At women the urethral channel is much shorter, than at men therefore the infection extends quicker and pyelonephritis arises much more often. During pregnancy the increasing uterus squeezes the top uric ways — outflow of urine is broken and there is an inflammation. Pyelonephritis can be caused in men by an urolithic illness, prostate gland adenoma, narrowing of the urethral channel, chronic prostatitis.
Pyelonephritis symptoms
Sharp pyelonephritis begins suddenly: at the patient the temperature raises, there is a constant dull ache in a waist. In certain cases to these symptoms the cystitis phenomena — резь are added at an urination, the speeded-up desires on it. At a palpation (palpation) it is possible to notice that one or both kidneys increased in the size. The patient periodically feels attacks of fever and severe pain from the struck party. Mirsovetov would like to note that if pyelonephritis not to treat, it will inevitably pass to a chronic form.At chronic pyelonephritis attacks of pain become not so painful, but the infection constantly is present at kidneys, and the fabric of kidneys continuously suffers from destroying influence of pathogenic bacteria. And it can result subsequently in nephritic insufficiency.
Pyelonephritis diagnostics
Pyelonephritis treatment
But if immunity of the patient appeared rather strong, leukocytes vanish in urine. In that case it is necessary to carry out only special therapy for prevention of repeated infection. Very effectively in this plan treatment by herbs. There is various grassy collecting, applying which it is possible to revitalize affected kidneys completely.
Here some examples of medicinal collecting for pyelonephritis treatment. Juniper fruits — 1 tablespoon, a solodka root — 1 tablespoon, fruits of a horsetail field — 1 дес. a spoon, bearberry leaves — 1 дес. a spoon, cowberry leaves — 1 tablespoon. All components need to be crushed, mixed. For preparation of medical infusion to take 2 tablespoons of collecting and to fill in their 0,5 liters of boiled water. infusion should be drawn within 12 hours then it is necessary to accept it 3 times a day on 1/3 glasses. A reception course — 2-3 months.
Other recipe: birch leaves — 1 tablespoon, leaves of a black currant — 1 tablespoon, juniper fruits — 1ст. a spoon, hop cones — 1 tablespoon, on two tablespoons of leaves of a bearberry, a cowberry, a plantain, a nettle — 3 tablespoons, hips — 4 tablespoons, wild strawberry leaves, a grass of a horsetail field — on 6 tablespoons. All components are crushed, infusion — as in the previous recipe then prepares and applied.
There are many other recipes, but the principle of their preparation is uniform — any nephritic collecting joins bearberry leaves, cowberry leaves — these herbs most well influence kidneys. In nephritic collecting as include a nettle, a dandelion, a train, pine kidneys, it is smothered, mountain ash fruits, a St. John's Wort, a wormwood grass, a grass спорыш (an ordinary grass-muravka), birch kidneys, a grass of a pustyrnik and others. Many don't believe in treatment by herbs, however regular reception of grassy collecting within half a year after sharp pyelonephritis completely solves a problem of kidneys. Trouble only that for achievement of lasting effect it is necessary to drink herbs constantly, despite fast improvement of a condition of the patient. If the patient overcomes own laziness and will orderly drink grassy collecting (and it is hard as all nephritic collecting possesses disgusting bitter taste), for certain will win an illness.
At pyelonephritis it is possible to apply various bioadditives on the basis of medicinal herbs. To apply them or not — a personal record of everyone. However, Mirsovetov recommends to you остеречься to apply unknown BADY, it is better to buy necessary herbs in a drugstore and to prepare collecting independently.
Kidneys — it is the filter of our organism and for simplification of their work during treatment to the patient it is strictly forbidden to take alcohol. In a diet vegetable soups, porridges, low-fat meat are preferable.
Thank you for a very educative article on pyelonephritis. Cheers!