Saturday, 2 June 2012

Why do people start smoking?

Smoking is injurious to health ... this is now known, it seems, even to children. Promotion of harm of smoking is paying off - over the past decade, the number of smokers in the world has decreased by about 10%, but still smoking, still lacking, both among men and women. For some reason, people begin to smoke, and at what stage of life is this?This question attempted to answer Western scholars, having study participants were adult persons of both sexes and various ages. In the study, researchers found that:• More than 60% of smokers, moreover, of both sexes, smoked their first cigarette in adolescence. These data again confirm the need to promote the dangers of smoking, especially among children and adolescents.• Approximately three out of ten cases, the first cigarette was smoked out of pure curiosity.• In four or five out of ten cases of smoking in the first place simply "for the company."• Starting to smoke, almost none of future smokers did not think about the damage that cigarettes can cause his body, and did not realize how strong it may be a need for tobacco products.• Often, the men began smoking during the passage of military service.• Women start smoking due to stress and strong negative feelings, about four times more often than men.• And, finally, of wanting to quit smoking, only slightly more than 30% managed to survive without a cigarette for over a year.It should be recalled that smoking leads to cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as impotence and premature aging of the organism.

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