Statistically the artrozy about 15 % of all inhabitants of our planet are ill. More often this disease is shown after 30 years, and by 60 years from an art rose everyone suffers almost! Women suffer twice more often, rather than men. And if you think that a crunch in knees or a coxofemoral joint pain are harmless and arise from overfatigue – you are mistaken. Over time pains will amplify, mobility of a joint will be limited and if to start art roses, the probability of a full immovability and disability is great. As you can see, with the artrozy don't joke. And than before it to reveal, smaller consequences for you this disease can turn back that.
Symptoms art rose
- A joint aching pain. Especially it is shown during circulation on a ladder, at various loads of a sick joint.
- Crunch and ache in a joint. The crunch first not strong, but over time in the absence of treatment it will be heard also by people around. The ache in a joint is shown when overcooling.
- Emergence of a swelling. This symptom is characteristic for one more disease of joints – arthritis (a joint inflammation). But at an art rose the swelling arises only at aggravations and is accompanied aching, instead of sharp pain. It is quite appreciable and delivers considerable inconveniences.
Emergence reasons art rose
- injuries of joints (such art roses is called as post-traumatic);
- hereditary factor;
- long static load of a joint;
- as it was already told, age changes in structure of an articulate cartilage;
- excess weight which in times increases load of joints, in particular joints of the bottom extremities.
- metabolic disorder (diabetes, a disease of glands of internal secretion) which leads to failures in synthesis of a hryashchevy fabric;
- platypodia – displaces the center of gravity and raises load of joints;
- problems with vessels of the bottom extremities which complicate a food of a hryashchevy fabric.
Treatment art rose
- To anesthetize. More often, to the doctor address at a stage of emergence of pain in joints. Therefore anesthetics – analgetics are usually appointed.
- To remove an inflammation. If there is an inflammation, a joint swelling, it is necessary to eliminate it. Anti-inflammatory preparations are appointed.
- To restore a hryashchevy fabric. It is the most important problem of all treatment. Even if to restore it it is not possible, to suspend degenerate processes it is necessary. The medicines containing hondroprotektor are for this purpose appointed. It is not necessary to expect instant result. Nevertheless, if to accept preparations at individually picked up course within several months, the result will be available.
The diagnosis of "art roses" to me delivered in 23 years. And the first doctor to whom I addressed made it far not. Both the traumatologist, and the surgeon of policlinic looked at me as on the feeble-minded young woman who with boredom goes on doctors. To me it was not so cheerful, on work I was constantly wound from a floor on a floor, and each step of a ladder brought intolerable pain. While I pestered doctors, pain amplified, and to rise even by the second floor became intolerable torture. That with my knees and why they wildly hurt and crackle, I couldn't understand.In a complex with three main stages of treatment are carried out физиопроцедуры (электрофорез, the acupuncture, weakening massage, a magnetotherapy). They are led only under supervision of the doctor, according to the individual scheme and are forbidden during the moments of aggravations.
But, fortunately, the familiar doctor of my friend (orthopedist) volunteered to help. He told that it is art roses, and that it is very serious. Rescued my knee joints the whole world. The doctor attributed to me an anesthetic and containing хондрейтин a preparation (Терафлекс). The familiar pharmacist advised to use «Balm Dikulya for joints» and one more gel, containing a sabelnik. Within two months I drank tablets, greased sick joints and didn't leave woolen kneecaps. In a month pain left, the crunch decreased.
With artrozy I live 6 years, time in half a year I drink two months Terafleks, I try to strain less knees and I eat many jellies (grandmother's advice). By the way, during pregnancy the crunch in general disappeared, probably, it is feature of an organism. To all I advise to protect joints and not to suffer pain!
In many clinics to you will offer treatment an art rose bloodsuckers who will effectively kill pain, a joint inflammation.
As prevention an art rose and for unloading of tired joints during treatment to you appoint a course of physiotherapy exercises. Feature of exercises that they don't create load of a sick joint, are carried out in a prone position, sitting or in the pool. Thus any exercise shouldn't cause a joint pain.
Some words about national ways of treatment. To cure art roses in exclusively national ways it is impossible, but as addition to treatment in such a way it is possible to use. Gels and ointments well influence a hryashchevy fabric on the basis of a sabelnik, and also containing мумиё.
My neigbour because of an art rose of knee joints didn't leave some years the apartment. And recently met her at an entrance. It went itself and is quite sure. Told that cured the knees in a week. Bought in the market internal fat (the salty is on sale at butchers, not!), wound with it sick knees, from above cellophane and a woolen scarf. Get out of bed the neigbour long ago couldn't without assistance therefore to lie week (as it was told in recommendations of national doctors) for it wasn't difficult. Pain at first left, and in a week it developed a bandage, and from a centimetric layer of internal fat there was a thin plyonochka – all fat was absorbed by a knee. Literally right after it the neigbour rose on feet, and in a week repeated a wrapping once again, and now goes to the next shop.It would be desirable to tell that in especially started cases an art rose of joints when the joint becomes motionless, and the hryashchevy fabric is destroyed, resort to surgical intervention. In especially hard cases prosthetics of joints is possible even. But joints are better and cheaper to such condition not to start.
All I want to test on myself this recipe and here to lie week with our fussing rhythm of life it is almost unreal.
Prevention art rose
Not to allow emergence an art rose of joints, it is necessary to minimize static load of joints. Refuse continuous carrying of high heels, don't sit, having crossed the legs, alternate standing positions and sitting. Get rid of excess weight if that is available. To growing thin will be glad both joints, and vessels of the bottom extremities. Try not to lift weights. "Unload" joints after the working day – accept a prone position, do several times exercise "bicycle". Arrange holiday in the summer and to the joints – swim more, do underwater gymnastics.Be not ill!
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