Certainly, in a human body in principle there are no unimportant bodies. However it is necessary to tell about value of kidneys especially. Kidneys is, first of all, the most powerful filter. They deal with all toxins, microbes, infections which get to an organism. If the liver decomposes all harmful substances, kidneys then filter them from blood and deduce. All know that at the slightest disease surely appoint the urine analysis – on it very easy to define a condition of all organism.
Work of kidneys
In days through kidneys passes more than two hundred liters of blood, and from dirty and zashlakovanny it turns in pure and again ready to washing of each section of our body.
To resist to microbes, to deduce infections and toxins, kidneys should have huge margin of safety and forces. Not casually at the person two kidneys: if something happens with one, the second is ready to take completely up all loading.
Kidneys don't love the negligent address with health. How often we don't pay attention to easy drafts, to undertreated and kariyesny teeth, we transfer standing a slight cold and we allow to sit to ourselves on the cold? And after all kidneys struggle at this time with all infection, filtering products of activity of different pathogenic microorganisms.
No wonder that sometimes they don't consult, and then after caries or a slight cold there can be weak nagging pains in a waist, feeling of stagnation in it in the mornings after awakening, low (subfebrilny) temperature at the end of the unlucky working day. Soon everything settles into shape, the person on days off slept and has a rest, drank any fashionable to aspirin, it is again vigorous and skips, as a grasshopper, but doesn't know that someone lodged in his kidneys extraneous. And this bacillus not simply waits for a right moment to attack again, but also worsens work of kidneys. It both breeds itself, and helps to get into kidneys to ascending infections from secretory ways, having broken operation of valves of mochetochnik which are covered now not so densely as should.
Diseases of kidneys begin so imperceptibly and softly what to treat them begin often after the introduction in a chronic phase. No wonder that the most different diseases of kidneys meet both at children, and at adults, though at women after all more often than at men. It speaks an organism structure: ways on which the infection can get to kidneys, shorter and wider.
Within this article Mirsovetov will tell how longer to be valid and health of this remarkable natural filter without which the person can't live? What don't love and our kidneys and what are afraid of that, on the contrary, for them it is useful and it is pleasant?
What is harmful to kidneys?
Kidneys don't love some meat — especially if you eat it too much. Protein doesn't collect in an organism, as, for example, and, unfortunately, fats. Therefore all superfluous protein and products of its disintegration should be deduced — certainly, through kidneys that increases load of them. If kidneys don't consult with all this loading, in them uratny stones can be formed.
For the reason described above for kidneys albuminous diets which are absolutely not balanced are harmful also such fashionable now and can become a cause of infringement of an albuminous exchange. Each kidney is placed in a special fatty capsule — there by it warmly, softly and safely. The fatty layer protects kidneys from blows and cold, supports them in natural situation. For this reason to kidneys harmfully sharp weight loss.
Diets which burn out fat from an organism, in essence bare kidneys, deprive of them protection. As a result of a kidney receive double blow: on the one hand, they should filter blood with the broken balance, to deduce products of disintegration of superfluous protein, and with another — to work thus in exclusively adverse conditions, almost naked at a frost.
Kidneys don't love abuse of alcohol, including and low alcohol alcoholic beverages like beer and any cocktails. The organism should not only spread out alcohol to components and deduce it (and it occurs through kidneys). Besides, alcohol dehydrates an organism. Through kidneys in the beginning passes threefold volume of liquid — the organism gives all available moisture to remove alcohol rather, and then there comes its shortcoming, blood gets denser, and to filter it becomes much more hard. And filters who? Correctly, kidneys!
Abuse of too sweet or too salty food breaks water-salt balance in an organism. Thus pay attention, as complete refusal of salt (as well as it) conducts abuse to nephritic insufficiency. The person should use salt in reasonable quantities. And these reasonable quantities approximately three times less than our habitual day dose. We forget that salt is in many products, even in sweets. Salt insufficiently food — you will quickly get used and will better feel its taste. Certainly, if your flavoring receptors are yet finally struck with hard alcoholic beverages and too hot and spicy food.
