Statistically every second inhabitant of our planet has osteochondrosis. And though of this illness don't die, it is accompanied by pains, sometimes strong which prevent to move and live in a habitual rhythm. How not to allow and how to be treated for osteochondrosis Mirsovetov will tell.
What is osteochondrosis?
Osteochondrosis is a disease of a backbone, is more true than it, the copular device. In other words, a metabolic disorder in intervertebral cartilages. More often this disease appears at a female half of mankind, and here proceeds at men more painfully.How to distinguish osteochondrosis
- you noticed periodical or constant weight in a back, an onemeniye or tension of back muscles? Whether
- there are at you so-called "goosebumps" on skin of a neck, a back or a waist? Whether
- there is "lumbago" in a back or a nagging pain in a neck or hands?
- Try to lift hands up. Whether delivers it to you pain? Whether
- disturb you pains at turns or a ducking? Whether
- there are at you dizzinesses? Whether
- the back, hands or a neck grows dumb at you? Whether
- you suffer from noise in ears and/or nausea?
Reasons of emergence of osteochondrosis
- Heredity. If your mother or the grandmother had an osteochondrosis, it doesn't mean that it will be indispensable at you. Simply often the structure of an intervertebral cartilage is by inheritance reported, and in that case there is a predisposition to an illness.
- Back diseases. It and backbone curvature (scoliosis, кифоз, лордоз), and weak widest muscle of a back. All this does load of a backbone non-uniform, as results eventually in defects of a hryashchevy fabric.
- Monotonous or hard work. Well, about hard physical work everything is clear: load of a backbone is exceeded admissible on force and duration – and there is an osteochondrosis. This disease is inevitable and for those who works in the same pose. Here, for example, the manager who is daily sitting in front of the computer, or the cook who has been constantly inclined over a chopping board. People such here "motionless" professions should pay attention to osteochondrosis prevention surely.
- Traumas or metabolic disorder. Usual avitaminosis or гиповитаминоз can do irreparable harm to vertebral cartilages. Of course about serious traumas or a metabolic disorder.
Osteochondrosis prevention
It is known that to warn an illness it is easier, than it to treat. Prevention of osteochondrosis is necessary for all – both to children, and adults. Especially, anything difficult in it isn't present, and prevention of osteochondrosis doesn't demand any special efforts. The first and almost the most important point is the care about backbone health. For this purpose Mirsovetov advises constantly to go in for sports or at least gymnastics that will help to develop a back muscular corset and to improve blood circulation. The following – constantly to watch a bearing and gait, not to stoop and not to stoop.The ideal bearing is when the head and a back are on one vertical, shoulders are straightened, shovels don't stick out, the breast is raised, and a stomach will pull in. My teacher of yoga told once that the stomach is appreciable at us not because we eat much, but because incorrectly we go. And how it is correct? Present that you pull for the top, and you hardly concern with floor socks. Practise such exercise few weeks and won't notice soon that became the owner of an excellent bearing.Still it is desirable as it is possible to hang more often on a horizontal bar, stretching a spine column and let's to it have a rest. Provide to itself such dream at which your backbone will adopt the correct provision. Researches of scientists showed that an ideal pose for a backbone in a prone position on a back. But thus the mattress should be rather rigid that the backbone accepted a convenient natural pose. For this purpose enclose under feet the elastic roller. We advise to get an orthopedic mattress and a pillow and to throw out, at last, grandmother's feather-beds.
If you have a monotonous sedentary work, surely time at two o'clock (the more often, the better) do breaks. Relax, make a little rotating movements by the head and shoulders, walk. At possibility go out of doors. By the way, such here breaks are legalized, and in the LABOUR CODE are resolved for the people who are constantly working at the computer.To prevention we will carry and the balanced, vitaminized food. Try to eat fish and seafood, nuts, bean and various dairy products. Periodically take complex vitamins. It you don't allow a metabolic disorder and will be insured from emergence of osteochondrosis. Pernicious loading for a backbone is also excess weight therefore try not to recover.
Well, and a couple of words about prevention at children. It is necessary for a constant to watch a bearing of the child, to do gymnastics or morning exercises (will be more productive if you make it together). And still, prefer school backpacks, instead of bags, after all backpacks counterbalance load of a back.
Methods of treatment of osteochondrosis
To cure osteochondrosis it is almost unreal. Cartilage deformation – irreversible process. Therefore the purpose of treatment is stay of a clinical course and disposal of, to put it mildly, unpleasant symptoms. Methods of treatment there is a set. To what to trust – to solve to your attending physician as each case is individual.Now advertize the whole arsenal of wonderful means which will cure diseases of joints and bones, will solve all your problems. It, unfortunately, only advertizing. From the experience I will tell – Terafleks and Balm Dikulya very helped. The first – the tablets restoring a hryashchevy fabric. The second – grassy gel, really balm – perfectly takes off pain and fatigue in a back. But besides selection of medicines especially individual business.2. Physiotherapy. To this section we will carry электрофорез, treatment by means of magnets, various medical dirt, ultrasound or a current. The method suitable you will be chosen by your doctor, after all for some procedures there is a number of contra-indications. Here, for example, massage is categorically contraindicated to people with any good-quality educations. Still popularly so-called extension which is led on special couches. Such procedure only to destination and under control of the doctor is carried out.
I think, many наслышаны about Kuznetsov's applikator. These are special "prickles" which should be put to a sick zone of a body. After a course of such therapy (which can be spent and at home) you don't recognize yourselves. I never would believe, if itself didn't try. Having lain only 5 minutes on «a prickly rug» (I put on neck area), felt blood inflow to a brain, a relaxation of muscles of a back. And in some days pain which even to sleep normally left didn't give. To buy such "miracle" it is possible in any drugstore and in many Internet shops. And the price is available to all (I took for 12 UAH).
5. Surgical intervention. Pleasant in such treatment it is not enough, after all any operation is a fear and risk. Usually operative intervention is carried out for the purpose of removal of hernia and elimination of deformation of vertebras. All this is result of the started illness. Therefore once again I will tell – don't ignore osteochondrosis, treat him! And the earlier treatment will begin, the it is less probability of similar complications and operations.
There are also other methods of treatment of osteochondrosis. It both treatment by bloodsuckers and the national methods assuming a pulverizing on the basis of bee sting, ant alcohol or carrying of a pepper plaster. But before such here treatment consult to the doctor, after all that rescued one, can not help or even to do much harm to another.
Certainly, it is necessary to watch since small years a bearing, to do body exercises and carry out osteochondrosis prevention. But if you after all weren't saved – don't despair, after all at present there is a mass of ways of treatment of this disease. And if to be reserved by patience, to suspend an illness it will be possible. And what if to neglect everything? I do not advise. After all process of deformation of vertebras can lead to formation of intervertebral hernia, and it very much and very seriously.
Health to you!
although i have never heard of this disease i might have it which would not be surprising given how many people suffer from it