percentage of oxygen absorbed by the skin of air, significantly higher than that of an adult. How important this becomes clear when we remember that the newborn lungs are underdeveloped lungs and breathing through a very shallow (deepest child inhales, when cries and let yell sometimes - it is, as they say, to your health!). Now imagine that you are lazy and do not bathed the child, and then a missed morning toilet. The pores of the skin of the child is almost clogged - sebum, desquamated epithelium, the whole breast - milk residues belch on buttocks - remains after stool, etc. The skin is not breathing, the child feels bad, uncomfortable. But he does not say about it ... Is that cry ... Do not punish your child, do not miss the water treatments that have to the same and tempering effect.
148. On the changing table, or in the locker next to, or in a box, you should have kept everything for swaddling and newborn care: a sterile cotton bags, powder, brilliant green, boric water, baby ointment (very popular in recent years by oil company " Gohnson & Gohnson »), used for diaper rash, and clean diapers.
149. In the first weeks of life all the clothes a baby - it's vest, jacket, cap and diapers.
You may have noticed, to be sure your child does not like to dress up, and even if the child is not hungry, he prefers not to be disturbed. So wear it and try to swaddle quickly. If you do not have the necessary skill, practice on a doll ... Vest and jacket is better to wear at the same time, pre-vdev them one to another. Then the shroud. If you can not get a look, as does the visiting nurses.
150. Do not seek to swaddle particularly difficult, as it did in the past. Your grandmother and great-grandmother believed that if not tightly swaddled baby - pushing one foot to the other - then later legs of the child may be crooked. That hedge. Modern medical science is strongly against tight swaddling, the baby's legs styanuv hard, you are the withdrawal of the femoral head from the natural state, and in the future may well develop a dislocated hip.
151. Diapers should be sufficient and very clean. If poorly laundered diapers, they are microscopic crystals of uric acid, which, coming into contact with the delicate skin of the child begin to annoy her, the child in areas of irritation itching, then the pain - even the lightest touch, and thereafter, if not avoided , redness, followed by rash, blisters and sores.
Given the above, wash diapers as carefully as possible. Wet diapers a good idea to soak before washing in cold water. Stained
Diapers should first be cleaned under running water and then soak.
Boiling diapers in soapy water, thoroughly wash them - that there are no stains. After washing, rinse in several waters. Now you can even boil them.
152. Do I need to iron diapers? ..
As long as your baby is three months, diapers need to iron required. First, after ironing cloth diaper is softer and not too rubs baby's skin, and secondly, a hot iron kills germs (as if you're not careful washing and germs are always present in diapers).
153. You have to set for yourself and your baby the best routine and continue to adhere to it. It will be convenient first to you and the baby. Routine organizes and educates, with a certain mode produced the necessary reflexes - and the whole life of your baby up to a year is based solely on reflexes.
As an example, the stomach. Scientific studies have long shown that the stomach does not function only when it gets a portion of the food. If the stomach is "know" (and he talks about it a biological clock, which are incorporated in all of us), which is approaching feeding time, he begins to plan ahead for food intake - produces gastric juice. If a portion of the food arrives on time, then it is digested faster and higher quality, and easier to stomach, and better absorption and less energy consumption ... Since the body accustomed to the regime, ready for anything.
Seen: children, mothers who are trying not to disturb the usual routine, get sick less.
154. Your child in the first months of life sleeps a lot during the day, never misses an opportunity at this time to make their case.
155. In your child's daily routine included feeding, walking, sleeping. If you can not make a schedule for yourself, try to adopt this (for the newborn; semirazovoe feeding three-hour break):
6.00 - first feeding, make it a rule to swaddle the baby feeding, and put them to bed after feeding;
8.45 - morning toilet child (see above), more sleep;
9.00 - feeding, after feeding should be about five minutes to hold the baby in an upright position to belched air caught in the stomach, sleep;
12.00 - feeding;
12.45 - if the weather is good, you can walk;
15.00 - feeding;
15.45 - sleep with an open window or balcony (in calm weather is clear) or walking;
18.00 - feeding, then - a dream;
20.30 - bathing the baby and the necessary hygiene procedures;
21.30 - feeding, sleeping;
and another one feeding at night, do not specify the exact time - a child he wakes up, when hungry, and cry. In a few months, and the child himself to refuse the night feeding - will sleep soundly until morning.
156. As for the night's sleep, a child ... Do not leave the night light or light in the next room.
Let your child get used to sleep at night in the dark. Let learns not to be afraid of the dark.
