Stutter is a violation of the speech which main line are halts at a pronunciation, as a rule, the first sound of a word. It would seem, all of us sometimes falter. But such hitches and failures in speech of the healthy person haven't something in common with stutter. The main difference that the stutterer loses control over the organs of speech, feels muscular tension. It is interesting that men have a similar illness three times more often than women. Scientists explain this phenomenon distinctions in a structure of a brain of both floors.
Stutter reasons
Some experts consider that stutter is a problem of communication as more often it amplifies at communication of the person with other people, and, on the contrary, is absent, when the person is in loneliness. But such opinion isn't true. Actually, matter is not in the wrong psychology of communication, and in a tone of the speech center.
Now scientists are more inclined to believe that the reasons of stutter are covered in a brain of the person. After all in it the nervous centers which are responsible for speech are located. At children 5 years most easier aren't more senior to provoke stutter, during this period in a brain the speech centers only start to be formed, there is a synchronization between them. As a result "failure" the speech centers work not synchronously, and the person starts to stammer.
One more similar theory argues that stutterers hear the speech with small delay. Anyway, scientists continue to work over this problem.
Stutter types
Today scientists allocate three main types of stutter.The first type is characteristic for people with defect of nervous system. It is enough reasons of such stutter. It can be both a patrimonial trauma, and frequent diseases in the first years of life, and hereditary predisposition. At inspection at the neuropathologist at such child find various deviations (up to signs of the increased intra cranial pressure) though outwardly the kid will look quite healthy.
The second type of stutter was found in the people, which leading hand – right, but a leading eye – left. That is during the moment, when the child learned to draw and write (approximately in 5-7 years), it retrained on the right-handed person. And the pereuchivaniye occurs more often because the child studies, repeating for adults. In the future it will be difficult to parents to understand the reason of stutter of their child as defect, as well as in the first case, will gradually develop. Such type of stutter meets more than at 60 % of people similar speech defect.
The third type of stutter is peculiar 10 % of stutterers. It is shown at children with initially healthy nervous system. They get the illness as a result of strong reexhaustions and stresses. Reasons for emergence of stutter the most various: the child was upset because of an illness of the relative, became worn out at school, the neighbour's dog frightened. Such things can seem to adults silly and not so frightening, but they can easily injure the impressionable and nervous child. More often at such people defect of speech amplifies at neuropsychological excitement. Therefore it is so difficult to them to address to public.
Stutter treatment
To treat stutter people tried long ago. The Greek speaker Demosfen had this illness. Trying to get rid of defect of speech, he tried to speak with stones in a mouth, read difficult speeches at noise of waves. Its glory testifies that the illness was overcome.In the XIX century doctors treated stutter surgical methods: to the stutterer deleted a part of muscles of language. Not all was possible to help. It is necessary to tell that stutter is not such and a simple illness that it was possible to get rid of it only by means of a scalpel.
Today exists as much ways of treatment of stutter, how many and the theories explaining this defect. Mirsovetov will tell you about the main methods.
Traditional method of treatment of stutter
The traditional method of treatment of stutter is based on use of respiratory exercises. Not for nothing the person who is engaged in singing, never has problems with speech. Its voice is free and natural.One of the most known programs relating to a traditional method, «Strelnikova's respiratory gymnastics» is. Carrying out these exercises, to you can seem that you do morning exercises. As an example we will give two exercises which consider as the most effective in fight against stutter.
Exercise "Pump".
Starting position: rise directly, hands are lowered. Bend forward, to a floor a little, having approximated a back, as is shown in the first drawing. The head and hands should be lowered, and the neck is weakened.
Again bend, having made a fast noisy breath and so on. This exercise reminds tire inflating. To do it it is necessary easily, without rendering load of a waist.
Make in a row 8 breaths then have a rest 5 seconds. And again 8 breaths. Norm – 12 approaches on 8 breaths. Mirsovetov understands aspiration of many to get rid of such problem, as stutter. But after all don't hurry to carry out such quantity in the first day. Loading needs to be increased gradually.
Exercise «Head turns».
Starting position: rise directly, feet on width of shoulders. For convenience it is possible to put hands on each side.
During exercise don't strain a neck, your hands and a trunk should be motionless.
For a start will enough make 8 breaths. When will feel in itself confidence, it is possible to increase quantity of approaches. But don't forget to do between them short respites. Norm – 3 approaches on 32 breaths.
