Saturday, 18 August 2012


198. No one may doubt that the best feeding - breast. Unfortunately, in modern life is a very difficult few moments, which lead to the fact that a mother's milk supply is not enough or it does not exist at all, - chronic stress, illness, adverse effects of environmentally harmful foods, etc. (We will not be in the range of this book to talk about smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction). In the old days, some society ladies to keep a "girl's breasts", seek the services of wet nurses. Perhaps, in our age do not find such a wild anachronism ...
If for some reason the mother can not breastfeed or has not enough milk, she has to resort to artificial or mixed feeding. However, try to lead a lifestyle that even during pregnancy has been recommended by your doctor, as many recommendations as
time and are designed to ensure that your body's ability to save for lactation.
You say that many of your friends were at one time the problem with feeding the child, and can even result in the statistics: every third kid - or "bottle-baby", or a breast-fed only up to three months and nothing! - You might say ... Yes. of course. Still, these kids (one third) would have been much stronger and less would hurt later if were on breastfeeding.
199. What are the advantages of breastfeeding?
Shortly after the birth of the milk glands secrete so-called colostrum - thicker than milk, and more viscous, it can be said to "live immunity" because colostrum contains many protective structures - antibodies (such as your child is weak, how to do it without protection?).
Normally, the amount of breast milk is just like what a baby needs, and he will not have to suffer from overeating.
Mother Nature took care of that milk your breasts perfectly meets the needs of the child: refers to the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements, and the composition of milk a breastfeeding mother is somewhat different from the milk the other - just as dissimilar faces different women, as different patterns of skin on fingers, that is, the chemical composition of milk affects all the same individualism.
Nursing mothers milk is always ready for use. It is sterile and best for the child
ka temperature. Therefore faster and easier to digest - is also important, since difficulties with digestion at this age can have unpleasant consequences.
Your child subconsciously feels his relationship with his mother.
200. We should not overlook the fact that breast-feeding has a positive effect on the physical condition of the mother. At least in the sense that when a child is annoying sucking nipples nursing mother, she reflexively reduced uterine noted that nursing mothers uterus contracts more quickly than non-breastfeeding ... It is also interesting here is which side: how efficiently all linked by Mother Nature! ..
Children who are breastfed get sick less often.
201. One need not be a great psychologist to notice: feeding - deep emotional experience not only for the mother. During feeding (not this mystery?) Establishes a close psychological contact and the child understands: "This is my mother!".
202. In the first few hours (10-12) after the birth of a child is not put to the breast. If the child is not calming down, screaming, he can give a few spoonfuls of weak tea.
203. It happens that the mother "did not come" milk on the second day. It's okay, do not despair. The newborn still seems to grow "on the other
Gia rails "(until then he's fed through the umbilical cord) and can not eat for several days. However it is important to give him a drink - every three hours for ten spoonfuls of sweetened weak tea.
204. After birth, the third or fourth day of the lactation process included: chest swells mom - Pour milk. At this time, the breast may be a little sick. Do not worry - this is normal. Sometimes even a little fever.
First, in the mammary glands produced colostrum. Its value lies in the fact that the child is transferred through colostrum immunity, colostrum is very nutritious and thick, given that the ventricle baby is still very small - Colostrum is the ideal product ... Finally a few days instead of colostrum begins to produce milk. First - a little bit, but for the first week, the amount of milk increases markedly.
205. The first time you put baby to the breast while still in the maternity ward. Later, when you go home, you have to find a suitable location (usually the baby's room, near the crib and changing table) for breastfeeding. This place needs to meet certain requirements: first, it must be quiet - no one bothered to either you or the child, and secondly, convenient - you do not get tired, not to have been in suspense for 15-20 minutes, until the child eats (well, if you can sit back on something, if you can put a pillow under your elbow, if you can relax your feet, not to numb) ... Generally there is an unwritten rule: if you want to kind of business gets you well, try to do it with pleasure. In our case - try to enjoy feeding, do not take it as a "job" as a tedious duty.
206. Before you put baby to the breast, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water (even if you are sure that they are clean) and treat breast - boiled water. You can also wipe the nipple swab dipped in a solution of boron. Then dry the chest with a towel. Some experienced mothers before feeding decant a drop of milk - to be sure that the milk is quite clear (because germs can get into the milk through the nipple). Now you can put baby to the breast.
207. In the first weeks of mother should wear while nursing a gauze mask. This mask is very easy to make - and better make some masks. They are very useful during feedings, and then - if you or someone close sick ARD. Gauze mask must consist of two or three layers - then use it effectively enough.
208. Try to feed your baby lying down. In this case, your baby lies parallel to you. Convenient and mother and baby. If you are breast-sitting - on a chair, in the chair - you must take a position that the baby was lying in your lap, and you would only stick his head with his elbow. No need to keep feeding the baby: though he is not heavy, but over time you get tired of feeding.
209. Thus, the child eats, his head is in the crook of your elbow. The hand is not tired, beneath the elbow pad or let the elbow rests on the arm of the chair. And you have to relax. You can put a low stool at his feet - that the child lying in your lap, was just at the chest, so you do not have to bend.
210. The child must be in a slightly inclined position - so it will be easier to eat. Keep his head with his elbow higher - and just achieve this slant.
211. Note the "sucking" reflex: baby barely smelled of milk, barely touched the face of your breasts, he starts looking for the nipple starts to open her mouth, lip-sync.
Help him, put him to the nipple in the mouth.
In the first feeding of the child is, perhaps, he does not understand what zhechet, triggered a reflex. So it makes sense to help a little kid, to squeeze out a few drops of milk. He quickly develop a taste, and overall he added. Later he realized what was happening, and the value of innate reflex will not be so great.
212. Remember that a newborn is able nothing. He can not even breastfeed. And the first attempts to be awkward. You must be patient and calm. In the end, the child figure out how "to get" milk.
213. If you notice that the child is making a few sucking movements, off the breast, look, it does not interfere with his chest to breathe. Nose kid should be free (not that he was pressed to the chest),
nasal passages clean. Lightly press down on top of the chest between thumb and forefinger to the breast does not interfere with the child to breathe.
214. On the first day of the child to attach three to five times, then the number of feedings is increased to six times a day, and one feeding - at night.
