Rhinoplasty - an operation that changes the shape of the nose. Of all the plastic rhinoplasty procedures - one of the most complex in execution. However, this is one of the most popular plastic surgery operations. Particularly important that rhinoplasty was done by a qualified surgeon, as his nose is always in sight, and any mistake will be visible to the surgeon like no other. Aesthetic rhinoplasty is not worth doing for children up to 16-18 years, so as not to disrupt the physiological process of growth. Upper age limit does not exist. The future shape of the nose is determined by the surgeon and patient during the consultation. Often there are cases where the patient can not describe with precision the desired result. In such cases it is better to resort to computer simulation, which is a very rough method of prediction, however can greatly ease the task of the surgeon. What types of rhinoplasty can be done? Rhinoplasty can be performed open or closed method. There are front and rear rhinoplasty. The aim of rhinoplasty may be removing hump, changing the width of the nose, change the tip of the nose. You can change the width and contour of the nostrils. Photos after the computer processing can be selected accurately reflect the patient's form, but in this case, a reasonable approach is needed. It makes more sense not to follow fashion, but the advice of the surgeon, who offer the patient a form most suitable for the type of person. At what time of year is best to do the operation? The time of year does not matter, however, in practice, with a cold should not be operated. Sun and baths are contraindicated in three weeks after the operation, and any impacts should be avoided for 3 months. It is important to remember that cosmetic procedures are not allowed with the skin of the nose for 6 months after surgery. Are there any scars after surgery? This is a very topical issue, which is interested in almost all patients. The scars are invisible, since the operation is done through incisions inside the nostrils. The postoperative period. Postoperatively, the patient experiences no pain. Slightly hampered introduced into the nostrils of gauze pads, as well as in the first hours after the operation, a slight bleeding. Postoperative complications (edema, subcutaneous hemorrhage) is sometimes subtle, sometimes clearly defined - it depends on the individual and in no way affects the outcome. For several weeks the nose can keep a light swelling, and takes its final form after 4-5 months. Precautionary measures Within 15 days after the surgery is not recommended to take baths and do power sports, to avoid any injuries, and are forbidden to wear glasses after surgery within a month.
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