Thursday, 9 August 2012

Treatment of a cholelithic illness

Sometimes after food there is a bitterness in a mouth, and also weight in the right podreberye. These unpleasant phenomena often pass, and the patient woman tired of affairs doesn't give them special value. But it for the time being!

Cholelithic illness (ZhKB) – a disease at which in a gall bladder the stones (konkrement) consisting of salts of bilious acids are formed, cholesterol and painting substance – bilirubin. In medicine allocate 3 types of stones: cholesteric, pigmentary, and mixed. The cholelithic illness (ZhKB) – illness quite extended today so begins.
Желчнокаменная болезнь (ЖКБ) – заболевание, при котором в желчном пузыре образуются камни (конкременты), состоящие из солей желчных кислот, холестерина и красящего вещества – билирубина
Quite recently elderly people suffered from a cholelithic illness generally, but the last decades it is a disease strongly looked younger, and now quite often stones in a gall bladder disturb young 20-year-old girls.
For the first time about this illness learned still in the ancient time, then stones were used in the form of ornaments, and also for every possible ceremonies. Reason of emergence of stones: increase in the content of cholesterol in bile and the complicated removal of the bile from a gall bladder. In 1882 the first operation on removal of a gall bladder was made, and in Russia such operation was made only in 1889 by the great surgeon Kossinsky Yu.F. Since then passed many years and treatment methods considerably changed to the best.

Causes of illness

If to speak about those who falls ill with this illness more often, women here prevail. Why? Yes because at women the litogennost of bile is much higher, than at men. The Litogennost – the term which has come to us in the 60th years from English-speaking literature which means literally «making a stone».
Pregnancy at women is one of the reasons of development of a cholelithic illness. It is connected by that эстриол — the main estrogen being at pregnant women, can cause production of litogenny bile.
Беременность у женщин является одной из причин развития желчнокаменной болезни
Also physicians argue that the reason of emergence of a cholelithic illness at women is application of oral contraceptives. Therefore contraceptives need to be applied in extreme cases and only on doctor's orders.
Obesity – one of ZhKB reasons. At people who abuse food, cholesterol which promotes development of stones in a gall bladder and its channels raises.
Inactive way of life, and also sedentary work. To avoid an illness, Mirsovetov recommends to a thicket to go to free time from work. Aren't lazy, pass on foot pair of stops after work. Don't hurry to press a lift call, overcome ladder flights with pleasure and then the probability of this illness will be reduced in times.
Improper feeding. Starvation. Fast growing thin. For an example I will tell that the rising sun country always had a culture of a food at high level. And here now, if to take indicators, in Japan percent of a disease of ZhKB the lowest.


This illness develops very slowly and gradually. Throughout a row of years you feel small bitterness in a mouth, weight in the right podreberye after food, especially after the use of fat food, fried meat, smoked, salty, marinaded products or wine. Further hepatic colic, nausea, vomiting, a meteorizm are observed …
It is not necessary to hesitate! As soon as there were first symptoms, at once it is necessary to address to the doctor and to pass absolutely painless ultrasonic research during which already it becomes clear, there are stones in your gall bladder or not – a so-called kamnenositelstvo. For a while Mirsovetov without fail recommends to exclude products which complicate work of your liver from a diet: fats (especially animal), oil, sugar, starch, fried food, dairy products (such as yogurt and cheese), the products rich with cholesterol (eggs, a liver, sausages, caviar, mutton, etc.).
Продукты, которые затрудняют работу вашей печени
To relieve pain at an attack of a cholelithic illness the warming compress will help: it is necessary to heat up 3 tablespoons of camphor oil. To moisten with it a piece of a fabric, having evenly distributed on all surface. To put on area of a gall bladder.
Through any time pain should leave, but it is best of all to address at once to the doctor. Don't wait for weather from the sea.
Лечение желчекаменной болезни
Лечение желчекаменной болезни

Treatment of a cholelithic illness

Preparations existing now on dissolution of gallstones stand very expensively and demand long-term continuous reception. After its termination konkrement will be formed again as the kamneobrazovaniye reasons – violation of an exchange of cholesterol aren't eliminated, infections of zhelchevyvodyashchy ways, etc.
In addition medicamentous treatment by the preparations dissolving stones, happens effectively only in half of cases, at patients to so-called rentgenonegativny stones (invisible at x-ray research). It at all doesn't give result at pigmentary stones in diameter more than 1,5 cm and kaltsifitsirovanny (rentgenopozitivny).
Жёлчные камни
Be not afraid of operation! The only radical way of treatment of a cholelithic illness is removal of a sick gall bladder. Now the special technique of laparoskopichesky surgery (operation is carried out by means of several punctures of a belly wall) is developed at local anesthesia. It малотравматична, and the patient can already rise in day of operation. The cosmetic effect – lack of seams on a body is important also. Especially this question excites girls, after all nobody would like, that on his body last diseases and operations were read.
After removal of a gall bladder you can quietly return to normal life and practically not adhere to any diet. To be sorry it is simply there is nothing! The bubble filled by stones, doesn't carry out for a long time the functions. So why to your organism such ballast filled by stones.

Be engaged better in prevention! It is good to drink regularly the settled juice of a beet with a radish (1:1) morning, on an empty stomach, on 30 ml (wine-glass). The general hygienic regime, healthy nutrition, elimination of stagnation of bile by means of zhelchegonny drugs is necessary also. Here, dear readers, now you know that such a cholelithic illness, why it happens and as it is possible to try to avoid it.

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