The overflowed bladder and locks. If the person drinks normal amount of liquid, it should feel requirement to empty a bladder of 4-6 times a day. If you do it more rare, it is necessary to think of, whether enough you drink. Thus it is not necessary to suffer to the last: at the overflowed bladder the part of liquid can be thrown on mochetochnik again in kidneys, and it is unnatural and harmful to them.
As to locks, they are accompanied by organism poisoning with disintegration products. About it speak both heavy breath, and fatigue, and a bad condition of skin. Instead of being deduced, harmful substances continue to be absorbed in intestines and to circulate in blood, again and again passing through kidneys. If kidneys at need also can work the friend for the friend, to filter also poisons, obrazuyemy in intestines, to it not under force.
Cold, fatigue and undertreated diseases. Mirsovetov already spoke about danger of overcooling — it can become imperceptible the reason of chronic defeat of kidneys. By the way, at too strong heat and too strong potootdeleniye too it is necessary kidneys hardly, especially if the organism doesn't have moisture: in this case the water-salt balance is broken, dense blood is hardly filtered and in general badly washes an internal.
The fatigue and the overfatigue, disproportionate physical and moral activities considerably weaken resilience of an organism and its immunity. As a result a different small and large infection, having got to an organism, for example, through respiratory system, doesn't meet resistance and quietly with blood reaches kidneys. If thus she finds out that in kidneys idle "colleague" for a long time misses, together they can make a lot of great for themselves, however the affairs extremely dangerous to an organism.
Well and undertreated diseases, including and banal caries, simply are the constant supplier in blood of poisons, toxins and bacilli. To filter them besides it is necessary kidneys.
And what is useful?
Than it is possible to help kidneys? How it is possible to prolong their health and to increase forces? Actually, to carry out all good advice not only it is useful, but also it is pleasant. Mirsovetov with pleasure recommends to you.Sports, dances and movement. Kidneys adore movement. At sedentary work at us in a waist fat is postponed, flexibility of a backbone is broken, there is a stagnation of blood. Thus any inclinations here and there, скруты, movements by hips, characteristic for dance, accelerate a blood current, improve mood, do breath deeper, and life — is more cheerful. Consider that hard physical work when the organism doesn't manage to be restored, doesn't belong to useful factors.
To help kidneys, especially if they aren't quite healthy, limit consumption of sour-milk cottage cheese and cheese, meat, chocolate and products with the high content of calcium and vitamin C.
Plentiful drink. Well, here, certainly, it is necessary to know norm — though very few people exceeds this norm, and it makes to 2 and a half liquid liters a day (depending on the sizes of an organism, certainly). This norm includes also that liquid which contains in food. The abundance of moisture does our organism inhospitable for bacteria. You only present, as they are washed away by powerful water flow, without managing to be fixed anywhere.
Coffee and strong black tea as such liquid approach not so, and here various grassy infusions, green tea, compotes, qualitative (!) drinking water — all this very much helps our kidneys. Very useful to them it is considered a cranberry berry juice thanks to special acid which quickly finishes with the most different bacteria. And here with mineral waters it is necessary to be careful: mineral water — it after all, first of all, a physiotherapeutic method of treatment and to drink it it is necessary according to medical indications, instead of at usual thirst.
By the way, about thirst: if you have a feeling of thirst, means, your organism already simply shouts, shouts, cries out that it doesn't have moisture. Don't lead up before, drink on slightly, but it is frequent. Here the same principle, as with a bladder emptying: not to suffer.
It is paradoxical, but to a lack of liquid of an organism can sometimes testify and hypostases: moisture doesn't suffice, and our body starts it to accumulate and save. In turn, not physiologic economical expenditure of liquid conducts to that blood and urine become more concentrated. That dense blood is difficult for filtering, it was already told, well and the concentrated urine can lead to adjournment of stones in a bladder.
Dry heat. Kidneys adore dry heat in a combination to plentiful drink. A sauna — the best friend of kidneys. The part of harmful substances which in usual conditions would be filtered through kidneys, is allocated with then and as a result load of kidneys decreases. Well and in heat blood vessels extend, and kidneys start to be supplied with blood plentifully.
