Even in the morning your kid went to kindergarten or school absolutely healthy, and, having returned from there, started to sniff, cough, at it eyes reddened, the voice became hoarse and in general it looks
The described treatment is repeatedly tested in practice who shows that in time the begun carrying out procedures let's develop to cold in something more serious. Besides in cold treatment you will use things and products which are in any house.
So, it is required to you:
- patience;
- 2-3 days when it is desirable to cancel visit of educational institutions;
- dry mustard, vodka, honey (it is desirable liquid), sunflower oil, a flour, a terry towel, woolen socks (it is better «самовязки»);
- to buy in a drugstore: paper for compresses, wide bandage, a gauze, drops in a phytogenesis nose "Pinosol", balm for massage "Barsuchok", «Chest collecting» (No. 2 is better), a sage, Rotokan liquid (a mix of liquid extracts of a camomile, a calendula and a yarrow), fir oil, an inhaler (it it is possible to replace with a pan in diameter of 15-18 cm).
We struggle with cold
We begin with nose washing. Make in a glass the following mix: ½ ч.л. salts, ½ ч.л. soda dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water. This solution wash out a nose. How it to make? Pour solution in a saucer and ask the child to involve a nouse this vodichka, having detained her in a nose, and then having let out back. After each retraction it is necessary easily высмаркиваться.5-6 times a day depending on degree of a zalozhennost of a nose and quantity of vydeleniye are desirable to do washings. After each washing dig in to the kid in a drop nouse, it is desirable a phytogenesis (for example, "Pinosol").
If the child rather assidious, it is possible to do warmings up, that is to operate with dry heat on гайморовы bosoms. It will promote the best otkhozhdeniye of vydeleniye and to interfere with inflammation development.
Attention! Don't force the child сморкаться long and loudly.
Fir oil and sage
The remarkable way to help an organism to cope with cold – inhalations. They, first, possess anti-inflammatory effect, secondly, it is possibility of impact on a mucous membrane of respiratory ways.Mirsovetov advises to take away on inhalation of 10 minutes is optimum time as for this interval and infusion won't manage to cool down and the kid won't be tired to carry out this procedure. And you can try to make it more fascinating: put before the child hourglasses that he watched being poured grains of sand, set an alarm clock or the timer for a certain time – their signal will inform on the completion of procedure.
Inhalations carry out from 3 to 6 times a day.
By the way, in day it is possible to grease with fir oil 1-2 tonsils. To do it it is not difficult, the main thing to operate quickly not to cause in the child of an emetic reflex. Wind a long stick or a finger with sterile bandage, drip on it 1-2 drops of fir oil and, having asked the kid to open a mouth, quickly carry out on tonsils.
Attention! Inhalations carry out in 1,5 hours after food, and after them it is desirable not to accept food, not to drink, not to talk within 30-60 minutes.
Than a throat we will rinse?
In breaks between inhalations (3-5 times a day) very effective will be throat rinsings. Here it is possible to refuse the acquaintance to us since the childhood of the grandmother's recipe – rinsings by soda solution. Far not everyone will like its taste! Experiment: offer the kid broths of herbs (a sage, a camomile, a St. John's Wort) or "Rotokan" (we add 1 ч.л. on a glass of warm water).Attention! The statement that the water for rinsings will be hotter, the better – no more than the myth. Optimum temperature – 37 degrees.
Who the ally in fight against cough?
Cough – one of the main dangers of cold, having started which, you risk to receive every possible complications. Therefore begin fight as soon as possible. With it you will be helped by every possible chest collecting (a way of a zavarivaniye read on packings) or usual coltsfoot which you can independently prepare at the end of spring. Do infusions and let's drink to the child in 20 minutes prior to food in a warm look.During the day the patient should consume more liquid that the phlegm was diluted. Offer only warm drink each 40-60 minutes. Besides, liquid will promote washing away of slags from an organism.
Well, and for the night – traditional tasty medicine: very warm milk with honey or raspberry.
The super - a compress
There is a set of options of warming compresses, however not all of them are suitable for children. Mirsovetov recommends a compress which is good that its warmly very soft, it doesn't irritate gentle children's skin, and in it absolutely usual products which are available in any house are used.So, mix in glasswares of small diameter on 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, dry mustard, vodka and sunflower oil. Pound before formation of homogeneous weight and gradually add in it a flour to those a time while this weight doesn't become similar to abrupt dough. Warm up a mix on a water bath. While it is warmed up, on a table prepare a basis for a compress. These are two pieces of paper for compresses: one on a back, another on a breast. On them put a gauze slightly the smaller size. Of a warmed-up basis for a compress form three flat cakes: two on a back, one on a breast. Put them on a gauze, cover with the same piece of a gauze and put to a body of the kid. Kompressny paper should appear from above. Then wind the child with a terry towel and bandage wide bandage. Your task – to reach the maximum density of a prileganiye of a compress to a body, but not to squeeze a body of the child. It is desirable to do a compress for the night because in a dream of the patient will move less, so, the bandage won't slip.
Attention! The compress (not paper, and flat cakes) shouldn't close backbone and heart area.
We soar feet correctly
The procedure called in the people «to soar feet», has the medical name – hot foot baths. Mirsovetov pays your attention that the advantage of such baths will be if to lead them within 8-10 minutes, to increase temperature gradually (with 37 to 40-45 degrees) and then to put on legs woolen nosochka with nasypanny in them dry mustard. By the way, in water it is possible to add 4-6 drops of fir oil which not only will fill with aroma a room, but also, dissolved in a large amount of water, at inhalation will disinfect a nasopharynx cavity.After a foot bath or even instead of it you can rub a foot of the small patient with Barsuchok balm which will prolong heat influence. The same balm it is possible to pound a back and a breast of the kid for the night then it is necessary to wrap up the patient.
Attention! It is possible to do hot baths and for hands. The effect will be not less.
At last
Health to you and your children!
IMPORTANT! (A compress, mustard plasters, hot foot baths, inhalations), it is impossible to carry out all procedures connected with heating of a body or its separate parts at the increased body temperature!
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