Sunday, 24 June 2012


Alcoholism (chronic alcoholism). Disease with a progressive (progressive) course, which is based on a passion for ethyl alcohol. In social terms, alcoholism means alcohol abuse (drunkenness), leading to a violation of moral and social norms of behavior, damage to their own health, material and moral condition of the family, as well as affecting the health and welfare of society as a whole. Alcohol abuse, according to WHO, is the third after cardiovascular disease and cancer cause of death.

First, a severe form of intoxication (alcohol poisoning) - are often the cause of death at a young age.

Secondly, the abuse of alcohol may occur sudden "cardiac" death due to primary cardiac arrest or cardiac arrhythmia (eg atrial fibrillation).

Third, abuse alcohol are more prone to injury - domestic, industrial, and transportation. And suffer not only themselves, but also may contribute to injury by others.

In addition, the risk of suicide among patients with alcoholism increased tenfold compared to the population. About half the murders committed as a state of intoxication.

For the early stages of alcoholism are more common diseases such as peptic ulcer disease, trauma, cardiovascular disorders, for later - cirrhosis, polyneuritis, brain disorders. High mortality rates among men is associated mainly with an increase in alcoholism. 60-70% of men who abuse alcohol and die before the age of 50 years. Reasons for alcohol use are different. One of them is the psychoactive effects of ethanol: eyforiziruyuschee (improves mood), relaxing (stress relieving, relaxing) and sedative (calming, sometimes causing drowsiness). The need to achieve such an effect exists in many categories of people: those with a pathological nature, suffering from neuroses, poorly adapted to the society, as well as in dealing with emotional and physical overload. In the formation of addiction to alcohol play an important role social environment, climate in the family, education, tradition, the presence of stressful situations, stress and ability to adapt. Undoubtedly the influence of genetic factors that determine how personality traits and predisposition to metabolic disorders.

Drunkenness. The degree of severity of intoxication depends on the quality and quantity of alcoholic beverages drunk, individual sensitivity to alcohol and psycho-physical condition of man. There are 3 degrees of drunkenness: mild, moderate and severe.

Easy stepen.V typically at the beginning of intoxication increases mood, facilitated communication. The man pleased with himself and others, become more confident and talkative. A feeling of muscular relaxation and physical comfort. Mimicry becomes more expressive, less precise movements.

Average stepen.Pri transition to moderate intoxication, instead of the good mood may be irritability, resentment, sometimes vicious and aggressive. The criticism to themselves and others down. Disturbed coordination of movements and gait. A person may commit impulsive acts unmotivated. It becomes slurred. Reduced pain and temperature sensitivity. After intoxication are usually marked symptoms of intoxication: heaviness in the head, and headache, thirst, weakness, fatigue, decreased mood with apathy or irritability. Memory for the period of intoxication is usually not disturbed. There are also atypical forms of intoxication, euphoria, when, instead of from the beginning of intoxication appears depressed mood, irritability to anger, frustration, which turns into aggression towards others. In some cases, it heightened the mood of motor excitation, silliness or caricature sharpening of character traits. Atypical forms of intoxication are usually observed in patients who had undergone in the past, traumatic brain injury who suffer from mental retardation, psychopaths.

Severe intoxication symptoms observed shutdown of consciousness - from stun to coma. Sometimes there are seizures. There may be involuntary urination and defecation. Such a state, as a rule, completely falls out of human memory.

Diagnosis of alcohol is carried out on the basis of clinical data, and special tests. Clinical criteria of intoxication are: bad breath, especially motor skills and speech, vegetative-vascular symptoms. Because the fact of alcohol is often hidden in order to avoid undesirable consequences, experts have to examine the content of alcohol in the blood, urine, using various rapid methods. They are also used display tubes moss-Shinkarenko to detect alcohol vapors in exhaled air.

Treatment. With an average degree of intoxication should wash out the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1.5-2 l) and induce vomiting.

In severe intoxication assistance is provided in a hospital. Vomiting should not be called as can be aspirated (inhaled into the lungs) of vomit.

Pathological intoxication - acute mental disorder associated with alcohol. Usually develops in the streets with defective nervous system - epileptic encephalopathy, psychopathy, etc. Sometimes pathological intoxication can occur in those who showed no signs of intolerance to alcohol. In these cases, is of great importance prior to the influence of adverse factors (stress, enforced sleeplessness, fasting, excessive heat) that weaken the body's adaptive capabilities.

Symptoms and flow. Pathological intoxication may occur after ingestion of even small doses of alcohol (50-100 g) and manifested a kind of stupefaction. The behavior of the patient is not associated with the real situation and is fully determined by plot delusional experiences. Attention is drawn to the expressed emotion of fear, anger or rage. The patient is excited, it is either defensive, making a violent destructive acts, or attempts to flee to avoid the impending danger. The patient might attempt to commit suicide, having appeared in "hopeless" situation. The duration of the pathological intoxication - from several minutes to several hours. Typically, the excitation moves to the overall weakness, and deep sleep. The memory of what happened is completely absent. Persons who have committed the offense in a state of pathological intoxication, forensic psychiatric examination recognized as insane, so recognition of this form of psychosis is of great importance.
Alcoholism. The systematic use of alcohol can lead to disease with particular mental and somatic symptoms.

In the first stage of alcoholism, there is an irresistible craving for alcohol with the loss of quantitative control ("the loss of a sense of proportion"). Alcohol is also a manifestation of altered reactivity to alcohol in the form of increasing tolerance (tolerance) to alcohol and the transition to a systematic drunkenness. In case of overdose of alcohol starts to fall out of memory-related events over time with intoxication.

In the second stage of tolerance to alcohol reaches its maximum value (up to 1-2 liters of vodka a day). Formed hangover (withdrawal) syndrome, which occurs only after the first heavy alcoholic excesses, or after several days of hard drinking. Its essence lies in the fact that the day after "binge" drinking takes a small amount of bad feeling and relieves. In healthy people, the day after intoxication are symptoms of intoxication (see above), which may be aggravated by alcohol intake, which causes an aversion to alcohol.

Hangover manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as flushing of the face, redness of the sclera, palpitations, high blood pressure, sweating, pain in the heart, trembling in the body and limb tremors, weakness, fatigue. A number of patients having dyspepsia: abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Initially, patients in relation to the ethical and social circumstances may refrain from sober in the morning. However, this process can take place, and after work in the afternoon. Sometime during the day, the patient does not work, but dreams of a time when he could finally get drunk. With the passage of time to physical manifestations of mental hangover join. In the state of a hangover mood changes with the prevalence of depression, anxiety, fear. Have thoughts of his own guilt, the universal condemnation. Sleep becomes a surface with nightmares and frequent waking. Early appearance in a state of hangover of mental disorders, as well as their dominance over the somatic suggests the possibility of further development of psychosis. The maximum intensity of the phenomenon Abstinent reach for the third day of abstinence from alcohol. In the second stage of alcoholism patients drink a day for many years. Breaks in the drinking is usually determined by external circumstances: the lack of money, service complications, and family conflict. The attraction also to alcohol and physical abilities to continue drinking reserved.