These and other exercises of this complex have favorable effect on all respiratory system of the person. She learns the patient to breathe deeply, all lungs, trains a diaphragm, forcing it to participate actively in a phonation, does vocal chords by the most mobile that allows them to be closed closely during conversation.
Carry out exercises for 15-20 minutes in the morning before a breakfast and as much in the evening after a dinner. You will notice the first results 2-3 months later. You will notice changes: breath becomes more free, and a voice – natural.
Also relaxations belong to a traditional method of treatment of stutter. But to apply this means as an independent method, we don't recommend. You will achieve the greatest results, using a relaxation in aggregate with other more effective methods.
Nonconventional method of treatment of stutter
Still in ancient times people noticed communication between an internal and points on a body of the person. Acupressure helped with fight against many illnesses. Such alternative medicine is successfully used still.Acupressure is a difficult and long process therefore at once be adjusted on the long treatment calculated on some courses. One course consists of 15 procedures. The interval between the first two courses makes two weeks, between the second and the third – about six months. The next two-three years repeat courses with the same interval. If you again started to falter, it is possible to begin the following course earlier.
For a start it is necessary to find the necessary point. Press a finger small pillow on an expected point. If the patient had a feeling of some pain and an ache, all of you made correctly. But consider that such feelings shouldn't arise during the massage.
Make roundabouts a small pillow big or a forefinger, gradually pressing on a point. Change pressure force from weak to strong and on the contrary. Continue massage of one point within 3-5 minutes. During massage of people it should be completely weakened.
In drawing it is shown, in what sequence it is necessary to carry out massage.
Massed points are in the majority on a face and a back, and also standing and to a thorax of the person therefore we advise to you to find the assistant or become them for the child. If you aren't sure of yourselves, Mirsovetov urgently recommends to entrust this business to the expert.
The first results can be received and after the first course: everything depends on age of the patient and a stutter form. But it is not necessary to stop on the reached. Acupressure restores nervous regulation of speech therefore occupations need to be carried out regularly if you don't want to come back to stutter.
Hypnosis – one more nonconventional way of fight against stutter. But we don't advise to you to use it independently as it can be dangerous to your health.
Medicamentous method of treatment of stutter
Anticonvulsive preparations and tranquilizers are contraindicated to the people which profession are connected with the increased concentration of attention, and to drivers of vehicles.
Besides the long time isn't recommended to use such preparations, but after their cancellation stutter comes back.
If necessary it is possible to use calming broths and tinctures of herbs. For example, broth of a pustyrnik. It effectively calms nervous system, helps at stutter (especially to children). However too it is not necessary to be fond of such means.
Modern method of treatment of stutter
Outside the XXI century, and scientists took up the issue of defect of speech seriously. Today the special computer programs are available to us, capable to help the person to get rid of stutter. As an example we will give «Speech corrector».Program essence in synchronization of the speech and acoustical centers of the person. The stutterer speaks in a microphone, and «Speech corrector» automatically detains speech on a fraction of a second. Thus, the person hearing the voice with some delay, tries to be arranged under it. His speech becomes smooth and continuous.
One of the most popular computer programs for stutter treatment today is «Demosfen 07». The computer creates the certain situations arising at communication: criticism, discontent, anger, objection and so on. The person is offered to answer in a microphone program "call". Then the computer estimates, as you consulted with the task. It did not turn out – try again. The program also will prompt that it is necessary to improve.
The developed skills of people transfers to the real world where it will have any more no problems with speech in similar situations.
Author's techniques of treatment of stutter
For example, method of the professor Andronovoy-Arutyunyan. The essence of a method consists in synchronization of speech of the person with movements of fingers of a leading hand. It is easy to present it if to remember that all of us gesticulate during conversation.
The hand doesn't disturb at conversation, and on the contrary becomes a certain support to the stutterer. She doesn't allow the person to stammer, "moving" his speech forward.
Put the leading hand on a knee. Fingers are a little bent, as though you play a piano. When pronouncing the first syllable of the phrase press a thumb to a knee. Don't release it till the end of the phrase or a word. Each following syllable is separated by pressing of the following fingers: index, average and so on.
Movements of a hand define speed and a speech rhythm, at the expense of it tempo of speech is slowed down. At first it can frighten, but soon you will see in it and pluses: speech becomes free and smooth, without halts.