215. Sometimes a child to eat, does not want to let go of the breast. In this case, it can be lightly press the spout.
216. And sometimes a different situation - that for some reason it is necessary to interrupt feeding. You can not just take away the child's chest. He has not had enough and did not want to let her go. And can injure your gums nipple. Press lightly on the chin of the baby, and the baby will release the nipple. A child can be placed in the mouth pinky - and only then take the breast.
217. Once you have fed the baby, do not rush to put him to bed, soak a few minutes in a vertical position. You should know that during the meal he swallows some air. Wait until the air is released, you'll hear a child srygnet. If you do not follow this rule and immediately after feeding place the baby, he can burp milk and stay hungry. And the worst happens - if the child is in this situation, on the back. Belch jelly can get him into the windpipe and bronchi. A so-called asphyxia, the child can not breathe, turn blue ...
In any case, try to put the baby after feeding on the flank.
218. It happens that the baby spits up milk even after a discharge of swallowed air. In this case, there is no reason to be upset, because he had eaten a little lost. You could even say that getting rid of the surplus.
219. There is a correlation or relationship between feedings and the phenomenon of stay in breast milk. That is, if you do not regularly put baby to the breast, the amount allocated to the milk glands will not increase. Child like myself nasasyvaet required volume. So the sooner you will give birth after her baby, the better.
220. Make sure that your child sucking milk from the breast completely. If breast milk is, the iron gradually releasing it stops. She's smart - iron - and believes that additional volume is no longer needed. In that case, the child still satiated and the milk is left, Strain milk.
221. Important rule: at each feeding to give the baby only one breast. Of milk should be enough for him. Other breast at the time as a resting and in addition to the next feeding in this breast accumulates enough milk.
222. Breastfeeding and child quenches thirst and hunger. First - the thirst. Milk that the baby sucks at the beginning of feeding, less saturated than a few minutes. It turns out that, to quench the thirst, the child then becomes saturated.
But when the baby gets older, he will need to quench your thirst and especially a weak tea, fruit tea, or just boiled water.
223. Practice shows that in the first month of life suitable for the next feeding time mode: 6.00, 9.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00, and one feeding at night when the baby wakes up and cries give you realize that hungry.
224. Grooming his chest, you take care of the baby.
Sometimes there are cracks on the nipple. The occurrence of such fractures is fraught with complications. They can be very painful. When injected into the cracks of infection, they can become inflamed, and inflammation, in turn, may result in an abscess.
How to avoid cracks?
The most important thing - it is necessary to observe good personal hygiene and health at the breast (especially after feeding be sure to wipe teats sterile gauze or a clean cloth, the skin should not be left nipple milk - it dries, will irritate the skin, lead to inflammation), linen, you wear should be cotton, not synthetic. Besides, are not recommended for too long feeding: sometimes baby was full, nipple biting gums sometimes he does it quite gentle and can injure the nipple - then there was a crack. It is also important not supercool - this can also be cracked. In cold weather, dress warmly.
225. After the child to eat, treat it with care. Obviously, you, and you never play with it, "the classics", but your concern is now that the milk that the baby ate, left to him in the stomach, not rocking it, not nursing. If he fell asleep at the end of feeding, gently hold it in a vertical or semi-vertical position, holding the head. As soon as he srygnet air, quietly, trying not to wake the baby, put it in the crib on the flank.
226. Some moms is the question how much milk their baby sucks.
When you put baby to the breast for the first time, it sucks the very few, at first, he still did not really know how to suck, and secondly, in the chest at mum still produced colostrum - in small quantities. Child still has to "suck" for himself in the early days of the necessary quantity of milk.
On the second day at each feeding baby sucks from ten to thirty milliliters of milk and is satisfied that - that is, about ninety milliliters. Gradually, the milk is coming and on the third day of a child sucks about 190 milliliters, and on the fourth - about 300, on the fifth - 350 (per night, I mean), and on the sixth - to 400 milliliters, etc.
Thus, the amount of milk ingested steadily increases up to a certain amount - the age norm. At three weeks of age the rate sucks the milk per day is approximately equal to one-fifth the weight of the child.
227. You want to be sure that the child sucks enough milk. How to know?
Watch a child. You should already know how it behaves when hungry. Pay attention to the dynamics of the weight of the child, and if he is gaining weight according to their age, then the amount of milk it enough.
228. Duration of feedings. Normally, the child becomes saturated after twelve to fifteen minutes
(If enough mothers milk). Next he sucks is called "coasting" - dokushivaet.
Not recommended to continue feeding for more than twenty minutes. Tired child, you get tired and, besides, there is the risk of nipple cracks.
229. If within the first two weeks after birth mom did not have enough milk or if it "does not come" in general, should immediately seek the help of your pediatrician. Complementary feeding and bottle-feeding at this tender age - a difficult and responsible.
230. Not all children feeding goes smoothly. Can not it be that you have a premature baby born - weakened. Such a child is not able to breastfeed, and he needs help. Milk is expressed and give your child a bottle or just a teaspoon.
231. Sometimes children can not take the breast due to the fact that my mother small or flat nipples. Therefore, when feeding is necessary to resort to the help of the special lining of rubber. But these pads do not always help. Then you can use a breast pump. Or, again, helps out by pumping and feeding bottle with a rubber nipple.
After a while my mother nipples can stretch out, and the problem itself will come to naught.
232. Today is quite a common phenomenon that 'rush' milk mom delayed, and - when breast milk is not enough. Naturally, it is very concerned about the moms.
As it is, it is. Most importantly, do not panic. If you start to get nervous, going from morning to night in a depressed state, it will certainly affect the process of secretion of milk a negative way. The more you are nervous, the less you have produced milk - a direct correlation. Moreover, the value of your nervousness is not only due to a lack of lactation, but any anxiety at all: for example, you went to the store, and then someone has treated you not polite or rude at all, it can be detrimental. Therefore, try to avoid any stressful situations. By the way, your loved ones and let them remember the need to preserve your peace of mind, they should make every effort to preserve your peace.
233. Is not out of place to try and self-hypnosis. Should be very willing to have arrived milk. Never too late to learn to control his body. Believe that if you want something very much, you will be able to achieve this. The golden rule that will help you in life in general ...
