The hormonal background of the woman is that in many respects defines all her life. It forms appearance: growth, weight, skeleton structure, skin and even hair color.
Interesting fact: Scientists found out that the raised maintenance of the female sexual hormones answering also for work of reproductive function, hair of the woman paint in light color. For this reason men at subconscious level prefer blondes to brunettes.Health of all organism also depends on a hormonal background, in particular the sexual sphere. And, besides, the hormonal balance influences mood, reactions and finally on character of the woman. So, for example, scientists say that the lion's share of stains for «the unclear reasons», actually occur because of violation of activity of a thyroid gland. Women complain of headaches, sharp differences of mood and irritability. Not to mention intimate life, intensity and which quality it is absolutely subordinated to action of hormones.
Hormones and hormonal background
These biologically active substances are developed in many bodies of the woman, for example, heart, a liver, a brain, a fatty fabric. But their main producers are glands of internal secretion united in the general endocrine system:- thyroid gland;
- parathyroid glands;
- pancreas;
- adrenal glands;
- yaichnik;
- hypophysis;
- гипоталамус;
- vilochkovy gland.
There are more than 60 hormones, the balance between which contents is called as a hormonal background. Unfortunately, the balance this very fragile also is extremely subject to influence of various factors which treat:
- age;
- stress (especially long);
- virus diseases;
- medicines;
- dream violations;
- heart attacks;
- autoimmune processes;
- tumors;
- heredity;
- weight violation;
- smoking and drug addiction;
- digestion violation;
- parasites.
Hormonal violations in puberty
For the first time, face to face, the girl faces the power of hormones over in, a so-called, transition period. Dear mothers! Treat with attention to the daughters during this time difficult for them. The organism of the girl endures physical regeneration in an organism of the young woman capable by the birth of new life. It is not so simple process. And very often at this particular time the hormonal system gives the first failures resulting in such anomalies, as premature sexual development, its delay or the absence caused by a shortcoming or surplus of hormones in an organism.Premature sexual development
Mother should pay attention to a food of the daughter, in particular if consumption of food increases, but thus the child all the same complains of hunger. In addition should guard very rapid growth, emergence of ugrevy rash not only on a face, but also a back, a breast. The girl can test indispositions in the form of dizzinesses, fast fatigue, probably, headaches. Manifestation of secondary sexual signs begins prematurely, despite violation of a menstrual cycle. Many are disturbed by problems with arterial pressure. There are some frustration in the psychoemotional plan which in common people and it is accepted to call "transition period". Usually it is expressed in the form of excessive aggression against a certain depression, tendency to a depression, excessive sensitivity to actions and words of people around.
Treatment of this disease begin with weight reduction (a diet, physical culture, physiotherapy). It is necessary to get rid of chronic infections. But, sometimes after all it is necessary to resort to medicamentous treatment which is defined only by the doctor.
Delay of sexual development
It occurs because of a lack of sexual hormones of an organism of the teenager. Mother should start to worry about it when in 15-16 years becomes obvious nedorazvity at the girl of secondary sexual signs, and periods rare or don't come at all. The reasons are, first of all, problems of nervous system (neurosises, strong stresses), to brain diseases (encephalitis, meningitis, traumas and so forth), inflammatory processes, and also physical resets and a defective food.
Treatment of a delay of sexual development in girls is carried out by preparations of sexual hormones. Weight violation can sometimes become a cause of illness (dystrophy or obesity), having cured which, a delay is eliminated. However, mothers should remember that reception of preparations can be carried out only on doctor's orders – the endocrinologist.
Sexual development of the girl is influenced strongly by a high-grade healthy food and reasonable physical activities. Therefore, mother should watch closely a diet of the daughter and not overload it with sports.
Besides on sexual development active influence renders a psychoemotional condition. Therefore both for prevention, and in a complex of treatment it is desirable to add consultations of the psychotherapist.
Diseases of a thyroid gland
Unfortunately, in a female organism the thyroid gland often happens a weak link. According to different data, diseases of a thyroid gland in most cases meets among women.