157. If the child wakes you up at night screaming, do not rush to immediately begin to feed, look at the reasons scream - maybe baby just wet. Then it certainly should perepelenat.
158. Since when can receive visitors? Child is better not to be in contact with outsiders in
for 6-7 weeks. All for the same reason - the guests can bring the infection, even without realizing it. But after this period does not initiate the visit is not a very close family and friends. However, if they come, they do not let the child in his arms. It is better if the child and guests will be sustained interval of two meters - is a guarantee that the child is not infected air-borne infection.
Showed child - all are welcome in the other room. No one will be offended, everyone will understand your concern for the child.
159. Well, you are free to take guests from the fourth week after discharge from the hospital. Just need to be sure that your guests are not currently dangerous in terms of microbial infection or a viral infection. Perhaps, came the same case when you can feel free not to file its guests hands - that they may not have shared with you by microbes. And if you still held a handshake, then wash your hands with soap and water.
160. Well, if your guests wash their hands with soap and water (they were in the transportation, were taken to the rail, which is unlikely in the fleet was treated with antiseptic)
and absolutely perfect - if umoyut face, because, you see, after the street it so much dust! ..
161. Let the father actively involved in caring for the child. The more my father would help, the more time you will be on vacation. A peaceful relaxation nursing mothers are very important; well-being and peace of mind moms directly influence the process of lactation, but if the nursing mother is nervous and very tired, are able to produce milk enough.
After rising at night to a crying baby, caring father can independently "diagnosis"-why cry baby. If a child is just wet and still does not require there, Dad perepelenaet it and so will enable the mother to sleep.
162. Any questions regarding infant care, you can get satisfactory answers from your precinct sister. Write down the phone numbers and her pediatrician, sometimes, the advice you need to promptly, it can be obtained by telephone.
163. The first walk. If your child is healthy, was born full term and is gaining weight well, the first walk can take place ten days after discharge from the hospital. But in that case, if there is any suspicion on the part of the pediatrician, talk to him.
164. Walking with a child in need a nice quiet weather. Possible even for a few hours at a time. If there is rain, it is possible to wait for the overhanging roof or under a canopy porch, in the gazebo, and if the snow - not a hindrance, but the air is remarkably clean. The main thing you should be sure that the child is dressed warmly.
Experienced moms determine whether the child is not cold is simple: He felt his nose, and if warm - all is well, and if the cold - it's time to go home.
165. During the walk, especially in the winter, making sure your child is sure to nose breathing. The nose is a very important organ: it warms, cleans and humidifies the cold air.
166. Another little trick. When the weather is cold, and you're walking with pram and want to be sure that the child is breathing nose, give your baby a pacifier.
167. Avoid walking in windy weather. The wind picks up clouds of dust, and the dust solid germs.
168. If the weather was appropriate and you're out for a walk, avoid too noisy and crowded places - avenues, squares and markets. Apart from the fact that the very noise will disturb your child and keep him awake, the more crowded places and assembly of all kinds of infections, adults, endowed with good defense mechanisms, does not suffer from the infection, which carry with them everywhere and exchanged, but child ...
Ideal for walking - quiet garden square, park, any uninhabited areas. By the way, the walk is useful not only the child, but you - nursing mother.
169. Do not make yourself and your child walks near the roadway. The air is polluted not only dust and exhaust fumes contain carcinogens. It is unlikely that such a walk will benefit.
170. If you come across any of your friends, do not let him lean over the stroller on your ma-
lyshom. This way you protect the child from unnecessary exposure. There is a direct relationship: will the child feel better - and you less problems.
171. As at home in bed, walking the child should be in a wheelchair on a level - on a mattress, do not need any pillows.
172. On a clear hot summer day, do not expose the child to direct sunlight - that the child was not hot and that he was sweating. Place the wheelchair somewhere in the shade. Also, do not expose the child from the wind.
173. Your child used to the nipple. Well! Accustomed to, so used ... Your concern - keep nipples clean. You need to have them in stock and store, for example, in a pot or a cup upside down on the saucer. When you are going out, tie a pacifier to a wide belt. With this caution you not to drop the pacifier on the ground, you do not have to come back for a new bottle.
174. When your child is too young, but it surely is sitting and you can export it for a walk in a folding stroller perambulator, be sure to lock the child with special belts (straps are supplied to the pushchair), because the child is mobile enough to leave on their own wheelchair and add your worries.