234. Violations of the formation of milk may occur as a result of fatigue nursing mother. For example, you have a large family, all busy - someone at work, who - on learning, and you - nursing mother - no one helps, assuming that you have a lot of time (maternity leave) and the forces of the abyss, and you, except that obih-blowing child pulling another decent impact on the farm: cook, do all the washing of all, cooking lessons with the older child, do your shopping in the store and still manages to run for an hour to the university - students read a lecture, without which they can not survive. .. Final
but, with the load your body is not up to the production of milk, and you will soon notice that the milk declined.
Here's another golden rule: but your child in need of breastfeeding and attentive care, you should not have any other concerns. Everything else in the house - things your family - wife, sister or brother, your parents, your husband's parents. Let them work all ... Otherwise, will suffer in the first place your child.
235. Still, if you can not do without supplemental foods to infants ... This is a common situation, and the tragedy in it. However, in this case, you must be aware that your child is not used to the "lazy" nipple - to the nipple, which are rather large hole and suck out which is easy, of her milk pours itself almost. Will think your baby will soon benefit (everything is relative) of the nipples is easier to suck! .. And will actively refuse the breast.
This can not be allowed, because if the child refuses the breast, quickly stop lactation, and you have to switch to bottle-feeding. Out of the situation is simple: if you give supplementary feeding from a bottle, use a pacifier with a very small hole, so that the child does not really make a difference in the effort expended to hard. But he needs to work hard - we discussed it a lot higher ... You can also finish feeding a baby with a teaspoon.
236. Observations have shown that different children breastfeed with different activity, most children eat
still, saturated ten or twelve minutes after the start of feeding, but there are some that no matter how eagerly, with haste attack the nipple, choking, swallowing a lot of air, and as a result often vomit - and not air, and milk ... while others suck sluggish at times, is not satisfied, go to sleep.
How to be in the latter two cases?
Children not actively sucking chest, should hold little, pause for a moment, the other guyu - hold in a vertical position, and after the child srygnet air again to his chest.
Children, sucking chest sluggishly should bother, not to fall asleep, to take and give back the nipple. And strictly observed schedule feedings.
237. If you have children at home scales can weigh the baby before and after feeding, then you will know how much your child eats at a feeding. Do not worry if you are checking the table of age norms, found that your child eats less put. You know your child is well and with reasonable certainty can tell whether he eats at each feeding, or is hungry, crying. Keep in mind that some mothers milk fat so that their children fairly and less milk after feeding these children more than other kids thirsty.
238. Be aware that since the third week of a child needs vitamin D. This is a very important vitamin, without which there can be a proper development of bones. Deficiency of this vitamin causes a disease called rickets.
Under natural conditions, this vitamin is produced in our skin when exposed to sunlight. But,
Unfortunately, we do not always opportunity to sunbathe, especially - in a young child. And especially in the winter.
Your pediatrician should appoint a product containing vitamin D, and do not you forget this drug on a regular basis to give the baby.
239. Sometimes, for some reason mums have to express milk (for example, my mother cracked nipples, and she can not put baby to the breast, or a mother should absent himself on some business for about three hours, or the child is weakened and can not long suck). In this case, a child can feed the expressed milk and someone from the family: father, grandmother ...
240. You can express milk with both hands or a breast pump. If you express milk hands, it is advisable to place the bowl in the chest, so you do not have to bend. Decant each breast for 6-8 minutes and you are tired, if you take the body tilt.
241. If you do not have to give your baby expressed milk at once, then store it in the fridge always sterilized bottles. In the refrigerator, you can store your milk to two days.
242. You do not noticed that the baby cries while feeding: as if there is no apparent reason, the baby is healthy, he has a good appetite, he is actively sucking and then ... a shout.
This cry can be caused by spasms in the tummy after the stomach enter the first portion of milk. Of course, these cramps are not normal and
Not all children they are. But if it happens in your child, do not despair. Try (to consult with your local doctor) to fight with cramps in the following way: when the baby cried, taking him from the chest, hold upright, cuddle, maybe this and limited, if the child continues to cry, put it on the couch and gently massage abdomen, this massage is a light stroking the baby's stomach in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. If abdominal cramps child - from bloating, massage can help discharge of gases also try a change of status of the child, put him on his tummy, and you can put a warm heating pad to the tummy, if these manipulations do not help, put the baby vapor tube. With the discharge of gases, and sometimes simultaneously, and a chair screaming and anxiety stop.
243. From the first days of life, you give your child to drink boiled water, because, like any man, your baby from time to time thirsty. As mentioned above, the child is partially quenches thirst with the first, is not very rich portion of milk. But this is not enough. Especially in the summer, when the heat is on the street, especially if you have too much fat in the milk. You know for myself, after a fatty big meal so thirsty. I would also like to drink and after swimming.
The water you give your child, should be freshly boiled and ostuzhennoy to room, the so-called "summer" temperature. Not appropriate for the child to drink that water, which you boiled yesterday. It is preferable not to use the water that you have repeatedly boiled.
244. In the first week of life is enough to drink one to two teaspoons of water between feedings. You can also give it a bit to drink at night, when for some reason he woke up crying, but you are sure that he is not hungry. Maybe it just thirsty? ..
245. No need for just boiled water. Can offer a child weak tea, or you can add water sugar syrup.
246. When your child went the third week, you can replace drinking water some broth, for example, rose hips broth or apple broth.
247. In the hip a lot of vitamin C. The broth is prepared as follows: Take a dry rose hips at the rate of 1:20 (the amount of water required for broth), thoroughly wash them under running water, then how to crush and mash in a mortar, pour the resulting mass water in the proportions and simmer (preferably in a glass) under the lid closed to ten minutes, add the sugar at the rate of 10 grams per 200 milliliters of broth. Then defending the broth in a dark place (vitamin C in the bright light of the rapidly destroyed) and 24 hours. Why so long? .. During this time, vitamin C is extracted from the fruit, and your broth is truly curative. After straining through a double layer of cheesecloth broth hips can give a child. Try themselves. Taste - amazing.
248. Apple broth prepared as follows: you need to take an apple, wash it under running water, but you can do to clean off the skin, cut the apple in
pieces and discard the core with seeds in a glass saucepan pour the apple slices 100 grams of water and cook on low heat for thirty minutes. Then the broth is cooled to room temperature and filtered. If apple was not too sour, sugar broth can not add. The broth is ready.