The third stage of alcoholism. Reduced tolerance to alcohol. Intoxication comes from smaller than before, doses of alcohol. Many patients begin to use vodka instead of fortified wines. In these cases, the patient is constantly in a state of intoxication, though shallow. Along with the quantitative and situational control is lost. Alcohol is produced by any means, without the ethical and social norms of behavior. A number of patients abuse alcohol acquires the character of true drinking bouts that occur spontaneously in the irresistible attraction to alcohol. The first two days at the fractional consumption of alcoholic beverages is taken the maximum dose of alcohol. In the days that intoxication comes from smaller and smaller doses of alcohol in connection with violation of the exchange of ethyl alcohol in the body. Deteriorating physical and mental condition. There is loss of appetite, weight loss, drop in blood pressure, shortness of breath, speech, gait, seizures, limb, seizures. The deterioration of the physical condition makes it impossible to continue the bout. Therefore, over time binges are becoming shorter (2-3 days), and the intervals between them longer. Personality changes in alcoholism appear in the second stage and reach the level of alcohol in the third stage of degradation. A so-called alcoholic nature. On the one hand, it would be sharpened all the emotional reaction (grief, joy, resentment, admiration, etc.) by increasing the overall excitability. Then there slabodushie, tearfulness, especially in a state of intoxication. The patient cries of joy and grief. On the other hand, there is an emotional brutalization. The patient becomes selfish, indifferent to his wife and children. Disappearing sense of duty, responsibility, lost value of ethical conduct. All the patient's attention is focused on just one - how to get alcohol. Drunkenness is always underestimated, and embellished their personal qualities. The patient usually does not consider himself an alcoholic (or do not admit it to others), arguing that "everyone drinks" and it "all." At first, find excuses, excuses, trying to find excuses for drinking bouts. In this exhibit resourcefulness, lying in the arguments of their actions. In the future, the alcoholic no longer hide his desire to drink, drink to anyone, even not very suitable for this situation, ie lost situational control. To purchase alcoholic beverages used by any means. The patient begins to take things out of the house, sell them for nothing, steal, beg. Alcohol humor inherent in such patients, it is becoming more flat, primitive, cynically, as well as behavior in general. There are brutal (superfluous, antisocial) forms of response, such as aggression, anger, violence, frank cynicism. Increasingly, patients are resorting to the use of surrogates (denatured alcohol, cologne, medicinal tinctures, etc.).

Accompanies the progression of alcoholism and social decline. The patient loses skills, descends the ladder to the transition to low-skilled work, odd jobs and finally, a parasitic way of life. Family relationships are breaking down until the divorce, children usually do not want to talk with their fathers alcoholics. The family retained only in those cases where there is hope for a cure, change a life, or when both parents abuse alcohol (and sometimes attracted to it, and children from an early age). These changes usually occur after a person 40 years of seniority in alcohol for more than 20 years.
Alcoholism in teenagers. Quite frequently occurring phenomenon, particularly in those families where the weak control over the behavior of adolescents, as well as in families of alcoholics. Of no small importance that they have the spare cash that they have the opportunity to earn. It should be noted that alcoholism usually begins to develop in 13-15 years, at least - at an earlier age (children's alcoholism). Teenagers drink alcohol in the company of their peers, at least - adults (eg, at work, with parents). From the beginning, used large doses of alcohol, without self-control, to severe intoxication. Rapidly growing tolerance (tolerance), especially in a systematic, sometimes daily, taking alcohol. Pretty quickly formed a hangover, whose structure is dominated by mental disorders. The character is also changing rapidly, acquiring psychopathic traits. It is expressed either in increased excitability, explosiveness with aggressive manifestations, or in reducing the activity, initiative, and intellectual capabilities, apathy. In this age of frequent combination of alcohol with drugs. There are scenes of drug use ("on trial", "for fun").

Alcoholism in women. Distributed to a lesser extent than men, due to the historical society intolerant of women's drinking. In addition, women are to some extent conceal their alcohol problems, using alcohol alone or in a circle of close friends. Most suffer from alcoholism, middle-aged women (35 to 50 years), and, at first drink has the character of either episodic (situational), or cyclic, where women drink alcohol as a drug to enhance the mood, as a sedative to relieve tension, anxiety, , irritability, tearfulness, sleep disorders, which often occur before menstruation (premenstrual syndrome - see below). In the future, and in either case, acceptance of alcohol has become systematic (sometimes daily) or develop true binges. When a woman begins to appear in a state of intoxication (or hangover) at work or freshen the nip in the same circle of drunks in the early morning shopping at the "points", it shows nothing of the far come alcoholism and degradation of the individual. In these cases, usually strongly expressed moral degradation of women, reducing social interests with a concentration of only the production and reception of alcohol, emotional deepening of the loss of love for children and taking care of his own family, sexual disinhibition with random connections without regard to consequences.

If men are more likely to alcoholism associated cardiovascular disorders, in women - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis).

The treatment of alcoholism. Successful treatment of alcoholism is only possible if the patient so desires. Given the fact that alcoholics, in most cases do not consider themselves as such, you must first spend with advocacy. If it can not be done in the family, you can use the services of doctors, drug treatment specialists, psychologists, psychiatrists. Treatment can be conducted on an outpatient basis or in hospital. The choice of treatment conditions on the one hand, is determined by the patient's desire, on the other hand, depends on his mental and physical condition. In cases of severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome, with marked physical and mental health problems, in the presence of psychotic episodes in the past, inpatient treatment is shown.


At one stage, detoxification therapy, usually in cases where admission to the hospital pronounced hangover, or to stop binge. For detoxification using various means, primarily using the parenteral route of administration (intravenous or intramuscular). Use unitiol, magnesium sulfate, vitamins B1, B6, C, nootropics (nootropil, piracetam, pirroksan). When expressed mental disorders and prescribe tranquilizers (Seduxenum, relanium, phenazepam, tazepam). Sleep disorders radedorm used, and in cases of insomnia with nightmares, fear, anxiety - barbiturates (Barbamyl, Luminal). The patient was recommended to drink plenty of liquids (mineral water, juices, fruit drinks) with a simultaneous appointment of diuretics. In severe somatic disorders (diseases of internal organs), and the patient consults a physician appointed by the additional treatment aimed at the elimination of certain disorders. Should be nutritious, vitamin-rich food. When a patient is prescribed a strong depletion of small (4-6 IU) dose of insulin to increase appetite.

