In addition to the therapeutic effect, the stem cells are actively used in cosmetic and obscheozdoravlivayuschih, to strengthen, for complex purification and rejuvenation.
To date, stem cells are extracted mainly from the fetal tissue. This method allows you to get them in fairly large quantities, but the use of embryonic stem cells is associated with some difficulties. First, their use for treatment - not safe, and secondly - to use them is considerable controversy regarding the ethics of such a decision. In this regard, have been developed and other ways of obtaining stem cells - from fat and bone marrow.
In this case, stem cells are found in almost all tissues of the body - intestines, in the retina of the eyes, muscle and nerve tissue, skin, etc. It should be noted that recently there has been tendetsiya to the use of this somatic (ie, taken from an adult human body) cells rather than embryonic. Furthermore, modern science has learned to not only retrieve them, but to grow.
In Russia, similar treatments were applied relatively recently, but now in all major centers of the country there are institutions that offer rehabilitation or treatment with stem cells. In Novosibirsk, as one of the main scientific centers in the country, similar technology is already widely and successfully used. Coming from different parts of the country, people are able to apply for these services in a number of major medical centers that offer both inpatient accommodation, and booking a hotel or apartment in Novosibirsk. Without wasting time dealing with everyday problems, people can always get a complete and safe treatment using the most modern technology.
Today it is available and at a reasonable price - good, that in Russia now, as happened previously in the West, people have gradually come to believe that the economy's health is totally unacceptable, all the more stronger fashion to a moderate lifestyle, beauty and longevity.
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