The first days of a child loses a bit of weight - is a physiological loss, which is due to energy costs including the mechanisms of adaptation. Finally, this process stops, and the child begins to gain weight. Around this time, he and my mother are discharged home - the sixth or seventh day after birth.
2. By the time of discharge relatives (mostly happy father) should prepare thoroughly. In the hospital to meet the baby and his mother have come not only with flowers but also have a set of baby clothes: mandatory two diapers - cotton and flannel, cap, vest, jacket, a pair of baby blankets (in winter - one of the blankets thick comforter with a duvet cover ), etc.
3. There is a lot of people's superstitions. One of them is not to buy anything for the baby until it is born. Decide this question - to buy or not to buy pre-give future parents. But, probably, would be bad, if you have brought the child from the hospital, and you have nothing to normal obihodovat it, and your spouse, at breakneck speed, starts to rush to the shops. Yes it often happens ... How then do then? ..
Not only are young parents, but also their immediate family must be "in business." Pre-prepared list of everything you need and in what quantities. And while the happy father walking around the hospital, hoping to see in the window of his wife and child, while my father is congratulated, highly experienced grandmother can already buy the most necessary - so you do not do it in a hurry.
4. As for clothes for the child, we must remember: baby clothes need different sizes. The child is growing rapidly. And if you buy him a hundred raspashonok, more than half then hide in the closet because not once and not used.
5. Set for swaddling.
Your child should be at least 40 diapers and 20-25 gauze diapers are absorbent. Very practical oilcloth special diapers or waterproof pants. Them you need about five.
6. Not much to get tired of washing, you can use from time to time one-time diapers, and diapers. In general, be prepared for the fact that the first six months of your child's life you will be in a continuous washing. However, if you have a helper - a caring husband, grandmother of the child - is of laundry, at least for the first time, you may be released.
7. That of clothing necessary for the baby? Much depends on the time of year where that your baby.
In warmer months, the child must have: 6-8 raspashonok cotton with ties in front or behind, 6-8 cotton sliders, 6-8 rubashechek, dressed in a romper, 3.2 cotton sweaters, one hat with straps, blanket, sleeping bag.
In cold weather, the child should be at least 6-8 raspashonok cotton with ties in front or behind, 6-8 sliders from the warm fabric, 6-8 rubashechek cotton, dressed in a romper suit, a pair of woolen sweaters, wool socks, mittens; woolen hat with drawstrings, a blanket, sleeping bag.
8. Do not seek to acquire necessarily new things (like clothes) for the child. It will be much more economical and efficient if you use something from "legacy" of the child of your friend or relative, or neighbor. They already have grown children and chase football, and everything you need for a newborn, and washed proglazhennoe takes place in the closet. Perhaps your friend or neighbor, feel free to suggest to you what they are unlikely to be useful. Speak about yourself. You could have them buy something. It will cost you much less than in the store.
9. Everything you need can be bought through an advertisement in the newspaper. Crib, stroller, children's table, etc. Usually, these things are able to "stand" is not a child. Take care of them, and when these things will not be necessary, you will sell them ... If you buy something to wear, of course, there will be more than it is washed and properly ironed.
10. Ideal - when parents have the opportunity to one of the rooms of the apartment allocated to the child. But, alas, not all work. Settling area: cot, wardrobe for baby clothes (no regiment in the open shelf gathering dust sheets), a table for swaddling. Many mothers, even if they can identify the children's room, it is preferred that the child in the first months of life all the time was near - so they relaxed, especially at night.
11. To the room in which the baby, there are a number of requirements. The room should be spacious enough and light, air regularly. Daily wet cleaning. Best of all, when the wooden floor in the room. In general, you should know: all items that come into contact with your baby should be made of natural materials. But the floor in your home linoleum (now very common), do not worry. If your linoleum layer does not contain PVC and has not been treated with synthetic resins, it is not harmful to your baby. Undoubted advantage of linoleum is that it is very easy to handle.
12. Perhaps before you put in the child's room, you want to make it repaired. This is a very sensible decision. However, you need to be sure that you are using varnishes and paints there are no contaminants. Of these contaminants is usually indicated on the packaging.
13. Undesirable in the nursery sorts carpets, rugs, runners, but when they are there and not give up on them, they should be cleaned regularly with a vacuum cleaner. It should also be vacuumed, and the wall (this is a lot of young parents forget, assuming that the dust can be collected only on the horizontal surfaces). Well, when the walls are covered with washable wallpaper ...
14. Which to choose wallpaper in color? .. Best soothing colors: light green, light brown. With small discreet unobtrusive pattern. You should know that from the bright colors child is tired, for that matter, an adult, a major figure - quite harmless floral design - maybe even frighten your child ... Hardly any of us remember what images he had seen in the first year of life in the figure of wallpaper, cracks in the ceiling plaster in divorces ...
