Olga, on the contrary, feels absolutely unfortunate. Even at considerable distance from a dusty cover she starts to choke and sneeze. Even the shortest walk on park forces her eyes слезиться and to redden. She misses the domestic pets – now they live at Tatyana.
From where the allergy undertakes
Difference between sisters that at one of them an allergy. At such people as Olga, the immune system reacts on usually present at air (and for all the others harmless) parts, such, as a dust, a mold, pollen of plants and dandruff of animals.The sneezing, itch belong to typical symptoms of an allergy in a nose and cold, and also swelled, reddening and an itch in eyes, sometimes and a vysypaniye on skin. Whether there will be at you an allergy, partially depends on what genes you received from parents, and partially from environment. If one of parents has an allergy, the risk of development of an allergy at the child makes about 30-50 % if allergies are subject both parent, the risk for the child increases to 60-80 %. Besides, contact to high concentration of allergens (for example, a citrus, chocolate) in the early childhood increase probability of development of an allergy in the future.
The provokers named allergens, at each sufferer the. However, they not surely are in air and get to an organism through respiratory ways, as at hay fever. There is an allergy to foodstuff (for example, a citrus, shrimps, a peanut); a contact allergy (on cosmetics, nickel); an allergy to the substances getting into skin (for example when the bee stings) or it is direct in blood (we will tell, on penicillin pricks).
Allergy prevention
What do allergologists advise to the patients having an allergy? To avoid responsible for an allergy and to fight against its symptoms. Here some recommendations from Mirsovetov which will help allergic persons to breathe easier.Dust pincers
We recommend to stick also with an adhesive tape a lightning on a mattress, having closed thereby a way for pincers.
Dry air
The mold and pincers of a house dust well feel in heat and humidity. Therefore with a view of prevention to reduce quantity of a mold and dust pincers, keep one dehumidifier of air in a bedroom and one in the general room.
However remember that it is necessary to clean a dehumidifier of air at least once a week. Otherwise in it the mold will get divorced.
If you have a possibility, turn on the fan when take a shower. In the damp not aired atmosphere of a bathroom the mold more strongly develops. After finish, open a door wide open that all moisture disappeared from a bathroom.
Get rid of all superfluous
To cease to sneeze indoors, it is necessary to release a room from all superfluous: carpets, figurines, calendars, soft toys. All these things accumulate a dust, and, therefore, are nurseries of dust pincers. It is recommended as allergy prevention as it is possible to change more often bedding and regularly to erase or give to a dry-cleaner your pillows and blankets.
House of the allergic person
That houses you felt also perfectly, as well as in the open air, get rid of all carpets and oriental carpets. Leave simply smooth timber floor.
All books and papers store on the closed regiments, behind glass. But in any way on bedside tables and not in a dresser. Books and papers – excellent stores of a dust harmful to you.
Constantly keep order in the house. Mountains of unnecessary things conduct to a congestion of a harmful dust, besides, all surfaces should be readily available for cleaning. Regularly carry out damp house cleaning.
The minimalism becomes the best style of an interior for your house - leave only the most necessary. Simply, but with taste.
The matter is that allergic reaction is caused not by wool of domestic pets, and their dandruff – small cheshuyka of skin.
Surprisingly, but allergic persons too can get pets, but only at observance of some preventive rules. Dogs and cats shouldn't sleep in a bedroom of owners, allocate with it a corner in kitchen or in a hall. Once a month wash the favourites with special shampoo for animals. Throw out from the house all carpets and oriental carpets.
However if you aren't sure that can satisfy these conditions, it is better not to get at all dogs and cats. You thought of small fishes or a cherepashka?
Allergy treatment
Unfortunately, not all manage to eliminate for a while at least this or that reason causing an allergy. And it is not possible to some at all. What should be your actions in case of emergence of allergic reaction? Also let's ask a question, whether complete disposal of an allergy and if it so, how is possible?Nose washing by salt solution
As good way of dilution of slime nose washing by salt solution serves. Allergologists advise to use sprays of salt solutions which are available on sale. But it is possible to prepare salt solution. For this purpose a half of a teaspoon of salt should be dissolved in a glass of warm water. Wash out a nose the received solution by means of a rubber pear, bending over a sink that liquid following from a nose there flew down. The rubber pear can be bought in a drugstore.
Cool compress for eyes
At present there is also a large quantity of the OTC medical medicines eliminating symptoms of an allergy. But the majority of them are ineffective and don't suit each allergic person. Therefore before to go behind medicine to a drugstore, Mirsovetov recommends запишисаться for an appointment. Only the allergologist, having taken from you the necessary analyses, can define allergen. Then, proceeding from the received results and a type of allergic reaction of your organism, it appoints to you treatment. Antigistaminny preparations and hormonal means are usually used.
But practically all hormonal preparations have undesirable side effects therefore you, having consulted with the doctor, can use natural antigistaminny means. For example, a nettle which contains substance, overwhelming activity of a histamine – a hormone provoking development of allergic reaction. Accept infusion from nettle or capsule leaves with dry extract on 500мг three times a day.
You should address to the doctor also because quite often prime cause of an allergy are diseases of a gastroenteric path.
Don't postpone visit to the doctor in the following situations:
- to you to pant, you sneeze, cough, in spite of the fact that regularly take medicine for an allergy;
- you can't independently find out the reason of allergic reaction.
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