It is known that scientists in details studied influence on an organism of an injuring situation which causes changes in work of systems of an internal. For example, if the person feels strong anger, in blood the enormous amount of adrenaline which will organize all forces for fight against a stress arrives. The long stress can lead to diabetes, suppression of sexual desires, to a hypertension, and subsequently to finish to a stroke or a heart attack, that is why it is important to begin in time treatment, to liquidate the slightest manifestations of nervous breakdowns.
Treatment of mental disorders
For treatment of neurotic frustration use the sedative drugs possessing calming effect. To them carry tranquilizers, energizers, neuroleptics, the psychostimulators, some compounds of the bromine, which area of influence – an emotional condition of the person and correction of mental disorders. Tranquilizers, as a rule, apply at a neurasthenia; for treatment of neurosis of persuasive conditions use a combination of energizers, tranquilizers and neuroleptics. Neuroleptics also apply and at therapy of such mental disorder as hysterical neurosis. For depression treatment, naturally, use energizers. At reception of the last it is necessary to remember that collateral action of energizers is fall of speed of reaction therefore, accepting these preparations, it is necessary to refuse driving and performance of the work demanding high concentration of attention.
Natural medicines – herbs all known валерианы, a pustyrnik also possess calming action and help to stabilize mood differences, a dream. Among other organic substances it is possible to call корвалол or valocordin.
From the point of view of psychotherapy as soothing ways the correctional psychotherapy in a combination to reception of those drugs which were appointed by the attending physician can be used. The psychotherapy is carried out by surely qualified doctor in the field, the psychiatrist, and the technique of carrying out sessions is discussed with the accounting of violations demanded correction, sessions of psychotherapy can be as individual, group, and family. Though each type of carrying out pursues the aims and tasks, solves a certain circle of problems of nervous breakdowns, most common goals are liquidation of the initial preconditions which have brought the person to a disease or change of the relation to an illness. Autogenic training, suggestion, hypnosis is widely used, neurolinguistic programming is less often applied.
Self-correction of a mental condition
Below Mirsovetov will give those basic principles of self-correction thanks to which your life filled with excessive alarm, will change in the opposite direction so that you will become quieter, learn to find pleasure in every day, irrespective of the difficult moments of your life. So:
1. Live in the present day
Don't cling to the past with all its failures, failures – it already behind and you not in forces to change an event. Cargo of last mistakes should be considered and forgotten not to torment today poor nerves. Forget also about future alarms – they too not in your power. As soon as you will reject past and future experiences, can feel considerable sense of relief as thoughts on the present bring much less concern and serve as incentive to make only those affairs which the current time demands. As soon as you unload luggage of your tortures, will feel, as it became simpler to treat life.
2. If you can execute affairs today, don't transfer them next day
3. For concern replacement from your life try to find always an important issue which will demand from you concentration of all intellectual and sincere forces
Mirsovetov will explain it on a concrete example. In a family there were two misfortunes in a row – was lost two children the son and the daughter, the interval between death made year, there was still the third kid. The father was in a deep nervous shock, and nothing could deduce it from such condition. Once the kid approached to it and asked: «The father, make to me the boat!». Construction of the boat took some days, and he with surprise found out that the grief sharpness slowly began to weaken. After the boat one more ship, some tell-tales was constructed. Imperceptibly for itself the father found out that cheerfully laughs together with the younger son, pottering with toys.
So intensive inclusion in activity helped the father to leave without serious consequences a dangerous condition, to avoid threat of nervous exhaustion.
4. Trifles don't cost your experiences
Don't spend the feelings and emotions for insignificant annoying inconveniences or problems. For example, instead of being boiled concerning that your husband again didn't turn off the light in a hall, switch off it, silently, without claims.
5. For an assessment of unpleasant events always ask itself a question: what probability, what they will concern me?
Under the law of large numbers, probability there to appear it is, as a rule, quite low. This thought will give you courage and hope to get to bigger percent with happy end. If will be upset, up to a panic, it is very possible that in a temper will do still a heap of irreparable acts that will automatically increase probability of a tragic outcome of the drama.
6. Learn to accept destiny turns
One person spoke: «I will transfer everything, except sight loss». Time went, to it was executed seventy as suddenly he noticed that can't distinguish subjects any more. Sight left it soon, but it didn't lose strength of mind. Having transferred a set of operations, he learned to rejoice to the slightest successes, each weak ray which his eyes could apprehend. He became the irreplaceable friend for those who was in a similar situation. Helping another to overcome destiny test, morally it became stronger. It needed, and the consciousness of the utility fine helped to transfer the shortcoming. If he let's to an illness win itself(himself), it in addition caught long ago a mental disorder.
7. Behave joyfully!
This concentration on merits or successful affairs helps to force out depressive reflections, and will always keep you in a tone.
8. Don't try to revenge your offender surely
You to yourselves only will make it worse. This principle follows from previous, i.e. the gloomy thoughts cherishing possibility to salt to the rival to offend and humiliate it, strangely enough harm not to it, namely you. If kind and positive thoughts ennoble the person over oppression of everyday disorders, infect with energy, mental disorders in not painfully strike dependences on the reason of their emergence and on internal systems of bodies, causing failures in their debugged mechanism of regulation. You can feel the annoying envy corroding you from within, to test the insuperable rage forcing your cardiovascular system to idle, for wear. On your face there will be a repellent mask, to change which very difficult and even if it will be possible – people around in a trice will feel insincerity.
9. Consider only the successes
10. Be oneself
Don't copy other person whom it wouldn't be. As much from us become angry about itself: to whom the nose isn't pleasant, to whom the figure, and afflicts someone ordinary-looking appearance – each person will have the complex which makes the life miserable. Someone exhausts itself(himself) with diets from all over the world, someone became reserved, and someone dreams to resemble the well-known star of cinema or the leader of a rock music. Idols not to consider, however for some reason at achievement of an ideal image there does not come full satisfaction. Mirsovetov warns that, trying to get used this image, copying another's thoughts and acts, you will feel only internal emptiness, after all it not other life peculiar to you.
Therefore to be in harmony with itself, and, therefore, to avoid ambiguous situations and vain nerves, don't imitate grimaces of other people as it is done by dumb animals – monkeys. You were born to live the life and to make only your individual affairs.
11. If you criticize unfairly, be not upset, most likely, to you envy
Before worrying and becoming limp from the critical statement, quietly analyse, than it is caused. If you in the heat of emotions and anger unable soberly to behave in this situation, keep silent superfluous some minutes is let's to you time collect the thoughts better and to cool down a little.
Except the above-stated ways to normalize a mental condition various actions such, as active sports, a favourite dish, a foamy bath, the massage, the interesting book and others will help. To relax, remove stress sometimes it is necessary, after all, as we know, nervous cages aren't restored!
Good luck!
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