ESPECIALLY NOT for impressionable- By itself, early toxicosis really is not terrible, but women who suffer from them more often later, more serious complications - says MD, professor, head of the department of pathology of pregnancy Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Ludmila ants. - For example, preeclampsia - the second half of pregnancy toxemia - is fraught with not only high blood pressure, swelling of the legs, but also a possible eclampsia with convulsions of the muscles of the body and loss of consciousness. This is such a dangerous condition that a woman's life is on the verge - not for nothing that preeclampsia is the third highest number of deaths among mothers and children. So do not relate to the early toxicosis irresponsible, you must keep in mind its possible consequences.
- The frequency of vomiting and its intensity are important?- Of course. Toxemia is divided into a light phase, when the sick woman to five times a day, the average degree of severity - from 5 to 10 times, and severe - when vomiting for more than 10 times a day. The first stage occurs in almost every pregnant woman and corrected, and proper nutrition regime. In second-degree toxicity when vomiting more than 5 times, have preferred hospital admission with infusion therapy - at the most imminent serious complication of pregnancy. Then intravenous drip of drugs aimed not only at the cleansing of the body (as in the moderate severity), but also on vitamin therapy, sedation, calming the nervous system, and to improve the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, often have to drop immunoglobulins - women with autoimmune disorders, especially in the incompatibility of the spouses.
- This is when my wife sick of her husband?- Roughly speaking. Immunological incompatibility between mother and father really is one of the causes of toxicity and is found not so rare. The mother is trying to deprive other people's cells - especially in the first pregnancy, which is why there is need for special and immunotherapy. We take her husband's blood "washed" cells and introduce them to his wife. This therapy is quite popular and effective.
- A psychological factor may be the cause of toxicity?- It happens. My mother, for example, talked about how her pregnancy nausea, vomiting, and impressionable daughter ... For these and similar cases in our center, staffed by psychologists, psychotherapists, and even - we often are patients that have been observed in psychiatric centers.Here's an example. Recently, they brought a woman from another country with the strongest toxicity. She had no obvious pathology, but the vomiting was so that she has lost 7 pounds. We poured it on the day of a liter of fluids to avoid dehydration, but could not determine the cause of this condition. Until not called a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or more precisely. She acknowledged some problems, causing the girl we were at very high doses of droperidol - a drug that affects the central nervous system. Thanks largely to him, she went home with advanced pregnancy. This is the second serious case of this year, when the treatment had to be connected therapists.
- I do not understand - the patient suffered apparent mental disorder?- We have no right to give such a diagnosis without recourse relatives or herself to specialists. We had a girl progressing pregnancy - we called the therapist, who wrote a history of "depression" and made appropriate recommendations. Everyone who comes to us, we will somehow cure.
Toxicosis LOVES skinny- Lyudmila, is there a predisposition to toxicosis?- This is usually associated with chronic problems. Thus, early morning sickness often occurs in women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis or ulcer - almost a guarantee of future toxicity. Although not necessarily a long and heavy. The same can be said of the thyroid gland - a very high percentage of pregnant women who have problems with it, nausea and vomiting seen in the first half of pregnancy. Therefore, women planning to become a mother should see a doctor prior to the antenatal clinic or a physician to determine their general condition. Going to have a healthy pregnancy.
- How often do you meet is now completely healthy?- Expectant mother should get healthier. That is, relax, poprinimat vitamins, eat well, exercise. Especially take care of their condition should be women who had gathered to give birth after 30 years. At this age, chronic diseases are not uncommon, so you should always remember the responsibility to ourselves and to future children. It is important not to neglect a visit to the gynecologist, if a woman regularly observed in the women's clinic, then it is certainly better pregnancies and the probability of toxicity is less.
- You said, you can adjust the proper nutrition. What is it?- Eating more often and smaller - the so-called fractional power. It is desirable to abandon the sharp, salty foods that cause sharp reactions in the gastrointestinal tract, and prefer them to the milk and cottage cheese contain calcium. But even in this period the woman should eat what she wants to listen to their desires.
- It can be very fat. By the way, toxicosis is more common in large or skinny women?- Case no statistics, but according to our observations - from skinny. As I said, there is toxemia in pregnant women with thyroid disease, and they do not differ by large dimensions.
SEX OUTSIDE OF THE LAW and grass- Are there any medications to help deal with vomiting?- Yes, for example, torekan. It must take one tablet three times daily before meals. It takes non-severe manifestations of toxicity, as well as tsirukal.
- Not bad if, in principle, to get involved in pills during pregnancy?- It depends on what. Taratogennye truly dangerous drugs during pregnancy because of adverse effects on fetal development of the organism, and therefore prohibited in obstetrics. Others have to be made, if necessary - for it is the responsibility of the physician who recommends medication. But, of course, it is preferable for a woman to cope with the toxicity without a special purpose - through diet, fractional power, vitamin therapy, a good sleep.
- And the recipes of traditional medicine be used?- No grass will not cope with the toxicity. I think that you should not rely on other non-traditional methods - it's too big a risk for mother and child.
- Then what should be taking vitamins?- Special facilities for pregnant women - now they are a huge number. It is desirable that there were all the trace minerals and iodine. At present, we do not recommend drinking a folic acid prevents birth defects of the fetus in the early stages, or vitamin E - you need a full range. Although women in the second stage of toxicity, they are often unable to tolerate - so we can use them vitamins intravenously through a drip.
- The most disturbing question: Is sex affects toxemia?- If only the husband's sick ... No, it does not matter.
- But a certain kind of relationship during pregnancy is not contraindicated?- If the woman has no risk of miscarriage, then it is possible to live a sexual life of up to 30 weeks - after already undesirable. After all, what is the sperm of her husband? This is mainly prostaglandins - a group of physiologically active substances, or hormones, which are used in obstetrics for labor induction. In order not to cause birth prematurely, with 30 weeks of sexual activity is not recommended. And women are heard. Anyway, so we are told.
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