Assistant professor P.S.Arshinov and the head of the department of microbiology, virology and immunology took part in discussion of a question the professor of Yu.L, Krivorutchenko the head of the department of infectious diseases of the Crimean medical university of S.I.Georgiyevskogo. We bring to your attention them opinion.
Flu viruses
New human viruses of the flu, capable to cause a pandemic, is a result of mutations and recombinations. In a case with viruses the majority of mutants perishes, as they lose, instead of get something useful. However some mutations just allow a virus of flu to be late in human population or at other owners. And here the recombination — is resorting of a genetic material which already existed earlier in praroditelsky options of a virus. Having infected the same cell of the owner, genes from one praroditelsky strain mix up with genes of another, forming posterity with signs of both initial viruses. The hybrid individual turns out: separate genetic blocks don't undergo changes, but here the unusual combination of these blocks creates a new product.The recombination is considered the main tool of an origin of new strains. When changes occur quickly, as a result there is something unprecedented earlier — including, the most dangerous pandemic options of a virus of flu. Recombinations do population immunity of mankind which is adapted, for earlier existing strains, absolutely insolvent. Biological "kitchen" on creation of such virus murderer generally settles down in South East Asia, but gradually there are emissions and to other regions of the world — for example, and Russia where the outbreaks of flu at poultry were already registered.
Virus of bird flu
Well-known that the poultry is ill with much higher level of legality, than wild which is considered the natural natural tank of viruses of flu. As a rule, viruses are transferred with excrements. In places of mass nesting the virus can be found in water in high concentration. It is very actual for the Crimea. Ornithologists call our peninsula – «the bird's station», "junction" in migration of birds besides on Sivash and Swan islands feathery winter.To the Crimea, as well as in general in Black Sea Coast, together with birds strains from Asia can get. Judging by not so systematized messages, in the prichernomorsky countries the virus options, similar that in Asia caused mass death of animals and people, with gemagglyutininy Н5, Н7 and Н9 are fixed.
The virus appeared in the countries which are near to Ukraine: in Romania; there were messages on Turkey, however, then from Turkey objections followed. In any case, in the territory of Russia this virus appeared, and animals are ill.
The problem in that in many countries still there are no standard test systems which would allow to register, whether those is strains of a virus which were found in Asia. Still the final comparative analysis isn't made, a lot of things isn't clear. And, probably, it will be not clear until the mass death of birds, with infection from these birds of pigs and other mammals will begin.
Virus of flu of pigs
Originality of pigs that their many immune reactions and other physiological characteristics are very similar to the human — are more similar, than at other animals. Originally a virus including flu, adapts for pigs, than to the person easier. Pigs – the intermediate stage on which the virus reaches in the transformation a condition when there can be its such option which can extend in human population (that is - from the person to the person). Such way of adaptation through pigs, according to the American and English scientists who have carried out the retrospective genetic analysis, passed the virus which has called well-known "Spaniard". Thus, the history can repeat... A difference only that knowledge of this infection, of the nature of a virus and in general approaches to flu prevention now considerably changed. People expect epidemic, more consciously are going to resist to it...And to be afraid to eat actually that!
Pandemic and flu epidemic
By recognition of the majority of scientists, the pandemic after all will arise. A question only in, when: this year either in the following, or in some years?. And main thing: what will be a lethality for people? Forecasts as it seems to me, are a little hypertrophied: Americans, for example, consider that if there will be a pandemic, in the USA hundreds thousands people will die. Such forecasts rely on results of former epidemics and are to some extent urged to guard the population and the authorities of the states; in it also political and commercial risk is put.It is natural, when there are such questions as global epidemic, to business there are political interests of the different countries and the big money connected with production of vaccines and their purchases in national scales, the income of firms which are made diagnostic by system and medical preparations.
Ukraine, as well as any other state, can't самоизолироваться, therefore as the scientist-theorist, I can tell: if with new flu the whole world falls ill, in Ukraine epidemic happens too. If the specific vaccine, certainly, the majority of people isn't developed will fall ill. Vaccines against bird flu aren't present today, in exchange some experts suggest to use vaccines against options of a virus of the flu, circulating at people earlier. In it there is a logic; recombinant strains have in themselves a part of genes of primogenitors including human (and close to them) Thus, the vaccine against a human virus with gemagglyutininy Н1 will theoretically partially protect, but from what? Hardly from the infection fact – but level of a lethality and heavy complications can be lowered.
Prevention of bird flu
Concerning meat. Meat of hens it is possible to eat, but it needs to be boiled or fried properly. The flu virus almost instantly perishes at temperature of 100 degrees and above, but remains at a freezing.Usual prophylactics and treatments of flu and the related symptoms can be useful. But Pavel Spiridonovich will tell about it ARSHINS - the head of the department of infectious diseases of the Crimean medical university of S.I.Georgiyevskogo, the assistant professor.