15. The room into which you put your baby should be well-lit and sunny. Besides the fact that the sun's rays to kill microbes, they create more good mood. Believe me, the child soon begins to feel the mood and comfort.
16. Pathogenic microbes, typically come into the room to the child with the dust and the dust brought on shoes. Therefore, you must change shoes in special slippers when you enter the nursery.
17. In the room where the child, especially when the child begins to move independently - half
show, first steps - should not be subject to the sharp corners, which are easy to get hurt. If there is such angles (angle of the cabinet, such as bed, table legs), then the child can be secured as follows: table legs obkrutit something soft, corners of furniture paste over striped thick rubber or cork.
18. In no case left open electrical outlets. Young children, knows the world will certainly draw attention to one outlet. They have enough time for that. And if you are nearby metal object suitable form-nail from my father's mother's box, or spokes - and the subject of an oversight into the hands of parents a child may experience a tragedy.
19. Cradle of the child should be in a place with plenty of natural light, but not too close to the window. Aside from possible drafts. Not in the hallway - not to worry once again the child when he is asleep. Many parents put your baby to sleep in his rocking chair and when the baby wakes up. We should not teach a child to motion sickness - it will get used, and without it would be bad to fall asleep.
20. You found for cot cozy corner. Dad just brought out of the crib furniture store. And he gathered her. What a beauty! .. But you are surprised that the bed is too big. This is because you can not help comparing it with the baby. Yes, while it is too big for a baby cot. But it will grow rapidly, and in a crib that will sleep up to the school.
21. Crib factory production meet certain requirements (dimensions, goes up and down the bottom, the distance between the bars, materials, etc.). But sometimes, especially in rural areas, parents prefer to do cots own making. In this case, it is important to know that the distance between the bars should not exceed 7.5 cm, otherwise the child can push through one of the holes in his head and stuck.
22. For the bottom of beds ... When the baby is still small and not very active, the bottom beds should be placed high: so mom easier to care for the baby - no need to bend low. But when the baby is active and is able to get out of bed, the bottom of it should be lowered.
23. Over time, your child will not be spending all waking hours in bed. Like any full-fledged member of the family he wants to actively participate in all events and will let you know once he got tired of sitting "behind bars." Then you can pull out a couple of bars of the cot in the place which the child feel comfortable as an exit. Now, if your child will need, it will be chosen out of bed and walk around the room.
24. The first time after birth, the baby does not move itself, you will be laying there and be lying. At this time his main exercise - is a scream. But the kid is a little older, and it will be difficult to keep. The child is not injured on the grid crib, it is better to close the special protective pads. These pads can be made out by the new quilt.
25. Children's folding chair with a table will need your child at six months - the child is sitting confidently. And he is not interested in eating alone, the kid is already required the company. When you use a chair, every time, pay attention to the child is not pushed off feet from the edge of the table - it can tip over with stool.
26. Becoming more popular specialty bags for carrying babies. Of course, to use them as a bed can not be, but if you have to transfer a child somewhere, they are very comfortable - much more convenient stroller.
27. Not recommended to lay the child on the night next to her mother in the same bed. For example, when a child is restless sleep. From the point of view of hygiene - a violation. An adult, of course, is not perfectly clean.
If a child, for some reason there is no more his bed, it is possible to use a large basket, the so-called laundry basket. Only the basket should be carefully treated with antiseptic. And you have to make a special mattress.
28. In general, a mattress for a child should not be too thick and too soft. This condition is especially important to keep in the first month of life - when the child is growing rapidly. Failure to do so threatens to curvature of the spine of the child. Synthetics (foam) is not recommended - the static electricity effects on the developing organism is not the best way. Straw mattress - against it is unlikely that someone will be objections.
29. Try to get the child a down blanket. His positive qualities: puhoyoe blanket warm and light. You will be sure that the baby is warm and comfortable for him.
30. The basic requirements for a child's clothing: it should be easy to use, that is easy to remove and put on, and should not hamper the movements of the baby, the seams should not rub the skin.
31. Baby clothing - only cotton. Synthetics irritating the delicate skin of the newborn, not breathable, and baby's skin can not breathe. Synthetics unhygienic as poorly absorbs moisture.
32. Vests and blouses should be with ties or buttons (front or rear). This is important for the following reason: if you suddenly shooting vest over the child's head, he is frightened.
33. Wash diapers need to be very careful. And carefully rinse well - that the tissue had no detergent that can irritate baby's skin is very delicate.
34. Prepare for the fact that you have to wash daily lot. Very well, if you have a washing machine and dryer - it will save you a lot of time and and effort. Not bad, if you are actively helping your husband if he does not consider it shameful to devote their free time to this nemuzhskomu case as washing diapers.
carriers of all kinds of infections and parasitic diseases.
point sheets). And you have to be sure that there is no draft in the room.
