Today, a young family trying to prepare for the birth of the child in advance. Husband and wife are necessary examinations by doctors, podlechivat'sya chronic diseases, geneticists have studied and take tests when planning pregnancy.
All that is necessary in order to "interesting situation" the mother was at the lowest possible complications, both for herself and for the fetus.
Most important, in preparation for fertility, specimen collection is in the planning of pregnancy. Visiting a doctor, you get a list of the most important studies that need to go to both parents, as follows:
1.Analiz blood, total.2.Analiz on various kinds of infections, namely: TORCH-complex, HIV, hepatitis B and C, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, Trichomonas, cytomegalovirus, herpes, syphilis.3.Opredelenie Rh factor and blood group.4.Issledovaniya hormonal levels. It is especially important for problems with conception, irregular menstrual cycle, miscarriages.5.UZI: abdominal, pelvic, thyroid gland.6.Analiz blood clotting.7.Spermogrammu.8.Geneticheskoe study on the karyotype. It is necessary to avoid the risk of genetic diseases.9.Tsitologicheskie analysis - colposcopy.

The main thing - well in advance to prepare for a future pregnancy, because it will protect you from many worries and stress often associated with women because of the slightest illness. Basic tests for pregnancy planning delivers a woman, but such studies as semen, genetic analysis, blood group and Rh factor and the need to go man.
Remember, on your joint action and mutual aid depends on the future health of the baby, who was waiting for You!
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