Flu prevention
Flu – an acute infectious disease and its prevention demands from us special attention.The mankind faces flu constantly more than 1000. According to the academician of Century of M of Zhdanov, the mankind endured about 500 epidemics and not less than 13 pandemics of flu caused generally by a virus of flu of type A which not only is capable to change the anti-genes constantly about this period, but also to replace them. Thus it possesses a vidospetsifichnost: as a rule, the virus of birds can't strike a pig or the person, and on the contrary. Because of small stability in environment the virus is transferred by an airborne way and transplatsentarno, having teratogenny effect.
It is important to carry out flu prevention among those age categories which most strongly are subject to it. Especially often incidence is observed at children till 5 years and at persons 65 years are more senior. The mortality indicator from flu fluctuates from 0,01 to 0,2 percent in epidemic, in a pandemic it essentially increases. In 1918-1919 from flu was lost, according to different data, from 20 to 40-50 million people. Considering that in Ukraine in 2003 soda 1 143 million one thousand people, and in 2004 - about 2 million people ached, - in 2005-2006 the next epidemic with circulation of new viruses of type A — "California" H3N2 which type "V" flu – "Shanghai" can join is expected.
Except human flu in the world there are other types of a virus of flu And which especially often strike birds (H.7N7, H7N2, H5N1, etc.), and since December, 2003 diseases of persons were noted at contact infection, with various clinical manifestations: from lungs - in the Netherlands to heavy - with death of 62-67 people - in the region where lives about 2,5 billion people (South East Asia). People fall ill at direct contact to authentically sick birds. Transmissions of infection of bird flu from the person to the person it was not noted. Thus, bird flu is serious veterinary, instead of a medical problem.
There are two theories of variability of flu. One of them the main attention gives recombinations of viruses of flu, and another - is based on retsiklichesky emergence of a virus in human population. This question are still insufficiently studied.
The main method of prevention of flu are annual inoculations. Vaccines are developed, and their structure changes depending on anti-gene structure of an expected strain of flu And which, probably, will cause epidemic or a pandemic.
From all vaccines, considering even small probability of emergence of bird flu in structure of diseases of people, the split vaccines (Split vaccine) флюорикс and ваксигрипп which, unlike subjedinichny (influ-vak) more approach, include not 2 anti-genes, and 6 anti-genes (2 external and 4 internal) that allows immune system of the person to create quicker and more tensely immunity that to some extent can matter for creation of cross immunity to bird flu – in case of its possible emergence.
Flu prevention by the split vaccines is necessary for carrying out in November beginning of December that by the beginning of lifting of incidence of ORVZ (the end of December-January) at the most part of the population immunity was created. According to the French doctors, the split vaccines in 2,6 times reduced incidence of ORVZ of other etiology.
Flu treatment
What can be offered flu treatment? – амантадин and ремантадин, осельтамивир. It is necessary to note that to ремантадину sensitivity of flu And decreased recently, and it is forbidden to use for treatment of children till 14 years as it is capable as it appeared, to cause changes in TsNS. Appeared on sale арбидол which it is used for flu treatment in a dose of 400 mg/days in 2 receptions within 3-5 days, and for prevention – on 200 mg/days with an interval 3-4 days, duration of a course – 3-4 weeks. Arbidol reduces risk of incidence of flu and ORVZ in 2,6-3,2 times, shortens duration of an illness for 2-2,5 days and reduces frequency of post-influenzal complications in 2 times. Other inductors of interferon, and also – vitamin complexes, plentiful drink etc. (and all this is according to the recommendation of the doctor) can be used. Antibiotics at flu should be applied very carefully, paying attention to age: to children – only since 6 months, to adult patients – after 65 years.For strengthening of immunity tempering procedures, observance usual sanitary-and-hygienic norms, obligatory walks on air are recommended. Try to avoid also stresses, normally to eat. Vitamins including vitamin C, use, but it is careful – a short course and small doses (there is an opinion of experts that surplus of vitamins can be more harmful, than their small shortcoming). At flu at all don't take alcohol in the "medical" purposes: flu – not cold, and an infectious virus disease. Try to limit participation in actions with a big congestion of people – someone from them can be infected and not to know about it (as signs weren't shown yet), so, to be a disease carrier. Constantly switched on conditioner also doesn't promote health – air a room better more often. Limit movings in public transport – whenever possible, at least a part of a way before work (study) and from work go on foot. At the first symptoms of a disease stop contacts to people around, call the doctor, observe a confinement to bed.
Protect the health!
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