Diabetes reasons
The reasons of development of diabetes too are unknown precisely. It is clear only that if parents have diabetes, the child will fall ill almost for certain, hereditary predisposition plays large role in a disease diabetes.The second factor causing diabetes, obesity is. If to watch the weight, it is possible to reduce risk of development of diabetes strongly.
The third reason — pancreas diseases, such as pancreatitis, a cancer of a pancreas, etc.
From all listed factors in each case only one (obesity, heredity) becomes the reason of development of diabetes.
Diabetes symptoms
For diabetes of both types the following symptoms are characteristic: the patient constantly feels thirst, drinks much, but because of a frequent urination loses liquid and is dehydrated. Constant feeling of hunger and simultaneous loss of weight. The person constantly feels low, dizziness, an onemeniye in feet and hands, spasms of ikronozhny muscles. Problems with sight — feeling of a fog before eyes begin. If the diabetic falls ill with ORZ or catches a cold, recovery occurs much more slowly and more difficult. Well, and the most main symptom of diabetes is high level of sugar in blood.Diabetes diagnostics
Sugar level in blood is defined so: on a hungry stomach at the patient the blood analysis undertakes. In norm level of sugar shouldn't exceed 120 mg of % (6,6 mmol/l). Then the patient is offered to drink 300 ml of boiled water in which 75 g of glucose are dissolved. After that sugar level in blood is defined two more times — in an hour after reception of glucose and by hour. If sugar level on an empty stomach doesn't exceed 120 mg of %, and in two hours after sugar reception sugar level in blood is lower than 140 mg of % — the test negative means, and the patient has no diabetes. If on an empty stomach in blood of the patient more 120мг %, and in two hours level of sugar exceeds 200 mg of %, means, the person is sick with diabetes.
Diabetes treatment
Insulin happens two types: short action (Aktrapid, Humulin of R, Insuman Rapid) and average duration of action (Monotard, Protafan, Humulin of NPH, Insuman Bazal) can define the Scheme of injections and volume of entered insulin only the doctor.
There are two main schemes of an insulinoterapiya: insulin of short action (for example, Aktrapid) before a dinner and insulin of the prolonged action (for example, Monotard) before a breakfast and before going to bed. The second scheme differs that insulin of average duration of action is entered only before going to bed, and injections of insulin of short action are during the day given.
Usually in the morning of the patient enters to itself 40 % of a daily dose of insulin of short action, 30 its % before a dinner and 30 % before a dinner. The daily dose of insulin is equal 0,6-1 pieces/kg. 25 % of a daily dose fall to the share some insulin of short action and 75 % – on insulin of average duration of action.
As insulin is entered under skin, it slowly gets to blood: its action begins only in 15 minutes, and the maximum concentration in blood is reached in 40-60 minutes after a prick. The main dosage for treatment of diabetes is defined by the doctor, but after training, the patient can independently measure the level of sugar and change an insulin dose depending on indications глюкометра.
Diabetes 2 types is much more widespread. For its successful treatment of the patient sugar level in blood is obliged not only to supervise constantly, but also to adhere to a diet and to try to dump weight. The diet at diabetes 2 types consists in continuous consumption of the low-calorie food, rich cellulose. Physical activities are obligatory: after all during a charging working muscles strenuously consume glucose, and it allows to support sugar level in norm.
If the diet and physical exercises don't give desirable effect, it is necessary to begin medicamentous treatment which (Glyurenorm) consists in reception of sakharosnizhayushchy preparations. However, physicians were convinced long ago that over time to the patient with diabetes 2 types all the same be required to an insulin injection. It is connected with that in the course of time function of a pancreas weakens and insulin starts not to suffice.
Diabetes complications
If the patient doesn't care of constantly to support normal level of sugar in blood, diabetes complications gradually develop. The pricking and an onemeniye of extremities, a chill of feet and sensitivity violation start to disturb patients. Defeat of peripheral vessels that can end with gangrene and extremity amputation further develops. Are surprised as well large vessels — develop heart attacks and strokes. If at the patient long time blood sugar is raised, the diabetic coma can develop. The essence of this phenomenon is that at a lack of insulin of a cage start to feel strong need for energy (not enough insulin — not enough glucose gets to blood, and glucose — it and is energy). To give to cages energy an organism begins to spend fat stocks. At a lack of insulin this process always occurs too intensively, and a large number of not split fatty cages gets directly to blood. Part of fatty cages, passing through a liver, turns into so-called ketonovy bodies which are very toxic. It also causes coma development.Unfortunately, to cure diabetes it is impossible if constantly to supervise, however, itself, it is possible to lead quite high-grade life.
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