Saturday, 4 August 2012

Treatment of pains in a back

Лечение болей в спине, боль в спине You are tormented by a back pain? And you have no time to take care of the own life and descend in hospital? Certainly, after all time so quickly runs, and you still should be in time everywhere: to descend in shop, to repair the car, to wash, prepare, beat a tack, to work with the child, to take a walk with a dog. You always somewhere hurry, are afraid to be late, you are hurt by a back, but you continue to "run". For the time being, without paying attention to a sick back, still it is possible to live and "run", but when pain will become aggravated, and a back will be constantly intolerable to ache, will be already late, and you can simply take away by an ambulance car. But while it didn't occur, let's try with the magazine Mirsovetov to understand that can become the reason of pain in a back and as it is necessary to operate in such situation.

Signs disease: overcooling

Let's begin with the most widespread reason of emergence of pain in a back: cold. For example, you do repair. Move furniture from one room in another, on the street summer, a heat +30, you it is natural, sweated. Having stopped to transfer furniture, went to shop, and there conditioners. Your superheated body gets under a cold current of air of the conditioner, and you start to freeze, to you is cold. The back next day starts to hurt. Here it is so simple and imperceptible, you elementary blew a back, and now can't rise, be unbent, a back pain constant, sharp and aching. How in this case you can help yourselves?

Treatment of pains in a back when overcooling

Лечение болей в спине при переохлаждении The first that you can make in that case: to rub a back with any warming-up ointment, for example, it is possible to take финалгон, никофлекс or fastum-gel. If near at hand there are no ointments, it is possible to rub a back with alcohol. Having rubbed a back with ointment or alcohol, wrap up a waist something warm: shawl, scarf. The next days also to rub a back with ointment, to carry out actions to an absolute recovery. And each time at an exit to the street to put on warmly, tying something warm on a waist.
Secondly, if the back hurts very strongly better to descend to the doctor, it appoints to you pricks. Pricks kill a back pain almost at once if not at once, at least, relieve pain a little. To everyone pricks appoint individually. For example, appoint to puncture within 5 days «мовалис» ampoules on 15 mg and «мильгамму» on one ampoule every other day.
Thirdly, if you often blows, Mirsovetov urgently recommends to wear a belt for a waist. Now in drugstores a large number of warming belts for a waist from dog, sheep wool is on sale. Buy such belt and carry every day under clothes. The belt thin also isn't appreciable under clothes.

Symptoms of a disease: lumbago (the 1st stage of radiculitis)

Лечение болей в спине At first, you need to define that you hurts, what character pain (stupid, aching, sharp, sharp) when it appears. For example, you started repair in the apartment but as popular wisdom speaks, «repair can't be finished, it can be suspended only», started to move furniture, to transfer a wardrobe etc., something wasn't pleasant to you, and you again started to move furniture and so repeats periodically every week. And somehow, transferring once again a bed from one room to another, you had a waist sharp pain, then pain entered a foot and quickly passed. Pain was short-term, and you didn't pay attention. Then, again, moving furniture, you felt a waist sharp pain, thus you sharply rose and unbent a back, pain amplified, but then passed. It is a high time to reflect, why so occurs? All cases of emergence the pains given in an example, are a sign of the first stage lumbar крестцового radiculitis which is called in the people a lumbago, in medicine - люмбаго.
In a stage of a lumbago lumbar крестцового radiculitis pain appears in a waist as a result of lifting of weights or sharp movement of a body (you sharply turned, sharply unbent a back, bent etc.). Further pains can repeat, sometimes a waist pain gives to a foot. As a rule, pain amplifies at cough, a chikhaniye, that is after tension of all body.