175. As the child grows, the number of feedings decreases, but eats a baby anymore. Changes and duration of sleep. In the first week of life when the baby does not eat, then sleep, and if awakened,
then, only to usher you cry that it's time perepelenat, often the child goes to sleep, sated, but not yet releasing the chest. The second month of sleep gradually reduced, and the baby is sleeping 18-20 hours. There are waking hours. The child begins to actively perceive the outside world, more or less intelligent eyes looking around. Communicate with him at this time. Be sure the child will appreciate it and give you a lot of pleasant moments.
176. But you have to be ready for the baby suit yourself awake at night. He's still too young to understand the difference between night and day, and has no idea that the Pope tomorrow morning to get to work, and my mother, tired of the day, so you want a sweet sleep ... You wake up because the child stirs in his place, smacked his lips, trying to vote (in a voice sometimes guess the surprise) ... Do not fret. Over time, the child will understand where the night where the day. And do not come to him - maybe he will fall asleep. But if shout, you have to go - to make sure that the baby is wet. If you are sure that it is dry and not hungry and cry - just a requirement of communication, then let the child yell, do not go on about it a whim (by the way, do not forget that little children shout useful - and for the development of the lungs, and for the development of the muscular system), wait out the scream.
177. So, if the baby is crying and you are sure that in addition to a whim, there is little reason to cry (baby dry and went to diapers, baby fed and healthy), you do not come to him. It is quite a pertinent question: how much time to it is not appropriate if he screams and cries? .. Be patient and try to stand up to an hour.
Do not give your child this age already feel slack - otherwise it can grow moody and will rule you as he wants.
But do not overdo it, if you're a strong-willed mother ... miss serious cause crying. However, you will have time to understand the nature of your baby ...
178. In the room of your child should always be fresh air. So do not forget to open the window more often. Stale stuffy air (naturally full of germs) can cause respiratory problems in children.
179. Do not forget the tempering procedure. For example, air baths. They can be started when the child is 2-3 weeks. The air temperature in the room should not be below 22 ° C.
To start undress the child three times a day (in swaddling) for 1-2 minutes. Gradually increase the time you have to air baths, the air temperature should be reduced gradually to 17-18 ° C.
180. Perhaps yet ready to become a mother, you re-read the mountain of popular literature about the child and care for him. And not just met about the need to the body, especially children, vitamin D. The importance of this vitamin is that without its participation in the body can not absorb calcium and remain - a very necessary element in the formation and growth of bones. In the absence or deficiency of vitamin D rickets sick child - his bones are softened, bent, overall health suffers, lowered immunity.
Under natural conditions, this important vitamin is produced in the body when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, your child should regularly be in the sun. But, understandably, not in the hot sun.
First, the room in which there is a baby crib should be sunny (unless, of course, in your apartment there is one). And from time to time it is necessary to arrange the baby sunbathing, for example, on a warm day in the summer at an open window (ultraviolet rays, the action of which is produced in the skin of vitamin D, do not pass through the glass) hold the baby in the sun.
Secondly, lots of walk in the sun. Optimum tanning time - morning and evening, when the sun shines more than the ultraviolet and infrared rays less. Sunbathing child should with care: from two minutes and then adding every one minute. Remember that your baby's skin much softer and therefore vulnerable to yours. It's easy to get a sunburn.
181. Start sunbathing better gradually, first open the sun baby's legs, then - the stomach, on the third day - the chest, etc. And only when you have it a little sunburned, you can substitute it all the sun. Know that blond children are often more sensitive to sunlight than children are naturally dark, tan and they look different. If your neighborhood is growing brown baby, and he has a nice tan, like coffee with milk, and you want your child to the same, do not overdo it, do not bring your baby harm.
182. Hardening of the sun is best done in the morning - in the range of nine to the eleventh
o'clock. Try to avoid direct sunlight and use only the rays scattered or reflected. Begin to tan with 1-2 minutes. A month later, the session is brought up to 10 minutes.
183. On hot days, protecting the head and the baby's eyes from direct sunlight. Sun can quickly bake child's head, causing a sharp rush of blood to the brain - it's dangerous.
Well reflect sunlight tissue white. On the walk protect the child's head with white bonnet or cap. Also, do not forget about the irritating effect of bright light on the eyes. Do not put the carriage so that direct sunlight into the eyes, and let the baby face is in shadow, but if your baby is asleep, you can cover his eyes with a handkerchief.
