There is a small medical parable. Once the son came to the father and told him that, as well as he, too wants to become a doctor, but yet didn't solve which. On what the father answered it: «Go to study as the dermatologist as skin diseases suffer all and always».
Skin diseases share on infectious and autoimmune. It is considered that with the first to consult much more simply.
Infectious skin diseases
In itself this disease isn't dangerous, but it is extremely unpleasant. Its characteristic sign is the itch at night which let's fall asleep and very much irritates. Also itch can be distinguished on small being scratched heat-spots and to the gray line departing from them is a course of a tick.
Treatment consists in use of external preparations which simply poison it. The oldest is a rubbing in of sulfuric ointment on all skin, except the person and hair, or washing by soap with sulfur (7-10 days). Result permanently positive, however after that it becomes frequent skin dry and irritable therefore antigistaminny preparations and moistening cream are in parallel appointed.
At the present stage there is a large number of alternative preparations which it is enough to put twice (with an interval 3-4 days) and which can be used for destruction of a tick in pieces of furniture, mattresses, clothes and so on. In the course of treatment it is also necessary to boil all bed and underwear, ware and other subjects. Some things can be packed and cleaned simply for a long time as without contact to the person the scabby tick perishes in 7 days.
More often warts don't represent any threat for the person, except those cases when they settle down on a foot and hurt when walking, and also on genitals that can lead to formation of malignant tumors. I.e. the risk of transformation of a wart from good-quality in a malignant tumor nevertheless exists. Therefore it is necessary to address to the doctor if the wart began to be ill or be scratched, in its appearance changes began to occur, it began to bleed, strongly to increase if it is injured if the quantity of warts began grow and also if the wart was formed in genitals. In other cases to delete them it is unessential.
But if you, after all, decided to get rid of a wart, to do it it is necessary only under supervision of the doctor as nonprofessional actions can lead to wart development to a cancer condition. For removal of warts use some methods: removal by chemical preparations, a freezing liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation (very painful method), wart removal by usual surgical way – the way is undoubtedly effective, but leaves hems and can long heal. Today there are much more more sparing methods of treatment of warts which I do not leave traces, are painless and by efficiency don't concede knife surgery is laser and radio surgery.
Teenage age – time when warts start to appear actively and often become the reason of complexes of young people. Today the pharmacological market offers the means focused on this group of consumers. As a rule, it the means assuming independent removal of warts in house conditions. It would be desirable to remind once again that nonprofessional actions can cause complications in the form of a cancer or increase in quantity of warts. Therefore always it is necessary to consult to the doctor previously.In more detail Mirsovetov told about this skin disease and disposal of it earlier in article «Ways of treatment (removal) of warts» where are offered as a folk remedy, not less effective traditional.
It is necessary to know that only in itself warts are exposed to treatment, and the papilloma virus thus forever remains in an organism and doesn't give in to treatment. Therefore emergence of new warts, especially is quite possible when immunity strongly falls.
So, the virus of herpes of the 1st type (or a virus of simple herpes) is an infection which lives practically in each of us. According to 9 of 10 people on the earth are infected with herpes. It is transferred very easily – through direct contact to the carrier, using the general ware, sanitary products, children can catch through toys and even an airborne way. Getting to a human body, the virus of herpes remains there forever, being deployed in channels of a figurative nerve. On these channels it extends and leads to vysypaniye on skin, and, always in the same place.
But the virus of herpes can and not prove very long time. Everything depends on in what condition there is your organism. The influences beating on immune protection can be provokers. Most frequent of them are overcooling and an overheat on the sun. Symptoms of the become aggravated virus of herpes, besides skin manifestations, can remind usual cold – weakness, heat and so forth. During such periods try not to infect healthy people, for example, members of the family as in any case getting to an organism, herpes reduces level of protection of the person forever. For this purpose Mirsovetov advises during an aggravation to get to itself separate ware, a towel, to try not to touch a vysypaniye place on skin, and constantly to wash hands.
To avoid the next outbreak of herpes, experts advise to use a package of measures, directed on increase of the general level of health. Them treat a diet, vitamin-rich And, Е, With and zinc, disposal of addictions and so on.
Having felt first "calls" about emergence of herpes, it is possible to stop its further development, having accepted as soon as possible vitamins C and River.If after all the disease passed to an active stage, treatment is limited to application of ointments (you can find more detailed information in article «Symptoms and herpes treatments»)
Danger of fungoid diseases is that they aren't localized and in the absence of treatment will develop further, striking the next areas and parts of a body. Thus Mirsovetov should warn that self-treatment can be not only useless, but also dangerous as can cause still a bigger exacerbation of a disease. Therefore, having suspected at itself a fungoid infection, it is necessary to address to the doctor. A reason for such address can become the itch, burning, reddening, a peeling, moknuty, cracks, peeling чешуек, formation of round plaques with the being shelled raised rim, change of color and a nail structure, emergence of accurately limited centers on a hairy surface of skin in which hair become dim, fragile and, eventually, drop out, emergence of black spots, strong seborrhea or dandruff. Treatment will depend on disease degree. If the infection yet strongly extended, most likely, the doctor will be limited to preparations of local external influence. In more difficult cases it can be necessary and medicamentous system treatment.
