Thus, the gene is a function of the elementary unit of hereditary material. This means that a fragment of DNA corresponding to a particular gene and determining, by the contained biological information, the possibility of a specific trait is more functionally indivisible.
Under the sign of the unit to understand the morphological, physiological, biochemical, immunological, clinical, and any discontinuity (discontinuity) of organisms, ie separate quality or property on which they differ from each other. Most of the features of organisms or cells belongs to the category of complex traits, the formation of which requires a synthesis of many substances, primarily proteins with specific properties - enzymes immunoproteinov, structural, contractile, transport and other proteins.
Simply put, the only species of molecules in the cell, which guarantee our individuality - is DNA.
At the heart of man, like any other organism, are two sets of genes. One of them is inherited from the mother, the other - from the father. Each gene set contains information on the origin of species (in this case that we - the people, not animals), racial, national and individual. In the process of human development of its genes (genotype) interacts with the environment, resulting in realized phenotype, that is, the person's appearance.
The genes in cells of all organisms, including humans, not only store information but also work: double, change their positions in the chromosomes (recombine). And though all these processes are remarkably neat and accurate, however, sometimes there are mistakes - mutations. All of this is the basis of the normal natural variability of the genetic apparatus of cells.
Something interesting
"Thrust to the muscles in the female imprinted genes. To male muscles, say genetics, their causes uncontrollable power of natural instinct. And could it be otherwise? Genetics sexes evolved in prehistoric times, when women could only rely on male power. It is believed that the hunter Warrior was a model at all times. And whatever the road today do not tie a man wearing a woman in the first place pretending as if he had looked in leopard skin. "
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