Heart diseases affect men and women in different ways. Such conclusions were made to U.S. researchers. As it turned out in the new research, women have symptoms of impending heart disease often are more insidious and just at the moment a heart attack, he becomes more dangerous than the same condition in men.And even if at the time of attack, doctors have time to direct a person to come to the rescue, long-term effects of heart disease may make itself felt, and long after the fact, as he is fit, causing serious harm to human body.As shown by statistics compiled by the American scientists, within twelve months after the first heart attack, dying a little more than 24% of men who survived it. And the mortality rate among women is more than 36%.Also, the researchers found out that over the next six years after the first heart attack, the second attack may occur in women twice as often than the stronger sex. In addition, due to bypass surgery, women may die with half as much more likely than men do.Among other things, it is necessary to take into account that after a heart attack the heart of man is not come to the previous form, with rare exceptions.The researchers note that most likely there is an association of women with heart disease in small blood vessels, whereas, when it comes to the stronger sex, we can talk about the relationship of the above diseases is just to large blood vessels.It should be noted that in the course of his research, American scientists have discovered that the heart of a woman less than a man's heart loses its ability to "pump" the blood after a heart attack. Damage to the heart of a woman - is most often the result of dysfunction of the small blood vessels rather than large arteries, the researchers said.
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