The person will depend by hand only at first. The technique is constructed in such a manner that soon it simply isn't required to it. It is necessary to practise more only.
But there is more to come. For an absolute recovery it is necessary for stutterer to pass the full course divided into 4 stages. Mirsovetov will state for you the maintenance of a course, and you, of course, can try to pass it independently. But it will be better, if you pass a course under supervision of the logopedist. Otherwise, if of you there will be any mistakes, you won't reach desirable effect.
At the first stage the patient should learn to feel tranquillity during speech. To the person, stammering there is many years, to make it it is rather difficult, as he tested sincere excitement each time when communicated with surrounding people. And there are a lot of years.
Also at this stage peace of mind closely connect with a muscular relaxation.
By the end of the first stage of people should learn to say syllables freely. Besides, it finds self-confidence and own forces, and it is important for further treatment.
The essence of the second stage consists in training of a thumb of a conducting hand to equipment of the correct situation. The person makes the same actions, as at the first stage, but already bigger attention is given to hand movements. For successful development of this equipment it is recommended to carry out the following exercises.
Exercise 1.
It is necessary to do exercise until you won't feel that hands aren't strained absolutely not.
Exercise 2.
Relax. Put a hand on a hip. Slowly press a thumb on a hip surface so that other fingers thus rose a little. At all don't strain a hand.
By pressing a thumb on a hip say any syllable. If you press a hip more strongly, sounding of a voice will amplify, and, on the contrary, by weaker pressing it is weakened.
After each said syllable the brush should fall down freely. It gives a signal to the general relaxation of a body, and, therefore, and to tranquillity.
Pay attention that movements of a hand should advance a little a voice, instead of accompany it. Otherwise from that exercise you don't receive any result.
If everything to do truly, the person can already speak on syllables without halts.
At the third stage the stutterer should start to speak the whole words and short expressions, synchronizing the speech with hand movements. The exercises, helping to master this stage below are described. But to break to them follows only after a full relaxation and performance of the exercises described in the second stage.
Exercise 1.
Relax. Put a hand on a hip. Make pressing a thumb, pronouncing the first syllable. Thereby you start other fingers in a certain sequence: index, average, anonymous and little finger. The pressing of each finger should be synchronized with each separate syllable. But remember that the starting mechanism – your thumb – can't be released till the end of a word or the phrase.
As well as at the second stage force of pressing will define force of sounding of a voice. During exercise watch that all fingers, except big, were weakened.
Having finished a number of syllables, lower a brush. Stir up it and dump on a hip. So you teach her to a relaxation quicker.
Exercise 2.
Exercise is similar to the first, but this time you should allocate an accent for a start in words, and then and in the whole expressions.
Begin with the simple. Pronounce monosyllables with an accent on the first syllable, then pass to longer. When at you it will start to turn out, you can pass to words with an accent on the second, third, fourth syllable.
To allocate an accent, press the corresponding finger more strongly and for a long time, than the others. Pay attention to smoothness of transition from one syllable to another.
Later you can pass to the whole phrases, allocating with stronger and long pressing of a finger their logic sense.
At the fourth stage of the patient starts to work with the text. For a start the short stories which are well familiar to the stutterer are used. The text divide into words and phrases between which the patient should manage to weaken a hand and to feel tranquillity.
Also at this stage of people works over expressiveness of the speech, to learn to speak without a hand.
Important point of this method of treatment of stutter – trainings in real life. Put the knowledge into practice to reach big results. If earlier you couldn't ask a bread long loaf for the shop assistant, now you will make it, without reflecting on stutter.
All author's techniques are various, but in them there is also a similarity: generally the author's technique represents set listed above methods. You can find a large quantity of examples in the Internet.
Mirsovetov would like to allocate especially that moment that in most cases stutter treatment at early age yields good results which remain on all life, irrespective of the chosen method. Therefore, if your child stammers, it is not necessary to postpone the solution of this problem.
And at last, Mirsovetov would like to tell two words how it is correct to behave if in an everyday life you often have to communicate with the stutterer. Naturally, try not to pay attention to how he speaks. Concentrate that he wants to tell you better. If so happened that your interlocutor faltered, at all don't finish for it the offer. Also it is not necessary to speak don't worry", «speak more slowly». It only will worsen a situation and will force it to stammer even more strongly.
Also try to treat such people with understanding. Their defect of speech delivers them more problems, than to you.
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