Upon reaching the good state of mental and physical, conduct anti-alcohol treatment. His choice made, together with the patient and his relatives, due to the nature and implications of the proposed techniques. Throughout the treatment process should be applied psychotherapy, promoting, making installation a patient for treatment and sober lifestyle. The treatment will be effective only when the patient believed the doctor when the necessary contacts, mutual understanding and trust.

One method of treatment is a conditioned reflex therapy. The method consists in the elaboration of conditioned reflex reactions such as vomiting, taste or smell of alcohol. This is achieved by the combined use of emetic drugs (broth Barantsev, apomorphine injection) and small amounts of alcohol. Treatment is carried out every day or two. In the course of treatment - 20-25 sessions. The most effective conditioned reflex therapy in patients with a stage, and especially women, are usually poorly tolerate vomiting, and reacting with disgust at the very medical procedure.

The method of sensitizing therapy. Its purpose is to suppress craving for alcohol and creating conditions for the forced abstinence from alcohol. The patient was given daily drug Antabuse (teturam), which in itself is harmless. However, when ingested alcohol (even small amounts of beer, wine), there is a reaction of the consequences of which can be very severe and unpredictable. One option for this type of therapy is to create a depot of drug in the body, which is implanted subcutaneously or intramuscularly (usually in the gluteal region) esperal drug. Esperal is 10 tablets, coated with a special envelope, sealed in a sterile bottle. The reaction to the drug in the body occurs only in the case of alcohol. There are deaths. Possible consequences of violations of sobriety the patient is warned of what he gives a receipt, which, in turn, the doctor is a legal document justifying his actions.

Psychotherapy is applied to the first visit to the doctor and the patient is accompanied by the whole process of treatment. Advocacy psychotherapy aimed at explaining the nature of the disease, its damage and adverse effects, development of installation of treatment and long-term sobriety. The patient should understand that drinking "all" he was not able to, and that without the help of a doctor it is not enough. In addition to psychotherapy, advocacy, and other techniques are used.

Hypnotherapy (hypnosis) - suggestion in a state of hypnotic sleep. It is shown that patients can easily suggestible, and believing in the efficacy of this method. It is used either individually or in specially selected groups (group hypnosis).

Particular form of psychotherapy is to encode. Methods of copyrights, which has exclusive rights to the doctors.

Group rational psychotherapy. For this type of treatment selected a small group of patients (about 10 people.), United by common psychological and social problems that contribute to the establishment of emotional bonds between them, a sense of mutual trust, membership of a particular group. Patients with a doctor and discuss among themselves a variety of life issues, primarily related to alcoholism. Joint discussion of various issues allows patients to take another look at ourselves, evaluate their behavior. The special atmosphere of mutual respect and trust can develop a certain style of life, with others (temperance), attitudes and aspirations, to believe in themselves and their capabilities.

Remission and relapse. After being discharged from the hospital the most difficult for the patient are the first 1-2 months, when it comes to adapting to the new role of teetotaler. During this period it is necessary to rehabilitate at work, build relationships within the family, compose a "legend" for his companions to justify a sober lifestyle. Moral support in the family, from friends, employees - a necessary condition for the formation of high-quality remission.Craving for alcohol may persist for quite some time, depending on the severity of the disease. It is usually accompanied by the same autonomic and mental disorders that have been observed in a state of hangover. Therefore, this condition occurs on a background of absolute sobriety is psevdoabstinentnym syndrome. The patient becomes irritable, flutter "breaks" at his wife and children, could find no rest. The doctor usually makes recommendations on discharge, what to do in such cases that there was no "failure" - a return to drinking. If the recommendations were not, should seek medical attention and may undergo prophylactic treatment. The easiest way to prevent alcohol abuse, if there was a desire "to drink", you must close and delicious food and famous play in the stomach, as is known, is the desire disappears. In addition, you need to take, a sedative, (Seduxenum, phenazepam, sonapaks - table 1-2.), And take them on a regular basis to improve the condition and the disappearance of craving for alcohol. Psychotropic medications and their doses should be agreed with the doctor.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

What can cause smoking and quitting smoking

Each of us has a history dating to the first cigarette. It is always interesting, sometimes a little uncomfortable, but spanning the occupation. Smoking can, waiting for someone, scoring cigarette smoke awkward pauses in conversation, calm nerves and relax a few minutes of hard work. Parting with this habit is usually difficult and psychologically painful.

On the dangers of smoking a lot said and written. In short, the efficiency of nicotine smoke zero, but the effects and side effects of the shaft. Starting with small trouble: yellow nails and shortness of breath, ending a stomach ulcer or cancer of the larynx and lungs - all components of the drug by its very nature depends. Few people know that cigarette smoke is also radioactive elements: polonium and lead. Heart and blood vessels are also very affected by smoking. This habit creates favorable conditions for the development of such diseases like impotence, as well as many others. His weakness we destroy the health of people close to us. Even if you do not smoke in the presence of a child, he gets nicotine from clothing, furniture and other household items to which you touch on that breathe.

Quitting smoking is difficult, but possible. One condition - you have to believe in this possibility. And then the methods would no longer be so important. No panacea. A suitable electronic cigarettes, which they fill a desire to hold a cigarette in his mouth. However, the lack of smoke being drawn many smokers do not like. Another option - herbal cigarettes. Slightly unusual taste, but the injury is certainly less than that of nicotine version. The most proven and effective method for this - a good motivation and spirit to the result. You can list the reasons why you should quit, and hung-arrange it in prominent places. Maybe it will be easier to throw for the company. Find like-minded and monitor each other's praise for the achievements. If there are places and circumstances under which you would normally refrain from cigarettes: at home with family members, transport, at work - take a full or a reverse take a break from all around the world. This is the time when we can and should indulge yourself: sweet, recreation, hobby, interesting journey. "Reward" at his victory over addiction. Take a run in the morning, Ventilate the lungs and breathe fresh air, delicious! Good luck to you!

How to harden a child?

How do you properly temper the children? The main thing to understand for themselves the parents - it is continuous, gradual, sensible and individual approach.

Methods of hardening there is great variety. This water treatment, air and sun baths, walking barefoot, and more. Sauna, exercise in fresh air, healthy food - is also important components of health in general. After all, if the child pours water every day, but it is the main food of fast food, and the main occupation in their free time or a garden - computer games or cartoons, then neither of which a healthy way of life out of the question.

