Even 15-20 years ago, decoding of the nucleotide sequence of 1000 nucleotides was considered almost scientific feat. For this you can immediately get a PhD. But by 1990 the definition of the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA molecule has mass technology. And now a qualified technician is doing this job in less than a day.
As a result, the opening of the human genome appeared Molecular Medicine is one of the areas - genetic diagnosis of diseases, their prevention and gene therapy. Thanks to molecular medicine in the future are likely to create new drugs are much more selective and effective than existing ones. Because they will be targeted to act on the gene and protein targets.
Today, science is developing so rapidly that, obviously, will soon be read and the genome of any individual. This will help determine which genes are defective, what are threatening illnesses. Even today the power of science to make such an analysis and genetic passport rights.
In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are scientists who can do it. Genetic analysis may reveal a predisposition to hypertension, diabetes, some forms of cancer, Down's syndrome, phenylketonuria, to alcoholism and drug addiction, even homosexuality.
While genetic studies are still very expensive. However, with the development of the mass of research, this procedure will be accessible to all. Just think of mobile phones. When 15 years ago, they only came on the market, it was very expensive, which could afford only the rich people. The development of mass production has led to the fact that cell phones are now available to almost everyone. The same will happen with genetic diagnosis.
Group with the participation of Motorola Life Sciences is developing a portable genetic diagnosis based on your Pocket PC. It will identify the disease by examining the patient's saliva sample. The new technology will be in hospitals over the next five years, and in everyday life - ten years.
Genetic diagnosis will identify the weakest parts of the human body, a predisposition to certain diseases. Accordingly, a person can build their lives so as to avoid further health problems. As the saying goes, forewarned - is forearmed.
If genetic diagnostics identify a disease, treat it will be tailored to the individual characteristics of the organism of the individual. Today used for the treatment of mass medication, and they are different people in different ways: out of 100 people, 60 might improve in the state of health, at 20, they will be minor, and another 20 did not feel the effects of the drug.
A truly effective treatment will be the case if, for each person will be made special preparations.
Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) with Parental Support offers a new technology that gives couples the best chance of having healthy babies. Parental Support uses microarray technology to screen all 24 chromosomes and uses a sophisticated bioinformatic algorithm to improve accuracy.
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