249. You regularly weigh the child and noted in Table weight weighing results. Normally, you get a curve, which rises continuously. You notice that your child daily added twenty to thirty grams. He rosy actively sucks. In the second month, he had already rounded and not so ugly, he seemed (and maybe not look!) In the early days. Do you feel that the baby was stronger, he firmly grasps handles for your fingers, and you find in it the character, personality - yes, yes! - You notice that your baby is not like other kids.
It grows.
The second month of a few diet changes. This is due to the fact that you have more milk than a month ago, and the baby sucks more, respectively, he needs more time to digest. Now you can not feed your baby every three hours, as before, and after 3.5 hours. The proposed clock feedings are: 6.30, 10.00, 13.30, 17.00, 20.30, and one feeding at night - when the child wakes up, and if not wake up, then do not wake up in the morning.
Did you notice that with semirazovogo shestirazovoe you got to feed ...

250. Pay attention to the nighttime feeding. Hardly anyone will tell you up, what time of the night to feed the child. It is - as it will. Depends
of when the baby wakes up and calls you cry. If he wakes up and will call, then do not wake him. The body of the child knows that it is more necessary at this time: feeding or deep sleep.
251. When is the best time to feed at night? This hour is not installed. The child himself will know
when he wants to eat. As the child grows, he rarely wakes up at night to eat. And some kids are asleep after five weeks without feeding all night. You have to remember that, as your child grows, the night feeding can gradually move closer to the morning. Why is that? Apparently the fact that the child is already quite fully grown, grown up and started to suck more milk at each feeding, in particular, and in the evening. And since the night he ate more, and later hungry. So do not be surprised if your baby does not wake up to feed at the usual time for him. Recall will be a few more weeks, and you give up all night feeding.
252. When the baby wakes you up at night feeding, do not fret. It is clear, that really want to sleep, especially in such a dull time of night, like 3-4 hours. But we must have a little patience - the child is more important.
Waking up, do not turn on a bright light (emergency lighting - night light - enough), and avoid the hassle and knocking, it can scare a child. Let the children's room during the night feeding is "sleepy kingdom" ...
253. When your child has reached the age of three, well-gaining weight and the physical time-
vitii corresponds age norm, when his excellent health, consider this: Should not you start slowly abandon night feeding ... How to do it? Very simple. First, do not wake the baby if woken up in the usual feeding time, and secondly, try some time to approach the kid if he was awake. So it happens that the moment a child cry and fall asleep again - much to sleep until the morning, before the first day of feeding. But if a child is not a joke shouted, then, of course, it must feed.
But tend not to rush to approach a child screaming at night save.
254. In the event that the child be fast asleep suddenly during the day and miss feeding time, it should be gently awakened.
255. The second month of life, the child eats per day to 900 grams of milk. If we divide this number by six feedings, you get - up to 150 grams of milk per feeding. You control these numbers with weights. And suddenly noticed that you are getting the numbers smaller. Do not rush to worry, first consult your pediatrician.
At the age of two months, the child normally weighs a little more than four pounds.
256. Sometimes mothers are at a loss about the routine feeding, for example, they can not stand the exact feeding time - the child wants to eat before and requires the breast is very hard, it sleeps longer than usual. How could that be?
In each case, the child should be treated individually. If allowed to establish itself
Me diet, of course, nothing wrong with that - the child will not eat more than he needs, what can eat. But in this case the child gets hold and your regime, and for a moment you will not be able to move away from him, but only sit and wait, when His Majesty deigned to wake up and eat. However non-system character of feedings is only at first, then she develops a certain system routine. The child should own this routine. Nature takes its toll, the body, as we have already said, is very fond of rhythm, even if the rhythm is wrong - as long as he is exactly repeated day after day.
Another thing: it is convenient to you the rhythm that will choose a child?
Experience shows that after all the easier when the mother determines the schedule of feedings.
257. Nursing mother should not forget about their own nutrition. It should be regular and complete - that is to contain all the components required for the normal development of a child's body. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins ...
You do notice how your child is growing rapidly. Even should probably explain how he needed now Calcium - for bone growth. Therefore, the calcium in your menu should be plenty, but if you're eating enough food - calcium sources - that this important element will come from your bones, especially of the teeth (you must have heard how some women complained that they have destroyed their teeth when they are breastfeeding - is, of course, was due to a lack of calcium in their menu.) If still in the breast milk
reduced the amount of calcium, the child faces rickets.
The most important sources of calcium - especially milk and milk products, as well as potatoes, cabbage, bread. Therefore, these products should be a mother on the table in abundance. Milk of nursing women should eat for a day and a half liters. No need to give up the cottage cheese, cheese.
Vitamin content in lactating women is replenished by a large and permanent (all day), fruit and vegetable consumption. More use of these products in their raw form, because the heat treatment significantly reduced the level of vitamins. In recent years, when trade is particularly active, you can always buy a season rich in vitamins necessary fruits and vegetables like oranges, tangerines, lemons, apples, fresh cabbage, fresh herbs ... Choice is great. Do not forget yarkookra-shennye vegetables (carrot, red pepper, onions, tomatoes), in which large amounts of vitamin A. The presence of this vitamin is important not only for the development of good vision, to maintain the normal state of the skin and mucous membranes, this vitamin is affected on the growth processes of the child.
Meat dishes nursing mothers should eat at least once a day. Cereal and bakery products - three times a day. Do not forget the fish as a source of phosphorus, about other products of the sea (sea kale, for example) as a source of iodine.
If you feel that for some reason vitamins in your diet is not enough, and you want to fix the case with vitamin supplements, consult with your doctor, do not take vitamin supplements at your own risk, you can arrange a hypervitaminosis (high content of vitamins ) and this unfavorable impact on your baby.
258. From some of the products that you loved before, during feeding (as in pregnancy) that until the refuse. For example, from the strong coffee. Smoking is strictly prohibited and undesirable (even in small quantities) to consume alcoholic beverages. There is a misconception that a bit of good wine or a glass of beer never hurt. Do not be tempted, remember that alcohol negatively affects the nervous tissue of the child, particularly in the brain.