The kid was born. And every mother wants to wrap him up warmly and pouyutney not to freeze, because it's so small and defenseless. Moms who think about the health of their children, will approach the issue of dressing infants is reasonable. Thermoregulatory system in infants is not perfect. To adapt the body to the effects of the environment should be deliberately create contrasts in temperature to a child from infancy accustomed to changes in temperature and was not afraid of them. Cool perfusion, air baths will not bring your baby nothing but good.

Fresh air should be constant. But since the possibility of a walk of 7-8 hours a day, there is almost no one, it is vitally important to ventilate the premises for at least 5 times a day during the cold season, as well as two cross-ventilation in the absence of the child. In warmer months, the open window - a necessary condition for the development of a healthy baby.

It has long been established that the extra weight - it is evil for the child's body. It is much more useful if the child is hungry and will eat with gusto offered a bowl of soup than the stuff of his variety of dishes all day, hoping that he wants something.

Movement - this is life. Opting for a walk with your child to ski, not to sit together at the TV - that's the main task of the parents. In this selection of clothing is a must for the weather.

It remains to note that all known methods of hardening - this is just cogs in the mechanism of healthy families. And if the family lives on the principle of free time - physical activity, fresh air, good food, and, ultimately, a healthy lifestyle it is a pleasure, then hardening techniques will work in full force and with 100% efficiency.

7 reasons to start running

People are starting to run on a variety of reasons. Some want to lose weight, improve your health, someone is preparing for a competition or just trying something new. In any case, if you start running, you will receive physical, mental and emotional benefits of exercise. Consider the major pluses for jogging.

A. Running improves your health.
When active exercise, such as during jogging, provided an efficient flow of oxygen and blood throughout the body, which helps reduce the risk of heart attack. This exercise, combined with maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Running helps to improve the immune system and strengthens the ligaments and bones.

Two. Weight loss.
Such vigorous exercise, like jogging, are effective ways to burn calories and lose weight. The basic rule of lowering of body weight - is spending the day in more calories than you consume. The fastest calories burned during aerobic exercise, including during the run.

3.Znakomstvo new people.
Some runners enjoy the solitude, and someone needs company. Running provides an excellent opportunity to make new friends. In addition, you will have the motivation to achieve the best results.

4. Running increases the energy level of the individual.
If you often feel tired, run fine will increase your stamina and energy. Many fans of runs to notice that after the morning classes feel better during the day. If you follow a healthy diet, the results would be even better.

5.Povyshenie self-esteem.
Many people notice that after the sport dramatically increases self-esteem and better mood. Setting daily goals and achieving them will help you improve your personal effectiveness at work.

6. Running - it's inexpensive to do.
Running does not require a large investment funds. You just need to pair of sneakers and sports clothes for the start of classes.

7. Running helps to relieve stress.
Most of the exercises are a good remedy for stress. Studies have shown that adults who exercise regularly are much happier than those who do not.

Cleansing the body. Tips and tricks

Clogging our bodies a little who is in doubt. Way of life that modern man has lead to the fact that the toxins produced in the body does not have time to be displayed and clog it. This can lead to poor health and various diseases.

Cleansing the body is useful to at least a couple times a year. If you do this regularly, often to carry out a purification procedure is needed. Approach to this event should seriously. It is advisable to start preparing for the upcoming cleanse the body has two weeks before the procedure. You can switch to a vegetarian diet and do not forget about physical exercises.

There are many various ways to cleanse the body. Everyone can choose one which suits him. At the same time always a good idea to consult a doctor. In any case, it is advisable to choose those methods of treatment that are more lenient.

More correct would not change a normal life, because any sudden change to the body is stress. Enough to make some adjustments to the rhythm, to pay special attention to nutrition. At the time of purification is recommended to give up animal food and animal fats and products containing coloring agents, stabilizers and preservatives as well as alcohol and caffeine. It is not necessary to comply with a strict diet, but food must be balanced. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruit, wholemeal bread, dairy products (but not whole milk), cereals and legumes. Used for cooking must not only refined vegetable oil, and cook for a couple or in the oven.

Ways to clean a lot. The most lenient are the following.

First of all, it's clean water. There are options that use the kind of water, clean boiled water, mineral water, herbal infusions.

You can clean the body and various products such as rice cereal, oat broth, carrot juice or with olives.

The most important thing - to choose the option of purification, which is more suitable for your body, does not lead to stress and drastic changes in lifestyle. It's convenient for you. Then the excellent state of health is provided!

Steroids and their effect on the human body

Anabolic steroids are very effective for increasing physical activity and muscle growth. It is also very common to use steroids for medical purposes. Most often, bodybuilders use steroids and athletes in need of a large muscle mass, as well as young people who want to look spectacular and attract the attention of the opposite sex. But is it safe to use as they think athletes who want to speed up muscle growth? How do steroids affect the human body and are reversible if the consequences of their use?

Steroids - are biological compounds that are usually derived from the sex hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, which have a very strong impact on the human body. There are currently more than 100 varieties of steroids that are available in tablet form, and in injectable form.

The medical use of steroids
Medically prescribed treatment with steroids for cancer, AIDS, asthma, certain heart diseases, hormonal dysfunction. Steroids have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which promotes rapid healing of wounds, relieve inflammation, swelling, and the normalization of the human immune system. They also help regulate metabolism and control the level of electrolytes in the blood. The use of steroids is carried out under medical supervision and the risk of side effects is reduced to almost 0%

Non-medical use of steroids
Steroids, usually in the form of testosterone, partly responsible for the development of an organism, especially among teenagers. They have an androgenic effect associated with changes in primary and secondary sexual traits, such as a change of voice, body hair growth, muscle development and bone growth. Steroids are getting into the cells, activates certain genes responsible for the creation and use of protein. As a result, the entire protein is to develop and increase muscle mass man. Since the use of steroids among athletes is out of control, and at doses that are ten times higher than acceptable, the risk of side effects as high as 70%. People who use steroids continuously, seven times more susceptible to cancer of the liver disease, ten times more diseases of the cardiovascular system, five times as many diseases of reproductive character is much more mental illness and mental disorders than people who do not use steroids.

Side effects of short-term steroid use:
Acne, testicular atrophy, decreased sperm production, gynecomastia, high blood pressure, increased levels of bad cholesterol, prostate enlargement, deterioration of the liver, an unjustified aggression.

Side effects from prolonged use of steroids:
Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, neurological problems, lethargy, with the abolition of the use - obesity, aggression.

Proponents of the use of steroids is considered that the benefits of these drugs more than harm. But look at the list of side effects, many of which have irreversible consequences. Engage in "pure" sports and live a full healthy life.

