About this disease speech in article prepared by me specially for Mirsovetov also will go. It would be desirable to tell that the mastopatiya represents and, certainly, to concern a question of its treatment.
How there is a mastopatiya?
For development of a mastopatiya the push which will start an illness is necessary. It can be a long stress, infectious diseases, abortions, smoking, alcohol, absence of chest feeding and, such fashionable now, fire topless. The great value has also heredity. If your mother and the grandmother had a mastopatiya, you need to visit маммолога not less often than two times a year.Except these factors, for development of a mastopatiya the hormonal imbalance is obligatory is is connected with change of level of a progesterone in blood of the woman. Level of this hormone changes depending on a phase of a menstrual cycle and an emotional condition of the woman.
Anybody from us isn't insured from casual injuries of a mammary gland: pushed in crowd, pressed in a subway crowd... and, please, the breast becomes painful, there are consolidations... These consolidations are formed by fibrous changes of fabrics – the connecting fabric expands and substitutes for itself normal fabrics of a mammary gland.
Mastopatiya diagnostics
When you will notice at yourselves suspicious symptoms, it is possible to try to define a mastopatiya independently. For this purpose it is necessary to undress to a belt, to rise in front of the mirror, to raise one hand and attentively to examine a mammary gland. If there are no external changes, (and sites of the changed skin should guard you at once: thinner, reinforced, wrinkled, skin as «a lemon crust»), it is possible to start to palpate. Beginning from an axillary hollow, accurately probe a breast, all shares of a mammary gland. Non-uniform consolidations, balls under skin, probably, painful at a palpation will be a sign of a mastopatiya. Having carried out self-diagnostics, address to the doctor. It appoints to you ultrasonography inspection or a X-ray to establish the exact diagnosis and to start treatment.
Mastopatiya treatment
If in time to address for medical care, it is possible to stop a clinical course at early stages and not to allow such awful consequences, as mastopatiya regeneration in a cancer tumor, for example.If you address to маммологу with complaints to pain in a breast before monthly and allocation from nipples, most likely the doctor appoints to you immunomodulating, antioxidant preparations of the phytogenesis rich with iodine and vitamins A, Е, Page. These preparations are capable to stop a mastopatiya and to return breasts a normal state.
In the most started cases at a mastopatiya cysts of a mammary gland (the educations filled with liquid) develop. Before them deleted completely, together with a mammary gland, but now the surgeon deletes only struck site, the breast remains on a place. Of operation will remind only thin scar which isn't swept up absolutely not under clothes. However, it doesn't insure the woman against mastopatiya development on the remained mammary gland.
At cysts of a mammary gland the doctor can appoint a cyst puncture (inside enter a needle and suck away its contents). Before carrying out a puncture are obligatory complex inspection: a palpation, ultrasonography – for women till 40 years, a mammografiya – for women of more advanced age. Nobody will begin to do you a puncture «simply so» – if the doctor appoints this procedure, means, it has bases to believe that on the fabrics of a mammary gland changed by a mastopatiya there can be a cancer tumor. However, there are different forms of a mastopatiya, and not each of them can far regenerate in a cancer. If after a puncture of a cyst are formed again, procedure is appointed repeatedly or the decision on operative intervention is made. Pumping out liquids (puncture) is carried out not only for the purpose of cyst removal, after the biopsy also is carried out. The biopsy is a microscopic research of the fabrics, allowing to define, whether there are malignant changes in a mammary gland. As the most extreme method of treatment of a mastopatiya in the most hard cases resort to complete removal of mammary glands, replacing them with implants.
The key to success of treatment of a mastopatiya is treatment of a disease or the condition which has caused a mastopatiya. So, for identification of the disease which has become a push to development of a mastopatiya appoint consultation of the endocrinologist, conduct complex survey of an organism.
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