184. Every time you go for a walk, take a bottle with boiled water. On the street, especially if the weather is hot, thirsty child often than at home.
185. Totally unhygienic and even dangerous for the child, when one of adults - even if my mother - kisses him. The more - the lips. Loving parents are kisses, of course, very nice. But resist the temptation, if you do not want to harm her child. If you really really want, just do not force - chmoknite it in the ass, at least you can be sure that it is infected or infected conditionally place does not become a source of infection (in contrast to the handles, which the child will pull in a minute in the mouth).
186. In the third month, the child has to sleep around as much on the second. The only time-
difference that he is already beginning to slowly navigate in time of day. Some children at this age do not wake up from the evening to the morning feeding. If your child to such children does not, do not worry and do not fret - all will come, you just have to be patient.
187. Within two months, the child had to wash the eyes of boric water, boiled water, weak tea or decoction of chamomile. This was done because the baby's eyes are not isolated tears and could not peel yourself. The third month of the lacrimal glands start to function, so regular washing of the eye becomes less and less necessary. Unless conjunctivitis.
In this age (as you can see tears) you just have to periodically clean the corners of the eyes, where, after sleep, especially the night, accumulate dried discharge. Remove these precipitates should carefully dipped in boiling water with a gauze pad or cotton swab (but make sure that the hairs do not fall into the eye). Take toilet eye gently to shoot clumps did not get on the conjunctiva. Do not rub your eyes. If you still need to wash them, rinse so that the fluid flow was from the inner corner of the eye to the outside and that the wash solution did not fall from one eye to the other.
188. Your child is growing quickly marigolds. Do not forget to cut them in time - so that the child does not scratch himself. Do not cut the nails too short, not the skin will eventually grow to the nails is a phenomenon very unpleasant, and it hurts some people's life. Who would have thought that the origins of this phenomenon is here - in the first months of life ...
189. Over time, the child's daily routine is diverse. After all, your baby is not only asleep, but requires communication. From time to time you leave it a while naked - for your child to move into his own pleasure, his skin to breathe. In the summer, try to keep the child was more in the open air - slept in the garden, and if the house - that an open window.
At this age, the foundation for health.
190. Keep the toys, especially if you have more children, which can take the baby toys. Do not forget that older children have already sustained immunity and are less susceptible to infection as an infant. Preferred toys out of the materials which can be treated with an antiseptic or simply wash - wooden toys, rubber and plastic. You know that the child objects drawn into the mouth. This is no accident, he explores the world: sight, touch, and, of course, the taste ...
191. On long walks ...
The very first walk should last 10-15 minutes in the warm season and 5-10 minutes in the cold season. Gradually increase the duration of walking up to 2-3 hours in the warmer months and up to 2 hours - in the cold. In the summer, you can walk two or three times a day, in the winter once or twice.
Perhaps, if the summer temperatures rise above 30 ° C, a walk to cancel. In winter, try not to carry a child on the street at a temperature below -10 ° C.
192. Massage can begin to do early child - with six weeks of age. Massage
while awake, can be twice a day. First massage lasts a minute or two, then the duration increases. One massage - 5-6 minutes. At night it turns 10-12 minutes ... Massage promotes the process of circulation, lymph movement, that is, eliminate congestion in the tissues and as it stimulates the metabolism.
193. Do not make the massage immediately after feeding, not that the child may be vomiting. Wait for about forty minutes and you're ready. And you can perform a massage for twenty to thirty minutes before feeding.
194. At the age of one and a half to three months, the recommended exercise program:
- Stroking a hand massage (done from wrist to shoulder);
- Stroking foot massage (done in the direction of the foot to the thigh);
- Followed by putting some on her tummy;
- Stroking massage;
- Turn the child back and stroking doing abdominal massage (clockwise motion);
- Foot massage (do rubbing and kneading light);
- Again trying to post baby on his stomach and let it rests in the palm of your feet, legs slightly push, the child will attempt to crawl.
The whole complex should take no more than six minutes.
195. Massage it's best to do on the table. Cover the table with a rug, then oilcloth and sheets. Now you can put the baby. See to-
those of air temperature. The optimum temperature for gymnastics and during the massage session - 22-23 ° C.
196. When you do the baby massage, do not make any sudden movements, do not raise your voice. The environment should be quiet. Would be nice if you include quiet music.
197. Massage techniques and exercises are best to see, before you do. In your clinic certainly have trained specialist. Ask him, and he will teach. Knowledge will give you confidence.
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