259. When can I start to diversify the "menu" of the child?
Children's bodies are growing very quickly, and it needs a large number of various "building blocks". This building material child gets from food. And, of course, there comes a time when your baby is not enough of the ingredients that are in your milk. He already needs more vitamins and minerals.
Something we can give a child is in addition to the four to six weeks. But just to give a new food starting with a low dose and gradually increase the number - the digestive system of the child to get used to the unfamiliar product yet. Also, the child must evaluate new flavors, and get used to them. As a rule, the novelty of feeling like children, and if the reception of a new food product is not accompanied by something unpleasant (eg, abdominal cramps) and developed a negative conditioned reflex, the child would be happy to take this product later.
260. Since when the same products are best to start? Nutritional supplements is best to start with vegetables and
fruit juices. Favorably to the juice concoctions that are not exposed to heat treatment, contain a lot of vitamins.
Take for a start apple juice. Today you gave the child a few drops with a pipette. Hardly anything has reached the stomach, but the child a taste. And was surprised because that's still what good things there, except for milk! .. The day after the second feeding give your child plenty of apple juice - half a teaspoon, the next day - one teaspoon ... And so this week bring the volume up to six teaspoons for the reception.
261. One to two weeks after the baby apple juice offer other juices: black currant, cherry. Alternate them. When the baby is two months, include the menu carrot, cabbage, beet, prune juice. After three months can give orange juice, a little lemon (sweetened with sugar syrup), tangerine, tomato (strained through cheesecloth), berry juices - raspberry and strawberry. Keep giving apple juice (it has a lot of iron, so the body needs to process blood and the child is growing rapidly, increasing the amount of blood respectively, do not iron deficiency).
262. Besides the fact that you are giving vitamin-rich raw fruit and vegetable juices baby, do not forget yourself, eat fruits and vegetables. Your milk should also be rich in vitamins.
263. Whenever you give a kid a new juice, watch the reaction of the child,
there are no rashes, red spots on the skin. It should be remembered that there may be an allergy. If you notice some symptoms, bother you, stop now, let the new product, and consult with the local pediatrician.
264. Too acidic juices (such as lemon or currant and grapefruit, etc.) let your child or as a supplement to other juices or dilute the boiling water and add the sugar syrup. If even some juice, too sour, not like a child, you can not persuade him to drink.
265. For juices selection tool most beautiful and ripe (you need to be sure that fresh) vegetables and fruits.
266. For squeezing juice is best to use glass and porcelain juicer. Avoid using metal juicer, as some metals react with vitamin C and thus destroy it.
267. Juices let children immediately after preparation. The fact that vitamins, particularly vitamin C, volatile chemicals and quickly destroyed even when exposed to light. Not to mention the boiling. Juices should be given in raw form, of course, when cooking them, keep the juices microbes from skin.
268. If you have pre-prepared juice, and the child is still not awake but still need to feed your baby breast (this is 15-20 minutes), just put the juice in a dark place, do not keep juice in a metal bowl if you want to keep maximum vitamin C.
269. Juices such as pomegranate, cherry, blackcurrant can lead to constipation, as they contain some tannins. Probably should not be too carried away by these juices. Would be wise to give them, when you see that your child unstable chair. Dacha these juices will chair in order.
On the contrary, some juices a little weak, such as cabbage and especially beet. They are often recommended to give children who have difficulty with the chair.
270. Not recommended for children under the age of three months, grape juice. This juice contains a lot of fructose, which is split in the intestine, strengthens the processes of fermentation and gasification. Child after the grape juice can torment intestinal colic.
Vitamin A value of grape juice is very small.
271. Carrot juice is very useful and easy to digest. Vitamins from the carrots most rich in vitamin A, but there are vitamin C and other vitamins. Vitamin A, or - carotene, useful to view.
But do not go overboard with giving this juice. Remember that too well - also not good. Excessive amounts of carrot juice in the child skin can acquire a yellowish tinge.
As mentioned above, combine juices.
272. When is the best time to give the juice?
Better - after feeding. If you give juice before feeding, the child may be lost appetite and the child does not eat milk as much to eat, hence, will not sustain the interval before the next feeding - and as a result go astray mode.
Juice can give a child up to three times a day.
273. Prepare the juice from fresh apples as follows: apple should be washed and scalded with boiling water, then gently clean off the rind; grate the apple on a grater, then putting the resulting slurry to a sterile gauze (folded in half), squeeze the juice. When cooking juice is recommended to use a glass or porcelain.
274. Carrot juice is prepared as follows: carrots must be washed, you can with a brush, then scalded with boiling water, peel and grate into mush on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice from the pulp through two layers of gauze or with a hand juicer. Carrot juice itself is quite sweet, so no need to add sugar syrup. Eaten fresh.
275. The juice of the berries (raspberry, blackberry, cranberry, blueberry, strawberry). Very thoroughly in running water rinse berries, scald with boiling water. Then, shaking off excess water, squeeze the juice from the berries by hand juicer or through several layers of cheesecloth. By the juice of sour grapes (black currant, cranberry) to add sugar syrup. Eaten fresh.
When you give your child juice from the berries, be wary in terms of allergic reactions. Allergy often occur after administration of strawberry and raspberry juices.
276. Juice from citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine). These juices can also give an allergic reaction, so you must be careful. But the danger of allergic reactions - not a reason to never give your child citrus juices.
Peel better clean off the fruit divided into segments and remove all the bones (bones are clearly visible when one looks at a slice of light). Then squeeze the juice manual juicer or through several layers of sterile gauze. In orange and tangerine juices not need to add sugar syrup. Lemon juice diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1, lemon juice is added to sugar syrup.
277. Cherry and plum juice. Place the fruit in a colander, rinse thoroughly under running water, then blanched in boiling water. Separate the seeds and squeeze the juice using a hand juicer or sterile gauze. Add or not to add sugar syrup can define yourself - to your liking.
278. Tomato juice. Wash tomatoes, scalded with boiling water, cut into several pieces and squeeze the juice manual juicer or through several layers of sterile gauze. Do not give your child too thick juice with pulp. Strain the juice through several layers of cheesecloth.