Monday, 18 June 2012


For a long time considered as part of the gene for the hereditary material (one), which provides the development of a particular trait of an organism. But how genes function remained unclear. In 1945, George Beadle and E. Tatum hypothesis was formulated, which can be expressed by the formula "one gene - one enzyme". Later it was shown that many proteins, enzymes have a quaternary structure (consisting of several simple proteins (polypeptide chains, polypeptides)), encoded by different genes. Therefore, the formula that reflects the relationship between gene and trait was somewhat transformed: "One gene - one polypeptide".
Thus, the gene is a function of the elementary unit of hereditary material. This means that a fragment of DNA corresponding to a particular gene and determining, by the contained biological information, the possibility of a specific trait is more functionally indivisible.
Under the sign of the unit to understand the morphological, physiological, biochemical, immunological, clinical, and any discontinuity (discontinuity) of organisms, ie separate quality or property on which they differ from each other. Most of the features of organisms or cells belongs to the category of complex traits, the formation of which requires a synthesis of many substances, primarily proteins with specific properties - enzymes immunoproteinov, structural, contractile, transport and other proteins.
Simply put, the only species of molecules in the cell, which guarantee our individuality - is DNA.
At the heart of man, like any other organism, are two sets of genes. One of them is inherited from the mother, the other - from the father. Each gene set contains information on the origin of species (in this case that we - the people, not animals), racial, national and individual. In the process of human development of its genes (genotype) interacts with the environment, resulting in realized phenotype, that is, the person's appearance.
The genes in cells of all organisms, including humans, not only store information but also work: double, change their positions in the chromosomes (recombine). And though all these processes are remarkably neat and accurate, however, sometimes there are mistakes - mutations. All of this is the basis of the normal natural variability of the genetic apparatus of cells.
Something interesting
"Thrust to the muscles in the female imprinted genes. To male muscles, say genetics, their causes uncontrollable power of natural instinct. And could it be otherwise? Genetics sexes evolved in prehistoric times, when women could only rely on male power. It is believed that the hunter Warrior was a model at all times. And whatever the road today do not tie a man wearing a woman in the first place pretending as if he had looked in leopard skin. "

Genetic diagnosis of disease is becoming a reality

In the 21st century, scientists have steadily closer to unraveling the phenomenon of aging and the development of effective treatment of aging. Today, biology is developing so rapidly that every three years of knowledge in this field of science are doubled. Hygiene - the science that studies the impact on human health and living conditions of work and develops measures for disease prevention. Father of scientific hygiene is a German chemist, Professor University of Munich, Max Pettenkofer (1818-1901). He is the author of studies on the role of soils in the epidemic, the soil water, of cholera, typhoid, the disinfection of the metabolism of breath.
Even 15-20 years ago, decoding of the nucleotide sequence of 1000 nucleotides was considered almost scientific feat. For this you can immediately get a PhD. But by 1990 the definition of the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA molecule has mass technology. And now a qualified technician is doing this job in less than a day.
As a result, the opening of the human genome appeared Molecular Medicine is one of the areas - genetic diagnosis of diseases, their prevention and gene therapy. Thanks to molecular medicine in the future are likely to create new drugs are much more selective and effective than existing ones. Because they will be targeted to act on the gene and protein targets.
Today, science is developing so rapidly that, obviously, will soon be read and the genome of any individual. This will help determine which genes are defective, what are threatening illnesses. Even today the power of science to make such an analysis and genetic passport rights.
In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are scientists who can do it. Genetic analysis may reveal a predisposition to hypertension, diabetes, some forms of cancer, Down's syndrome, phenylketonuria, to alcoholism and drug addiction, even homosexuality.
While genetic studies are still very expensive. However, with the development of the mass of research, this procedure will be accessible to all. Just think of mobile phones. When 15 years ago, they only came on the market, it was very expensive, which could afford only the rich people. The development of mass production has led to the fact that cell phones are now available to almost everyone. The same will happen with genetic diagnosis.
Group with the participation of Motorola Life Sciences is developing a portable genetic diagnosis based on your Pocket PC. It will identify the disease by examining the patient's saliva sample. The new technology will be in hospitals over the next five years, and in everyday life - ten years.
Genetic diagnosis will identify the weakest parts of the human body, a predisposition to certain diseases. Accordingly, a person can build their lives so as to avoid further health problems. As the saying goes, forewarned - is forearmed.
If genetic diagnostics identify a disease, treat it will be tailored to the individual characteristics of the organism of the individual. Today used for the treatment of mass medication, and they are different people in different ways: out of 100 people, 60 might improve in the state of health, at 20, they will be minor, and another 20 did not feel the effects of the drug.
 A truly effective treatment will be the case if, for each person will be made special preparations.

Stem cells in the service of health

Modern medicine is increasingly becoming one of the most high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of human knowledge. Relatively recent discoveries in genetic engineering and stem cells in particular, allow us to quickly achieve impressive results in the treatment of complex diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, eliminate irregularities in the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
In addition to the therapeutic effect, the stem cells are actively used in cosmetic and obscheozdoravlivayuschih, to strengthen, for complex purification and rejuvenation.
To date, stem cells are extracted mainly from the fetal tissue. This method allows you to get them in fairly large quantities, but the use of embryonic stem cells is associated with some difficulties. First, their use for treatment - not safe, and secondly - to use them is considerable controversy regarding the ethics of such a decision. In this regard, have been developed and other ways of obtaining stem cells - from fat and bone marrow.
In this case, stem cells are found in almost all tissues of the body - intestines, in the retina of the eyes, muscle and nerve tissue, skin, etc. It should be noted that recently there has been tendetsiya to the use of this somatic (ie, taken from an adult human body) cells rather than embryonic. Furthermore, modern science has learned to not only retrieve them, but to grow.
In Russia, similar treatments were applied relatively recently, but now in all major centers of the country there are institutions that offer rehabilitation or treatment with stem cells. In Novosibirsk, as one of the main scientific centers in the country, similar technology is already widely and successfully used. Coming from different parts of the country, people are able to apply for these services in a number of major medical centers that offer both inpatient accommodation, and booking a hotel or apartment in Novosibirsk. Without wasting time dealing with everyday problems, people can always get a complete and safe treatment using the most modern technology.
Today it is available and at a reasonable price - good, that in Russia now, as happened previously in the West, people have gradually come to believe that the economy's health is totally unacceptable, all the more stronger fashion to a moderate lifestyle, beauty and longevity.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Slim mother: the secret of success

