70. Perhaps the first step is to learn the truth that the child - this is not a miniature adult, and has very specific characteristics that must be considered. In every age the features.
But if you're not consistent, irritable, and sometimes even evil (because it happens so do not want to get up at night - baby diapers, and even if you do, Dad, early in the morning - at work), then the child will form the character of the nerve - and it will not interfere him (and not only him) life.
72. In the early days, you came home from the hospital, you and your child be sure to visit the nurse and the district pediatrician. Do not hesitate to ask them any questions about your child and care for it.
73. Recommended to regularly weigh the child. This can be done in a clinic. But it's convenient, of course, at home. Where to get the balance? .. In the past this was a problem. Now if you want to buy, it seems, everything. And for your own child what not to do! ..
In the first year alone will not prevent control weight gain with a table in which the x-axis - the child's weight in grams, while the vertical axis - months or weeks of life. In a normal curve, which turns you on the table, should be smooth - no sudden jumps up and down. If within a few days the line is kept at the same level, you should not worry. When the baby is healthy, when he has a good appetite, he gets the desired weight.
74. Pediatricians determine an individual were to become the child's weight by the use of various formulas and calculations wise. Parents need to know that their child is in the first three months of life in normal development should daily gain of 20 to 30 grams of weight.
75. Do not overfeed children. Fat kid, does not mean beautiful. Overweight - not a guarantee against disease.
76. As a rule, young mothers and fathers at first afraid to even take a baby in her arms. This is no accident. They do not know how to take the baby. He's so fragile and delicate, small.
You can not raise a child by the hand.
You can not hold the baby so that was thrown back his head. Sure the child's head should be supported.
Holding the baby is not difficult to learn: the child is practically in your left hand, and the head
adheres to the elbow, right hand you support legs. In other words, it is necessary that the baby had three body areas of support - the head., At the level of the blades and at the level of the pelvis.
77. From the early days do not need to nurse the child - should not be needlessly need to take him in her arms, rocking, lulled. The child quickly becomes accustomed to such treatment and can not without luxury, demands it naughty. And if my mother, and once occupied, can not babysit him again, the child indulges in all serious - raises a cry. Like it or not, we have to concede. So your kid is spoiled.
78. No need to panic at the first cry of the child. Generally in the first months of life, the child often cries. But his cry - it is not only a signal of a certain troubles or need. Cry - it is also a gym. During cry many muscle groups are utilized: the cervical, thoracic, abdominal. And the cry of a must for development.
79. Maternal instinct and pushes her mother to the child who cried. Instincts - no joke. Mom is not sit still finds until the baby cries. But do not go to the child to cry. Let him yell a couple of minutes. Creek is also useful for the lungs - to extend to them the full gas exchange takes place, and for some groups of muscles, as we said above ... But if he does not calm down, then you have to look for the cause of his tears.
Can be several reasons:
- The child "went" in diapers,
- The child is uncomfortable (eg, crush shovchik undershirts)
- The child is hungry or thirsty.
In the first case, the child should be perepelenat. In the second case - to reconsider his clothes (experienced moms know, of course, that the vests worn inside-out seams so they are not crushed and rubbed on the tender skin of the child.) And in the third case - just look at the clock, is not it time feeding your baby. If this was not the time, do not hurry up and break the daily routine. We must wait. After mode - a system to which the child gets used to continue on her, as the foundation is based. A body on the observations of scientists loves all kinds of systems, guesses they rhythm, adapt to this rhythm and only then moves (growth and development) on this rhythm as on autopilot ... Understand. Maybe your child just wants to drink. Give him some water boiled with a teaspoon or sweet tea.
80. If the child still does not calm down, you need to look for the cause in the state of his stomach. Remember, if a child has long departed chair ... Young children often tormented called flatulence - accumulated gases. Tummy in this case, "hard", and increased slightly in size. Help your child a gentle hand stroking his tummy massage, work his legs (bend them, pressing the abdomen kolenochki) changed several times its body position.
81. Some mothers, regarding the phenomenon of bloating indigestion, regularly give a child a teaspoon of chamomile broth, dill water and other teas. It helps, but not always.
Sometimes it is necessary to resort to special)! rubber tubes. In such a tube rounded smooth finish, and several side windows. Before use, be sure to boil up, then lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly or mineral oil and enter (without effort) baby's anus. Typically, this procedure helps: after a minute or gases depart, sometimes with feces, the child calms down, his belly is soft to the touch.
If you do not work and a pipe, immediately call your doctor. Do not hesitate to call the doctor for your child. Better to err on this side - that is, call the pediatrician once again, rather than thoughtlessly rely on "maybe" ...