In the CIS Belarusiya's inhabitants, the central and east regions of Ukraine, the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, regions of Siberia, the Urals, the Average Volga region are most of all subject to diseases of a thyroid gland.There are some violations of work of a thyroid gland to which symptoms it is necessary to pay attention.
Hypothyroidism – insufficient function of a thyroid gland which leads to the low maintenance of hormones of a thyroid gland in blood. Congenital violations, heavy deficiency of iodine, surgical intervention, beam therapy of tumors can become its reasons.
Symptoms: block, memory violation, a depression, locks, can meet anemia. Skin becomes dry and edematous, hair often drop out and become fragile.
Irrespective of the reasons the hypothyroidism is treated by tireoidny hormones. In parallel can write out the preparations promoting work of a liver, lowering the content of fats in blood, and also vitamins A and Е are appointed.
If a hypothyroidism not to treat, its life-threatening form – a gipotireoidny coma can develop. Overcooling, physical traumas, stresses, ORZ, poisonings can cause it. In blood there are very few hormones of a thyroid gland which are responsible for a metabolism. And it leads to its strong violation.
Symptoms can gradually be shown. Weakness, puffiness and dryness of skin, speech delay, pressure decline become one of the first. Oxygen starvation, violation of warm and nephritic activity further can develop. From a such coma deduce only in reanimation, with application of synthetic hormones and iodine preparations.
Tireotoksikoz – superfluous function of the thyroid gland which most widespread reason is the craw.
Symptoms: nervousness, emotional unbalance, hypererethism, tremor. Women are disturbed by the increased perspiration, feeling of internal tension, inability to concentrate, problems in communication. The main symptom тиреотоксикоза is tachycardia. The woman starts to look exhausted, it shows muscular weakness when walking and spasms. Because of a metabolic disorder often there is an unsatiable appetite, but thus the woman doesn't recover. There is, however, one pleasant symptom is that skin becomes humidified and velvety, as at children.
Extreme degree тиреотоксикоза is tireoksichesky adenoma – a good-quality tumor. Very high content in blood of hormones of a thyroid gland becomes its consequence. At women this disease meets in 4 times more often than at men, especially between 40-60 years. Treatment of a tumor is carried out either a surgical method, or radioactive iodine. The last method is highly effective and at the same time not so expensive.
Tireoidita – an inflammation in a thyroid gland.
а) Podostry тиреоидит is an inflammation of a thyroid gland, with destruction of its cages. Especially strongly this disease is widespread among women from 20 to 50 years. As a result of the suffered virus infection follicles of a thyroid gland are damaged and broken off that leads to emission of hormones in blood and to emergence тиреотоксикоза which is replaced by a hypothyroidism later. More often the illness begins with unpleasant feelings during movement by a neck and when swallowing. Having diagnosed тиреоидит, the doctor appoints hormones for his treatment – Prednisolonum, dexamethasone, кенакорт, метипред (no more than 2 months). The sharp form of a disease can proceed to from 2 to 6 months, however, if podostry тиреоидит not to treat, it can proceed till two years and, as a result, pass to a chronic form!
б) Autoimmune limfomatozny тиреоидит – the most widespread disease of a thyroid gland happening at women in 10 times more often than at men. And, in spite of the fact that generally it is fixed from 40 to 50 years, recently this illness have more and more women of young age and even children.
Autoimmune тиреоидит is a damage of cells of a thyroid gland by antibodies and lymphocytes. The cause of illness considered heredity, and the provoker – respiratory virus diseases, chronic infections of respiratory ways, caries, radiation.
Long time autoimmune тиреоидит can not let know about itself. There can sometimes be unpleasant feelings or mild pains in a thyroid gland, feeling of a lump in a throat when swallowing.
At an initial stage of a disease can appear гипертиреоз with symptoms inherent in it (see тиреотоксикоз). However, eventually, in 5-15 years it is replaced by a hypothyroidism which degree amplifies at decrease in immunity.