Slim MOM: the secret of success"Pregnancy - is a lottery: you never know what will happen to your health and figure," - one complaining. "Whatever you do - all the same raspolzeshsya" - a sad sigh others. Ironically, all these ladies are partly right. But ask them when and as they began to struggle with excess weight? Surely this was too late, chaotic and not by the rules.Our expert - PhD, Senior Fellow, Institute of Immunology, Olga Zaikin.I want a baby. The best thing you can do for the good of shape - think about it before, like yourself pregnant. But do not get carried away: too thin, have always been among the candidates for the miscarriage. The right way - to change their dietary habits. This is useful not only during pregnancy, but in life in general.WAITING FOR A CHILD. The idea that now we must eat for two, give up immediately. No one-sided diet: protein, carbohydrate, fat, water, soup, fruit and vegetables (the latter are only good for pregnant monkeys). And here is how to prevent pregnancy is almost an obligatory companion - cellulite, think worth it.CHILD feed. Do not rush to change the diet. Nursing fits most dietary recommendations for pregnant women, including the mandatory acceptance of special vitamin-mineral complexes, but the fluid can no longer limit themselves. Too zealous in the food because it is not necessary. But sit on a low-calorie diet, even if you are breastfeeding, it is impossible. In the first year after birth the body is gradually coming to himself, it continues to endocrine alteration, so that neither hunger nor overeat, let alone take any money for losing weight is not allowed

Learning how to give birth

What do we know about the birth of man into the world? When it comes time to think about it, we know what we know about it too little. Customs and traditions that prepares young women for motherhood, went out of our lives. And what has come to replace them? A doctor in the antenatal clinic will tell you about all kinds of pathologies, mom or a close friend of his heavy labor in the hospital, and movies and books portray a colorful picture of the labor pains. And now the pregnancy seems to us as a diagnosis, and birth as a dangerous operation. How does a woman cope with an information vacuum, and the many stereotypes that exist in society about pregnancy and childbirth?Throughout the civilized world there is a developed system of special education of couples waiting to have a baby. Most doctors agree that women of pre-preparation for childbirth, the number of birth defects is significantly reduced. Even the high level of medical technology does not guarantee the safe during childbirth. Doctors can not for a woman to perform its mission - to give birth to a healthy baby. It's time to come to an understanding that only an informed approach to the delivery, the active participation of women in childbirth are really important to the health of your baby. What is the preparation for childbirth?You can read a large amount of literature, view training videos, seek the advice of your doctor to the observed. Unfortunately this is not enough to overcome the fear of childbirth. Pregnancy is a time of crisis in a woman's life when major changes occur not only in its physiology, and psychology. It becomes more sensitive to different kinds of feelings, anxieties and fears that may lead to a state of stress. But how a woman will live during this period, depends too much, especially the health of the unborn child. A pregnant woman more than anyone else in need of psychological support and positive emotional state, positive information about the normal course of labor. Therefore, the role of psychologists in this period is no less important than the role of the obstetrician-gynecologist.Recently, in our country there were training courses for childbirth, where a woman is interested in a harmonious pregnancy and childbirth soft, can obtain special knowledge, skills and qualified psychological care.There are several activities such courses. The first step is to obtain specific information on natural pregnancy and childbirth. To do this, you will be offered a detailed series of lectures, from which you will learn about child development during pregnancy, the most important moments of the flow of labor and skills of handling the baby. You can view a specially filmed videos that reflect the actual birth, and receive detailed comments. Teachers of course happy to answer all your questions, advise the specialized literature, share their personal parenting experience. You will learn about different scenarios of developments in labor on a large number of examples of specific examples. And gradually, you will form a correct idea of ​​pregnancy and childbirth, are not distorted by stereotypes and fears.However, some lectures are not enough. During delivery the woman is subjected to very strong physical stress, resistance to which is achieved by means of special training. Therefore, great attention is paid to gymnastics, breathing exercises and techniques of natural healing and health training. In addition to regular classes in the hall, many centers conduct their classes in the pool. Lessons in the pool not only deliver a special pleasure to expectant mothers, but also provides a unique opportunity to perform "water" exercises are very useful during pregnancy. Another important aspect of physical training - teaching relaxation techniques to the battles that are important in relieving labor pain. In general, the above training will help women better understand and feel your body, manage it, use various methods of natural pain relief and to choose the most optimal model behavior during childbirth.And finally, last but hardly least, why can learn to expectant mothers. It's no secret that raising a child begins long before his birth. Already developed various methods of prenatal physical and spiritual development. Complexes of specific movements, the possibility to prepare the baby to birth stress, increase its reserves of adaptation, ie make it stronger and more resilient. Musical techniques contribute to the intellectual and aesthetic development of the baby. A woman learns about the importance of emotional communication with the child learns to understand his world of experiences and promote the full development of his personality.Rates welcome their participation in training programs for future fathers. Wrong to think that child bearing is entirely dependent on women. Pregnancy cherish two: a woman has a child and a man - a woman. From the existing family relationships depend psychological well-being of the child. The joint attendance to enhance mutual understanding in the family, helping my father is actively involved in the process of the birth of the baby.If you decide that you need this training, there is a problem before you select appropriate courses. Each center has its own author programs: one focuses on the physical preparation of the mother, someone - in the development programs of the baby, someone - in a particular way of birthing. These tips will help you make the right choice:It is important that the school has not focused its attention on only one method of childbirth (vertical, water, or home birth), and covered all the possible options. Then the greater the likelihood that you will find suited for you. Pay attention to the personal qualities of the school instructors. Do they take a direct part in the birth or are familiar only with the theory. Do they have their own experience of childbirth? What kind of education they received, and what style of training they prefer? Not the last role is played by a variety of methods. It is important to successfully combine lectures with practical sessions. Remember that in labor are more important than theoretical knowledge and skills in specific behaviors. Avoid a simplified approach to childbirth. Equally undesirable and too idealized view, depicting childbirth as an exclusively spiritual process, and too physiological, emphasizing the possible pathologies of the flow of labor. Ask whether you will have a concrete help in the organization of labor. You should be confident that you will have a real opportunity to put into practice what you learned in the classroom.Do not wait for the last month of the beginning of classes. Take care before choosing a course, because the earlier you start preparing for childbirth, the easier it will be for you and your baby.

