What is epilepsy? As epilepsy develops
The medicine established that epilepsy – a hereditary illness, it can be transferred in the area of mother, but to a thicket is transferred on the man's line, can not be transferred or be shown at all through generation. There is a probability of emergence of epilepsy at children conceived by parents in a state of intoxication or patients with syphilis.
Epilepsy can be the "acquired" disease, as a result of a strong fright, a bruise of the head, diseases of mother in pregnancy, owing to formation of tumors of a brain, defects of vessels of a brain, patrimonial traumas, infections of nervous system, poisoning, neurosurgical operation.
Symptoms of epilepsy
Stage of harbingers of the patient can feel in some minutes, hours, days before attack emergence, are shown in the form of headaches, the fast fatigue increased by irritability, mood deterioration. In certain cases stages of harbingers can and not to be.
The stage of aura precedes spasms, arises suddenly, lasts fractions of a second. For fractions of a second of the patient, being in consciousness, feels, endures any emotions, situations. External manifestation of this stage: the patient feels cold, pain, an onemeniye of some parts of a body, strong palpitation, feeling of an unpleasant smell, taste of any food, sees bright blinking.
After a stage of aura there come spasms. Often, before spasms of the patient something cries out and falls where overtook a convulsive attack. Further the body of the patient is cramped by a spasm, the person is distorted, becomes blue, from a mouth there is a foam, sometimes the patient bites tongue and foam can go with blood. Pupils are increased, don't react to light. Breath is broken. During an attack urine and kcal are involuntarily allocated. The attack proceeds 2-5 minutes.
The postepileptic condition comes right after spasms, the patient runs into a deep sleep when wakes up, remembers nothing, complains of the general weakness, weakness, headaches. In a stage postepileptic conditions the face of the patient gains pale cyanotic colors, pupils are expanded, breath and pulse is speeded up, the increased body temperature, muscles are weakened.
The epileptic seizure can be caused or provoked by strong run, fast blinking of light, alcohol, infections, traumas, strong nervous experiences.
First-aid treatment in case of epilepsy
In case you know that are near the patient with epilepsy, at the moment of an epileptic seizure of the patient, first, it is not necessary to be frightened, it is necessary to take yourself in hands, secondly, it is not necessary to touch and try to stir up the patient. Mirsovetov considers that everyone should know how to operate in such situation. It is necessary to lay the patient on a firm surface and to turn the head sideways that it didn't choke with own saliva, and language didn't block a windpipe, or to turn the head sideways and to press language of the patient with a spoon, a stick wrapped in a pure scarf or a fabric besides that the patient wouldn't choke. Then to unbutton buttons, to weaken a tie, to weaken clothes fasteners, to remove a belt, under the head it is necessary to put something soft.In case you found the patient after an attack when it already unconscious, from a mouth is allocated foam, the noisy speeded-up breath, it is necessary for you to turn the head of the patient on one side and to clear an oral cavity of slime, foams, emetic masses, to remove demountable artificial limbs. Further, that the patient again didn't bite to itself tongue it is necessary to insert between molars a spoon, a stick or the shpatel who has been wrapped up in a pure scarf.
Don't leave the patient on cold, on the sun, to bring in a building, in a shadow. Surely cause ambulance!
Epilepsy treatment
Treatment of epilepsy begins with its diagnostics. It is necessary to establish an epilepsy form for further carrying out treatment. At the heart of traditional treatment anticonvulsive therapy is put. At carrying out anticonvulsive therapy appoint earlier known antikonvulsny medicines: этосуксимид, фенитоин, примидон, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, salts of valproyevy acid. As the science isn't necessary on a place, there are all the new and new preparations, allowing to treat convulsive manifestations: тиагабин, габапентин, фелбамат, топирамат, окскарбамазепин, ламотриджин, вигабатрин, зонисамид (2,3,9). Researches and the invention of the new medicines, one of the latest antikonvulsant леветирацетам Besides, proceed. The preparation is developed and will arrive on the Russian market soon.
The doctor carries out selection of an anticonvulsive preparation, and appoints a dose individually for each patient depending on a form of epilepsy and frequency of emergence of attacks. The patient should carry out precisely instructions of the attending physician as at violation of a mode and reduction or increase in a dose preparations the patient can have the strongest attack of epilepsy. Epilepsy treatment by medicines is carried out systematically throughout a long time.
In the course of treatment by medicines at the patient collateral reactions to this or that preparation can be shown, the patient should address surely to the doctor and it is necessary either to change a dose, or to change a preparation.
For fixing of effect of antikonvulsny medicines use a herbal medicine method. To the patient appoint broths from medicinal herbs which also reduce emergence of spasms. Ways of preparation and a dose also are appointed individually to each patient depending on an epilepsy form. To the medicinal herbs, allowing to lower quantity of attacks, carry a yarrow, mint peppery, a plantain big, a guelder-rose ordinary, a St. John's Wort, a melissa, девясил, an acorus.
The modern high-sensitivity equipment allows to define a site in a cerebral cortex which provokes emergence of attacks. After definition of exact provision of such site of a brain carry out procedure on its destruction, that is eliminate the center of emergence and development of attacks, as a result attacks shouldn't develop.
After procedure of destruction treatment by antikonvulsny medicines for an appreciable length of time is carried out. After carrying out such complex treatment at patients in 60 % of cases attacks don't appear.
There are some methods of treatment of epilepsy in traditional medicine.
One of folk remedies: with sick epilepsy should eat as much as possible crude onions, and drink a lot of fresh onions juice. From onions epileptic seizures become softer and repeat less often.
I'm 26 years old and I have been diagnosed with epilepsy, to control convulsions and epileptic episodes my doctor has prescribe me lamictal. I found this medicine very useful, as well as I found your post very helpful.
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