82. Dill water or infusion of fennel - has long been a proven remedy for stomach pains. But we must not abuse this tool as abuse of ignorance some mothers, when there is a child fennel extract to quench thirst. This also applies to the present chamomile and peppermint.
When a child is thirsty, give him the best teas, baikhovi weak tea, boiled water, and mineral water can be - one of those labels which state that can be used for infants.
That parents do not panic, it will not be superfluous to know that the first-born child stool - meconium - a very
dark. Later chair brightens, becomes yellow.
84. Because the baby is too weak neck muscles had not developed, the head movement is limited, in less ventilated areas - at the back, at the neck - sometimes comes through sweat. If it is not removed in time, can cause irritation in the locations - in the form Punctate red rash. This so-called potnichka.
If you continue to not pay attention to it, stimulation under the influence of the new sweat may increase. When joining infections occur even pustules. And this is a serious complication. To prevent it, eliminates occasional sweat towel.
85. If you control the weight of the baby on the table, keep in mind, it should slowly and gradually rise. By the end of the fourth week of life, the child should weigh about four pounds. But do not worry if it weighs three and a half pounds. Must take into account individual differences.
The same goes for growth. In a normal term baby length - the average fifty centimeters. In the first few months of life, the child grows up to five inches. But if you find out that someone's child is more - do not worry.
86. Do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the navel of the child. Some children - especially troubled that "love" shout - shout at some belly bulge. Sometimes the navel forms a cry or cough quite a significant bump, sometimes reaching values of walnut and more. This is an umbilical hernia, which occurs due to the weakness of the abdominal wall.
If you notice a hernia, immediately consult with your district pediatrician. There are cases - you have to have surgery, but more often a hernia removed herself as a child in a few months to pick up weight and develop more when fat tissue.
87. You are free to evaluate the mental development of the child. For example, check the main reflections:
- "Plantar" reflex - you slide your finger along the bottom, and the child pulls the foot,
- "Sucking" reflex - you slide your finger on the child's lips, and he readily puts her lips and smacked his lips, making sucking movements,
- "Grasping" reflex - you put the tip of a finger in a child's hand, and he squeezes it tight.
If the above (see, pretty funny) reflexes are present, your child - normal.
88. Some young parents from the first day, as soon as the child brought from the hospital, go to the apartment on tiptoe, afraid to disturb the newborn. Perhaps this is unnecessary. In the first few days after birth - about a week - the child is not well heard. Auditory nerve fully developed during the first year of life. Accordingly, the hearing of the baby develops gradually.
89. From the first days of life, pay attention to your baby's ears. With certainty the scientists established that the child in the womb can hear the muffled sounds, of course - the sound of music, voices. By the way, the voice of the mother child is different from the other: the voice he heard louder child perceives it not only the organ of hearing, and the body - the so-called tissue conductivity (you do not know how to listen to music of Beethoven, when he was complete deafness? He listening to music body - hugging piano). When the child was born and brought it to you first, he learns your voice. This voice his own. Talk to him more often. And remember that the child is already well distinguished tone, gentle tone of rigorous honors.
90. As for the development of hearing (not only physiological, but also music), try to get your child on the recommendation of some authors' bathed in the sound. " Of course, these "bath" should be carried out when the child is awake. In the first month of life your baby sleeps most of the time, but now he's a little older, and more often it's time communication. Talk to your baby, build up his ears and let in your home at times like the music - quiet peaceful music, from the classics something easy to guess from the melodic pattern.
91. Eye as a complex optical instrument also not fully developed in the newborn. Established, but you could clearly see that in the first days of the child still can not stare. Soon the baby will already have to deal with this case, but it is still some time unable to rebuild on the close and distant objects. He seems to be seeing the same distance. And the distance is 25-30 cm Hence the recommendation ...
92. If you want something to show her baby-bright toy, for example - keep it in front of him at a distance of 25-30 cm If you want your child to consider the expression of your face (and it already features gentle face of calm and the more stringent ), walk up to a child at a distance of 25-30 cm
It is appropriate to recall the recommendations of scientists to read: the book by reading the man was at a distance of 25-30 cm as you think it is a coincidence?
93. When a child sees your face, even if he sees the gentle smile. In this case, it feels safe, and his mood will be better. Kid understands. "Understanding" he provide instincts. They are for him as the "autopilot" in a sea of emotions and sensations.
94. The child, opening the world, from the first days of life should involve all the senses. On the auditory and visual impressions we said. Organs of smell and taste of the child is also well developed and "work" - is established experimentally. Now, about the sense of touch ... When the child is awake, he needs to feel your body, feel the touch of your body. This is important for the proper formation of the senses, and to follow the correct orientation. If a child is not sleeping, mess with him a little more. He likes it, it is useful.