Vomiting a symptom of motherhood

Dreary state of nausea and vomiting in the morning - a very common phenomenon of the first half of pregnancy. Perhaps that is why most women are waiting for the baby, are toxicosis as inevitable and do not try to fight it.
ESPECIALLY NOT for impressionable- By itself, early toxicosis really is not terrible, but women who suffer from them more often later, more serious complications - says MD, professor, head of the department of pathology of pregnancy Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Ludmila ants. - For example, preeclampsia - the second half of pregnancy toxemia - is fraught with not only high blood pressure, swelling of the legs, but also a possible eclampsia with convulsions of the muscles of the body and loss of consciousness. This is such a dangerous condition that a woman's life is on the verge - not for nothing that preeclampsia is the third highest number of deaths among mothers and children. So do not relate to the early toxicosis irresponsible, you must keep in mind its possible consequences.
- The frequency of vomiting and its intensity are important?- Of course. Toxemia is divided into a light phase, when the sick woman to five times a day, the average degree of severity - from 5 to 10 times, and severe - when vomiting for more than 10 times a day. The first stage occurs in almost every pregnant woman and corrected, and proper nutrition regime. In second-degree toxicity when vomiting more than 5 times, have preferred hospital admission with infusion therapy - at the most imminent serious complication of pregnancy. Then intravenous drip of drugs aimed not only at the cleansing of the body (as in the moderate severity), but also on vitamin therapy, sedation, calming the nervous system, and to improve the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, often have to drop immunoglobulins - women with autoimmune disorders, especially in the incompatibility of the spouses.
- This is when my wife sick of her husband?- Roughly speaking. Immunological incompatibility between mother and father really is one of the causes of toxicity and is found not so rare. The mother is trying to deprive other people's cells - especially in the first pregnancy, which is why there is need for special and immunotherapy. We take her husband's blood "washed" cells and introduce them to his wife. This therapy is quite popular and effective.
- A psychological factor may be the cause of toxicity?- It happens. My mother, for example, talked about how her pregnancy nausea, vomiting, and impressionable daughter ... For these and similar cases in our center, staffed by psychologists, psychotherapists, and even - we often are patients that have been observed in psychiatric centers.Here's an example. Recently, they brought a woman from another country with the strongest toxicity. She had no obvious pathology, but the vomiting was so that she has lost 7 pounds. We poured it on the day of a liter of fluids to avoid dehydration, but could not determine the cause of this condition. Until not called a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or more precisely. She acknowledged some problems, causing the girl we were at very high doses of droperidol - a drug that affects the central nervous system. Thanks largely to him, she went home with advanced pregnancy. This is the second serious case of this year, when the treatment had to be connected therapists.
- I do not understand - the patient suffered apparent mental disorder?- We have no right to give such a diagnosis without recourse relatives or herself to specialists. We had a girl progressing pregnancy - we called the therapist, who wrote a history of "depression" and made appropriate recommendations. Everyone who comes to us, we will somehow cure.

Toxicosis LOVES skinny- Lyudmila, is there a predisposition to toxicosis?- This is usually associated with chronic problems. Thus, early morning sickness often occurs in women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis or ulcer - almost a guarantee of future toxicity. Although not necessarily a long and heavy. The same can be said of the thyroid gland - a very high percentage of pregnant women who have problems with it, nausea and vomiting seen in the first half of pregnancy. Therefore, women planning to become a mother should see a doctor prior to the antenatal clinic or a physician to determine their general condition. Going to have a healthy pregnancy.
- How often do you meet is now completely healthy?- Expectant mother should get healthier. That is, relax, poprinimat vitamins, eat well, exercise. Especially take care of their condition should be women who had gathered to give birth after 30 years. At this age, chronic diseases are not uncommon, so you should always remember the responsibility to ourselves and to future children. It is important not to neglect a visit to the gynecologist, if a woman regularly observed in the women's clinic, then it is certainly better pregnancies and the probability of toxicity is less.
- You said, you can adjust the proper nutrition. What is it?- Eating more often and smaller - the so-called fractional power. It is desirable to abandon the sharp, salty foods that cause sharp reactions in the gastrointestinal tract, and prefer them to the milk and cottage cheese contain calcium. But even in this period the woman should eat what she wants to listen to their desires.
- It can be very fat. By the way, toxicosis is more common in large or skinny women?- Case no statistics, but according to our observations - from skinny. As I said, there is toxemia in pregnant women with thyroid disease, and they do not differ by large dimensions.

SEX OUTSIDE OF THE LAW and grass- Are there any medications to help deal with vomiting?- Yes, for example, torekan. It must take one tablet three times daily before meals. It takes non-severe manifestations of toxicity, as well as tsirukal.
- Not bad if, in principle, to get involved in pills during pregnancy?- It depends on what. Taratogennye truly dangerous drugs during pregnancy because of adverse effects on fetal development of the organism, and therefore prohibited in obstetrics. Others have to be made, if necessary - for it is the responsibility of the physician who recommends medication. But, of course, it is preferable for a woman to cope with the toxicity without a special purpose - through diet, fractional power, vitamin therapy, a good sleep.
- And the recipes of traditional medicine be used?- No grass will not cope with the toxicity. I think that you should not rely on other non-traditional methods - it's too big a risk for mother and child.
- Then what should be taking vitamins?- Special facilities for pregnant women - now they are a huge number. It is desirable that there were all the trace minerals and iodine. At present, we do not recommend drinking a folic acid prevents birth defects of the fetus in the early stages, or vitamin E - you need a full range. Although women in the second stage of toxicity, they are often unable to tolerate - so we can use them vitamins intravenously through a drip.
- The most disturbing question: Is sex affects toxemia?- If only the husband's sick ... No, it does not matter.
- But a certain kind of relationship during pregnancy is not contraindicated?- If the woman has no risk of miscarriage, then it is possible to live a sexual life of up to 30 weeks - after already undesirable. After all, what is the sperm of her husband? This is mainly prostaglandins - a group of physiologically active substances, or hormones, which are used in obstetrics for labor induction. In order not to cause birth prematurely, with 30 weeks of sexual activity is not recommended. And women are heard. Anyway, so we are told.

How do I know that you are pregnant?

