Thursday, 9 August 2012

Symptoms and appendicitis treatment

Симптомы аппендицита, лечение аппендицита The stomach hurts... Doctors advise to us never to treat belly-ache independently, threatening us with terrible consequences of self-treatment. Let's find out, what symptoms of the most popular surgical disease – appendicitis.
Appendicitis call an inflammation of a cherveobrazny shoot of a blind gut – an appendix. The inflammation is caused by gnoyerodny microbes which get to an appendix with a blood or lymph current. As a cause of illness also undigested remains of food corking a gleam of a cherveobrazny shoot can serve. Depending on an illness stage appendicitis subdivide on catarrhal (simple), flegmonozny and gangrenozny.

Illness symptoms

As signal of the beginning of a disease pain serves. In the beginning pain has no accurate location – it seems to the patient that all stomach hurts. But passes 5-6 hours, and pain concentrates in the right podvzdoshny area. Mirsovetov would like to pay your attention to the following nuance: an appendix at all features of a structure of a body are located differently, such, and the place of localization of pain depends on its situation. If the provision of a shoot normal – hurts in the right podvzdoshny area if the shoot is located highly, hurts on the right almost under edges if the appendix is unbent back, the patient feels pain in a waist and if the shoot is lowered down, hurts in the field of a basin and over a pubis.
Except pain of the patient vomiting, sometimes a diarrhea can disturb – if the inflamed shoot causes a liquid congestion in a gut. Language is often imposed white for a short while. Position of a body compelled as the patient looks for the least painful situation: more often some simplification is felt, lying on the right side or on a back. Any spontaneous tension of muscles – the laughter, cough – sharply strengthen pain. If you know anatomy a little, it is possible to try carefully (!!!) to probe a stomach of the patient: in the right lower part of a stomach muscles will be considerably strained, and the patient will feel pain at a palpation. At this stage it is necessary to cause urgently ambulance and to hospitalize the patient.

Appendicitis development

Аппендикс The doctor will define an appendicitis form – simple appendicitis is characterized by the inflamed cherveobrazny shoot. Body temperature is a little increased, usually no more 37,5С.
If pains not so strong, nausea and vomitings not (the such happens quite often) the patient doesn't hurry up to address to the doctor. And then simple appendicitis passes to a flegmonozny form. The cherveobrazny shoot is filled with pus, on its surface there are ulcers. Because of ulcers the inflammation starts to extend on the fabrics surrounding a shoot – gut walls, a peritoneum. At this stage of the patient disturb the pains amplifying at tension of muscles of a stomach, at thin people the inflamed shoot can even be probed, it will remind the dense roller.
In the worst cases flegmonozny appendicitis passes to a gangrenozny form. In this stage the shoot filled with pus extends an inflammation to all abdominal cavity. However, patients notice that pains disturbing them passed – this results from the fact that nervous cages of the inflamed cherveobrazny shoot were lost. To the place of pain deterioration of the general condition comes. After all now in inflammatory process all abdominal cavity is involved. Organism intoxication promptly accrues, the patient feels strange euphoria, pulse keeps at level of 100 blows in a minute (in norm 65-70), skin pale, difficultly to move, the stomach is blown up.
If to the patient it is not assisted, the inflamed appendix breaks – this moment is very painful for the patient, pus spreads on an abdominal cavity and life of the patient appears under the threat because of the general blood poisoning. Mirsovetov tells you all these horrors to convince you as soon as possible to address for medical care if you are disturbed by belly-ache.

Appendicitis diagnostics

Диагностика аппендицита It is quite difficult to define appendicitis – symptoms change depending on an arrangement of a shoot and the doctor is deprived of possibility to "glance" to the patient in a stomach. Traditionally appendicitis diagnose, being based on data of analyses of blood and urine – in blood the quantity of white blood little bodies increases, and in urine there is a protein. But diagnostics of appendicitis isn't limited to it.
X-ray at appendicitis do seldom is is more characteristic for children. On a X-ray it is possible to reveal only the kalovy stone which has corked an opening of a cherveobrazny shoot. For definition of an acute appendicitis use ultrasonography. If the pain reason not in an appendix, the shoot practically isn't visible on ultrasonography and if it is inflamed, the shoot will be visible, as a tube in diameter about 7 mm, and round it the doctor will see a liquid congestion.
Other type of diagnostics – a computer tomography. KT too gives the image of the increased shoot, also changed fabrics of intestines and a peritoneum are visible.
To see the inflamed appendix personally the laparoscopy allows. In a belly wall the small cut into which the fiber-optical tube with a video camera on the end is entered becomes. It is the most authentic method of diagnostics.

Appendicitis treatment

Лечение аппендицита If the patient arrives in a hospital, suffering from pain, AT ONCE nobody will drag it on an operational table. It is connected with that under symptoms of appendicitis many other diseases can mask, for example, inflammatory processes in kidneys, at women – inflammations of genitals. Therefore doctors will observe some time behind illness development, will collect analyses and only then will draw a conclusion on need of operative intervention. If "acute appendicitis" is diagnosed, treatment will be operative. Operation on removal of an appendix is carried out by two ways: traditionally and эндоскопически.
At traditional operation over the inflamed shoot the cut in length 8-10 becomes see. The surgeon cuts muscles, examines a shoot, and if fabrics surrounding it aren't inflamed, an appendix delete, and an opening in a gut in a place of an attachment of an appendix, sew up.
At endoskopichesky operation into a stomach of the patient enter a thin tube with the chamber. The doctor sees the image on the monitor. Tools enter through special openings and delete a shoot under continuous visual control. At endoskopichesky operation cuts very small, the postoperative period passes much easier and quicker. The modern surgery is so good that the patient with not complicated appendicitis write out next day after operation. If the shoot nevertheless became torn and began peritonitis, it is necessary to lead in a hospital about a week. These days the patient will intravenously receive antibiotics which will help an organism to fight against infection development. When the patient only arrived in a hospital with suspicion on appendicitis, the doctor appoints at once to it antibiotics (цефазолин, цефантрал, erythromycin and others) is is necessary for the prevention of development of an infection after operation.
Mirsovetov would like to specify for all also such moment. What occurs, if the patient got on an operational table, the doctor made a cut and found out, what the appendix isn't inflamed? The doctor, most likely, after all will remove a cherveobrazny shoot to prevent appendicitis development in the future.
Any special diet after appendix removal usually it is not required.

Chronic appendicitis

It happens that the human body possesses so powerful immunity that is capable to suppress the begun inflammation of an appendix by own efforts. However, when easing immunity or when strengthening load of stomach muscles the inflammation again «lifts the head». It is so-called chronic appendicitis – the person periodically has pains in the right podvzdoshny area. Chronic appendicitis delivers to the patient mass of inconveniences: each attack of appendicitis threatens with peritonitis development, and at each attack it is necessary to address to the doctor. Chronic appendicitis doesn't demand shoot removal, however, if attacks repeat often, it is better to remove a shoot.

Show care of the health and don't neglect medical care at any pains and indispositions. The timely address to the doctor will help to avoid many undesirable consequences.

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