43. In some apartments and houses is a lot of flowers and other indoor plants - in pots, tubs and even in large flower beds. In the children's room, the presence of plants is undesirable. This is especially toxic for plants, such as: philodendron, begonia, oleander ... But even if the plant is non-toxic and, carry it to another room. The fact is that over time, as your child becomes more mobile and will begin to travel around the room, he will naturally be interested in such an attractive object, like a flower, want to taste it. It is fraught with serious complications. And then, God forbid, upset over the pot.
44. Since you value your indoor plants and do not want to part with them, collect them somewhere in one place and insulate from baby safe barrier. The most reasonable - to make the flowers in the other room. In summer you can put them on the balcony.
45. Must often be aired. The child to carry the airing of the room. Or ventilate during his walks. The most effective way of ventilation - ventilation draft. In a few minutes the air in the room is completely replaced.
Can be left ajar at night window. Provided, however, that the incoming air does not rush straight to the child (a baby can block the vents on the sheet.) And you have to be sure that there is no draft in the room.
46. A very necessary thing in the children's room - a wall thermometer. It allows you to control the temperature. The temperature in the 18-20 ° C - optimal. At night, it can be even lower - 12-15 ° C. Wall thermometer should be placed at the crib. Then you can be sure it was not mistaken in the measurements. The floor is always colder than the ceiling.
47. The air in the room should not be too dry, so it is recommended to hang out at night and a wet towel.
48. Always be aware of the need to observe silence, if the room (in the apartment) you have a small child. For normal physical and mental development of the child is required silence.
49. On the stroller. Unacceptable that the stroller was in the apartment, and even more so in the room baby. The fact is that after a walk on the stroller on wheels necessarily present street dust, so, and microorganisms. Understandably, the dust becomes less after you rub a damp cloth stroller, but still it remains.
Moreover, it is not easy to lower and raise the stroller every day (for example, you live on the eighth floor, and the spouse at work and can not help.)
Most reasonable, as the experience, to leave the carriage on the first floor. In most modern homes specially designed area on the first floor near the stairs - for wheelchairs.
If you are concerned that the stroller is stolen, you can do for her wooden box with a lock. This is justified by the fact that a child once again did not get sick.
50. Every time you walk carefully wipe the surface with a damp cloth stroller. Also the inner surface. Mattress daily pull and knock. Metal parts should be lubricated carriage from time to time machine oil, so they do not rust.
Bearings and springs should also be lubricated. Then the stroller will not squeak, and daily walks will be a pleasure.
51. Do not forget that a plastic calash calculated only in case of rain. And use it in good weather is not necessary. While walking stroller should be open, so that the child was breathing really fresh air instead of the air inside the insulated stroller (why then can walk?).
52. Over time, when a child is sitting, you will need the smaller carriages, folding, so-called walking. The back of a wheelchair if necessary discarded - just in case, if the child had fallen asleep while walking. Typically, these carriages are equipped with mesh at the bottom, where you could put a package with everything you need to care for the baby, there is a pocket into which you can put a bottle of formula.
Placing the baby in a pram, you can easily go shopping or go to visit her grandmother in public transport (there is always a
nearby gentleman who will help you raise a child in a pram with a tram).
53. It will be good if you sew for a baby sleeping bag. A can and a few: one for walking, one for a night's sleep ... Sew these bags of flannel fabric. The bag can be connected with zips or buttons. There may be neck straps, maybe a bag here freely contracted braid.
This sleeping bag is good that the child remains the freedom of movement, he can jerk his legs and arms as he pleases, and you will be sure that it is not open.
54. Protect the child from contact with people who are sick colds. A nursing mother and all relatives who care for the baby, do not have to be of a risk of infection. Untreated decayed teeth, chronic tonsillitis - it's dangerous for the baby sources of infection.
55. A very important fact: nails moms should be cut short (for a child is to make this sacrifice.) Long nails - it is always danger of accidentally scar a child. And, of course, the nails may feel bad infection ... Short nails should be trimmed even handle nail file.
56. Maximum participation and assistance must be felt by the father. Man should cast off all systems and not be ashamed, for example, perepelenat child or take him for a walk in the stroller, '-' ry tangible assistance to the man may have no-
If you are concerned that the stroller is stolen, you can do for her wooden box with a lock. This is justified by the fact that a child once again did not get sick.
50. Every time you walk carefully wipe the surface with a damp cloth stroller. Also the inner surface. Mattress daily pull and knock. Metal parts should be lubricated carriage from time to time machine oil, so they do not rust.
Bearings and springs should also be lubricated. Then the stroller will not squeak, and daily walks will be a pleasure.
