All know that at measurement the HELL two indicators, for example 120/80 are used. The first figure – systolic pressure, i.e. pressure upon a vessel wall after warm reduction. The second figure — diastolic pressure, an indicator of pressure of blood upon a vessel wall in a break between warm reductions. What pressure is considered normal? If the person is quiet, his arterial pressure shouldn't exceed 140/90 is the top border of norm.
Hypertension reasons
As often reason of short-term lifting of pressure the stress, a sudden fright (there was a person behind bread, and its car nearly didn't bring down — the endured fright forces adrenal glands to throw out a fair portion of adrenaline in blood, blood fills vessels, the person it is speeded up breathes and as a result pressure raises) serves. If the person possesses good health, pressure quickly comes back to norm.But the most important reason of a hypertension is hereditary predisposition — if your parents had a hypertension, your chance to ache increases. Even if hereditary predisposition isn't present, the hypertension can be got independently: hypertension development is promoted also by smoking, abuse of alcohol, excess weight, a hypodynamia and as it was already told, frequent stresses.
In addition Mirsovetov would like to remind that to lifting of pressure promotes and abuse I will merge (and who from us doesn't love salty pomidorchiki-cucumbers, salty fish — a herring, a vobla, etc.). Salt causes increase in volume of circulating blood and increases sensitivity of walls of vessels to vasoconstrictive factors.
Illness stages
In two-three weeks you will have enough data that the doctor could draw a right conclusion on existence/absence of a hypertension at you. If pressure raises for a while and goes down independently — it doesn't demand treatment as in vessels still there are no changes. The person only occasionally suffers from headaches, nausea.
When pressure after lifting (to 140/90, 150/100) comes back to norm only at rest — it is already stable arterial hypertension (its first stage) which needs to be treated. Symptoms of this stage of a hypertension are emotional instability, strong headaches, intense pulse, on ultrasonography expansion of borders of heart to the left is visible. However at many people the first stage of a hypertensive illness passes unnoticed, and to treat her begin only when it passes to heavier phase.
At the second stage of an illness the hypertensive crises, the pressure which were characterized by sharp lifting, a headache, feeling of compression in heart already start to appear. Arterial pressure at a hypertension of the second degree very high (to 180/115) that provokes changes at an eye bottom, changes in kidneys. Heart starts to work in the strengthened mode, pumping over the increased volume of blood because of what the hypertrophy of the left ventricle of heart develops and cerebral (brain) blood circulation weakens. Heart перерастягивается, a cardiac muscle weakens and there is a short wind, even at the minimum physical activity.
The heaviest — the third stage of a hypertensive illness (arterial pressure to 230/130) when one of syndromes prevails: warm, brain or nephritic. The warm syndrome is characterized by narrowing of a gleam of vessels because of what heart suffers from a lack of oxygen and coronary heart disease develops. If the nephritic syndrome dominates, kidneys are gradually wrinkled, losing the functions. The brain syndrome is expressed at first in short-term losses of consciousness, then, eventually, the patient starts to suffer from microstrokes and strokes.
Hypertension treatment
b-blockers. These preparations reduce frequency of warm reductions, reduce peripheral vascular resistance. b-blockers (Atenolol, Metoprolol, Lokren, Visken, etc.) appoint at bradycardia (very rare palpitation, less than 55 freaks in a minute), bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis.
IAPF – inhibitors angiotensin - turning enzyme. These preparations block renin development (developed by kidneys) which causes increase the HELL. These preparations (Kapoten, Metiopril, Enalapril, Tritatsa, Moeks, Prestarium, Tsilazapril, Spirapril, etc.) promote return development of a hypertrophy of the left ventricle of heart, expansion of coronary vessels, improvement of peripheral blood circulation.
Antagonists of calcium. Their general principle of action — blocking of calcic channels in walls of vessels, increase in a gleam of vessels, and, as a result, decrease the HELL. Korinfar (Nifedipine), Amlodipin, Felodipin — influence vessels, and preparations similar to Verapamil affect directly heart. Collateral action of these preparations is the headache, dizzinesses, hypostases.
Diuretiki — diuretics which reduce liquid volume in an organism that conducts to fall the HELL. At a hypertension are used Gidrokhlortiazid, Indapamid, Klopamid, Hlortiazid — these means not only reduce arterial pressure, but also save up potassium in an organism which is usually washed away at reception of other types диуретиков.
For hypertension treatment the doctor, first of all, will advise to the patient to change a way of life: to refuse cigarets and alcohol, to eat poorly salty products, to avoid stressful situations. If the hypertension well gives in to treatment, the doctor appoints one preparation (it is a b-blocker, IAPF, or диуретик). If pressure doesn't decrease under the influence of one preparation, the doctor appoints a combination of two or more drugs. Mirsovetov urgently recommends: don't try to pick up, "at random", independently for yourself a preparation for decrease in arterial pressure so you only do much harm to the health. Only the doctor-cardiologist will pick up the medicine necessary to you.
To get rid of a hypertension forever — it is impossible, after all walls of vessels for years adapted to an elevated pressure, and medicines we can't return their former condition. But if constantly to supervise the arterial pressure, it is possible to notice in time manifestations of a hypertension and to take measures.
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