95. In the second month of life, a chair, a child may be from one to three or four times;-viscous consistency, the color yellow. If the high chair a green or watery, blood-streaked mucus, and if it is marked loss in weight of the child, contact a physician.
96. Often the baby immediately after feeding is a small regurgitation. This is normal and due to the fact that, along with the milk child swallows some air. Young parents usually worry that. They try to be very careful to put the child to bed, but he still spit up some milk. Experience shows that we should not rush to lay the baby after feeding. Hold your baby in a few minutes zertikalnom position, and you'll hear a slight sound belched air. Then you can boldly put the child to bed.
97. But it should rtlichat usual regurgitation of vomit. If regurgitation - a purely physiological phenomenon, the vomiting - is a sign of illness. Baby spit up milk is not altered traits: milk curds not, has the usual color and odor. If vomiting picture changes: milk curdle of vomiting, yellowish color and unpleasant sour smell. Usually accompanied by vomiting, fever - even in older children. Even with vomiting may be swollen tummy and the child is restless ... It is urgent to seek the help of a doctor.
98. There is an important rule that you need to know and follow. After feeding, do not place the child on his back. If he is lying on his back srygnet, the milk can get into the windpipe. This is very dangerous ...
Child eat - you put it on the flank.
99. Child in the first three months of life (and parents, respectively, since they love the kid) can pester hiccups. This is not a disease, and particularly worried when hiccups should not be. This is just a periodic involuntary contractions of the diaphragm. Hiccups usually appears after feeding and may continue for a long time - sometimes up to an hour. The child is much concern, but the trouble hiccup is that it can lead to regurgitation. Parents are just so happy that their baby had eaten, and suddenly - hiccup, followed by regurgitation.
It must be remembered that the most important thing hiccups mind: do not worry (not annoying) himself and not worry about their child.
Some people believe that there is a hiccup from overfeeding. Possible. Really, do not overfeed the child. Some experienced grandmother believe that hiccups child when frozen, hide his warm, apply a heating pad to the legs. Sometimes it helps. And if you work, then you can take note. Try ...
100. When hiccups can help and a warm drink. Try to give your child a few spoonfuls of weak warm tea or just warm boiled water.
101. Never forget that the skin of children is very delicate, and the child is still weak to successfully confront some unfavorable external factors. Be lightly long to keep the child lying on the wet - in wet diapers, and from this body to the baby diaper rash may appear. Intertrigo manifested as redness of the skin. Inflamed skin is very sensitive, painful. The child, of course, is restless, crying. If uncorrected, the site redness can develop blisters. The blisters then burst, and the picture comes from the unpleasant.
How to prevent diaper rash ...
- Strive perepelenat child in time;
- Pay attention to the quality of washing diapers (in the tissue may contain residues of uric acid, which, even in the dry diapers can irritate delicate skin).
102. If your child is prone to diaper rash, when it perepelenanii wipe clean with a damp cloth - just wipe the wet areas, and places of diaper rash handle fat baby cream.
103. One of the features of this age - strupiki on the scalp. Strupiki arise when excess secretions of skin glands. Allocation dry and then remove them is not easy. Strupiki have a yellowish color, sometimes translucent, sometimes scaly, and peel.
In no way be too active to clean baby's head from these strupikov, as this can injure the skin and make the infection. Even the smallest infection risks for the child, he's still so weak.
Strupiki removed with vegetable oil: a head bandage with oil - for the night. The next day, while bathing the baby's head should be washed with soap and water. And strupiki disappear.
104. Do not leave your child for a long time to lie in one position. He is still small and can not by itself turn. From long lying position without change muscles get tired child, and the child begins to worry. In addition, prolonged lying in one position adversely affects the formation of the baby's head. For example, if the child is lying on his back, then eventually his head may be slightly bevelled neck. This is explained by the fact that "fontanels" zone of growth - on the child's head is opened, the skull as it is plastic.
105. By two months of age the child becomes more active. He is able to rotate the head from side to side. If his field of vision occurs a moving object, a child watches his eyes. Activity is manifested in the fact that if a child put on his tummy, he begins to lift his head, bend your back and move the arms and legs.
The kid in this age already screaming more aware and demanding. Creek takes different colors: when a child is hungry, he cries do not like when he trouble with tummy.
Child missing handles all items that are close to him, and pulls them into his mouth. Your finger, pacifier or toy - no matter ... He is able to recognize that the face of my mother (or other relatives) and to respond to her smile.
At this age, the child gets used to sleep and wakefulness, eating regime. The parents on the other hand should try to adhere to the letter.
106. At the age of two months is enough to visit pediatrician at least once in two weeks.
107. Infants nails grow quickly, and if they are not cut, they can not break or bend. A child who is very active moving arms and legs, can scratch themselves. So do not forget to shave the baby nails. Each time after bathing the child to inspect the item.
