Some consider that it in general a trifle unworthy to attention, but, in opinion i, the knowledge of what treatment is necessary at emergence of the grown nail, and the most important as it not to allow, will prevent nobody.
The grown nail – in what the reason
At first, we will consider definition that such the grown nail.The grown nail (in medical terminology «онихокриптоз») is the disease connected with growing of a nail plate in a lateral part of the nail roller. To T.E simply speaking, when the edge of a nail grows into skin, is more often with one, but happens and from two parties. The disease is accompanied by an inflammation of soft fabrics, that is reddening, finger swelling, painful feeling – all this symptoms of a disease of «the grown nail».
More often the nail grows on a thumb of feet, but sometimes it happens and with nails on other fingers.
When growing nail on skin in this place there is the appreciable reddening, being accompanied weak pain when pressing on skin round a nail or the nail is the first signs of emergence of a disease. If to them not to pay attention, the disease will develop further: there is a puffiness of skin round a nail, then purulent allocation in a place of growing of a nail in skin, and, as a result, an abscess develops into a tumor which also can bleed. As a result, the finger with the grown nail gets a cyanotic-red shade, suppurates. The finger with the grown nail strongly increases in the size that disturbs walking, becomes simply impossible to carry the usual footwear.
But the most frequent circumstance leading to emergence of the grown nail, the wrong pedicure, that is very deep cutting of the nail at edges is.
Continuous carrying of the narrow, inconvenient and poor-quality footwear causing strong perspiration of feet belongs to the possible reasons of emergence of the grown nail also. The disease can sometimes be a consequence and injuries of a toe.
Treatment of the grown nail
The first if you have «an early stage» diseases, the nail not strongly grew, there is no pus, you can do warm trays with weak solution of potassium permanganate and baking soda for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. After a tray try to cut off the grown nail accurately. Continue to do these procedures to an absolute recovery.
The second that you can make at yours «the started situation» when growing of a nail led to emergence of pus is to use ointments. Ointment Vishnevsky or Ikhtiolka extend pus and prevent infection development. Put ointment on the small slice of bandage curtailed several times, put to skin where the nail grew, wind with polyethylene (as ointment won't spread). Then stick a finger bandage, put on a sock better to fix a bandage. It is best of all to do bandaging for the night when the foot is in tranquillity. Try to cut off accurately edge of the grown nail in the morning, then again make a bandage of ointment. If pain doesn't pass, some pus becomes more increasing, when walking the abscess is torn and bleeds, insistently we advise to you to address to the surgeon.
The third – to use for treatment of the grown nail councils of traditional medicine. For example, applying to the injured skin an aloe leaf. At first you clear an aloe leaf of the top thin skin, then put to the damaged site and tie up bandage. For the morning when pain will fall down, it is necessary to try to cut off grown edge of a nail and again to put an aloe leaf. To do bandages to an absolute recovery.
The fourth that you can make is to resort to operative intervention and to go to a first-aid post. The surgeon will remove the grown nail, will clear a wound of pus, will accurately impose anesthetizing medicine. After nail removal to you should do daily bandagings. Bandagings do, the new nail so prepare to that at least within a month it will be necessary to go to hospital on bandagings won't grow yet.
There is one more method of treatment of the grown nail – laser correction of the nail roller. To you clean «narosshy skin» round a nail. The minus of such method of treatment consists that after operation the wound long heals as the laser burns out soft fabrics.
Mirsovetov pays your attention, as at laser correction, and after surgical removal of the grown nail the period of restoration will be rather painful, but in any case to start a problem it is impossible.
And if subsequently want to avoid repeated emergence of the grown nail, you should adhere to several simple rules.
Councils: how not to allow nail growing
Secondly, observe rules of personal hygiene. Use the towel for feet, wash every evening feet before going to bed. In public places (the pool, a bath, a sauna) go in the corresponding footwear, for example, in slates or bedroom-slippers and the more so, don't carry another's footwear.
Thirdly, do a pedicure accurately, strongly don't cut off edge of a nail or trust in professionals descend in salon that to you made a qualitative pedicure.
We hope that our councils will help you to avoid such problem as the grown nail. And if the disease took you unawares, and feel that there is no improvement, and pains amplify, it is necessary for you to address to the doctor-surgeon.
Take care.
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