The situation at which violations of genital function are found in the man is called as man's infertility, and for this reason conception doesn't come more than a year. I will repeat that within this year pair conducts active sexual life and doesn't use any contraceptives.
Reasons of man's infertility
- Inflammatory processes. They are the main reason for violation сперматогенеза – process of production of sperm. Owing to various inflammations (prostatitis, уретрита and other) considerably decreases mobility of spermatozoa, decreases quality of sperm. And it as you understand, inevitably leads if not at once to infertility, guarantees low probability to conceive the child.
- Infections, sexually transmitted (STD). These infections
also provoke more often development of various inflammations of the
man's sexual sphere. Microorganisms are capable to influence composition
of sperm. And gonorrhoea and clamidiosis even can cause defeat of man's genitals!
It is proved that hlamidiya in times worsen quality of sperm. Researches in which men with the diagnosis clamidiosis took part were carried out. Anybody from them long time couldn't conceive the child. And so after plan of treatment by antibiotics quality of sperm improved for 40 %, and the majority of participants of experiment soon became happy fathers.
- Violation of hormonal balance. As well as at women, and at men this reason becomes the infertility reason. As a result of endocrine violations (or with age) there is a shortage of testosterone – an important man's hormone. As a result – erection violation, failures in development of spermatozoa.
- Traumas, tumors and diseases. Yes, traumas and tumors of small eggs considerably reduce reproductive function of the man. And some diseases (for example, a mumps) are capable to make it fruitless. By the way, even osteochondrosis can cause impotence and infertility. One practising manualny therapist noticed such dependence and successfully treated men from given хвори! Who could think …
- Congenital anomalies of genitals. It both nedorazvity a penis, and the wrong structure of the urethral channel, and even фимоз at which impossible there is a head exposure. As a result, the man can't make high-grade sexual intercourse, and, respectively, impossible there is also a conception. Sounds, of course, ustrashayushche. But, the modern medicine is capable to manage miracles, and insignificant surgical intervention will help to finish defect.
- High temperatures. Yes, it is not so grandmother's fairy tales! Doctors argue that the temperature above 35°С harmful influences fabrics of small eggs. Therefore the men abusing a sauna or hot baths, practically in 100 % of cases have problems with quality of sperm. And, the close linen is capable to increase temperature of fabrics of a scrotum therefore protect the genital bodies from the increased temperatures from the youth!
- Addictions. Ministry of Health warns not for nothing –
alcohol, narcotic substances and tobacco smoking negatively affect
genital function. Alcohol often leads to an atrophy of small eggs, and
smoking – "sticks together" spermatozoa. Therefore leave addictions
while the getting is good!
Some people of the world have even a ban on the use of alcoholic beverages long before and during conception.
- Chemicals. Especially it was not lucky the men working at chemical productions. The bad ecology is written down in the infertility reasons, and continuous contact to chemicals especially … But, and other men don't need to relax, after all steroids of which many men in a pursuit of "cubes" of a press and bicepses-tritsepsami are fond also harmful influence quality of sperm and usual antibiotics, and especially.
- Stresses. Though and the last in the list of the reasons of man's infertility, but it it is not necessary to underestimate this point. The modern rhythm of life, stresses, sleeplessness affect on organism health as a whole, and reproductive function in particular. Therefore have more often a rest, learn to relax and try not to be nervous.
Types of infertility
Sekretornoye infertility – most often met form at which owing to violation of activity of small eggs, quality, quantity and/or mobility of spermatozoa decreases. Treatment consists in clarification of the reason of infertility. The trick – medicamentous treatment or hormonal therapy is farther.
Obturatsionnoye infertility arises, if on a way of an exit of spermatozoa there is an obstacle – a cyst, a tumor or a postoperative hem. More often surgical intervention which in most cases solves a problem is appointed.
Immunological infertility – in an organism as a result of certain reasons (for example, after a trauma) begins development of antibodies to fabrics of a small egg or spermatozoa. After inspection complex treatment is appointed.
Well, and the last look – the relative infertility meaning lack of visible deviations. More often such infertility is action of stresses, and the psychotherapist is engaged in treatment.
Mirsovetov should tell that all forms of man's infertility are now treated practically. Yes, both treatment, and diagnostics of man's infertility is much simpler and cheaper, than female.
Methods of treatment of man's infertility
Before being treated, it is necessary to know from what. Therefore an important stage in treatment of man's infertility – diagnostics. At first you will hand over some analyses proceeding from which results, to you either appoint treatment, or will continue diagnostics. In the course of inspection tests of blood, urine and hormones, спермограмма, are made by ultrasonography of a prostate gland and urinogenital system. After the doctor will establish the infertility reason, it appoints necessary treatment.- Medicamentous treatment. In case in you will find STD, it is
necessary to receive medical treatment antibiotics. At hormonal
failures (shortage or surplus of these or those hormones) treatment
consists in reception of hormonal preparations. And if results
спермограммы showed poor quality of sperm – will treat you vitamins,
homeopathic medicines and immunoproof-readers.
Some decades it is known that quality of sperm is influenced positively by vitamin. Containing in fish and seafood, in all known cod-liver oil, and also being allocated in our skin under the influence of sunshine, this vitamin considerably improves quality indicators of sperm. So, dear men, eat a small fish and sunbathe!
- Surgical intervention is necessary when diagnostics showed that on a way of spermatozoa there are obstacles. It can be and inguinal hernia,
and варикоцеле. As understand, medicines here are almost powerless.
But, unfortunately, and the scalpel of the surgeon not always will help,
especially, if the adult person is operated. More favorable forecasts
for the operated teenagers. So at a choice of the surgeon give
preferences to vysokvalifitsirovanny experts.
In my acquaintance on usual medical examination found inguinal hernia. The guy was married, and here on the kid while didn't reflect at all. Doctors insisted on operation and removed hernia. In four months the operated learned that soon becomes the father. And speak, the medicine is powerless.
- IKSI method. There are situations when spermatozoa can't independently merge with an ovum (spermatozoa are inactive or have other anomalies). And so in such cases mikroinyektsiya also are made – a spermatozoon in vitro introduce in an ovum then this ovum place in a uterus of mother which bears the child. The probability of fertilisation on this method reaches 60 %.
- Sperm donorship. This method apply in cases if in sperm of the partner at all there are no spermatozoa, or in a family any serious disease is from generation to generation transmitted. And also the lonely woman wishes when to become pregnant. Then doctors resort to services of banks of sperm. It is not necessary to be afraid, after all each donor passes inspection, including genetic. Here it is possible even to "choose" the father on color of eyes or hair that neighbors didn't gossip then in whom yours went, for example, ryzhenkiya карапуз.
- Nonconventional methods of treatment. Now infertility treat not only doctors. Still our ancestors treated all diseases herbs so can try and you. East methods of treatment – manipulation, acupuncture were added also. As you can see, the choice is great.
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