Try to cut your nails carefully - without delivering your baby discomfort. When mom shave baby nails too short, it can cause pain. A child at this age has produced excellent reflexes, and the next time it just does not give you the pen will start to act up.
Marigolds in children under three months of very thin - they are not processed nail file, not to scratch. Hence, they should shave - leaving sharp points with rounding.
108. If you continue to regularly weigh the baby at home or in a child health clinic and drawing a graph of the weight, you should know that in normal curve should continue to move smoothly up and no sudden jumps. At the age of three months, the child should weigh about six pounds.
109. If you suddenly notice that the baby is not gaining weight within 10-14 days, please consult your pediatrician. Generally in the age of three months the child should add up to 200 grams weekly.
110. If before your child was enough exercise for crying, then to three months of age is not enough. For normal development of the child wants more traffic volume. By three months do not have to swaddle him too tight - let jerk legs and arms, if he wants.
111. Also recommended daily "exercise" (of course, included in the mode of the day) for a child. At the optimum temperature for him - 22 ° C to undress the child and put it on a blanket (on the bed or on the same changing table). Let the kid do what he wants. When he nadrygaetsya for fun, turn it on her tummy - in this position strengthens the back muscles and the neck, because the child is forced to hold his head in the air.
112. At about the age of three months the child is already able to control and coordinate the movement of your hands. Typically, the baby pulls his hands to his mouth and starts sucking his fingers. This act gives him pleasure, but it should not be permitted because of time may develop a bad habit that will lead to malformation of the teeth.
113. Attention, do not leave your child unattended three. He is very active and is able to independently turn over on his stomach. There were times when my mother, leaving the child on the bed, went out for a moment to the next room or the kitchen, but returned and displayed a child, as if nothing had happened on the floor smiling. Well, if the child is a mother rotozeyki-roll on the floor well. And if not -? ..
When you have a short time away from the baby, put it in the crib and feel at ease.
114. Do not pamper your baby. Be patient with him and affectionate. Do not leave it unattended, but do not let him know that you feel it almost center of the universe - not to educate your child selfish. Children feel pretty accurate attitude on the part of others - even at this age.
115. It was long thought that the basis of the nature of man - in his heredity, and education - is something superficial, superstructure. No doubt, heredity plays a significant role, but not decisive - Psychological studies it has been proved. That flaws education can make a person miserable and vulnerable for life ... Sure to talk to your pediatrician experienced, how to raise your kid with a "youthful nails."
116. You are free to assess whether the physical and mental development of your child's three age norm. You need to know that:
- The third month of the child is able to hold himself while the head;
- Actively moving arms and legs, but can sometimes take his own hand as a foreign object and examine it with great interest, and yanks feet splashing in the bath, do not like to be swaddled, and sometimes opposed to this;
- Interested and available items: watches them enough draws to itself;
- Three child learns relatives and friends, meets a smile to smile;
- The child has already developed hearing, the child listens to the sounds, to unfamiliar sounds - with suspicion;
__trehmesyachny child is itself publishes some
sounds - and gets pleasure from it.
117. At the age of three months, the child, as mentioned above, is beginning to show interest not only to the hands and fingers, but also to the subjects, particularly in toys, which he already must have plenty. This is a very important point. Toys are needed for normal physical and mental development.
However, not all toys are suitable for three consecutive child. Not appropriate toys that can not be washed or treated with a disinfectant solution - for example, fabric, faux fur, plush, etc. Also excluded are small toys, toys with sharp edges that can hurt, toys that can be taken apart.
Ideal - toys made of plastic, rubber and wood (with rounded edges).
118. Well, when the child in the crib hanging brightly colored rattles. Available than stare that consider practicing a good eye (well, close), there is something to stretch - stretch your muscles, learn to coordinate direction, and in general - there is something to apply curiosity, and, carried away, give my mom a rest.
119. It is not recommended to give the child multiple toys. It is better to give one - that it is fully owned by his attention. Also, do not leave your child a toy for a long time - it will get used to it and stop showing interest. From time to time it is necessary to change the toys.
120. If you are hung up toys, then position them so that they were right in front of the eyes of the child,-otherwise the baby will always have to squint your eyes, which for obvious reasons is not desirable.
121. All the toys with which your child has contact, wash with soap and water frequently. And they can be stored under the diaper, so that the toys do not settle the dust.
122. Young parents are often mistaken in believing that their child is still small and does not understand the feelings of adults. He understands - feels. And if the parents do not find it possible to hide from some of their child mood - anxiety, for example, about any domestic problems - and then their child is growing nervous. Rest - it is one of the most important conditions for normal mental development of your baby.
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