51. Do not forget that a plastic calash calculated only in case of rain. And use it in good weather is not necessary. While walking stroller should be open, so that the child was breathing really fresh air instead of the air inside the insulated stroller (why then can walk?).
52. Over time, when a child is sitting, you will need the smaller carriages, folding, so-called walking. The back of a wheelchair if necessary discarded - just in case, if the child had fallen asleep while walking. Typically, these carriages are equipped with mesh at the bottom, where you could put a package with everything you need to care for the baby, there is a pocket into which you can put a bottle of formula.
Placing the baby in a pram, you can easily go shopping or go to visit her grandmother in public transport (there is always a
nearby gentleman who will help you raise a child in a pram with a tram).
53. It will be good if you sew for a baby sleeping bag. A can and a few: one for walking, one for a night's sleep ... Sew these bags of flannel fabric. The bag can be connected with zips or buttons. There may be neck straps, maybe a bag here freely contracted braid.
This sleeping bag is good that the child remains the freedom of movement, he can jerk his legs and arms as he pleases, and you will be sure that it is not open.
54. Protect the child from contact with people who are sick colds. A nursing mother and all relatives who care for the baby, do not have to be of a risk of infection. Untreated decayed teeth, chronic tonsillitis - it's dangerous for the baby sources of infection.
55. A very important fact: nails moms should be cut short (for a child is to make this sacrifice.) Long nails - it is always danger of accidentally scar a child. And, of course, the nails may feel bad infection ... Short nails should be trimmed even handle nail file.
56. Maximum participation and assistance must be felt by the father. Man should cast off all systems and not be ashamed, for example, perepelenat child or take him for a walk in the stroller. -> Ry tangible assistance to the man may have a night if perepelenaet child - give extra opportunity nursing mother to rest.
Oh and play with the baby (do not forget that during the game the kid develops, explores the world) - it delivers and father, and the child with what incomparable pleasure.
57. In the room where you place the child, there should be nothing more. It is understood and furniture. And not just because the furniture is going to dust (dust after going on the floor.) Cumbersome and not very practical things crowd out of the room air volume, as required for the normal development of the child.
58. Those pieces of furniture, the presence of which you consider necessary in the nursery should be durable, with no sharp edges, smooth (to avoid splinters) and sustainable. After all, if a child is upset over something, possible injury, not to mention the stress response for all.
59. If you live in your home, make inaccessible to children fireplaces, Russian stoves, stairs, entrance to the cellar, etc. Time taking care of lattice fencing, you will save a child from burns and injuries.
Make it a rule: when the child left the child's room, it should always be under the control of someone in adults.
60. In a city apartment undoubted danger to the child are heating radiators. Make it so that they have closed by special panels.
61. If your child is with you in the kitchen, do not let it close to the stove. In general, when something is cooking on
kitchen, not to the child to be around. The child can splash hot oil, hot water may spill out of the lid. According to the "law of meanness" from the pan handle can fall off at a time when the baby crawling on the floor ...
62. On the windowsill you nothing should stand - especially heavy items. The child is quite able to lose themselves anything.
63. Protect access to the windows. Or make sure that the windows are properly closed, even though you live on the first floor. No need to stand at the window a chair or sofa, from the back of which a child could easily climb on the sill. If a child falls through the sill to the floor, it will be unpleasant for all tests.
64. Make sure that in the hands of the child did not get a match. Child - "big eyes." He carefully follow you, he did know the world. A couple of times you will see what you are doing trick with matches, he is about, and what he seek from this curious subject ... Keep matches away from the baby.
65. Great danger to the child is, and medicine chest. Medicine packaging is very attractive and bright to them and extends a hand of the child. Some tablets coated sweet shell.
66. At the same reach of small children should be kept and all detergents. For example, in a bathroom in a locker.
67. These were the recommendations for your home, your life. Now - a little bit of medical support ...
Some moms do not know on what basis the predominant opinion that the children's clinic is the institution to which are for medical help with a sick child. This is a wrong attitude. In the children's clinic be taken with a healthy baby (consultations, laboratory tests, prevention, etc.). And if your child suddenly ill, you must call the pediatrician at the house. But it happens that in some diseases (if they are not dangerous to others), you can visit the clinic. The same can be said about the visits of some specialized professionals: ophthalmologist, neurologist, dentist, speech therapist, etc.
68. In all cases, when in doubt whether you can visit the health center or need to call a doctor, call the reception desk of your precinct clinic. You surely prompt the correct way.
69. Immediately after you have with your child will be discharged from the hospital, a clinic in your precinct sent documents from the maternity ward at the baby. Based on these documents start card personal development, which is stored in a pediatrician's office. The card regularly entered information relating to physical and mental development of your child, and here is calendar of vaccinations. If a child is ill, his condition is described in this chart. Over time, as your child gets older, this card will give you hands on.
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