Prostatitis is an inflammatory process which proceeds in a prostate gland. Sharp inflammatory process which for a short period turns into the chronic means. The inflamed fabrics of a prostate gland can change the structure, functions of cages and fabrics that can already cause more serious consequences are broken. For this reason it is so important to notice during time symptoms (such as painful or speeded-up urination, pain in the bottom of stomach) and to address to the doctor.
In this article Mirsovetov would like to acquaint you with the matter, having told about the possible reasons and a course of treatment of prostatitis.
Reasons of emergence of prostatitis
- At 30 % of men the reason of emergence of prostatitis are infections, sexually transmitted. Them treat, first of all: Hlamidiya, Herpes virus, type fungus Candida, cytomegalovirus, микоплазмиды, intestinal stick, гонококки and trichomonads.
- Among the most frequent reasons of emergence of prostatitis – infection hit from the urethral channel, on lymphatic system or blood vessels, inflammation development owing to a disease of an internal.
- As the reason purulent educations can serve in an organism after the suffered diseases also: flu, quinsy, skin furuncles.
- Stagnation of blood in a prostate gland also can lead to its inflammation. It results from long sexual abstention, or – a sedentary life that now is the most actual reason of emergence of prostatitis.
- The inflammation also can result from long and permanent overcoolings, and also, not the unimportant reason are stresses.
Prostatitis treatment
The reasons of emergence of prostatitis, as a rule, a little therefore also its treatment should be complex. The main treatment consists of two factors, it, first of all, infection elimination, at infectious forms of a disease, and improvement of blood supply of a prostate gland.
1 stage of treatment: passing inspection precisely to establish the reasons of development of prostatitis, and also to find out process of an inflammation of a prostate gland is how started. This stage is most important, as allows to pick up precisely the medicines, necessary antibiotics, and influence methods.
2 stage of treatment: reception of antibacterial means which will eliminate the main reason for inflammatory process. More often antibiotics are applied: erythromycin, steers the wheel, абактал, ципрофлоксалин.
The most important is selection of anesthetizing and spazmolitichesky means which influence health of the patient, it promotes decrease in a stress and not pleasant feelings. As such preparations use anesthetizing candles, microenemas from broths of herbs: camomiles, melissa.
One of components of treatment is reception of phytocollecting: fennel seeds, валериана, pustyrnik, marigold and many other, spazmolitichesky and soothing herbs.
3 stage of treatment: physiotherapeutic methods – электрофорез, магнитофорез, an induktotermiya, pulse currents, laser therapy. To approach a procedure venue to the struck body the following methods of influence allow: transuretalny, endouretalny, transrectal and projective – these methods are important, as the physiotherapy can pass is useless without them.
4 stage of treatment: local treatment of prostatitis by means of prostate gland massage. He allows to improve blood supply, thereby, raising a muscular tone and allowing antibiotics to get inside. Thus, treatment of prostatitis is simply impossible without it – penetration of a cage increases, antibiotics get, the cause of illness is liquidated.
Prostate gland massage the most painful and humiliating procedure, but it is necessary, first of all. To carry out massage follows at a full bladder within a minute, in 1 day. Strokings and pressings on a prostate gland are made, thus the patient shouldn't test strong painful feelings.
5 stage of treatment: the immunokoregiruyushchy and all-strengthening therapy, allowing to restore an organism and not to allow further manifestation of an illness. At this stage minerals, polyvitamins, the substances increasing immunity are applied. Reception soothing, and if necessary, light sleeping medicines is also necessary.
Apparently, prostatitis treatment difficult, long and unpleasant process. But if it happened with you, it is possible and it is necessary to overcome. Mirsovetov recommends not to postpone visit to the doctor, without being depressed, and that, more not комплексуя about it is can happen with each man. The main thing that it is curable!
Folk remedies of treatment of prostatitis
Still ancient sorcerers treated the majority of man's diseases pumpkin seeds. It is the most valuable product for all men which will allow not only to treat, but also to prevent emergence of prostatitis. This results from the fact that seeds of a pumpkin contain a large quantity of zinc which is irreplaceable for a man's organism and is necessary since the birth. It is necessary to eat only about 30 sunflower seeds in day to food to fill a daily share of the zinc which is so necessary for a man's organism.
One of folk remedies of treatment of prostatitis is the asparagus. It comprises vitamin A, besides, is rich with potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It is necessary for using simply in food, to include in structure of dishes and salads.
As checked time a folk remedy in treatment of prostatitis consider also propolis. It since ancient times used for treatment of prostatitis, removal of symptoms of this disease. It possesses the strongest anti-inflammatory and spazmolitichesky action and isn't replaceable in complex therapy.
Apparently, for prevention of prostatitis it is required very little. It is necessary to include in the diet parsley, oranges, cabbage and in general the majority krestotsvetny as they possess excellent anti-inflammatory properties, strawberry, and also there are more than products from a flour of a rough grinding. Important in prevention of prostatitis is to exclude as much as possible risk factors: to keep to a diet, not to take alcohol, it is especially important not to overcool and conduct constant sexual life as it interferes with stagnation of sperm and improves prostate gland blood supply, as a result, the risk of emergence of inflammatory processes considerably decreases.
Apparently, the exit always is - not to allow a disease, elementary precautionary measures are necessary. Even inclusion in a diet of above-mentioned products for 50 % will allow to reduce emergence of prostatitis. If it occurred to you, it is not necessary to despair, prostatitis is treated, and thanks to modern methods of treatment all functions of a man's organism remain.
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