At the word "rickets" at us can arise unless associations with offensive children's "obzyvalka" or starving children in pre-revolutionary Russia. But this illness which reason is an unbalanced food and a lack of sunshine, is capable and to become a reason for concern of parents today.
What is rickets
The Nedonoshennost or big weight at the birth, or dysbacteriosis – all this also can serve as a cause of illness.
In rapid growth of the baby burdened by certain adverse factors (the heavy course of pregnancy, artificial feeding, ecology and climate), rickets can lead to the broken formation of a skeleton and the wrong functioning of the main systems of an organism.
Symptoms and clinical course
In a heat of violation of development will be already more appreciable. The kid lags behind the contemporaries in the impellent sphere, weakness of muscles is noted. In the absence of treatment there can be a rachitic hump – a vypiraniye of chest department of the backbone, disappearing at a rising, a curvature of feet of the X-shaped About-shaped form. Parietal and frontal bones of a skull of the baby expand, the thorax is deformed – so-called «the Olympic forehead» or «a breast of the shoemaker». To girls, future mothers, deformation of pelvic bones can bring in the problem future at a vynashivaniye and the birth of the child. On handles there can be "bracelets" – the expanded stones on wrists or «pearls thread» – reinforced phalanxes of fingers. Bones of a skull will melt soft to a pliability. During this period the biochemical analysis of blood already will show considerable decrease in level of phosphorus and calcium, and the urine analysis, opposite – the raised content of phosphorus. Anemia – low level of hemoglobin in blood is besides noted. The pediatrist will note increase in a liver and a spleen, existence of noise in heart. Well and, of course, there is the general delay of psychomotor development.
Treatment and prevention
Walks in the open air, correctly organized acceptance of solar baths, especially in the second half of pregnancy, are simply necessary for you! After all vitamin D is capable to be synthesized in skin under the influence of sunshine.
If the doctor observing you registered to you vitamin D – surely accept it. In enough it contains and in any polyvitaminic complexes which have been specially developed for pregnant women.
After the birth of the kid don't neglect simple hygienic measures and physiotherapeutic procedures – regularly air a room of the child, walk with it more often, carry out the massage recommended by the pediatrist and gymnastics.
Nurse! The bioactive substances containing in chest milk, promote a normal metabolism at the child though in it it is a little the vitamin D.
It is important to know and remember also that lactose which is present at milk of mother, promotes the best digestion of calcium. And therefore at artificial feeding choose adapted, approached on structure to chest milk of a mix.
The feeding up to the kid should be entered in due time. Vitamin D contains in yolks, butter, meat, it isn't present in vegetables and fruit. Follow instructions of the doctor, he can recommend in certain cases earlier introduction of a feeding up.
At timely identification and the correct treatment the period of fading rickets is replaced by the recovery period.
thank you for a detailed description of rickets, such a common plague in children