279. Juice of cabbage. Remove from the top of head plates, wash head under running water, scalded with boiling water and finely chop (board on which you are working, must be very clean and also treated with boiling water). Pour the chopped chamber
Suppose that in a glass pan and lightly mash - you can spoon stainless steel or silver. Finally - squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a manual juicer. Cabbage juice can be a little sunflower.
280. At what age should give the baby fruit puree?
Fruit puree can give your child is to Polutov-ra-month old. Fruit purees are good that by taking them, the child gradually learns to pasty food. Indeed, until now, he used only liquid foods. It is clear that in the fruit puree contains the same formulation of vitamins and minerals, as in the juices. But unlike fruit juices contain mashed vegetable fiber - a component of great importance for a complete digestive system. Fiber is not digested, it is involved in the formation of feces. A child in the gut which occasionally appears fiber, does not suffer from constipation.
281. From what fruit puree to start?
As in the case of juices, start with apple puree. Again - slowly at first giving a small amount (a few grams at the tip of a spoon), the child tasted, evaluated flavor, adapted to the new product. By two months of age the number of apple sauce can be increased to 20 grams is a day in 4 months - up to 50 grams a day.
282. At what time of the day to give the baby fruit puree?
As well as juices, fruit puree gives the baby immediately after feeding. This sequence of assumptions,
artificially. The point is not easy, and should not try to handle it yourself - you can unknowingly be detrimental to a child, especially when he was very young. Questions feeding and artificial feeding are solved together with the pediatrician and pediatric require constant monitoring. All the more so in terms of feeding for each child should be treated individually, and shared recipes here lead to impossible. We can only give some advice.
291. We have said that in the first days after birth, when the process of lactation from feeding to feeding is gaining strength, baby, whom you are regularly putting on his chest, as if "nasasyvaet 'milk. And with each feeding of milk is becoming more and more, until finally the volume of milk produced in the mammary gland, does not reach the required level. This happens in the ideal.
However, there are cases where, as a child might, by whatever means or recourse mother breast does not produce enough milk. What to do in this case? .. Of course, have to give solid foods.
292. Many nursing mothers are concerned about: giving foods will not have a negative effect on a process of lactation? Do not go away in her breast milk at all?
No, the process of lactation (which is still in a period of two to three weeks was stable) should not be affected as long as the child is active and completely empty the breast if you are, of course, comply with all recommendations of your doctor and do not have regular stress. But if the process of lactation is not stable and you notice a tendency to decrease milk, and your milk is not enough child to cover even half of its food needs, then move on to the plug. Discuss with your pediatrician most appropriate for your child formula.
293. Baby milk formulas are given of a special measuring bottle. Requirements for all children's dishes are simple dishes should be sufficient, sterile, free of defects (sometimes mom prepare the mixture, pour it hot in the bottle, at which point the bottle wall cracks, alas, will have to be thrown out and the bottle, and the mixture of it).
Even if you are in a hurry, never heat a bottle of baby food in the microwave. Content can be very hot bottle, and you will burn the child mouth and esophagus.
Also must be sterile and rubber nipple. Keep the nipples should be in a confined space - such as a glass pot with a lid, so that the nipple is not settled dust. Hole in the nipple should be neither too small nor large. In the first case, the child will be very difficult to retrieve feeds from a bottle - he will be tired and, plagued by hunger, cry, get angry. In the second case, when the milk mixture comes too easy, baby, on the contrary, will choke, swallowing too much air and in addition he can grow lazy. The openings in the nipple should be such that the child is sucking the mixture with an effort, however small.
Sometimes Dad spoil a dozen nipple piercing them until you get the right size holes.
294. How to pierce nipples? This is done in a hot needle. Just do not need to choose from-
Boron thickest needle, try to start with a thin. Take a needle or tweezers pliers, heated on the fire and make holes. One hole may not be enough, make two or three. Once you have pierced hole, try a pacifier. If fluid is flowing out of it too weak - just drips - can again expand the hot needle holes.
295. You may have noticed: when a child eats from a bottle, he always nasasyvaet negative pressure in the bottle and milk mixture can no longer flow. Over time, the child adapts and for a few seconds let the nipple. As air enters the bottle and you can continue to eat. To avoid the negative pressure, it can be an extra hole in the nipple - on top, for the supply of air.
There are commercially available and special nipple with a small branch. This arm is pierced, and through the air enters the bottle. In this respect, the nipples with a branch much more convenient to simply as the mixture during feeding is not shed.
296. Immediately after use pacifiers and bottles should be washed thoroughly. Wash bottle with a special brush, nipples - hands, pacifier can be turned, do not leave a white coating on the surface of the milky nipples - this is an excellent medium for microbial growth. Also, do not forget to clean out the hole in the nipple. This can be done a needle, and then pass through the nipple a strong jet of water.
297. If your child is under eight months, all his dishes after use should not only wash, but also sterilized.
298. How long to boil the bottles and nipples? Enough to boil them for five minutes. Pre and bottles and teats should be washed from the residue formula. During boiling, make sure that in the nipples no air bubbles - or boiling not give the desired effect. Dishes and nipples should be covered with water. After boiling bottles made to keep down the holes and nipples - on a plate under sterile or sterile glass jar with a lid.
299. How to sterilize dishes steam?
Very convenient and nipples to sterilize dishes in ordinary pressure cooker. It turns out not only sterilization under high temperature, and pressure.
300. If the child is not eaten cooked mixture you can be a time to keep it in the fridge and use, heating, the next feeding. But do not store cooked mixture over a day.
If the mixture is left in the bottle a little bit, it is better to pour - so that at the next feed prepared fresh. Try to give your child all freshly cooked.
301. Milk formula - is an excellent medium for microbial growth. If cooked milk mixture is in the children's room (at room temperature), then after two or three hours in a mixture of microbes are beginning to proliferate. In practice, quite often the case that the child is not eating up all mixed, and sometimes even less than half. Do not worry - you can store the mixture in the refrigerator. A
if you are a young family and a fridge you do not? Dispose of mixture? But since you are a young family, you can not afford to be so wasteful. How can that be? .. There is a solution in this situation. You use this mixture at the next feeding, but before using it, and then heat the cool to the right temperature. Meaning you understand: Many microorganisms can not withstand even raising the temperature to 37-38 ° C (protective reaction of the body), not to mention the higher levels.