Treatment of pains in a back at a lumbago

First, at emergence of sharp lumbar pain it is necessary to lay the patient on a rigid surface (on a floor or a bed, thus to enclose under a mattress of the patient a plywood leaf) immediately. For reduction of pain in a back you can give to the patient an anesthetic (analginum, спазмалгон, пенталгин).
Attention! Mirsovetov warns that in that case you shouldn't put the patient in a hot bath at all, it only will strengthen pain.
Secondly, you can give to the patient a dry hot-water bottle if it doesn't help, it is possible to rub to the patient in waist skin ointment butadionovy, indometatsinovy (it is possible to use also the ointments which are daily advertized on the TV which suit you and don't cause an allergy).
Thirdly, it is necessary for you to limit salt and liquid in a diet of the patient.
Fourthly, a confinement to bed for 3-5 days.
If a back pain doesn't pass or there was a sharp severe pain, call the doctor on the house, and it to you appoints treatment.

Symptoms of a disease: hernia of intervertebral disks (the 2nd stage of radiculitis)

Боль в спине So, you suffered a waist pain, did-did repair, transferred constantly weights (that is furniture), thought pain itself will pass somehow, but not here that was. A waist pain became a constant and amplifies when walking, you lighten only when lie in horizontal situation. "Got into a mess" - you will think. Certainly, after all it is symptoms of hernia of intervertebral disks.
The second stage of radiculitis – hernia of intervertebral disks, the patient feels a waist constant pain which can be given in a foot and amplify during the walking, cough, a chikhaniye. At hernia also there can be an onemeniye or decrease in sensitivity in a waist zone. Also severe pains appear, if the patient bends forward or down, bends feet, gets up.

Treatment of pains in a back at hernia of intervertebral disks

First, it is necessary to provide to the patient absolute rest and a confinement to bed.
Secondly, to give to the patient an anesthetic (analginum, спазмалгон, пенталгин etc.).
Thirdly, urgently to call the doctor.
Attention! To relieve pain when walking and lifting the patient the belt of a shtangist or a rigid lumbar corset will help.

Symptoms of a disease: lumbar osteochondrosis

A back pain also can be because of lumbar osteochondrosis. Lumbar osteochondrosis is such disease of a backbone at which a food of an intervertebral disk which connects vertebras among themselves is broken. An intervertebral disk, without receiving, the necessary elements, "dries", load of vertebras increases, as a result intervertebral disks start to be erased, there is a back a pain.

Treatment of pains in a back at osteochondrosis

Лечение болей в спине при остеохондрозе Lumbar osteochondrosis is also chronic disease, help the patient only the patient, daily loadings and healthy nutrition can.
So, at osteochondrosis it is necessary:
  1. Massage.
  2. Manipulation.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Special physiotherapy exercises.
  5. Healthy nutrition. The food should contain microcells necessary for strengthening of bones. For this purpose it is necessary for you to address to the doctor that to you appointed the individual program of a food.

Symptoms of a disease: «occupational disease»

«профессиональное заболевание» спины Under the name "occupational disease" any illness, as a rule, gets, but in this case Mirsovetov means a back pain. For example, your profession is connected with small mobility, you the manager, the operator, the cashier, the programmer etc., long sit in one situation and don't rise. You sit, sit, perform intellectual work. And one fine day, your muscles «заныли», at you the back ached and continues to be ill to this day, it is available - "occupational disease". From small mobility your muscles become flabby and can't long hold a back in one situation, to it the wrong bearing is added, and starts to be ill not only a back, but also a neck. So, a back pain can be because of small physical activity and not the correct bearing.

Treatment of pains in a back at "occupational disease"

The one-stage method eliminating a back pain at such disease isn't present, as it, as a rule, a chronic disease. The only thing that can help at once at severe pain with a back, it is a prick with anesthetizing medicine.
To eliminate a back pain it is possible daily procedures: Лечение болей в спине при «профессиональном заболевании»
  1. Daily five-minute physical warm-up each hour. It is necessary for you to give load of back muscles that them to strengthen.
  2. To watch a bearing when you sit. Watching itself, try to sit and go with a direct back: straighten shoulders, a breast forward, shovels together, the head hold directly. Noticed, how your tummy at once was tightened? And so, when you go with a direct back, for you work not only back muscles, but also a press muscle.
  3. Massage. Independently to do massage it is not recommended, as you can not know painful points and do still bigger harm to the person with a sick back, it is better to address to the expert.

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