Treatment is carried out by medicamentous preparations only on doctor's orders, and depends on a disease form. If function of a thyroid gland is increased, appoint тиреостатики, reducing level of hormones in blood (тиамазол, мерказолил), beta адреноблокаторы. In addition try to reduce quantity of developed antibodies by means of such drugs as вольтарен, indometacin, etc. nonsteroid anti-inflammatory preparations. It is in addition necessary to apply the preparations increasing immunity.
If function of a thyroid gland is reduced, treatment consists in acceptance of synthetic hormones of a thyroid gland.
This disease never passes up to the end. But against treatment its progressing considerably manages to be reached long remission.
Important! Effective prevention of diseases of a thyroid gland is the use in food of sea products which are so rich with iodine, and use in an everyday life of the iodated salt. Remote from the seas and oceans of areas doctors advise to inhabitants periodically to accept yodsoderzhashchy preparations, for example "Yodomarin". The main thing, REMEMBER THAT daily norm of consumption of iodine – from 100 to 200 micrograms. The uncontrolled use of yodsoderzhashchy preparations can harmful affect functioning of a thyroid gland and, on the contrary, provoke the above described diseases!
- the strengthened growth of hair on hands, feet, a breast, a back, emergence of moustaches and a beard;
- late arrival of periods at girls;
- the irregular monthly – the delays alternating with plentiful vydeleniye;
- appearance of eels;
- low timbre of a voice.
If tumors became the reason, operative treatment is carried out. If the disease is caused by other reasons, therapy which depends on the reason and the treatment purpose is on doctor's orders carried out. When it is necessary to get rid of external manifestations of a giperandrogeniya, to normalize a menstrual cycle and to pass infertility prevention, hormonal contraceptives with anti-androgenic action (Yarina, Zhannin, Diana-35 and пр) are appointed.
In case pregnancy is planned or it already came, the doctor defines the hormonal program for all term of pregnancy (it can be such preparations, as Metipred, Dexamethasone, Dyufaston).
If the woman after all managed to give birth to the child, and it is better than two, the hormonal background is, as a rule, normalized. Therefore the birth of children is a peculiar type of treatment of a giperandrogeniya.
Hormonal violations at a climax
The most typical manifestations of a climax are "inflow" which can appear after 40 years. This condition lasting from 20 seconds till 3 minutes during which strong heat flows to the person and all top part of a body, comes a strong potootdeleniye. Attacks I can be aggravated with feeling of shortage of air, violation of warm activity, unmotivated alarm and so forth.
Besides, the climax is accompanied by mass of unpleasant symptoms: headaches and dizzinesses, tremor, sleeplessness, chronic fatigue. There can be a hypothyroidism and diabetes, diseases of heart and the urinogenital sphere. The climax is accompanied always by violations of nervous system owing to what the woman becomes irritable, whining, depressive.
Today there are the ways, helping if not to get rid completely from undesirable manifestations of a climax, considerably to lower them. A basis of prevention and treatment are the hormonal preparations containing an estrogen (female sexual hormones). Today doctors advise to accept them after 40 years. As a rule, are appointed oral контрацептивны. Thus it is necessary to supervise surely the maintenance of hormones in blood not less than once a year. Further special preparations for a klimakteriya are already appointed. The complex of medical actions joins a diet, reception of vitamins and microcells, homeopathic medicines, psychotherapy. In more difficult cases psychotropic preparations or neuroleptics, beta адреноблокаторы, kaliysoderzhashchy preparations, парлодел can be applied.
The woman too can help itself during this difficult period for itself. It is necessary to observe surely a work and rest mode, to support physical activity, to avoid the situations injuring mentality.
I hope that all aforesaid brightly shows, on the hormonal background for the woman, and often and for her people around how many is important. If in time to pay attention to manifestations of hormonal violations, it is possible to avoid not only complications, but also emergence of many diseases. However, it is necessary to remember, that work of hormones is very difficult and peculiar system. Therefore by no means it is impossible to self-medicate and accept hormonal preparations without consultation and control from the doctor of the endocrinologist.
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