302. Happens and a life situation: you need to go somewhere with your child, for example, to her grandmother in the nearby town (although it is not recommended to make long trips with a small child, it is too much load for his frail body), and you go on the road to his car. And on the way you will not have the necessary conditions to prepare formula. What to do?
Prepared in advance and chilled in the refrigerator for a bottle with a mixture you can put in a special thermos container. You will only need to warm up the bottle before use (put it on a few minutes in warm water.)
Another option: you take on the road with hot water in a thermos and a dry formula. Prepare food for the baby and will not be difficult in the field.
303. Do not pick up their own formula milk for her baby. Selection of dry mixes is great and you can make a mistake, relying, for example, a pretty package or cleverly twisted advertising. Let the choice will make a professional: Consult with the free-
their pediatrician. And consult them whenever going to upgrade to a new mixture.
304. Let's say a mother has no milk, breast feeding, alas, is excluded, and we're talking about artificial feeding. When a child is first given food?
Just a few hours after birth he was given a bottle with the mixture. Of course, in his first feeding he does not eat much. But that's okay. First, because the child is still small, and secondly, because his digestive system is still not active. Gradual, slow pace - these are the principles, what you should be guided, caring for your baby.
305. Store reconstituted formula in the refrigerator should be in the bottle, not pouring in some other dishes. Pacifier to keep it clean, can be covered with a sterile cup or replaced before the feeding. Experience shows that a mother with a child is among other nipple "favorite" - the most successful biggest holes, and while the child is not "broken", not bummed that pacifier, it is used most often. And if you do not want the cooler to replace this dummy, please, cover it with a sterile cap. And before use can even scalded her with boiling water.
306. If your child is awake and active requires to eat, and you have not got the mixture from the refrigerator and warmed it, it is clear that you are in a hurry - a child cries (and the nature of human mind is so constituted that he intentionally-unintentionally gets nervous at the cry the child
ka, even stranger, listen to yourself in public transport, when someone's crying baby). And in a hurry in order to quickly warm the food, put the bottle in hot water out of the fridge ... Should not do it because your bottle immediately explode, and you will have to spend a little more time to prepare a fresh mixture.
307. The laws of physics can not occur in your favor in both cases: when you make a hot mixture of dry powder. You want to quickly cool the mixture and put the bottle in a pan of cold water ... In this case, your bottle again breaks.
Avoid sudden temperature contrast.
308. What temperature should be the child's diet?
When breastfeeding milk that baby sucking from the breast - body temperature. If wise nature would have it (it is possible that this decision it was a very long time, using trial and error), we will consider it an optimal solution. Of course, when your child gets older and stronger, it will be possible to give him food and room temperature, but as long as it is small, do not need to experiment.
309. You can easily determine the temperature of baby food that is in the bottle, and not resorting to the thermometer. And in a matter of seconds. Natural thermometer is always with you - your skin. When in doubt - a little warm or cool down to the bottle with the mixture - a pair of drip drops of this mixture on the inside of the upper arm, where the skin is especially tender. If you feel
cool - a little warm the bottle, and if felt - hot - a little cool, but if I felt nothing, consider that - at the time.
310. When you feed your baby from a bottle, and check continuity in the mixture in a pacifier, do not be distracted (do not read romance novels of French and Russian fighters when feeding your baby.) Keep the bottle in a slightly inclined position ... Why is this important? .. Because if you just put the bottle near the child and it is in the horizontal position, the child together with the power to swallow air. Going in the stomach takes a certain amount of air and creates a false sense of saturation ... You wonder: the child had not eaten half the norm, and have pushed the pacifier out of his mouth. A minute later the child srygnet air and again - hungry again asks for.
311. If your child has not eaten a normal amount of food, refuses the bottle, try to keep him a bit upright. Perhaps otrygnetsya air, and the baby will continue to dine ...
312. During bottle-feeding should keep the baby or it can lie in bed? It is unlikely that there will be reason to say this clearly: one way or commercials. Various authors believe differently. Some say it is better to keep feeding baby in her arms - as he worked out in relation to you positive emotions as a nurse (although you do not breastfeed) also takes into account the time of communication - both pleasant. Other authors suggest:
there is nothing wrong in the fact that you put the bottle in the baby crib and he eats alone. Child grows, becomes heavy, eats at least ten minutes, and you get tired a long time and keep it in the stillness in her arms. More than that - it is hand gets tired, even from long holding baby bottles lying around, although the bottle completely non-severe. Choose yourself one of the options specified.
313. If you prefer to feed your baby when he's lying in bed, that is, he puts a bottle and using your hand, how should fix the bottle, so it does not roll down the side and remained in a slightly inclined position - you can do it with a single- two rolled diaper or specially purchased the stand, and if you have not seen in the sale of such supports, draw the matter dad or grandpa, let napryagut its engineering and Construct a convenient stand.
314. You will notice that when a child eats while lying on her side, a small part of infant formula follows from the corner of his mouth and runs down his cheek under his head. So not to stain a sheet on which the child is lying, and not wet mattress, pillow your head baby diaper folded in several layers, in a diaper that can be also oilcloth or a square of cellophane.
315. You already know that after each feeding to hold little baby in an upright position so that belched air. Use this time to a clean cloth dipped in lukewarm water, wipe the baby's face - to remove the remains of Mo-
milk. It is not good if the milk will remain on the skin - it dries up and clogs the pores, resulting in this area of ​​the skin does not breathe.
Also during breast milk can numb the ear (in which the child is), can stain the scalp. Make a careful toilet - any remaining milk.
316. You should not disturb the fact that the child does not always eats his usual amount of formula. Keep in mind that at different times, a child may be a different appetite. For example, after a long night's sleep (if the child has not learned to wake up at night) your baby eats more than in the afternoon. It happens that the child is simply no appetite. Perhaps the reason for this - your efforts. You have succeeded in feeding your baby. Do not force your child to eat up what's left in the bottle. Believe his body, which knows how much power it is now necessary.
317. Of course, we must be sure that the child is swallowed air and refuses the bottle is not for this reason. Hold your baby in an upright position, wait until otrygnetsya air, if the child still does not want to eat, do not torture him.
