Symptoms of tuberculosis are: constantly increased temperature (not above 38С), a headache, weight loss, lack of appetite, cough (as dry, and with a phlegm, with blood in a phlegm), short wind, a sweating at night. There are mood differences, irritability, decrease in working capacity. 1-2 symptoms can be shown only, and it will be unessential it is cough. Therefore at appearance of one of the listed symptoms Mirsovetov recommends not to be treated independently, and to address to the doctor, in time to diagnose possible tuberculosis and to begin its timely treatment.Diagnostics
The simplest check on tuberculosis – reaction Manta. In 72 hours after test it is possible to define Manta, whether there is in an organism a tubercular infection. However this method possesses very low accuracy.Phlegm crops often help to diagnose tuberculosis, however bacteria of tuberculosis "grow" not always therefore and there is a risk in a false manner the negative analysis.
Most often, for want of something better, for inspection on tuberculosis use a usual X-ray of lungs and survey of the patient.
In specialized clinic it is possible to make definition титра antibodies to tuberculosis. This method allows to reveal existence of immunity to tuberculosis and to find out, whether the carried-out vaccination was effective. Reliability – about 75 %.
The most modern method – PTsR (polimerazny chain reaction). It is DNA diagnostics when on the analysis the phlegm of the patient undertakes. The result can be learned in 3 days, reliability – 95-100 %.
Tuberculosis treatment
Treatment usual (sensitive to drugs) tuberculosis takes not less than 6 months, and is sometimes tightened till 2 years. For infection oppression therapy should be carried out systematically, without pauses, then tuberculosis can't progress.
When tuberculosis is revealed, the patient place in a hospital where he spends about two months — active allocation of bacteria of tuberculosis during this time stops. When the patient ceases to represent threat for health of people around, treatment proceeds is out-patient.
Treatment of usual tuberculosis is carried out according to a certain scheme, such preparations enter into it, as an isoniazid, rifampicin, пиразинамид, streptomycin and этамбутол. The doctor selects an individual combination of preparations which the patient should accept within 2-3 months, treatment takes place in a hospital. If after the lapse of this time treatment didn't bring due effect or effect very weak that is caused by stability of an infection to this or that preparation, corresponding changes are made to chemotherapy. In such cases it is replaced one or several preparations or the way of their introduction (intravenously, it is inhalation) changes. If, on the contrary, after 2-3 months of reception of preparations the positive effect is observed, within the next 4 months appoint only an isoniazid and rifampicin. Upon termination of plan of treatment of the patient again makes tests and if Koch stick is revealed, means, tuberculosis passed to a medicinal and steady form.
Treatment of a form of tuberculosis steady against drugs is tightened for years. Depending on the tuberculosis bacterium is steady against what preparations, to the main preparations (the isoniazid, rifampicin) add so-called preparations of the second row – офлоксацин, каприомицин, этионамид, циклосерин, паск. Preparations of the second row are much more expensive, than them about $10 000 can cost usual drugs for tuberculosis, and treatment. To accept these preparations it is possible only in a complex, differently there will be no effect. Mirsovetov intentionally doesn't publish the scheme of reception of these preparations as uncontrolled treatment forms full stability of bacteria and absolute incurability of tuberculosis.
Earlier the integral element of treatment of tuberculosis was sanatorium treatment. Today treatment in sanatoria is only additional means of fight against an illness. But if the patient refuses hospitalization when it is really necessary, the medical institution has the right to direct through court the patient on obligatory treatment in antitubercular clinic. This practice is applied everywhere to treatment of irresponsible patients and providing health of the nation.
The great value in treatment of an illness has healthy nutrition. Meat, fish dishes, vegetables and fruit should enter into a diet of the patient. Alcohol and smoking are categorically contraindicated. As the patient often loses appetite at tuberculosis, it is recommended to use in food products vitamin-rich which have property to stimulate appetite: dogrose infusion, cod-liver oil, curdled milk, kefir.
Latent infection
As push to development of tuberculosis the strong stress, a lack of a food, long hard drinkings can serve. The majority of people at all don't suspect that carry in the organism Koch stick. Therefore try to support always the health in norm that already in itself will counteract illness development. Mirsovetov can calm you: usual cold causes decrease in immunity, but it is not enough of it to start tuberculosis. That Koch stick started to breed, easing of immunity should be long and be combined with bad living conditions — poor-quality food, a lack of fresh air, a hard work in the polluted rooms.
Tuberculosis prevention
Tuberculosis — a poverty and insanitary conditions illness. To save herself from this illness, it is necessary to care of the immunity — strong immunity a condition independently to win Koch stick if that gets to an organism. That immunity could cope with an illness, it is necessary qualitatively and to eat, take variously vitamins many to walk and be engaged in any sports. The leading role in distribution of medicinal and steady tuberculosis is played by prisons. Treatment of prisoners is often carried out incorrectly or patients incorrectly take medicine and as a result tuberculosis with multiple medicinal stability extends in a geometrical progression.It is possible to catch only at air inhalation in which there are microscopic small droplets of a saliva and a phlegm of the patient. There will be an infection or not — depends on what quantity of bacteria got to lungs, can suppress an organism them or not. If long time to be in one room with the patient danger to catch increases in times — for this reason so tuberculosis in prisons "blossoms". The room, the more long bacteria is worse aired remain in air.
It is impossible to catch at handshake with the patient on the street. But indoors, where air is almost motionless, tactile contact and using the general subjects of use considerably increase risk of infection.
The person can fall ill with tuberculosis, using in food milk from the cows sick with tuberculosis. Mirsovetov recommends: don't buy milk «from hostesses» which trade in the places which have not been intended for trade — their goods don't pass sanitary-and-epidemiologic control and nobody guarantees you safety of their products.
Tuberculosis is now a major concern with this generation. It is spread through the intake of Smoke, dust, etc. To get cured from this disease visit Tuberculosis Treatment in Gurgaon Delhi.
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