Let's understand that it for an illness and as usual cold can be transformed to antritis.
During cold the infection settles in nasal courses, pathogenic bacteria cause hypostasis of a mucous membrane of a nose, the nose "puts". There is a slime, at first transparent («snivels flow»), and then dense, green color. Here it is necessary to prick up the ears. Emergence of green slime — a sign of a strong inflammation. At cold we is frequent сморкаемся, very much trying to clean a nose. And often we forget that nasal courses are closely connected with the gaymorovy bosoms being on either side of a nose, under eyes. From intensive smorkaniye slime gets to a bosom and the inflammation — antritis begins.
Antritis diagnostics
The doctor defines antritis after survey: inserts into a nose a dilator and visually examines each nostril.It is possible to define antritis and it is independent: rise, and slowly bend forward. At antritis you will feel a nagging pain in gaymorovy bosoms and a forehead.
Sometimes happens so that roots of an upper teeth are very close to gaymorovy bosoms, and then the patient with antritis constantly feels all top jaw pain.
Sharp and chronic antritis
If antritis not to treat, it passes to a chronic form. Pain gradually vanishes, but the nose zalozhennost, periodic headaches remain. Mirsovetov doesn't recommend to be fond of vasoconstrictive means to force a nose to breathe. And after all many often use such preparations but if it is antritis, in such a way it not to cure, and it is possible to cause only accustoming to used drugs.
It is necessary to notice that at chronic antritis at a nose constantly there is an infection center therefore (alcohol — the most powerful blow on immunity) leads any overcooling or abuse of alcohol to long cold. At the adverse course of chronic antritis in a nose polyps which it is necessary to delete with a surgical way develop. The most unpleasant consequence of chronic antritis is loss of ability to feel smells.
Antritis treatment
There are also older antibiotics used for treatment of antritis — ampicillin, амоксициллин, цефалексин. The choice of an antibiotic depends on preferences of the doctor and from existence/absence at the patient of an allergy to this or that type of antibiotics. For simplification of breath the doctor appoints vasoconstrictive means, but also will explain, how often they can be applied (галазолин, назол, отривин and others). If there is a suspicion that allergic reaction became the reason of antritis, appoint antiallergic means: Klarotadin, Tavegil, Tsetrin Suprastin, Zirtek, Klaritin.
Cuckoos method
If antritis not heavy, to the patient will carry out a sine evacuation a soft catheter. A procedure essence in the following: the patient lies on a back. The doctor enters a soft catheter into one nostril, and the suction is inserted into other nostril. Not to choke, the patient should say constantly "ku-ku-ku-ku" (from here and the name — a method of the Cuckoo), then interrupts the nose message with a throat and solution doesn't get to a windpipe. In a catheter solution фурацилина moves, the patient "cuckoos", and the suction pumps out solution together with bosom contents. The effect is reached at the expense of creation of negative pressure in a bosom. After procedure in a bosom there is a solution quantity фурацилина that interferes with formation of pus.
Efficiency of this method not a bycicle, can be demanded some procedures after which the patient suffers from severe pain in a gaymorovy bosom.
Puncture of a gaymorovy bosom
Except antibiotics the doctor can suggest to carry out to the patient a puncture of a gaymorovy bosom. It is the simple procedure which is not demanding special preparation. The doctor takes a thin shpatel on which end the cotton wool moistened with lidocaine, inserts a shpatel deeply into a nostril — it is necessary to anesthetize a place where the puncture will become. Then a sterile needle (a needle big, with the bent end) the doctor punctures a bone partition between a nasal course and a gaymorovy bosom. It isn't sick, as anesthesia operates. The needle isn't taken out, the doctor attaches a syringe to a needle and washes away physical solution bosom contents. That the patient didn't choke, the doctor will ask it to sit with an open mouth, everything will follow through a mouth in the substituted capacity. Process of filling of a bosom by physical solution is very unpleasant — painful pressure sense from within. After the bosom will be filled with physical solution, contents outflow from a sick bosom begins. That the bosom cavity wasn't filled again with pus, into a bosom enter solution диоксидина.
Help with treatment of antritis can физиопроцедуры. 5-7 sessions соллюкса or UVCh considerably improve a condition of the patient.
If treatment is begun in time, antritis easily recovers within a week. Chronic antritis can demand much longer treatment and even operation. The essence of operation consists in making a constant opening between a gaymorovy bosom and maxillary area. For this purpose do a cut in a mouth, over the top jaw and carefully scrape out purulent contents of a bosom. When the opening is created, a cut in a mouth sew up. After operation pus in a bosom won't stand any more, following through an opening in a throat. The rehabilitation period after operation — about two weeks.
I loved this very detailed explanation - thank you.