318. How to be the case, if the child does not eat up your usual amount of food, sleep? Whether to wake him up?
When a child is very hungry, he did not fall asleep while eating. He can not sleep, when it becomes saturated. Especially it does not need to bother. Sometimes, pull out-
skivaesh his mouth pacifier, the baby as it recalls and starts sucking again. But if not caught himself, you can pick up a bottle.
319. In the last feeding of the child does not eat his usual at this time of milk mixture and fell asleep, and then woke up early and started screaming. How then can it be?
You should first make sure that the baby is not crying for some other reason - for example, from abdominal cramps. Massage his tummy warm hand (light stroking clockwise), hold upright. If the child does not calm down, if you see that he is seeking a bottle, you can give him what's left (and is in the fridge) from last feeding. But it will be wiser if you do soak the child will be able to calm him, to distract - until the next feeding.
320. Do not be afraid that the child for half an hour starve. He is working up an appetite and eat well the next feed.
321. Have you noticed that the child began to eat, and suddenly burst into tears, threw a dummy. What happened?
If you are sure that the baby is healthy - that he does not hurt ears, then look for the cause confusion in the nipple. Or holes are blocked foam nipples or openings are too small.
Remove the nipple, remove, wash, if you really found the foam, handle hot water. But when you find that the hole in the nipple is too small, should be extended to a hot needle.
322. How do I know if there is enough and not too large hole in the nipple?
Nipple piercings, you put it in a bottle with water and turn the bottle. The water does not drip at all or select multiple drops - too small holes. Water flows continuously trickle-too-large openings (you with peace of mind to toss the nipple). Water poured a thin stream, and then began to drip - this is the hole at the time.
323. There are a large number of various baby food: powdered (banks and cartons), meals based on concentrated milk, concentrated liquid infant formula, baby food ready to eat (in banks of 900 grams), baby food ready for use and is packaged in single-use bottles, etc.
The correct choice of food will help you make the doctor. As a physician, if deemed necessary, will issue you a prescription for dairy kitchen.
324. Milk formulas are developed based on cow's milk. Cow's milk in its pure form - is too coarse food for the baby and the baby to digest it is not easy. Milk is a mixture of easy to adapt as much as possible approached to the composition of human milk. Infant formula - it is like a "light" milk cow with multiple needs child, supplements (vitamins, trace elements in certain proportions, etc., on the packaging, as a rule, the composition).
325. What domestic feed is the child?
The most common mixture of "Baby" and "Baby" in the carton. The choice is made according to age: a mixture of "Baby" is designed for children from birth to two months of age, a mixture of "The Kid" - from three months to a year. A mixture of "The Kid" is presented in a wide range: in the rice-flour with oat flour with buckwheat flour (experience has shown that this mix especially loved by the kids).
326. What are recommended import baby formula milk?
These mixtures on the market a lot. From time to time there is something new. But the most famous and popular following mixes: "Nutrilon", "Similac", "Piltti", "Linolak", "Bong", etc. Would be superfluous to remind: Before using any of mixtures, consult on this matter with his district pediatro'm.
327. There is a rule for infant formula that must be followed. When you select one of the above mixtures, not try to replace it with any other mixture. Remember that each time a new mix your child must adapt. This does not apply except that a mixture of "The Kid" with different fillings that should diversify.
328. When you cook food the child out of the dry milk formula, do all to attached to the package instructions. No need to strive to make the mixture thicker, - the child may have difficulty digesting (vomiting, abnormal stools, accompanied by cramps), and - an allergic reaction. All items that you use for cooking
mixture must be sterile and should not be used for other purposes.
329. As for the import mixtures imported from abroad. They provide instruction in foreign languages, and you are not always able to translate them. In that case, look for the icon. In all the figures indicated clearly enough. But if you still have questions, ask the pediatrician.
330. Imported mixture fitted scoop. You attempt to open the jar, carefully remove the protective film and see the tip of a spoon sticking out of dry powder. Use the spoon-prescription-only for measuring the amount of powder, do not stir this mixture with a spoon in a pot. Spoon and powder in the pot should always be kept dry.
331. If your child (from birth patriot) greater liking the domestic mixture in which scoops not use any other spoon - and it is always only one. However, you should know exactly how much dry milk mixture in the spoon is placed to observe precisely the recipe. Learn capacity of your spoon you can use any other dosing posudki: beakers, glass with divisions scoop ... If you have anything at hand was not, you can contact your nearest pharmacy. Be sure you do not fail.
Subsequently, your spoon keep it away from other spoons and use it just dry.
332. For mixed and artificial feeding different whether routine power regulations
child of a breastfeeding?
No. The schedule should be the same. While your child is under the age of 4 months, he must eat six times a day. For night break tactics you should be the same as my mother nursing her baby: that is, feed your baby when he wakes up, but if the child is sleeping peacefully until the morning, you do not have to wake him up specifically for night feeding.
The proposal regarding the mode of feeding: 6.00, 9.30, 13.00, 16.30, 20.00, 23.30. This is useful not only for children but also for the mother.
333. If your child is in a mixed or artificial feeding is particularly important to adhere to. The child is already difficult (to adapt to the mixture, and assimilate it harder than breast milk), and then there was an additional complication - a violation of the regime.
334. What amount of power required child of a mixed or artificial feeding?
. In the volume, as for routine feeding, differences from not breastfeeding. Parents do not have to know the volume of food, up to a gram. This is a children's doctor or nurse can calculate the number of calories and nutrition formulas. You also have a fairly rough idea. So ...
Child from 0 to 2 months a day to as much milk mixture, which corresponds to 1/5 of the weight of the baby. Knowing the weight of the body, calculates that number and divide by the number of feedings. So you know how much food to your child at a feeding.
At the age of 2 to 4 months of supply is 1/6 of the weight of the child, then - 1/7, etc.
335. You should not have any worry or panic if you notice that every time a child does not eat the amount of food, which include estimated to him about. A child eats as much as he is currently necessary. And just in case you pay attention to the dynamics of weight. If a child is steadily gaining in weight - so all is well.
336. But if you notice that a child is not eating laid him of infant formula, and even stopped in weight gain, you need to quickly consult a pediatrician, and maybe a child is ill or unable to adapt to your chosen blend.

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