Quinsy symptoms
First of all, it is necessary to remember quinsy symptoms. Between the moment when the streptococcus starts to develop actively and an onset of the illness, passes 1-2 days. Then, in one not the fine moment of people feels weakness, there is a fever, a headache and a sore throat when swallowing. The fever lasts not long, about half an hour, then body temperature raises to 38-39C. If to look at a throat of the patient, almonds will "burn" - brightly red, inflamed, sometimes with a white raid or small gnoynichka. Limfouzla under a jaw can increase, at a palpation they will seem dense and painful.Quinsy is not cold, it by no means can't be transferred "standing". If not to finish the cure of quinsy, such dangerous complications as an inflammation of a middle ear, rheumatism, myocarditis, etc. therefore one of the most important components of successful treatment of quinsy is the STRICT confinement to bed can develop.
Quinsy treatment in house conditions
At treatment of quinsy it is possible to rinse a throat broths of herbs: calendulas, camomiles, sage. Herbs kill pain and help to struggle with an infection. To strengthen effect of rinsings, it is necessary to rinse a throat as it is possible more often: approximately each two hours. Oil solutions of an eucalyptus or a fir can be used for inhalations.
High temperature will keep about 5-7 days. It is not necessary to hurry to force down temperature while it won't rise to 38 or above, after all thus the organism struggles with an illness. The exception of this rule – children and the people having problems with cardiovascular system – to it is better to force down temperature, without waiting, while it will rise to 39.
For decrease in temperature it is possible to accept a nurofen, or to insert rectal candles, for example Tsefekon. If these preparations it will appear insufficiently, put on a forehead to the patient a scarf, previously having wetted it in cool water. Rubdowns well help with such cases also cool (but not to the cold!) water or even heat bath. At all don't muffle up the patient with quinsy and don't give to drink hot tea – it NOT пропотеет and the temperature won't decrease, on the contrary, the person can faint from an overheat. To warm a throat of the patient at treatment of quinsy it is possible only when the temperature becomes normal. High temperature strongly exhausts even the most resistant. Therefore have patience, if it was possible to you to treat the patient with quinsy.
Precautionary measures at quinsy
It is necessary to understand that if the person fell ill with quinsy, only folk remedies it not to cure. Otherwise there can be accompanying complications. In treatment of quinsy antibiotics are effective, which the doctor should appoint, instead of accept them on an independent discretion. At an antibiotic choice the doctor is guided by, whether there is at the diseased an allergy to any type of antibiotics, and also it was treated by what drugs earlier. Well and certainly, the doctor knows, streptococci which caused quinsy are sensitive to what antibiotics. Therefore there is no sense now to call antibiotics with which you could treat the patient with quinsy. Call the doctor not to do much harm to the diseased. Most likely, the doctor appoints antibiotics in the form of injections – so drugs are quicker soaked up in blood and start to operate. Then, in three-five days, the doctor will allow to accept an antibiotic peroralno.
Except antibiotics of internal application, it is possible to accept local antibiotics, such as фюзафюнжин. It is spray which acts only on mucous on which it spray. He effectively fights against the microbes which have caused an inflammation, but to apply it more long 7 days it is impossible – the oral cavity microflora, after all it too an antibiotic, though local action will be broken.
At quinsy immunity suffers – after all the almonds, one of the bodies, providing to an organism protection against infections and viruses inflame. Therefore after suffered quinsy important not only to try to strengthen immunity, and and within 1-2 months to be protected from overcoolings, to take vitamins and to try to be ill nothing. If in a month again there will be quinsy, it should be treated in a hospital, or quinsy will pass to a chronic disease which will make the life of the person miserable for many years. Therefore protect the health, and try not to catch a cold.
I like your blog a lot. Its informative and full of information. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeletethank you for your useful tips, i must do something to improve my immunity