Special poses. A favourite pose of kidneys — knee and elbow (on all fours, leaning on knees and elbows). If you so stand at least five minutes in day, kidneys will tell to you many thanks. In this pose of a kidney have a rest, are evenly supplied with blood and oxygen, freely sag on additional sheaves. At a back nephritic pains it would be desirable to occupy such pose instinctively, however it after all doesn't mean that it is necessary to wait for a back pains to make to kidneys pleasantly.
Nonconventional medicine
The light massage of area of a waist with 6-8 drops of oil patchoulis will help kidneys to cope with an inflammation, and sedentary baths with a bergamot (3-5 drops of oil) will calm spasms and pains at cystitis.
Spices. For improvement of kidneys, in them it is possible to use removals of inflammations and spices — juniper berries. Two-three berries can be pounded in a powder and to accept in 15 minutes prior to food. Medicinal influence spirit infusion of juniper berries — juniper vodka, or gin possesses also. As Hippocrates spoke, everything is medicine, and everything is poison – matter in a dose. The medicinal dose of gin without any tonics doesn't exceed 15-20 grams.
The Tibetan wise men consider a juniper synchronous with kidneys on information structure, it as if itself reaches for them and helps them to work. Thus, if absolutely to get into an Ayurveda jungle, it is possible to use juniper berries together with tropny substances which strengthen its action in a certain direction.
So, for example, the pounded berries of a juniper taken with a sugar syrup or treacle, will help kidneys to carry out their krovetvorny and krovoochistitelny function and if a juniper to mix with seeds of parsley and honey, it will help to dissolve nephroliths.
Thus depending on a season structure proportions change also: in the summer it should be more "cool" and contain more additional substances, than a juniper, and in the winter on the contrary, there it is possible to add and pepper to make medicine "warmer".
Use of such seasonings and mixes — business fascinating, however to apply this method follows with care.
Exercises. Back extension — all known simple exercise is very useful for kidneys. To sit down on a floor, to extend feet forward, knees we do not bend, we last hands to toes, a back thus we do not hunch, and the person we try to touch knees. Be late in this pose at least for 5 seconds, have a rest 5 seconds and repeat exercise again. Gradually finish time till 10 minutes.
It is impossible at once — it will turn out in a week or two. It does not turn out at all — try in turn only for the right hand and a foot, and then — only for left.
This exercise is called on a miscellaneous: inclinations forward sitting — in usual physical culture, «a long back» — in ушу, Pashimotanasana — in yoga. However, as it call, in it the advantage not only for kidneys, but also for a spleen suffices, a liver and a stomach.
Emotions. According to Taoist tradition certain emotions are connected with each body — positive and negative. And so, inhabitants of kidneys became, on the one hand, fear, and with another — tenderness and trust. The fear is negative emotion which oppresses activity of kidneys and destroys them. There is also a feedback: the person with sick kidneys more than the others is inclined to test various fears.
Tenderness and trust, on the contrary, help kidneys to work, and this communication also works in both parties: the more fine at the person of a kidney, the easier to it to test these emotions, and on the other hand if at diseases of kidneys meaningly to cultivate in itself trust and tenderness, recovery will come much quicker.
Daosa suggest to blow from itself fears, representing blue color — color of kidneys and publishing such sound, as if you blow into a candle or blow on the burned finger. Present, as with this sound superfluous crude and cool energy leaves.
Importance of good work of kidneys was noted still by ancient Greeks who said that the person is healthy, only if his kidneys are healthy. According to traditions of east medicine, a kidney are responsible for fertilisation and pregnancy, reproductive function of the person, his vital and sexual energy. With direct participation of kidneys in an organism are formed and liquids (a saliva, sweat, slime, spinal liquid, plasma etc.) circulate. At insufficient work of kidneys east medicine notes sight and hearing deterioration, and healthy kidneys are a source of active intellectual and creative involvement.
That to you also we wish!
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