For prevention of fungoid diseases it is possible to use soap and shampoo with tar (not more often than 1 time in 2 weeks) or with zinc. Exist also special cream which it is possible to put during the periods when skin is especially subject to infection, for example, in the summer, putting on the barefoot person. Besides, recommend to use special antifungal nail polish.
Most infectious of them is cutting deprive, which can be transferred both from the person, and from animals. It accepts the sharpest form at children while at adults it often proceeds in a chronic form. This skin infection can be localized on nails, in any site skin and a scalp. In the latter case it leads to that hair in the location of plaques become dry and, eventually, are broken off at height of 2-3 mm from a root (in case of a chronic infection – at skin level). From here the disease also received the name. Comes to light cutting deprive a method of the bacteriological and epidemiological analysis as in a chronic form it can be confused with other diseases.
Otrubevidny deprive also is caused by mushrooms and it is characterized by spots of brown color. More often it arises at those people, which slopes to the raised potootdeleniye. Chemical composition of a secret of sebaceous glands is defining in development in the person otrubevidny depriving. Therefore it can be provoked by already available diseases, such as diabetes, tuberculosis. Complexity of diagnostics of this disease is that it is very similar to syphilis of the 2nd degree. Therefore to exclude this diagnosis carry out laboratory researches on syphilis existence. Pleases that otrubevidny deprive easily gives in to treatment by means of local therapy.
However, besides infections, herpeses can be caused and the internal reasons.
Autoimmune skin diseases
The general for all these skin diseases is that they are chronic, noncontagious and can be handed down. All of them up to the end aren't studied, as autoimmune processes in general are a riddle for modern medicine. It is possible to carry diseases following further to autoimmune diseases.Such disease, as a rule, doesn't demand treatment in itself. Can sometimes register antiallergenic preparations for itch removal. However at its emergence it is necessary to survey a condition of an internal as their diseases can become provokers red depriving. As very often such deprive arises after strong or long stresses, doctors appoint soothing preparations (for example, on the basis of a pustyrnik). If you know that you have a tendency to the red flat deprive, it is not necessary to start chronic diseases, for example, violation of activity of a gastroenteric path, tonsillitis, carious educations, neurologic diseases.
Council to parents from Mirsovetov. At 85 % of children eczema is shown aged till 5 years. If to your child made such diagnosis, analyse that could provoke it. So, for example, it happens that eczema arises after emergence in the house of the second child when the senior has fears that now it isn't necessary to the parents. Working together with the child over his emotional condition it is possible to overcome eczema and not to allow development of its extreme forms.It is necessary to tell that, having appeared once, eczema practically never recovers up to the end, but its manifestations are possible for minimizing. The doctor will help to define type which eczema in this concrete case concerns, to establish the reasons and to appoint the therapy, directed its elimination, together with the eczema. For simplification of skin manifestations hormonal ointments, and in hard cases and tablets are, as a rule, used.
Council from Mirsovetov. It is not necessary to put at once hormonal ointment on the centers damaged by eczema, in pure form. Often to use it in the diluted look much more effectively, having mixed with usual cream about 1:3. Besides, any hormonal ointment causes accustoming therefore decrease in a dose will simplify process of completion of treatment.In case the illness accepts the complicated forms, treatment is carried out in a hospital where complex therapy is carried out.
If treatment passes at home, there are some ways to facilitate a clinical course, and also to warn her the next aggravation.
- To moisten skin by means of drawing of fat creams on a damp body.
- To moisten air in the apartment, especially in a heating season.
- To reduce frequency of the use of means from sweat, that is antiperspirant and to choose as a part of what there are antiallergenic components, such as magnesia and zinc oxides, aluminum hydroxide, тританоламин.
- The clothes which directly adjoin to skin, should be only from cotton.
- It is obligatory to watch the diet. The healthy nutrition in many respects can become the main element of successful treatment and eczema prevention. Certainly, it is necessary to exclude fried, sharp, marinaded, a citrus to refuse addictions. The use of dairy and vegetative products is recommended.
- Not reception of demulcents – валерьяны, a pustyrnik will be superfluous.
Earlier psoriasis treated a brutal method of the use of arsenic (certainly, in small doses). Today it consists in reception of immunosuppressive means, purpose of creams with vitamins A and D, various ointments, физиопроцелур. If a stage more serious, blood clarification, a krioterapiya and ultra-violet therapy is possible.
It is not necessary to think that for treatment of psoriasis it is possible to visit simply independently a sunbed in spite of the fact that ultra-violet therapy, in fact, very much is similar to it. In big doses the ultraviolet can aggravate a clinical course.Many researchers of psoriasis come to a conclusion that causes of illness have the neurologic nature. They advise to understand the internal problems, fears, sense of guilt, offenses etc. It is possible that work with the psychotherapist can yield the positive results at psoriasis treatment.
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