All the signs of pregnancy can be divided into three groups. Suspected symptoms more accurately does not mean hitting the jackpot. They may not necessarily be associated with pregnancy. • The deterioration of general condition, and nausea.• Vomiting in the morning.• Changes in appetite.• Dizziness.• Fainting.• Frequent urination.• Constipation. Possible symptoms. The presence of these signs point to the fact that you can become a mother. • The delay period.• In terms of monthly appear meager, spotting.• A positive test to determine pregnancy. The symptoms identified in the antenatal Do not rush to do ultrasound! In recent years, science has conclusively proven that ultrasound device using ultrasound in early pregnancy (8-9 weeks) is very harmful for the fetus! In the ultrasonic beam of fast-growing soft and dividing cells of the embryo as a "boil", which leads to irreversible damage to future systems of the fetus. The first to suffer immune system.Unfortunately, these effects are not visible to the eye and show up after years of chronic illness of a child. Immune deficiency, frequent infections, tumors - that's the price you will pay a little man in my mother's curiosity. And no one would never associate with the child's illness, "remarkable" method of diagnosis, which went mum, in order to clarify what color vests and caps harvest. Scientists warn that in the first 2 months of pregnancy, ultrasound can be done only in cases where you have firmly decided to terminate the pregnancy. Note: Researchers from Germany reported that sperm have the ability to smell and use this mechanism to find its target. Therefore, even a weak external smell may be enough to confuse the most active of them having high chances of fertilizing an egg. This discovery, as scientists say, will dramatically change the way people about contraception. Probably in the near future perfumery industry survive a boom, and humanity - a new sexual revolution. We hasten to grieve at the same time to please women: special fragrances are designed primarily for men, and their smell will remotely resemble the smell of hydrogen sulfide. Scientists claim that the bad-smelling man is actually a more desirable partner, since the probability of getting pregnant from it significantly lower.

Births: to pay or not pay?

The birth of a new man - a miracle! And that miracle happened without the "hitch", each expectant mother asks the question: how to do it?. First, you need to find a midwife, which would correspond to all your wishes and agree about everything. But now it has become fashionable to pay for a doctor or midwife, so to say, "past the cashier," but it gives a guarantee that deliveries will take place smoothly? Everyone responds to your question, but let's try to understand. Often, finding a doctor to engage expectant mothers begin long before the X hours. Interviewed friends and acquaintances are divided into four camps: the first agreed with the doctor / midwife and were satisfied, while the latter did not agree and were pleased, too, third and fourth, that his personal physician, that without it - everything went bad. And at the first camp of the mothers acquire the contacts miracle doctors. Appointed by the meeting, followed by an acquaintance, negotiated all the details and now, apparently, all covered by the rear, we can only wait for the promised day and time. But sometimes all the plans begin to crumble like a house of cards. And we must be prepared for the fact that labor is not only a natural process, but also unpredictable, and no doctor will protect you from any complications during childbirth. However, doctors in hospitals are not divided into free and paid. Each of them swore an oath of Hippocrates, and not leave the woman in childbirth without the aid, which needs it, and her baby. Practitioner / obstetrician takes a shift of up to fifteen genera, can it be said that one of them experienced, and the other not? In this regard, it all depends on the wishes of the expectant mother. One just wants to give birth to at the right moment she had professional help, the other in addition to the wishes affectionate glance, a good smile and words of support. To date, most maternity hospitals are practicing joint labor, which may be present husband, mothers, mother or girlfriend. So it may be worth it for people to trust someone to wipe the sweat from his forehead, a massage of back and say the words to facilitate such a painful but important process. For it may happen that stroking a hand to those in need of affection, the doctor / midwife nedodast professional attention to those who need it more at this point. Eventually, doctors, midwives and other honey. staff who helped to be born to your baby, you can always thank flowers, gifts, positive feedback in the appropriate forums and in the book "reviews and suggestions." As a result, I can say that the choice is yours ...

Necessary tests for pregnancy planning

In recent years, family planning has become increasingly popular. Each new unit of society is trying to become a full-fledged family, ie give birth and raise a child. Whereas previously the majority of young couples played the wedding, he was already waiting for the baby ("for aerial"), or married, this is an important event is postponed until better times, but now everything has changed.
Today, a young family trying to prepare for the birth of the child in advance. Husband and wife are necessary examinations by doctors, podlechivat'sya chronic diseases, geneticists have studied and take tests when planning pregnancy.

 All that is necessary in order to "interesting situation" the mother was at the lowest possible complications, both for herself and for the fetus.
Most important, in preparation for fertility, specimen collection is in the planning of pregnancy. Visiting a doctor, you get a list of the most important studies that need to go to both parents, as follows:
1.Analiz blood, total.2.Analiz on various kinds of infections, namely: TORCH-complex, HIV, hepatitis B and C, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, Trichomonas, cytomegalovirus, herpes, syphilis.3.Opredelenie Rh factor and blood group.4.Issledovaniya hormonal levels. It is especially important for problems with conception, irregular menstrual cycle, miscarriages.5.UZI: abdominal, pelvic, thyroid gland.6.Analiz blood clotting.7.Spermogrammu.8.Geneticheskoe study on the karyotype. It is necessary to avoid the risk of genetic diseases.9.Tsitologicheskie analysis - colposcopy.

The main thing - well in advance to prepare for a future pregnancy, because it will protect you from many worries and stress often associated with women because of the slightest illness. Basic tests for pregnancy planning delivers a woman, but such studies as semen, genetic analysis, blood group and Rh factor and the need to go man.
Remember, on your joint action and mutual aid depends on the future health of the baby, who was waiting for You!

Planning for pregnancy - a fashion trend or a forced necessity?

Nowadays, many young couples choose not to let such an important matter, as conceiving a child take its course, and the doctors of their active support in this endeavor. According to the majority of modern physicians, pregnancy planning - this is important, because in the environment of modern life leaves much to be desired, and way of life of future parents is not always correct.
And all of these factors significantly impair the process of pregnancy and, therefore, could adversely affect the health of the unborn baby. The process of preparing for pregnancy can take anywhere from six months to a year. During this time the young couple must give up all bad habits, if any, is to do in sports, more than a walk in the fresh air.
If you decide you are ready to have a baby, you, first of all, it is necessary to pass the necessary tests on all kinds of infections, hormones. Your doctor will give you the direction to take required tests. Then the results of these analyzes will be useful as a doctor in the management of pregnancy. If the results of any tests are bad, your doctor will prescribe a medication to when pregnancy occurs, nothing can threaten the health of mother and baby.
Other, more sophisticated analyzes, such as the cross tube (for females), semen (for men) and others just do not have to spend. The doctor appoints them only if a long time (the year) a woman can not conceive.
Usually, when a young couple go to the doctor for the purpose of preparing for pregnancy, the doctor prescribes a course of vitamins and folic acid, even if all the tests you are good. They need to take to prepare the body for the upcoming exercise.
In addition to a gynecologist is recommended to the expectant mother to visit the dentist. During pregnancy, women are the teeth begin to break down very quickly, and many dentists refuse to treat the teeth, as not all medicines are allowed to use X-rays during pregnancy is not recommended, but without dental treatment and may have no meaning. If the expectant mother at the time did not care about the health of their teeth, often immediately after birth it is necessary to visit a dentist's office, where it can become quite a frequent guest.
In conclusion, we note that the more responsible parents came to the planning of pregnancy, the lower the risk of various complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and, consequently, the fewer problems will be with child health.